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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Windsor Strikes Out Again


  1. Dang. Slammed twice in one week. Windsor really should find a new career.

    1. He should retire. He's not trained to do anything.

  2. Windsor must not have gotten his mail from SD yet. He's raging against DA's. The link he posted is old news. Ken Anderson negotiated a plea deal two years ago.

    Bill Windsor
    7 mins ·



    1. I'd love to hear Bill explain what exactly Patrick Wilson prosecuted him for.

    2. Just trying to recall, but wasn't young Tyler Dugger working as intern? Finishing his graduate degree? Does Windsor (or anyone else) even know where Tyler is now? Windsor just got the bitchslap hard several times from Tyler, as 'merely' an intern, and it humiliated him. If an as intern Dugger could put the whoop ass on Windsor months ago, does he really want to mess with Dugger now, that he's earned his degree, passed the bar and licensed? It would be so funny (to me) if Tyler Dugger was snagged by a huge law firm that has offices across the nation. It would be hilarious if Tyler Dugger was offered a position thee, in Missoula, working with Ms Clark!
      I like Tyler Dugger and am thinking that wherever he is, that he's excelling even more.
      smdh Windsor cannot find his shut up and refuses to put it to use. My guess? Young Dugger reminds Windsor of what he might (ginormous might) have been, once, but didn't (couldn't).

      Sign me a Tyler Dugger fan forever!

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 18, 2015 at 9:32 AM

      Windsor probably doesn't want to tell the lemmings about his SD frivolous, meritless and malicious attack. He was pretty tight lipped about that filing anyway. Just the standard veiled threats that someone somewhere would be shaking in their boots once he snowed a court to get in the door.

      Divert, divert!! "Look, I'll post this irrelevant article and try and spin it, as if it's new news. Then, I'll add in my Billshit to attempt to make it relevant to my story."

      Not much interest from the lemmings on it. I wonder if they are starting to see that he's just blowing hot air at them. That all his ranting posts are just that. Rants from a serial Vexatious, frivolous old man.

  3. Is it just me, or 1) does Windsoe really suck at playing the Vexi ProSe game?
    2) the entire world is corrupt toward Windsor per Windsor.

    He used a 2 year old news link as breaking news? Why's he on Facebook on Saturday night? Thought his social calendar was full the latter part of this week & weekend.

    Windsor must not have gotten the memo from his home state of SD that he had more legal mail, huh?

  4. He says he's working very hard. On what? He's finished in federal court. Everyone in that system knows he's a vexi now. Maybe he's filling page after page with, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

    1. Work? Windsor? =s oxymoron

      Happy Sunday to everyone! Everybody doing ok? Enjoying the fall temps wherever you each may be?


      ℗ ♛ ❥

    2. I'm a few miles from Canada. Fall lasts about 20 minutes here. Then it's winter. But I am enjoying it. This will be the Winter of Windsor's Wang Dang Demise. Well, that and I like women in sweaters. A lot.

  5. He's filing his last hurrah hail Mary in the Texas appeals. Brace yourselves for a 10,000 pages of Billcrap. His e-filing Wil sure take the servers down at the courts.

  6. I wonder if Windsor got in trouble for talking about his family on the blogtalk show. He posted a story on FB about his beard, which he's told before. But in this FB version, instead of saying his wife didn't recognize him and his kids were upset he says this:

    "A woman that I once hung around with wanted me to keep it, so I did."

    "I stood on the curb waiting for that woman and her two children to pick me up. They drove right past me -- didn't recognize me. On the second pass, the children were bawling"

    1. I'd be bawling too, if that asshole was related to me. Not only is he a complete Narcissist, it appears his appearance is more important to him, than making little kids cry. He scraped the hair off, and they had to see what was under that covering. No wonder he keeps the hair on his face now. Yikes! Not a big improvement, but it does tend to throw some people off, that is, until he starts blabbering.

    2. Funeral pyre of failed court filing, motions, appeals, etc...

      "Most likely, when I die, my beard will be cremated with the rest of me."

      Should get rid of the ticks, too!

    3. He's bragging about hurting his children and that's the only story he has to share after several decades of biological adulthood? What's the truth behind this sudden admission of weakness apart from chronic narcissism? Could he be having problems attracting women? Let's see: he advertises himself as a wealthy film maker on the dating sights. These women (prostitute or genuinely in search for love) have high hopes for an interesting if not rewarding good time. They take one look at him and all his vexiness---and not knowing a thing about his real addictions, but just at face value with the bloat and the sweat and the ankle bracelet---can you imagine what these women would say to him while chocking back vomit and fleeing for their lives?

    4. Oh Heck no! NONE of us ticks are about to go anywhere near him or that yucky thing or his beard. We do have some standards, and Bill doesn't meet our criteria by a country mile.
      We ARE united. Unanimous decision made a long while ago.

    5. I know TickyD is trying to say something, but I just can't make it out. She's only posted two links to the dead comment from last night. I think I will wait until she posts 10 more comments to see if she actually makes a point.

    6. I've wondered if he is bipolar along with the narcissism. And this bipolar could be drug induced or manufactured by his own cycles of delusion and the crushing defeat when his schemes fail. We've all seen him manic and we've all seen him cycle. It's possible he's losing his source of narcissistic supply (via court losses and lack of lemming interest) and he's depressed. He's running out of ideas to fuel his mania or drugs or something. His mental health chart must be both grotesque and alarming.

    7. "Most likely, when I die, my beard will be cremated with the rest of me."

      Ya...but won't someone have to invent a crempiematoria first?

    8. If they find any "Ticks" in his beard in prison he'll be shaving that nasty thing off voluntarily or by force .... LOL !!!

      d. Inmates are allowed to grow sideburns, a beard and/or a mustache, but they must
      be kept neat, clean, well groomed and free of unpleasant odors at all times.
      Clean is defined as free of dirt, body oil, lice, ticks, nits, excessive dandruff or foreign substances
      foreign substances

  7. Who, in their right mind would think suing a bunch of screen names would fly? On one hand we have the Stalker whining about "Due Process" and "Violations of Constitutional rights", when HE played stall games, putting off hearings for the TOP. (even though the court statutes make remedies for douches' that try this game...) but the he tries to violate the rights and due process for others by sliding in some twisted revenge petitions where no one gets served, no one gets to defend, or even have notice. Now this ruling here is proving what a completely Vexatious POS harassing, Stalking, Terrorist he is. Along with the hundreds of frivolous motions in MT, CA, SD, KS, MO, TX.

    Damn. Just reading it in court documents shows what a monster he really and truly is.

    1. It's about time a court slapped him in the face with the VL and chose not to budge. And in the first paragraph too. It really is that simple.

    2. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 18, 2015 at 9:16 AM

      "Devoid of merit, or obviously frivolous."
      "The right of access to the courts is neither absolute nor unconditional and there is NO constitutional right to the courts to prosecute an action that is frivolous or malicious."

      Frivolous and Malicious IS the perfect definition of William M Windsor.

      Here we have a Malicious Vexatious litigant awaiting trial for being just that. Malicious. All his filings in MT and everywhere else are Malicious. He has continued to show example after example of his maliciousness and relentless attacks on everyone he doesn't like that are completely devoid of merit. There is no bottom to the pit, of how low he will go to pursue his maliciousness.

    3. I like those guys in SD. No jacking around. They don't give Windsor ANY wiggle room. I imagine there was a lot of eye rolling when the complaint was read. The first 28 pages are all about how Thrash's order is void. Most of the defendants named are obviously not legal names. I wonder how many times the justices read the name "Anita P. Ness".

    4. Stake through his vexatious, black heart...

    5. Windsor filed this POS suit after he was arrested the first time right? Or did he file this after he tried to illegally move the Civil suit from TX over to SD?

      Any rate, clearly another retaliatory suit. Maybe the DA in MT will show this to the jury. Considering the screen names he claims SB uses were named. So, he tried and failed several times to get orders against SB and it appears he thought if he could pull a fast one, and get orders against him in another state, it might work to his advantage of his "build a corruption case against MT." So now what's he going to say? That South Dakota is working with TX and MT? Multi state "Conspiracy?" More proof that it's the "Government" out to get him? Couldn't possibly be because he's just an asshole? And people can read his court documents and see that he never had a case of "Corruption" to begin with? And form opinions that his little "Revolution plot" was just an extension to take matters into his own hands, since there doesn't appear to be a court in the land stupid enough to fall for his malicious games and attacks?

      SMH. What a laughable joke of man. (and anyone else who actually believes he's being abused by THEM? Sharon? Asshole!)

    6. Don't forget his failed filing in Michigan to get a PO against Fleming, Anon@8:48. I thought 4sure that was a "slam-dunk" for Windsor, as he had his top man Special Agent Martin Prehn (who knows everyone Mi. judge, prosecutor,etc ... personally) HAHAHA !!

    7. And Marty keeps suggesting that he "reinstate" it.

      Reinstate what?

      It, along with the complainant and his fat witness, were tossed out of the courtroom.

      Those Lawless clowns are a laugh a minute, I'll tell you what...

    8. About a month ago Billy said he had filed with another court in MT to get Boushie's "arsenal confiscated," but that's yet to happen (because the filing didn't happen). More Billsh*t.

    9. Per PACER: Windsor filed the first complaint in SD on 12/24/14, trying to get the case removed from Ellis County and all judgements nullified. He didn't pay the filing fee but the case was reviewed. He was told that he could not remove the case from state court to federal court because he is the plaintiff. But even if he could move the case, USSD is the wrong court, it would have to be the US District court in N. TX. Windsor appealed to the 8th Circuit in CA. They dismissed the case on 9/3/15 for failure to prosecute.

      He filed a new complaint in USSD on 7/1/2015, asking for leave to sue a whole bunch of screen names and Joey Does 1 - 1,000. He paid a $46 filing fee. The court sent a letter telling him he had to pay $400. Windsor sent back letter saying he shouldn't have to pay unless leave was granted.

      He eventually paid the balance due, the court opened a new case for him on 7/23/15. The letter posted above is the result of that case.

    10. Maybe we should start a pool to see who can guess correctly where Windsor will go next. What are his options? US Court in Dallas, 8th Circuit, 5th Circuit, back to TX 10th COA, TX Supreme Court? I'd bet he won't waste any more money in SD. SD slammed that door shut, they didn't "invite" any response from him.

  8. Since you read here, Billy, I call you a coward for posting your "slam dunk" horseshit, but never the inevitable smackdown.

    Prove this Joey wrong. Man up.

    1. I agree. He should man up. It's cruel to let those people think all that slam dunk horseshit is actually working. If he's going to teach them all how it's done, the failures are probably the most important lessons.

      Drug store cowboy. All hat, no cattle.

  9. Poor Billy's Texas appeals post attracted nothing but ticks.

    Total infestation...

    1. Tick or Treat...
      Mary's only treat is a tick thread killer.

  10. Galloway is threatening to sue BWF&A. Lol.

    1. Seattle? Really? Hahahahahahahahaha!
      She been reduced to competing for head patting comments with Mary D and the prayer warriors on Bill's Facebook posts.
      Maybe she has a COLORABLE claim? Hahahahahahaha
      I hope we get a glimpse of those women attorneys (for Google and Facebook),. That would be delightful.

    2. Prayer Warriors. I love that. So descriptive. About half of the lemmings these days.

    3. I really do think some of those people do geuinely #pray for him! They are not bad people, they're disadvantaged in life and desperate. He #preys on that.

    4. Ah, the great blowhard Vexi threat. "I'm gonna sue."
      Figures she'd resort to a lame threat like that, knowing there's nothing illegal or "Colorable" about sharing a link to sue for. Such an idiot.

      Sharon is a liar. Whatever excuse she wants to use, whatever game she wants to play, or lie she wants to tell, she was supporting Lawless America and so was McDermott. End of story.

  11. But she's a movie producer and her art was placed online at least until she took down her web page. It's still available in cache and google images.
    "Haunted Artists is a movie and a gallery show that will encompass the internal and external forces of creativity that artists of all kinds experience."
    I reread her message. How she's admitting we used her pictures but still claims we have the wrong person. She's still blistering that we called her out for her refusal to make her claims in court in support of Bill. She won't do it but she hates us. So she decides to face us in court to defend herself.
    Mountains of screenprints. Emails. Her blogs. Other groups admitting that she and her friends start turfwars. Another one who claims she has a gun and she'll use it to shoot defenseless groundhogs. Also claims she's 100% disabled and brain damaged in the court records she published. Any good lawyer would ask for the alternate party's explanation to the extent of that brain damage, and how she managed to purchase a .22, and also her friendships with extreme people would be mentioned.

  12. Two problems with a lawsuit. She is also part of Windsor harem who is 2njoined with him and then once she files she has to open up her real identity.

  13. Are there any lemming comments on Windsor's three Facebook posts since the baseball one (wherein he talked about the Texas Tenth being corrupt)?

    Could it be that when he posts tantalizing tidbits, the lemmings visit the Joeys (Radio Free Windsor) to find out what he's talking about? That would mean they saw both the Texas and the South Dakota smackdowns. Kind of a Lemming Catch 22 operating there. If they're smart enough to seek the truth, they probably aren't still a lemming. Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria, for instance, couldn't find a website if she was given a link to it. Copying and pasting a link probably seems like magic to her. I'm not trying to be mean. Windsor takes advantage of people with ultra-low intelligence. Flordeliza doesn't seem to have a malicious bone in her body. She seems like a very nice person. Just not real smart. She's Windsor's victim just as much as the people he stalks and sues.

    1. I don't think she's mean or bad either. It is so hard to read how she's willing to go or do for Windsor, knowing he won't ever reciprocate.

    2. You're a very fine person or alpaca, Petunia. Doesn't surprise me that you can see the good in someone like Flordeliza. I just hope she never travels to help Windsor. She should concentrate on her own troubles. There are people who love her. Windsor doesn't.

    3. Exactly!!! She's pouring out prayers and praise, has a hard time with the English language, obviously, and Windsor could care less. That's cold.

    4. The only person Bill Windsor cares about is William Windsor. Period.

  14. just in time fb has come thu for windsor

    1. Bwahahahahahaha!
      Those "bad guys" Windsor yaps about have always been BillSchit. Now, if he claims it? Windsor can post the screen shots!
      He's such a doofus!

  15. Windsor: "I'm sure glad the guy who tried to shoot me in Montana was not an amazing shot like Chris Kyle."

    False and easily proved false, Bill. For it to be as you described, there would have to be bullet holes going through each layer of that stricken car, all the way down to whatever it set ablaze. No record of it with the Montana Highway Patrol. The vehicle's owner, the tow truck driver and the junk yard or repair shop it was towed to - someone would have noted bullet holes. Failure to report bullet holes in a vehicle to the Highway Patrol is itself a crime.

    There were no bullet holes because a firearm did not cause that vehicle to catch on fire, and YOU KNOW THAT, Bill! The smoking gun email you claim to have gotten from SB was written and sent by you, Crystal Cox, or someone else with your knowledge, not SB. When you go to trial, Bill Windsor, (and you will!) I dare you to bring this incident up in front of the jury. I dare you! If you do, see what happens. You'll be committing a very serious crime and they will nail you for it. See above about the missing bullet holes. Do you expect that the prosecution wouldn't have looked into the MHP records? How about the detective? How about the MHP itself? That highway is their responsibility. Don't you think they'd have looked into this report of gunfire?

    Again, I dare you, you liar.

    1. Windsor was in the Army? What Army? Where? Did a miss a chapter that is the Windsor saga?
      Army? For Real?

    2. At worst, the jury would say "justifiable attempted homicide'...

    3. "Rebecca McLaughlin-- Me too...use to see every new movie on my watch list. Haven't watched movies in awhile. Court drama takes over. I actually have court at 2pm fighting extension of RO. He uses it as a weapon. Ahhh."

      There is a common theme among the Lawless. They hate being held accountable. Windsor was clearly told by several courts that he was a stalker. MaryD was clearly told her irratic behavior was detrimental to the children, and created concern for their safety. Rebecca also has been told the same.

      The fact that they keep blabbering on and on about how they didn't do anything wrong, that everyone else is crazy just keeps solidifying why these people need to be restrained. It's YOU!! You're all fricken nuts!! It's not a conspiracy, it's not corruption, it's the fact that you have no boundaries, you do shit that you shouldn't, and don't or won't acknowledge it's flat out WRONG!!

    4. "won't acknowledge it is flat out wrong"
      How hard is it to follow a few simple rules (laws). It's not.
      Don't like those rules? There are proper ways to change those rules (laws).
      Lawless applies perfectly to Windsor and his ilk.
      Windsor would rather sit, creating continuous corruption conspiracies than to have ever tried to really change what he perceives wrong.
      To the accidental reader that just stumbled onto Windsor's endless rantings? It IS unbelievable there are so many people across the nation, states' courts' and law enforcement agencies' personnel that are "out to get him". And over a movie or documentary? Windsor could have easily reached a huge audience if had just uploaded an hour video to YouTube two years ago. He uses social media daily, YouTube would have been the best tool for his agenda, but instead he exaggerated his film clips being made into a movie for theatres and Netflix. YouTube could be viewed, shared and garnered millions of views in two years. That exaggeration and not following through, not utilizing YouTube shared to social media? Just silly stupid.
      Why weren't the YouTube clips Windsor does have edited into one 40 to 60 minute video? Then, he could have uploaded one or two a week. That? Would have been an easier "saga" for anyone really interested to follow. There are so many very popular and regularly watched YouTubers, and each view equals revenue for them.
      To be such a a self proclaimed, successful businessman, Windsor flubbed the "movie" up and has tried (unsuccessfully) to blame the failure on any and everyone.
      Just upload it already!

    5. He can't do that. He has no idea how to edit the clips. And he doesn't really care enough to try to learn. The clips were uploaded to continue the illusion he was going to make a "movie". All of the clips are the same. Turn on a camera, record the interview, post to YouTube. There was no editing of any kind. Any teenager could have produced better results with a cell phone.

    6. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 19, 2015 at 11:47 AM

      Great points. I believe he didn't do anything for several reasons.

      1) Windsor has no "Corruption" in any of his cases. He couldn't prove it all the way up to the highest court. He's a loon.

      2) He didn't finish the 'Movie" because it's easier for him to simply write "Unedited" footage on his clips, that way be believes he's protected from any litigation that is launched against him by someone who can prove the person filmed was full of shit.

      3) Liability. Windsor is a lazy prick. He didn't do any research prior to this scam. He just figured it was a way to get his name out there, and allow other's to promote him and his agenda of the Landmark case of Tantrum throwing across the US.

      4) He feeds off of sick individuals. If he actually made the movie, Olympic jumping the Liability and Truth hurdles, then he'd be done. He already "Exposed Corruption" so who needs to follow him.

      5) He can't change any laws, and doesn't want any laws changed, because even the laws he says should be changed, he'd want changed again because he's one way Windsor. (Take the first amendment issues. He wants to abolish them for everyone but himself, be able to do, write and say whatever he wants, but will not be held accountable for such, but expects everyone else to be, even if he's making up the crap he says they said)

      The lists are long as to why he didn't finish this, and the main point I keep coming back to is--He never intended to in the first place. It was a con to get attention and he got in over his head with the people who wanted to hold him accountable for their stories being aired--so he just took the chickenshit way out (like always) and blamed everyone else.

    7. Well done, Frank.

      I would (respectfully) add to what you wrote about Windsor wanting attention; he did, but he also wanted political power by becoming the head of a new political party (ie, The Revolutionary Party). People who followed the movie and attended the convention had no idea of Windsor's agenda, and IMO, this is what makes the case that Windsor committed actual and constructive fraud. I recall WIndsor had a youtube video up a while back showing him talking at the DC convention. A women commented she had attended but never heard of The Revolutionary Party. Of course, that film has been scrubbed (deleted) from the record.

    8. That video? I have it recorded. Can't scrub everything everywhere.
      Everything Windsor edited or attempted to delete? Saved and by several different I visuals. Bill isn't very speedy.
      You're welcome, Bill Windsor.

    9. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 19, 2015 at 2:05 PM

      Yes, you are right Anon 1:20. I also support that comment and have thought the same things. I was just really mentioning the failures of Windsor to make that 'movie."
      Knowing though fully well, that "movie" was an after thought due to his failure to reach enough people for that very "Revolution."

      See, my opinion was that Windsor feels like the President gets to do whatever he wants, therefor, Windsor being President of Windsor World, could run amuck making laws for everyone else but not himself. He has a warped sense of reality of what actually is going on in the world, but that's only because if it's against his Narcissistic personality disorder, and his sociopathic tendencies, it's thus "Corruption and Illegal."

      Good Job Anon @ 1:44!! He does like to tamper with Evidence.

    10. At least it helped to launch Marty Prehn's three minute long, biweekly public access show...

      "Hollywood, here I come!"

    11. Windsor's college newspaper shows he was in the Army long enough to not pass or just barely pass bootcamp. My theory and it's very likely is this: he was selling tshirts and he claimed that some strange salesman stole all the money. I'm betting young William Michael Windsor stole all the money, blamed it on the one armed man, got busted, and his money and "clean record" bought him the Army instead of jail and a scrubbed record. And then Windbag only had to be himself to get sent back home again. That is why he only has the one photo of himself in Boot Camp.

    12. I think I read one of his articles where he wrote he was a company clerk in the Army Reserve for six years. That story is strange though because clerks are usually taught how to touch type, and Windsor is a self-professed, two-fingered hunt & pecker (in more ways than one, obviously).

    13. Billy: The name's William Windsor, but everybody calls me a Serial Entrepreneur. Any of you guys call me Vexatious, and I'll sue you.
      Leon: Ooooooh.
      Billy: You just made the list, buddy. And I don't like nobody touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll sue you. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Now, any of you homos touch me, and I'll sue you.
      Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, William...

    14. The LA Meet Me in DC video is still up on Bambuser, as well as safely saved by numerous people as a download -

    15. "The Army no longer had corporals, but the general issued special orders to name me a corporal (Radar's rank), and I was issued GOLD corporal bars." This statement is a crock of BS. See as a clerk in a reserve unit in Florida, they did not give corporal rank to non-tactical units. I personally was in a unit that was tactical and it was like pulling teeth to get the rank of corporal.
      but windsor later writes "I was discharged since the Army wouldn't officially recognize me as a corporal" So, basically he was a sp4 the entire time and never a corporal.

    16. Umm no. He was discharged for being Windsor. They don't give early promotions and then kick you out for the early promotion-----unless he paid someone to give him a rank and got busted for breaking the UCMJ (uniform code of military justice) while impersonating a higher ranking soldier.

    17. That's a relief. I figured Windsor told the Army they were a nothing but a big gang and told them to cease, desist and abate or he would sue.


      Impersonating a non-commissioned officer (enlisted) means a forfeiture of pay, bad conduct discharge, and confinement for 6 months-3 years. It makes sense, Bill had grown up the center of attention, and the Big Man on campus. Could you imagine the hell boot camp would have been for him as a lowly E-nothing?

    19. There it is. Thanks Flemming.
      Another fine example of BillSchit.

    20. Shudder! Just think of Windsor defending our nation that he hates.

  16. Nash is now driving that big Winnebago in the sky...


    1. May God rest his soul. And his dog's soul.

      There is not a proper obituary in the link Windsor posted. I went looking for the cause of Nash's demise, I was expecting the cause to be related in some way to a government conspiracy. I accidentally found a lot of other stuff about his life, nothing about his death.

      It's not my intent to disparage the dead. But the truth is, it is highly doubtful Nash was going to buy that RV. He may have owned some hotels, but he was a NY slum lord too. And he got arrested a few times.

      He'd had heart by-pass surgery and some of his arrests were for cocaine. His story of government corruption came from his slum lord stuff. He accused a borough official of being "“ratted out” by a former Colombo crime family member". He suggests that either the mob or the government tried to run him over, then a week later ran over his dog and killed it.

      Windsor didn't even care enough to spell the man's name correctly.

    2. When I saw Bill's page, for some reason I kept thinking, His name is Robert Paulson, His name is Robert Paulson.

    3. As I read Windsor's Facebook post about Nash's passing? This one line that he wrote to Windsor in a Facebook private message really solidifies, again, to me anyway, what a total piece of shit Windsor truly is:
      "Please Allow me to help. U never gave me a chance. I came to Washington to meet u .but u would not take time out."
      Damn. The man went to D.C. and Windsor wouldn't speak to him? That is cold as ice, IMO. Yet Windsor could find the time to Facebook private message with him? I'm just disgusted. Nash, and many others follow Windsor's self created #saga closely, they pray for him, worry about him, offer to help...its heart breaking for me to read their words, especially Nash's private words in that message, after his death.

      My sincere condolences to this man's family and his friends. He certainly seems like he was kind and generous to those he cared about.

    4. Just a means to an end in the Lawless America ecosystem.

      Churn 'em and burn 'em...

    5. I remember several FB comments Nash made, telling Windsor he was screwing up, and letting them all down. That is the memory he left. He tried very hard to show Windsor, Windsor was doing exactly what he whines about on a daily basis. It is Windsor who is corrupt, who lies, who cheats, and who led them all astray as their "Leader."

    6. Why would Windsor tag Nash in that post? Now it's showing up on Nash's personal page, so all those who are paying their respects will have to read all the comments from Windsor's post, including Dumbass Marty and his "any joeys" comment.

      Do any of these people have ANY functioning brain cells? Nash has a lot of people on his page who knew him, and loved him, and now Windsor's stupid post is on the top of his page. How disrespectful.


  17. Windsor-- "And Waco Texas is the home of the Texas Tenth Court of Appeals. This is where Bill Windsor is spending all of his legal time of late. Three justices are threatening to dismiss his appeals on bogus grounds.(Bogus grounds? Billshit! You are a lying, steaming sack of shit, and YOU don't follow any orders or time tables they gave you.) Yes, corruption has reared its ugly head in Wacko. (No. Billshit Windsor has reared his ugly head because he's being held accountable for HIS failures to follow rules>)

    Bill will be posting his responses once he finishes them. This Court has issued orders in which one statement after another is easily proven false just by looking at the documents filed in the appellate court. ( Yes, you are correct, The court has issued orders in which one statement after another will easily prove everything YOU say, write and post is false.)

    It is simply amazing what corrupt and/or incompetent people will do. (Agreed. It is amazing how corrupt and incompetent you and your cohorts are)

    As some know, Bill Windsor discovered massive corruption in Ellis County Texas involving judges, District Attorney Patrick Wilson, Sheriff Johnny Brown, and the Joeyisalittlekid Gang and their political flunkies. Well, Justice Al Scoggins of the Texas Tenth Court of Appeals just happens to be a former Ellis County Texas judge.(No, you didn't discover any such thing. But you go ahead and keep trying to convince yourself. This will also easily be proven false and further prove what a POS., twisted, conspiracy whackjob you are.)

    Gee, we wonder who is driving the corruption. (That's easy. William M Windsor.)

    In other news, October 20, 2015 is the deadline if the Missoula County Prosecuting Attorney is going to attempt to file a Reply to Bill Windsor's Response Brief explaining how a TEMPORARY Order of Protection could be valid for 546 days. Judge James A. Haynes said nothing about a reply brief, but that probably won't stop Jennifer Clark. So, whether she files something or doesn't, the judge has 30 days from tomorrow at the latest to issue an order. Bill says the longer he takes, the less likely it will be that he is dismissing the criminal charges filed against The World's Most Notorious Tweeter."(LOL!! JC's Brief was the slam dunk. You're still laying on the ground after missing the basket completely. Face plant. That's all you did.)

  18. WTH? Neither one of these events happened in Waco. The Branch Davidians were in Elk, TX, the explosion was in West, TX. Windsor must have gotten one of those #10 envelopes from Baylor U.


    Waco Texas is also home of the Baylor Bears, living proof that one of the worst teams and less-desirable schools in the country (in my opinion)..."

    1. I'm sure Texas Tech is so proud to have him as an alumni!

    2. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 20, 2015 at 8:28 AM

      Well why would he start telling the truth now? He had to spin something into an all about Me post. Lemmings don't research, so they'd never know, and if they read it here (which they will) they'll just ignore the truth because Windsor is their leader, their god, their "News Media" and there is no need to search further. If he says it, then that's it. It's the reason he has any followers left. It's the definition of lemming. Also close with Cult.

  19. Petunia just called. She is moving the herd to a different pasture this morning, no wifi out there. So she's asked me to tell y'all to turn the page ~
