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Friday, October 16, 2015

Texas Tenth Court of Appeals (October 15, 2015)



  1. What better way to start the weekend than a good ol' fashioned Windsor Smackdown...

  2. Wow. Gotta love Texas, no fooling around. I vote for dismissal as a sanction.

    Don't Mess With Texas, Bill.

  3. "Grossly deficient from compliance with the rules of appellate procedure."

    "The appendix included with Windsor's brief evidences a CONSCIOUS DECISION to ignore that order."

    "The appendix was voluminous , unnecessary, and consumed an undue amount of time for this court to process and file."

    Windsor is solidifying his abusive, harassing, belligerent attitude towards courts. They can NOT ban or bar him from filing anything. It's his "Right" to do so, regardless of the court rules and procedures. He scoffs at the laws and orders, repeatedly defying them at every turn, yet he just claims "They are Corrupt."

    He is corrupt. He is abusive. He is a paper terrorist by all definitions of the FBI's terms.

    1. I know right! "Grossly deficient" and they hadn't even finished the first sentence!

  4. Hmmm. So? Windsor was busy being a guest on some blog talk radio thing yesterday and the Texas 10th COA was busy sending with this Order?
    Wonder if it is a Facepalm Friday for Mr. Windsor? Nah, it's all "corrupt", it matter that he didn't follow the correct filing procedures, all just more proof of all that corruption he has huffed and puffed about for so long. Bwahahahahahaha
    Good Friday morning to all y'all. Sure is a cool, pretty day here, in East Texas this morning. I hope it is for all of y'all too!

    1. My typos! Oops! *it does not matter he didn't follow procedures*

  5. What man, who wants to pretend he's a cowboy uses the word "Lovely" to describe a Narcissistic selfie? Another strange, overused, extremely un-masculine word Windsor uses is "Delighted."

    Not that it matters at all, but he is sure obsessed with his looks. Just seems very strange for someone trying so hard to prove he's a manly man, to go off so strongly in a direction of flamboyantness.

    Yes Bill, your lemmings thing you're "Pretty." Does that help? What does this have to do with "Corruption" and "Taking your country back?" Not a damn thing, but if you are going to post it up there, on the same pages you are soliciting your political agenda? It's fair game to mention. See how that works?

    1. That close up selfie makes me want to puke. I can't look at it again.

    2. He'll be the prettiest girl in the cellblock at the Saturday night dance...

    3. Mary Deneen: "The 'Be Honest, Don't Lie To Me' look."

      Actually it's the, "partially digested turkey loaf" look.

      (as digested as turkey loaf gets, by the way)

    4. He is delusional if he thinks that selfie of his bloated giant head makes him look handsome, Ewwwww . To me it looks more like a scary rubber Halloween mask of a creeper old man.

    5. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 16, 2015 at 10:45 AM

      Ok, well if he wants comments about his appearance and is welcoming feedback--I'll help out.

      1) He has a crooked smile. One side goes up the other goes down.
      2) His nose is crooked
      3) His eyes are crooked, and droop down.
      4) His hair line looks like it starts in the middle of his head.
      5) He really needs to shave his neck. There's a hot mess of stubble goin' on.
      6) And his turkey neck? I think turkeys are the only jealous ones.

  6. I sincerely hope Windsor returns to TX (if he doesn't end up in a MT jail) to resume his stalking activities and attempt to file another defamation law suit. There is now a history in several jurisdictions to support petitions for protective orders. Then there is the bail jumping issue. Windsor was detained on felony charges. That makes his walking away from the ECSO lock up a Class C felony, punishable by 2 to 10 years in prison.


    2. Me too Ida, hope Windsor comes back to Texas, IF he isn't incarcerated in Montana! Heck, since he supposedly can travel anywhere in the U.S., as he said on that blog talk thing yesterday? Windsor really should come on now, while he's waiting for his trial in January. What's stopping him? The DA in Ellis County, Patrick Wilson, that he claims should be disbarred? Bwahahahahahaha! Or is it his being so in fear of many individuals, as he's claimed? Windsor said yesterday, I read, that he's not afraid, God wants him to this (whatever this is). God? Really?

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 16, 2015 at 9:13 AM

      Very good point Ida.
      And since Sharon was so adamant about Windsor not being restrained in TX because he couldn't have possibly done anything deserving of being restrained, it appears if he goes back to TX, that will change. (or should change)

      He has no reason to go back to TX. He doesn't "Live" there right? He lost his case there, and it appears the Appeals are pushed just about as far, and as thin as he could get them before the usual, final order for him.

      If he goes back, he'd just be proving he will continue on to doing what he's currently awaiting trial for. Same exact stuff. Stalking, Cyberstalking, harassing, intimidating etc. I believe, if Windsor has sued, and lost, and keeps trying to sue, that is a need for a restraining order or injunction of some kind. It's malicious prosecution, and or malicious abuse of process, for the purpose of stalking.

    4. "I believe, if Windsor has sued, and lost, and keeps trying to sue, that is a need for a restraining order or injunction of some kind. It's malicious prosecution, and or malicious abuse of process, for the purpose of stalking. "

      There is this:

    5. It is my understanding at least one defendant, if not more, are pursuing exactly as you have mentioned Ida Claire.

  7. "Hello, ACLU? This is Bill Windsor again. Sorry about all the names I called you after I received your rejection form letter. My legal advisor Susan has assured me you'll help me with this appeal in Texas. This one isn't criminal so it's right up your alley. Where should I send my massive proof of the rights violations and corruption?"

    1. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 16, 2015 at 10:31 AM

      LOL! But they help defend against civil rights violations. He's the petitioner. He started the mess he couldn't prosecute. They aren't going to help his frivolous appeals there. Knowing once again, it was a civil suit to take away everyone elses first amendment rights.

      However, they might take on the defendants appeals or any other frivolous suits he decides to file in the future. They don't "do" one party suits. Windsor World is a "one party" suit. Pity party that is.

  8. I wonder if SB can get a injunction/order/something against MaryD or if Windsor can be held accountable for her acting as a "agent" of his posting false statements & continued harassment of SB that violate the PO he is under ?????
    "Mary D - I have understandable fear to attend college, work, or live in Missoula with my own family - due to criminal stalking, intimidation and veiled and vile threats from U of MT employee Sean Boushie."

    1. I'm sure her family is understandably fearful of her living with them, too...

    2. ^^^^ Maybe that's who's really paying Boushie!

    3. Hahahaha Spam, true that !!

  9. Ok. I tried. I really really tried to listen to Windsor's fairytale on that idiot's blog radio program. I just couldn't stand to listen to either of those dumb asses. Bill just might be the biggest liar I've ever been exposed to, in my opinion of course. Upon information and belief, he's so full of shit, he doesn't even realize he's lying anymore.

    1. Yep, I agree. He's so versed in his Billshit scripts that the lies flow like that raging diarrhea he said he suffered from. I'd say, when that happens, it's because he just can't contain exactly HOW full of shit he really is, and it has to escape to make more room, because with Windsor? He's always making shit up to add to the script.

      He's nauseating to listen to too. Stuttering, stammering, Uh, Uh, Uh-ing, forgetting his lines, catching himself in the middle of a word that he has to undo and trying to get back to the script. I swear, he's been bitten by Munchies Ticks or something. It's the same things over and over, with more added to embellish the story each time.

    2. I've finally listened to the entire blog radio show 'interview' as Windsor as the guest. Wow.
      Agreed that on numerous things he embellished, others he omitted a lot, many he changed from greatly from the various versions he's told in the past (his wife leaving was main one). I also noticed that Windsor stuttered and paused often when speaking, as if trying to recall what he should say. Why would anyone need to do that IF they're telling the truth? Wouldn't the truth just flow easily?
      Windsor contradicted himself several times, too that I heard, on the same subject, the Tweet.
      The stuff about Boushie? Beyond unbelievable! Windsor's tales about Boushie? He can't remember what he's said or written. That whopper story of death threats against him while he was doing a radio show years back? He couldn't recall anyone's name, stuttered, used 'allegedly' several times.
      Best part? I did like that the host, The Captain, interrupted Windsor and would go off on minutes long rants, cutting Windsor off completely.
      Windsor should hush, he's his own worst enemy.

    3. Seems to me that Windsor skipped over his time as a fugitive. I'd have to listen again to see if I heard all that he said about it, but I think he led listeners to believe that he had every intention of turning himself in. Like the Wilson and the cops over reacted in chasing him down. I don't recall that he mentioned his "Where's Windsor" game or taunting Ellis County officials and LE for months.

    4. Totally skipped his "Day #__ on the Run" diary shizz. Just blipped right over that.
      His fairy tale of getting the call for a hearing in Ellis County the next day? Pfffft. He left without finishing paperwork and signing or he would have known he had hearing. He said he was on his way to Montana to report to the judge there, never did & began his running amuck. Windsor makes it up or changes his tales depending on the day. He forgot he documented it all himself via Facebook. #Facepalm

    5. Nice!! God bless Texas!

    6. I have a question, while listening to Windsor last night on blog-radio, Windsor claimed & told the "Captain" that SB was a "janitor" at The University Of Montana.
      The "Captain" repeated that SB was a janitor a few times & went on a tangent about how SB being a janitor gave him the perfect setting to stalk Windsor, as he worked nights, was alone, single, desperate guy !!!
      My question is .... is SB a janitor at the University Of Montana?
      I had always been under the impression SB worked in the Biological /Science Dept. and not as a janitor!!!

    7. No. Boushie is not a janitor and does not work nights, and is married.
      Windsor lying by and thru The Captain.

    8. Yes, Anon 10:21pm, your last paragraph is correct.
      Windsor will say anything untrue or allow someone else to repeat untruths about Boushie. More information "by and through" or just uses Windsor makes up "upon information and belief!

    9. Thanks everyone for confirming Windsor was lying on the blog-radio show about SB being a janitor. Just appalling how Windsor continues to violate the PO by harassing SB & damaging his name and reputation SMDH

    10. This is also disrespectful to janitors. Bill shouldn't judge them so harshly since many of the Montana work force are students.
      Montana does indeed hire non-students as well, but the salary is between $11-15 an hour. That's a low payment to support a home and family and stalking career. Meanwhile Bill has spent untold millions on hurting and stalking people. Also shows Bill has read the literature about stalkers. He knows that his own refusal to lead a normal life, and refusal to hold a legitimate job gives him all the time in the world to hurt people. Even if what Bill said was true about SB (it's not) it would still be the pot calling the kettle black.

    11. Agreed on disrespectful to janitorial services staff (any and everywhere).
      Having a J O B? Is rare among the LALA losers, the majority of them depend on the taxes paid by janitors, housekeepers, mechanics, farmers, construction workers, etc to fund their SS disability and crazy checks the receive each month. Another of Windsor's "better than" attitude. Windsor isn't qualified to do any jobs, he's never had a job or worked to earn a living.

    12. Another claim that he made about Boushie is that Boushie had to have been there when that car on the highway caught fire (or got shot, whatever) because he got an e-mail from Boushie claiming Boushie shot at him and missed. As I recall, Windsor invited the e-mail (if there was one, from whomever) because he posted about the incident before he got the e-mail.

      Am I remembering correctly?

    13. Ok, so if Boushie was allegedly there (which he was not) how did he manage to scurry back to the university, AND send an email bragging about doing it in such a short time span? Is Boushie some kind of guinea pig for the University in time travel?

      That would be a much more exciting story!! "The University is funding cyberstalker time travel. These sick, sick, sick, stalkers can instantly materialize hundreds of miles away, in a nano second, then be right back to where they were. This is a highly covert operation between the Gubberment, and the University of Montana. I have undeniable, irrefutable proof, just read my sworn affidavit."

    14. That's been my question all along.
      More Billshit.

    15. Haha! I love when we can make more exciting theories than he can simply by using critical thinking skills.

  10. Boo Hoo Hoo!! Vexi boy doesn't seem to like the order from the 10th. But, then again, why would he. They just pointed out how he doesn't follow the rules, and that is against the Law in Windsor World. Do. Not. Ever. Tell. Windsor. He's. A. ______________________ ________________ _______________ ________________ ___________________!

    "Bill Windsor has been working all last night and today on filings in his Texas appeals. Corruption appears to have reared its ugly head there at the Tenth Court of Appeals."

    1. Doh. Not following the instructions is corrupt, everyone knows that! Vexi Vexi Vexi!

    2. Must've quit taking selfies long enough to read here.
      "Drats! Those meanie heads know more about my civil failings than I do! I have to update my Facebook status quick! Selfie session and all 7 of my lemmings' adoration will have to wait."

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 16, 2015 at 11:01 PM

      Yeah, so how does that work? He claims he doesn't get his filings for weeks on end because they have to do to South Dakota fake address PO Box, then get forwarded, but POOF, this time, he got it the same day the court issued it.

      Hummm...So basically, he can get the court papers when he needs to file a quick response, but when he's trying to stall and take his time, he can just claim he didn't receive it. Ah, the games of a Vexi...

    4. Emailed to him, most likely, yesterday.
      But, Windsor is always too busy to read emails, so, I agree that Windsor saw it here.

      Your welcome, Windsor.

    5. This is really a "slam dunk"! Now he's on baseball smh. Lmao at getting that response in now that we have all the time in the world. What direction would a defendant go?

    6. Why with the ACLU, of course!

    7. Since he fell short of HIS slam dunk, guess he's on to attempting to hit a "home run" with his "Filings" to show that appellate court who's boss!

      Much like everything else, Windsor keeps trying to turn appeals into cases. Grossly incompetent or grossly belligerent. Whatever his mental deficiency is, it's gross.

    8. "Bill Windsor has been working all last night and today on filings in his Texas appeals. Corruption appears to have reared its ugly head there at the Tenth Court of Appeals."

      The way I understood the order, the COA is going to consider dismissal and sanctions regardless of whether anyone responds. More voluminous, grossly deficient spew is unnecessary and a waste of everyone's time.

    9. Yeah, well the appellate court previously gave Windsor strict time frames to do numerous things, and he failed. He went off on his frivolous brief instead of the other court ordered tasks.

      They will dismiss, and I believe issue sanctions because he has proven he will not comply with simple orders. He failed to even address them. I believe there were three different time frames, all stating they would dismiss, without further notification if he failed to comply.

      Where is the "Corruption" in that? It lies with Windsor. Windsor's fancy footwork diversion tactics-- which on the outside make for a much better story to the anti government, everyone and everything is corrupt followers, than the actual truth, orders, and statutes/law that Windsor maliciously and purposefully violates.

      As I see it, the Appellate court has graced Windsor with months of extra time, to address the orders, and at no fault of anyone but himself, he mucked it all up, for the sole purpose of creating yet one more lie to feed the lemmings.

    10. I dunno. Reading it again, it looks like the COA "invited" Windsor's response on their consideration of "further sanctions". It appears that they've already decided the case will go away, the decision is whether to strike Windsor's briefs or grant motions to dismiss as a sanction.

    11. Yes, Ida, after reading it again, it seems that way.
      sniff? sniff? Is that a Vextacious coming from Texas? I believe it is!

  11. Must have rotten lower teeth, in my professional dental analysis...

    1. Spamanon, at "87" he's lucky to have any teeth left. Lol

      "Gail Hudson Wade - Not bad for 87"

    2. He looks damn good for 87, but pretty lousy for his actual age...

  12. "And who exactly are these Joeys that you keep suing, Mr Windsor?"

    " sociopaths are Anti-Lyme & Associated Diseases Awareness, Education and Prevention criminal cyberstalkers"

    1. MaryD? No one is anti Lyme's Disease Awareness, you daft dimwit. Anyone that has read your never ending, ever growing drivel is anti YOU, MunchenMaryD (as someone else nicknamed you)! Gesh! Even the Windsor commenters wish you'd STOP being a comment thread stopper, every single thing is not about YOU or Lyme's or the Ticks (God love 'em if they ever even bit you)!

    2. Amen!! We hate Lyme's and even we wish MaryD would STOP!

    3. The only thing a person could learn about lyme from her is that ticks bite and then apparently your life becomes worse than a country song. Thankfully, we have it on good authority that all these problems of hers are not because of tick bites, and that one can successfully function in life despite debilitating health problems. Every little boy wants to be Spiderman. No one wants to be Tick-Bite Mary, and that is entirely her own fault.

  13. A new smack down is being sent over

  14. Globally Me Alliance fits Mary perfectly!

    Mary Deneen: "Throw Them a Curve on Behalf of" Me me me meeeee. Muh me me!

    1. LOL that's how I read it first too hahahahahhhaaa, it's perfect for Mary who writes endlessly about herself on all posts

  15. Notice how the lemmings aren't asking, "what corruption is that, mister Bill" or "What did the Texas Tenth say?"

    They thought to themselves, "I'd better check Radio Free Windsor" which is this page we're on. Not much in those blistering pages from the Texas Tenth for a lemming to comment upon.

  16. Niki Hannevig "Consider"

    Niki left that comment on Windsor's page. I think Windsor ought to consider it. I listened to most NLA's Monday night call. A letter is being sent to Congress, letting them all know NLA took over the courts last spring. Darash is gearing up to help Sheriffs arrest judges. He and Gerard take the position that most of the judges are just waiting for the right time and support to start the process. If a Sheriff does not want to arrest judges, "The People" need to vote those Sheriffs out of office. What better way for Windsor to get back at all those corrupt people throwing him in jail and doing everything they can to stop the movie?

    And, NLA's CLGJ will help Windsor with his case for unlawful imprisonment. There are easy to follow instructions for filing a petition with the CLGJ. It will cost him $60. It could take a while if he doesn't have the $60. NLA handles "charity" cases when they have a "surplus from donations".

    1. I saw that comment earlier, from Ms Niki. I've always liked her.
      Windsor already said the NLA is "too out there" for him. >eyeroll< The NLA doesn't piddle around with butthurt, leaving Windsor way behind.
