Well now isn't that just a fricken awesome piece of EXPOSE BILLSHIT? Fantastic job!!! It's always so nice to see the lies all laid out so pretty like that. Not the typical Billshit version and semantics. Just his own words wrapped around his big, fat face!!
At the end of the last clip are 3 other lies. He claims he'd never been charged with a crime. False. Said he was never arrested. Also false. Says he was just "Picked up." False.
An expired driver's license? How many times did we wonder what state his license was issued in. What's amater, Bill? Afraid to put down roots in any of your new home towns? Afraid to stand a medical eval to prove its safe for you to drive? Afraid to enter a government building other than a court house? LOLS!
He could pay Cox for her online reputation repair services? Or maybe he already did? She's doing GREAT! #Delighted to watch the sinking Giggle & Snorting! Two thumbs up on the video
He loves himself so much, maybe Cox could perform the marriage ceremony for Bill and William. I mean, they are working together as a film team, might as well make it official and unite them as "One". Perhaps then, he'd stop fighting with himself. They could get couples counseling at a discounted rate too probably.
Flemming? We all try hard to stick together & support each other. You? Make it real difficult. Don't talk shit about Texas. We have counties larger & far more beautiful than your entire state. Michigan also has Special Aagent MongMoose DoucheCanoe Marty Prehn. Nuff said. You wanna talk snit about Texas? Wasn't that Badassed attorney of yours a Texan? I know she is, I had the great pleasure of meeting her & watching her bitchslap Windsor on your behalf to the tune of $250,000+. I think we've got math, spelling and sentence composition accomplished. Just because Windsor couldn't excell at anything educationally? Don't blame it on Texas & we won't blame yours on Michigan.
That's very true. And if you don't know, all you have to do is scroll through the Lawless America State pages. Several mental health agencies might want to as well.
And since Windsor disgraced numerous states with "Residency" I highly doubt ONE could be chosen as "his" home state. So far though South Dakota is ranking top BILLing for the Lawless Loser.
I'm beyond tired of the shittiness from commenters to one another. Derrrrrr. The ONLY POS being discussed is Windsor. Can't get along? Can't find your PTFD & keep scrolling? #Bye
A consequence of the post 9/11 tightening of state residency requirements is that now criminals can just refuse to meet the requirements and claim that the courts have no jurisdiction over them. Fits nicely into the SovCit M.O. They might want to prepare for more of this junk.
I too am from Michigan and I love my Texas friends ( some who I go back 30+ years, with) and totally stand behind the wonderful folks on here from Texas, who have been violated and victimized by Windbag. Ugh, and yes we have our share of complete morons like Special Agent Prehn leading the Fat Fucktard parade in Michigan.
Windsor: "VEGAS ODDS JUST IN ON BILL WINDSOR'S CRIMINAL TRIAL. Currently, the odds are 100-to-1 against Deputy Missoula County Attorney prevailing in the Battle of the Briefs."
Yeah, Bill. She's just a highly educated legal professional with dozens of criminal trials worth of experience. The odds she can match someone with zero formal legal education and zero experience in criminal law? I thought you welcomed the chance to strut your unmatched criminal courtroom abilities in front of a jury, Bill! Certainly hope so, because that's what's coming. We might confirm that early tomorrow. Isn't that exciting?
We wish we could be there to see your reaction, Windsor. Gonna be spectacular. Hope your suite is on the bottom floor. If not, the folks below you are going to be treated to some very loud stomping and yelling. If things quieten after the sound of a heavy man hitting the floor, we hope someone has the presence of mind to call an ambulance. We want you to survive the ordeal of finding out Jennifer Clark knows what she's doing. Hard to beat this, entertainment-wise.
It's the peacocking show before the boot. It's designed to make everyone believe the courts are just corrupt, and not that they are holding him accountable. The Supreme court reaffirmed the TOP. There isn't anything to get him out of this. The higher courts reaffirmed and extended the TOP, that's all there is to it.
If he put as much effort into that brilliant brief as he does his stupid Facebook drivel, that judge and staff are in for one hilariously stupid, yet boring morning...
Windsor's frequent back patting, building up his own buttercup? My wager is he is scared shitless.
What is with all of Windsor's sports analogies? He never played any sports. He's getting goofier with each passing hour.
While the rest of the normal world sleeps, with the exception of those working 2nd & 3rd shifts, Windsor will be up spinning more embellished BillSchit overnight. Eh, makes entertaining reading over coffee each morning though.
I'm running nights on a process research gig out here in the Badlands (which are gorgeous in Autumn). Just me. And Windsor, I guess. I'd rather be out here in these canyons and ravines in the cab of my pickup than in a hotel suite though. Great occupation. I feel very lucky. Coyote, deer, foxes, owls, a bear or three up in the densely wooded canyon necks. No snakes.
Wow! Y'all did a great job of busting the lies about Windsor's arrest. Too bad they didn't have to taser him. IMO, he deserves it for lying about the cops to his mentally ill, cop hating lemmings.
Kpat posted a good article. It supports Windsor's arguments, he can say whatever he wants, about whoever he wants. But gosh, it sure shoots that largest defamation suit in history right in the head. Windsor says he's been in touch with the author.
"This case is not about whether Mr. Gjoni could be held liable for disclosure of private facts as to some of his statements. It is not about whether some of Mr. Gjoni’s readers could be criminally punished, or held civilly liable, for any threats they made against Ms. Van Valkerburg. It is about whether an American court can issue a prior restraint against a person’s conveying any “information” about another person. And that is the remedy that the First Amendment most clearly forbids."
"Bonome sued for disclosure of private facts, but the court rejected that argument. The court found that even a personal life story can be seen as involving “issues of legitimate public concern,” id. at *5, simply because it discusses broader matters such as relationships between the sexes."
Windsor: "This is the Battle of the Briefs. There's a lot on the line. If the Bad Guys lose, they will be forever carry the stigma of being beaten by an OFWG, the oldest man on the court, and the only pro se party. If the Good Guy(s) win, Bill Windsor can take off that damn GPS ankle bracelet, and he won't have to spend the rest of his life in prison. He will retain Tweeting and Emailing privileges, and he will surely be named to the Pro Se Parties Hall of Fame."
Bill, come on now. You're not telling us what happens if the game goes the other way. So I will. If the White Haired, mentally challenged team loses, every who in Whoville will haz a sad. The Captain of the White Haired Mouth Breathers, The Grinch, will say the officiating is corrupt and will start making plans to get the fuck out of Whoville because he's already admitted defeat. He will pack up all his Mandamuses and Certioraries and Roast Beast from Fuddruckers and enough cash to choke a Lorax and he will go hide. When caught, he will ask how they found him. They will say dude maybe you ought to like not update Facebook when you're on the run.
So, the basis of Windsor's miracle brief is that the TOP was never valid in the first place because the court exceeded it's authority in issuing a TOP that expired in 24 days, not 20 days. As usual, it appears he missed the point. A hearing was scheduled within 20 days; he appealed the TOP to stop the process. I hope he does not benefit from the games he played.
His "slam dunk" looks a lot like his previous motion to dismiss that was denied. I think he's just spinning in the same circle. Of course, some legal expert will point out how stupid I am for not seeing the obvious reasons the judge has to dismiss the charges. Although, now that the 3rd of the month has passed, it's been pretty quiet here.
He won't. They are vexatious so they only pick and choose portions of statutes to cite. There were several other courts who, upon Windsor's own whining RE AFFIRMED and EXTENDED it. Windsor basically in a nut shell, gave his "ok" by filing an appeal. Why would anyone file an appeal prior to an order to see if it should be made permanent? Certainly the courts knew the game he was playing. He and his vexi counter part figure, hey, they can't enforce what I didn't allow. WRONG! Windsor gave all the other courts jurisdiction to keep extending it with every appeal. And they did just that.
Vexi noses are very, very long. Can't see past 'em. The Judge was getting the argument of validity off the table. Windsor in all his "Slam Dunking glory" just shoved his own fat ass into that hoop. Now it's stuck! HAHAHAHAHAHA He's basically just dangling there, ass in, folded in half, waving arms and feet off the rim.
Reading Windsor's response brief. "Brief" is right on the money here. This won't take long this morning. Windsor's response does two things, or there are two "active ingredients."
1) Windsor nitpicks. For instance, Windsor claims a judge "rejected" a motion and that JC was therefore wrong in saying the judge "denied" it. The only evidence clearly says the judge denied it, not that this would make any difference. Windsor also seems to find significance in days between dates, etc, where such things as"working days" can be compared to "days" and then throws around his tired old "void" whip.
2) Windsor ignores his own involvement in the delays of any hearing. It's as if Jennifer Clark never went to the trouble of documenting Windsor's delaying tactics. Here again, Windsor thinks because he thinks one thing or another, everyone else including the judge must do the same. He counters Clarke's main points by pretending they don't exist.
This should be fast. Windsor's response is a bag of nothing, filled out with sawdust as if the nothing needed protection.
Wow. That is the lamest brief ever. He was right about one thing, the Judge won't have to read past the first page. Windsor's "belief" system is flat out wrong, and citing MCA 40-15-302 just solidified the states position. Where in there is any "Misunderstanding" by JC? It's as clear as the bulbous nose on his strangely puffy face. He's making no sense.
"(3) If a temporary order of protection or an order of protection issued by a court of limited jurisdiction is appealed or removed to an appellate court, the order continues in full force and effect unless modified by the appellate court.
It was never modified. How many examples did JC put in her brief that showed it was Reaffirmed and extended? Windsor should be so embarrassed. I'm still SMH. His smoke and mirrors are moronic.
He actually contends that the lower court must proceed with hearing schedules, etc, uninterrupted, when it has been taken by a higher court on appeal. He's saying that appeal does not equal removal. That's like saying, Johnny, I told you to go to the store for me but I did not say you could leave your room. This crap is an insult to the court's intelligence. A practicing attorney would be sanctioned. Hard.
First page. Done. The rest of that blah, blah, is irrelevant. You're right, it is a total and complete insult but that is his game. He has never shown one ounce of respect for any court, and that's his problem. In his overly Billshittery mind, he's actually proving the courts case, when he thinks he's proving them wrong. Truly a gut rolling brief. Too bad he can't see the irony in it. It's hilarious. He isn't funny when he tries to be, and when he's playing serious it's hysterical.
Yep. Those Vexi's sure like to pick and choose portions of case law, and not the entire line in a sentence, or complete statute. OR Does not exist in Vexi land.
That entire brief is rife with contradictions and blame for the crap he himself did. It's not even worth going over to show it was all HIS actions that created stalls, delays, and games. Facts are still facts. Orders are still orders. Windsor doesn't like facts or orders that go against his games. If he really believes he's going to go waddling out of MT today (or in the near future) he's sadly mistaken. If he knows he's not, and this is yet another game to flame the lemmings, to perhaps go off the deep end on his behalf--hopefully it is now duly noted in screenshots and files to be used against him in the event something horrible does happen.
No, Ms. Clark, or anyone else for that matter, are not quaking or shaking, EXCEPT William Windsor. As usual, Windsor is sucking up valuable time and resources of a court, this time a criminal court. Criminal courts are over burdened already. Windsir has been so busy with his all about himself, that he created himself, that he fails to notice or mention that Ms. Clark has been slam dunking criminals and those criminals are being sentenced to long prison sentences. Just like an annoying gnat? Windsor has irritated for an over extended length of time. Windsor can and is spinning, via his lifeline of Facebook, his one sided BillSchit, even using sports analogies to boost his failing lack of confidence in himself. Windsor has proven repeatedly that he is inept, at best, as a ProSeBaby, and that he unable to follow laws, orders and simple instructions from any court. Windsor also fails to take into consideration that a jury could easily, and will most likely view his antics just as they are, frivolous, voluminous and beyond ridiculous. I have been doubtful that Windsor would be sentenced to prison, hopeful he is, but doubtful. With each passing day though, I am beginning to believe his disregard of procedures, his constant barrage of BillSchit blathering, in addition with his continuing filings will get him the same results of irritating gnats. Bitchslapped into prison. Windsor boasts of ProSe-ing himself, then whines his woe choosing to be ProSe. Widsor is wealthy beyond most of our imaginations, he could have easily retained an attorney, an prestigious law firm, with a full staff to defend him. Windsor purposely chose not to do that, because he cannot be honest with an attorney representing him, would never allow a real licensed and experienced attorney(s) to have already finished this case. Not the Sovereign way Windsor operates. Instead Windsor has flopped, floundered and flubbed each step of the way. Attorneys and law firms are watching, blog discussing Windsor and after reading their comments, they are relishing the hilarity of Windsor's inept idiocy.
Madison Rossi " Awesome response! Hopefully Ms. Clark's ego finally gets a clue and folds... And the real Ms. Clark takes the opportunity to offer you a sincere apology, for starters..."
Bill may have blown the overconfidence horn in an effort to hide his departure for places unknown. Wouldn't shock me if that electronic jewelry he's wearing went dead this morning.
You never know. And, did he repaint his stalker mobile? So he could slither about unnoticed? Said he wanted to but simply claimed it was too expensive. Didn't say he didn't.
I don't know if he will run or not, just some things he says are suspicious.
This morning would have been zero hour for those sort of plans. If the judge dismisses then the penalty for shutting the bracelet off would be minimal or nothing. If the judge doesn't dismiss then screw that bracelet. This morning was his last non-fugitive-from-justice chance to avoid trial. Perfect time to haul ass.
Very possible since it seems most of his recent posts stink of Snooze, who knows if he is posting the "Slam-Dunk" blather or if Snooze is .. as he quietly sneaks away!
Did the court accept his BS Brief? Or will the Judge make a ruling on how frivolous and fanciful it was? Those are the only two options I see happening.
What will the Windsor tantrum claim? and will he post the proof to back it up? I think, he'll post a picture (again) of the Judge, insult his appearance, call him "corrupt" and then go off on a tangent--never showing the lemmings how his actions directly contradict everything he's claiming.
HAHAHAHA in other words-- Blessings to you=I have a couch you can sleep on when you bolt Thanks for all your help=I'll take you up on that offer. Just let me finish loading my jeep.
Connie Fielding I will have to read it. You are amazing! I knew you would pull it off. Hope it is dismissed immediately. And you can go on with your life.
So, Connie hadn't read the brief but it makes Bill amazing? Where did he find these people.
I did Connie a solid, "you're welcome Connie". The BillSchit Brief is posted, each page screenshot. Just turn to the next blog post >>>> (I dozed off twice posting & once reading it)
The link is soooooo little!!!! Grrrrr
ReplyDeleteOmggggg!!!! Spawn! (((hugs))) I been missing you! I luff your guts!
~~~waving~~~ I've missed you too!! I luff your guts too!!! I like the new digs!! Mind if I hang out?? I see Bill hasn't changed....
DeleteHeck yeah! You can even lounge in my hammock! Lemonade? Iced tea?
DeleteWell now isn't that just a fricken awesome piece of EXPOSE BILLSHIT?
ReplyDeleteFantastic job!!! It's always so nice to see the lies all laid out so pretty like that. Not the typical Billshit version and semantics. Just his own words wrapped around his big, fat face!!
Standing Ovation!!
I agree! Standing Ovation to @Bill Windsor Files & Archives! And thanks for allowing me to share it!
Delete℗ ♛ ❥
At the end of the last clip are 3 other lies. He claims he'd never been charged with a crime. False. Said he was never arrested. Also false. Says he was just "Picked up." False.
DeleteExactly! If he's awake and yammering? He's lying.
And you know he pee'd himself a little when he saw a taser...
DeleteHad he pee-ed & gotten tazed? Windsor would be twitching in addition to his shaking & shuffling!
(clapping) Well done!!! Can't get any more graphic than that!!! :-)
ReplyDelete"How did you find me?"
ReplyDelete"Come at once. We have struck a berg. It's a CQD, old man!"
one of the last transmissions from #Pietanic
An expired driver's license? How many times did we wonder what state his license was issued in. What's amater, Bill? Afraid to put down roots in any of your new home towns? Afraid to stand a medical eval to prove its safe for you to drive? Afraid to enter a government building other than a court house? LOLS!
Hey P, do you have the whole narrative to the police report? Or can you get it?
ReplyDeleteEmailed it to you!
Delete℗ ❥ ♛
He could pay Cox for her online reputation repair services?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe he already did? She's doing GREAT!
#Delighted to watch the sinking
Giggle & Snorting!
Two thumbs up on the video
He loves himself so much, maybe Cox could perform the marriage ceremony for Bill and William. I mean, they are working together as a film team, might as well make it official and unite them as "One". Perhaps then, he'd stop fighting with himself. They could get couples counseling at a discounted rate too probably.
DeleteI wonder if Rebecca realizes 90% of the time when she flirts with Bill in his idiotic posts, that she's really actually flirting with Snooze. Lol
DeleteBill Windsor Files & Archives,
ReplyDeleteWhoop, whoop, whoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You rock!!!!!!
It's all fuzzy math I guess what happens when you go to Texas tech. Sorry Texas peeps. Blame George bush and his fuzzy math quote.
ReplyDeleteFlemming? We all try hard to stick together & support each other.
DeleteYou? Make it real difficult.
Don't talk shit about Texas. We have counties larger & far more beautiful than your entire state. Michigan also has Special Aagent MongMoose DoucheCanoe Marty Prehn. Nuff said.
You wanna talk snit about Texas? Wasn't that Badassed attorney of yours a Texan? I know she is, I had the great pleasure of meeting her & watching her bitchslap Windsor on your behalf to the tune of $250,000+. I think we've got math, spelling and sentence composition accomplished.
Just because Windsor couldn't excell at anything educationally? Don't blame it on Texas & we won't blame yours on Michigan.
Thank you SFW!
DeleteWhat state doesn't have some epic losers?
That's very true. And if you don't know, all you have to do is scroll through the Lawless America State pages. Several mental health agencies might want to as well.
DeleteAnd since Windsor disgraced numerous states with "Residency" I highly doubt ONE could be chosen as "his" home state. So far though South Dakota is ranking top BILLing for the Lawless Loser.
I'm beyond tired of the shittiness from commenters to one another.
DeleteDerrrrrr. The ONLY POS being discussed is Windsor. Can't get along? Can't find your PTFD & keep scrolling? #Bye
I can think of a pretty long list of idiots from or in Michigan, just sayin....
DeleteA consequence of the post 9/11 tightening of state residency requirements is that now criminals can just refuse to meet the requirements and claim that the courts have no jurisdiction over them. Fits nicely into the SovCit M.O. They might want to prepare for more of this junk.
DeleteI'll take Texas Tech over a Michigan G.E.D. every time...
DeleteI too am from Michigan and I love my Texas friends ( some who I go back 30+ years, with) and totally stand behind the wonderful folks on here from Texas, who have been violated and victimized by Windbag. Ugh, and yes we have our share of complete morons like Special Agent Prehn leading the Fat Fucktard parade in Michigan.
ReplyDeleteCurrently, the odds are 100-to-1 against Deputy Missoula County Attorney prevailing in the Battle of the Briefs."
Yeah, Bill. She's just a highly educated legal professional with dozens of criminal trials worth of experience. The odds she can match someone with zero formal legal education and zero experience in criminal law? I thought you welcomed the chance to strut your unmatched criminal courtroom abilities in front of a jury, Bill! Certainly hope so, because that's what's coming. We might confirm that early tomorrow. Isn't that exciting?
We wish we could be there to see your reaction, Windsor. Gonna be spectacular. Hope your suite is on the bottom floor. If not, the folks below you are going to be treated to some very loud stomping and yelling. If things quieten after the sound of a heavy man hitting the floor, we hope someone has the presence of mind to call an ambulance. We want you to survive the ordeal of finding out Jennifer Clark knows what she's doing. Hard to beat this, entertainment-wise.
It's the peacocking show before the boot. It's designed to make everyone believe the courts are just corrupt, and not that they are holding him accountable. The Supreme court reaffirmed the TOP. There isn't anything to get him out of this. The higher courts reaffirmed and extended the TOP, that's all there is to it.
DeleteIf he put as much effort into that brilliant brief as he does his stupid Facebook drivel, that judge and staff are in for one hilariously stupid, yet boring morning...
DeleteWindsor's frequent back patting, building up his own buttercup?
DeleteMy wager is he is scared shitless.
What is with all of Windsor's sports analogies? He never played any sports. He's getting goofier with each passing hour.
While the rest of the normal world sleeps, with the exception of those working 2nd & 3rd shifts, Windsor will be up spinning more embellished BillSchit overnight. Eh, makes entertaining reading over coffee each morning though.
Night all!
℗ ♛ ❥
I'm running nights on a process research gig out here in the Badlands (which are gorgeous in Autumn). Just me. And Windsor, I guess. I'd rather be out here in these canyons and ravines in the cab of my pickup than in a hotel suite though. Great occupation. I feel very lucky. Coyote, deer, foxes, owls, a bear or three up in the densely wooded canyon necks. No snakes.
DeleteI have several friends from my hometown working up there, they are enjoying it, but worrying about winter :)
DeleteWow! Y'all did a great job of busting the lies about Windsor's arrest. Too bad they didn't have to taser him. IMO, he deserves it for lying about the cops to his mentally ill, cop hating lemmings.
ReplyDeleteKpat posted a good article. It supports Windsor's arguments, he can say whatever he wants, about whoever he wants. But gosh, it sure shoots that largest defamation suit in history right in the head. Windsor says he's been in touch with the author.
ReplyDelete"This case is not about whether Mr. Gjoni could be held liable for disclosure of private facts as to some of his statements. It is not about whether some of Mr. Gjoni’s readers could be criminally punished, or held civilly liable, for any threats they made against Ms. Van Valkerburg. It is about whether an American court can issue a prior restraint against a person’s conveying any “information” about another person. And that is the remedy that the First Amendment most clearly forbids."
"Bonome sued for disclosure of private facts, but the court rejected that argument. The court found that even a personal life story can be seen as involving “issues of legitimate public concern,” id. at *5, simply because it discusses broader matters such as relationships between the sexes."
Windsor: "This is the Battle of the Briefs. There's a lot on the line. If the Bad Guys lose, they will be forever carry the stigma of being beaten by an OFWG, the oldest man on the court, and the only pro se party. If the Good Guy(s) win, Bill Windsor can take off that damn GPS ankle bracelet, and he won't have to spend the rest of his life in prison. He will retain Tweeting and Emailing privileges, and he will surely be named to the Pro Se Parties Hall of Fame."
ReplyDeleteBill, come on now. You're not telling us what happens if the game goes the other way. So I will. If the White Haired, mentally challenged team loses, every who in Whoville will haz a sad. The Captain of the White Haired Mouth Breathers, The Grinch, will say the officiating is corrupt and will start making plans to get the fuck out of Whoville because he's already admitted defeat. He will pack up all his Mandamuses and Certioraries and Roast Beast from Fuddruckers and enough cash to choke a Lorax and he will go hide. When caught, he will ask how they found him. They will say dude maybe you ought to like not update Facebook when you're on the run.
So, the basis of Windsor's miracle brief is that the TOP was never valid in the first place because the court exceeded it's authority in issuing a TOP that expired in 24 days, not 20 days. As usual, it appears he missed the point. A hearing was scheduled within 20 days; he appealed the TOP to stop the process. I hope he does not benefit from the games he played.
ReplyDeleteHis "slam dunk" looks a lot like his previous motion to dismiss that was denied. I think he's just spinning in the same circle. Of course, some legal expert will point out how stupid I am for not seeing the obvious reasons the judge has to dismiss the charges. Although, now that the 3rd of the month has passed, it's been pretty quiet here.
DeleteHe won't. They are vexatious so they only pick and choose portions of statutes to cite. There were several other courts who, upon Windsor's own whining RE AFFIRMED and EXTENDED it.
DeleteWindsor basically in a nut shell, gave his "ok" by filing an appeal. Why would anyone file an appeal prior to an order to see if it should be made permanent? Certainly the courts knew the game he was playing. He and his vexi counter part figure, hey, they can't enforce what I didn't allow. WRONG! Windsor gave all the other courts jurisdiction to keep extending it with every appeal. And they did just that.
Vexi noses are very, very long. Can't see past 'em. The Judge was getting the argument of validity off the table. Windsor in all his "Slam Dunking glory" just shoved his own fat ass into that hoop. Now it's stuck! HAHAHAHAHAHA He's basically just dangling there, ass in, folded in half, waving arms and feet off the rim.
Reading Windsor's response brief. "Brief" is right on the money here. This won't take long this morning. Windsor's response does two things, or there are two "active ingredients."
ReplyDelete1) Windsor nitpicks. For instance, Windsor claims a judge "rejected" a motion and that JC was therefore wrong in saying the judge "denied" it. The only evidence clearly says the judge denied it, not that this would make any difference. Windsor also seems to find significance in days between dates, etc, where such things as"working days" can be compared to "days" and then throws around his tired old "void" whip.
2) Windsor ignores his own involvement in the delays of any hearing. It's as if Jennifer Clark never went to the trouble of documenting Windsor's delaying tactics. Here again, Windsor thinks because he thinks one thing or another, everyone else including the judge must do the same. He counters Clarke's main points by pretending they don't exist.
This should be fast. Windsor's response is a bag of nothing, filled out with sawdust as if the nothing needed protection.
Yeah, #2 @ 8:26 annoys me. What Windsor did looks so much like abuse of process, which continues through today.
DeleteWow. That is the lamest brief ever. He was right about one thing, the Judge won't have to read past the first page. Windsor's "belief" system is flat out wrong, and citing MCA 40-15-302 just solidified the states position. Where in there is any "Misunderstanding" by JC? It's as clear as the bulbous nose on his strangely puffy face. He's making no sense.
Delete"(3) If a temporary order of protection or an order of protection issued by a court of limited jurisdiction is appealed or removed to an appellate court, the order continues in full force and effect unless modified by the appellate court.
It was never modified. How many examples did JC put in her brief that showed it was Reaffirmed and extended? Windsor should be so embarrassed. I'm still SMH. His smoke and mirrors are moronic.
Willy skipped over that one word "appealed". He makes sure he points out he appealed but never removed.
DeleteHe actually contends that the lower court must proceed with hearing schedules, etc, uninterrupted, when it has been taken by a higher court on appeal. He's saying that appeal does not equal removal. That's like saying, Johnny, I told you to go to the store for me but I did not say you could leave your room. This crap is an insult to the court's intelligence. A practicing attorney would be sanctioned. Hard.
DeleteFirst page. Done. The rest of that blah, blah, is irrelevant. You're right, it is a total and complete insult but that is his game. He has never shown one ounce of respect for any court, and that's his problem. In his overly Billshittery mind, he's actually proving the courts case, when he thinks he's proving them wrong. Truly a gut rolling brief. Too bad he can't see the irony in it. It's hilarious. He isn't funny when he tries to be, and when he's playing serious it's hysterical.
DeleteYep. Those Vexi's sure like to pick and choose portions of case law, and not the entire line in a sentence, or complete statute. OR Does not exist in Vexi land.
DeleteThat entire brief is rife with contradictions and blame for the crap he himself did. It's not even worth going over to show it was all HIS actions that created stalls, delays, and games. Facts are still facts. Orders are still orders. Windsor doesn't like facts or orders that go against his games. If he really believes he's going to go waddling out of MT today (or in the near future) he's sadly mistaken. If he knows he's not, and this is yet another game to flame the lemmings, to perhaps go off the deep end on his behalf--hopefully it is now duly noted in screenshots and files to be used against him in the event something horrible does happen.
Clark is no doubt "quaking in her boots" this morning...
ReplyDeleteNo, Ms. Clark, or anyone else for that matter, are not quaking or shaking, EXCEPT William Windsor.
DeleteAs usual, Windsor is sucking up valuable time and resources of a court, this time a criminal court. Criminal courts are over burdened already. Windsir has been so busy with his all about himself, that he created himself, that he fails to notice or mention that Ms. Clark has been slam dunking criminals and those criminals are being sentenced to long prison sentences.
Just like an annoying gnat? Windsor has irritated for an over extended length of time.
Windsor can and is spinning, via his lifeline of Facebook, his one sided BillSchit, even using sports analogies to boost his failing lack of confidence in himself.
Windsor has proven repeatedly that he is inept, at best, as a ProSeBaby, and that he unable to follow laws, orders and simple instructions from any court. Windsor also fails to take into consideration that a jury could easily, and will most likely view his antics just as they are, frivolous, voluminous and beyond ridiculous.
I have been doubtful that Windsor would be sentenced to prison, hopeful he is, but doubtful. With each passing day though, I am beginning to believe his disregard of procedures, his constant barrage of BillSchit blathering, in addition with his continuing filings will get him the same results of irritating gnats. Bitchslapped into prison.
Windsor boasts of ProSe-ing himself, then whines his woe choosing to be ProSe. Widsor is wealthy beyond most of our imaginations, he could have easily retained an attorney, an prestigious law firm, with a full staff to defend him. Windsor purposely chose not to do that, because he cannot be honest with an attorney representing him, would never allow a real licensed and experienced attorney(s) to have already finished this case. Not the Sovereign way Windsor operates. Instead Windsor has flopped, floundered and flubbed each step of the way.
Attorneys and law firms are watching, blog discussing Windsor and after reading their comments, they are relishing the hilarity of Windsor's inept idiocy.
Shooting down his "slam dunk" only further proves what he's been saying all along:
Madison Rossi " Awesome response! Hopefully Ms. Clark's ego finally gets a clue and folds... And the real Ms. Clark takes the opportunity to offer you a sincere apology, for starters..."
DeleteLook at the bright side, Bill. Now Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria can attend your "hearing." Better tell her it's a felony criminal trial. Yours.
ReplyDeleteBill may have blown the overconfidence horn in an effort to hide his departure for places unknown. Wouldn't shock me if that electronic jewelry he's wearing went dead this morning.
ReplyDeleteYou never know. And, did he repaint his stalker mobile? So he could slither about unnoticed? Said he wanted to but simply claimed it was too expensive. Didn't say he didn't.
DeleteI don't know if he will run or not, just some things he says are suspicious.
This morning would have been zero hour for those sort of plans. If the judge dismisses then the penalty for shutting the bracelet off would be minimal or nothing. If the judge doesn't dismiss then screw that bracelet. This morning was his last non-fugitive-from-justice chance to avoid trial. Perfect time to haul ass.
DeleteVery possible since it seems most of his recent posts stink of Snooze, who knows if he is posting the "Slam-Dunk" blather or if Snooze is .. as he quietly sneaks away!
ReplyDeleteDid the court accept his BS Brief? Or will the Judge make a ruling on how frivolous and fanciful it was? Those are the only two options I see happening.
ReplyDeleteWhat will the Windsor tantrum claim? and will he post the proof to back it up? I think, he'll post a picture (again) of the Judge, insult his appearance, call him "corrupt" and then go off on a tangent--never showing the lemmings how his actions directly contradict everything he's claiming.
I doubt his recent post are really Sharon Galloway. She might be giving him his inspiration but, those posts reek of Billshit.
Delete"How did you find me?"
ReplyDelete"Dude. Shave your beard! Dye your hair! Lose some weight! You look exactly like your wanted poster and you ask us how we found you?"
^^^^ And stop being an ass to the employees at Kinkos.
DeleteHAHAHAHA! RC3! Perfect!
DeleteBullet proof vest was a dead giveaway...
DeleteBAWWWWAHHHHHHH Only one lemmming posting today. Hers your answer as to who Billy lawyer is.
ReplyDeleteCrystal L Cox Great job Bill blessings to you
Like · Reply · 23 mins
Bill Windsor
Bill Windsor Thanks for all of your help on it, Crystal.
HAHAHAHA in other words--
DeleteBlessings to you=I have a couch you can sleep on when you bolt
Thanks for all your help=I'll take you up on that offer. Just let me finish loading my jeep.
They can wear each other's clothes...
DeleteNot only did he violate a TOP once he's convicted of that, well, that's a horse of another color.
ReplyDelete"The court concluded that the TOP should remain in effect."
"We are putting passengers off in small boats. Women and children in boats. Cannot last much longer. Losing power"
Bill is the kind of guy that would throw women and children overboard to make sure he had a place in a life raft.
DeleteWindsor and Cox?
Ha ha Anon@2:06 - and, the kind of guy who would still be 'blowing his own horn" as the Pietanic sinks ( the band played on .... )
DeleteConnie Fielding
ReplyDeleteI will have to read it. You are amazing! I knew you would pull it off. Hope it is dismissed immediately. And you can go on with your life.
So, Connie hadn't read the brief but it makes Bill amazing? Where did he find these people.
Tin foil convention.
DeleteI did Connie a solid, "you're welcome Connie".
ReplyDeleteThe BillSchit Brief is posted, each page screenshot.
Just turn to the next blog post >>>>
(I dozed off twice posting & once reading it)