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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Windsor Panic Reigns Supreme


  1. As a mere reader, I detected what seems to me, to be a very angry tone from Windsor to the Texas Tenth Court of Appeals (but I am no expert and have never claimed to be one). Could just be me, I am somewhat biased. I know, that a shock to each of you. I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry, so that would be insincere.
    Try to contain yourselves as you read the document above. Also, please do not eat or drink while reading it, just to avoid any mishaps to your devices (@Oceans! *big luffs to you from me*)
    There are so many, but, Page 8, #20? In the bold and underlined? Was a giggle snorter personal favorite, so much so, that I am unable to make self stop snickering.

    ℗ ♛ ❥

  2. Windsor refers to case 10-14-00401-CR. He must have too many cases to remember. The court cited a number of procedural issues with that appeal and ended with this in the order dated 1/22/15:

    "Furthermore, to the extent that appellant is requesting original habeas corpus relief from this Court in his emergency motions, the Court dismisses for lack of jurisdiction such requests because the courts of appeals do not have original habeas corpus jurisdiction in criminal law matters."

    Windsor is still arguing this case because his PR bond was revoked.

  3. That should check Texas civil cases off Bill's things to do list.
    He used what he had to create his latest Appeal Brief to Texas? Is that mean Windsor threw in all his own sworn affidavits, Billshit version 187?
    He is an idiot. In my opinion, upon information and belief, you know.

    1. Maybe if he had not walked away from ECSO jail without signing his paperwork, he could have personally walked into the court house to get the docs he needed.

    2. Yes, that would've been much easier, but that is not the tried & failed repeatedly Windsor (one) way. More coffee, Ida, you know better! :)
      Couldnt whine CORRUPTION if he did things correctly. Here, have my cup, it's still hot.

  4. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 21, 2015 at 8:23 AM

    Windsor must be allowed to amend or refile? WTF is he on?
    This second brief that they were addressing WAS his second chance to pull his head out of the very deep, dark, vexatious hole he keeps shoving it up into. His second brief was just as deficient as the first. How many chances does he believe his "Constitutional rights afford him?" All while whining that the defendants don't deserve any extensions or stays? That it denies HIM his rights?

    Gawd, he is an IDIOT! Oh, and another thing. Didn't the order tell Windsor he could "respond" as to why they shouldn't dismiss due to ALL the other issues he ignored and didn't address for months? I don't believe I read where they said he could "refile," so basically, wasn't THIS his only shot to convince them not to dismiss and sanction him?

    1. When Windsor filed his first brief, the court ruled it was premature because the clerks record hadn't been submitted. There was no record for him to reference. After the clerks record was submitted, he filed the same brief again with the same appendix. Now he's claiming he referenced the RECORD in his brief. How can that be when it's the exact same brief he filed without a record to reference?

      The funny thing to consider- this is just his notice that he plans to file a brief. Couldn't that been done with one or two pages tops?

    2. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 21, 2015 at 8:44 AM

      Well that would be Windsor's semantics games. He did reference the "Record" because he wrote the word "Record" when saying....blah, blah, blah, it's in the record.

      His first brief was deficient because it was premature and it also didn't reference the clerks record. He had another chance to fix it, and he failed. If he chose to file the first one premature, the court still had to address it and I believe that still counts as one deficient filing. It's on record, and they noted it.

      If he chose to simply refile the first one again, he didn't correct the deficiency in not referencing the clerks record correctly. Just how many times do this courts give him, to fix the stuff he files wrong, for delay sake? "Oh, my bad, let me fix it..." but then he doesn't. "You can't dismiss, I have a fundamental right to keep filing frivolous crap that's not proper court procedure or layout, but you'll have to keep telling me how to fix it because that's my right to fundamental fairness."

      Fundamental fairness--as long as it's only fair to Windsor and not the courts or the defendants.

    3. He's in the privileged and protected class of pro se litigants.

      So he thinks...

  5. Not to mention all the pending motions to dismiss. He forgot to tell them they can't dismiss based on those. You know, because that wouldn't be fair either.

    1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 21, 2015 at 9:13 AM

      Oh yeah. Good point. They did address all the other pending issues but being one way Windsor, he just glazed right over that part of their order. Figures.

      Just like his belief that he is getting out of the MT felony case. Glaze right over the portions of statutes that don't sit well with his excuses. Nope. Not in Vexi land. "Look in this hand, see me waving it? Yeah, that's right, just look at this hand over here, pay no attention to the one with the knife I'm waving behind your back..."

      He's an IDIOT!

  6. I'm in awe of Windsor, as ProSe, not an attorney or attended any law school, telling the Court of Appeals what may not be done! Dang!
    All these civil appeals, an upcoming criminal jury trial and he's winging it.
    As I read the latest Texas COA Windsor submitted, I believe he's multi tasking too much and he can no longer keep it all straight. Windsir cannot separate all his legal problems. I will never understand why a person of his means refuses to retain an attorney or 7!
    Wasted his time, made his family miserable, a nomad, alone and failing at everything. Add in the wasted taxpayer's portion that don't even know he exists? Prison would be a relief for him and everyone. His health would improve, I saw that in person.
    Windsor sincerely is his own worst enemy. That a pitiful existence as I see it. Windsor has earned all that.

    1. He won't hire attorneys because he can use the pro-se excuse play games to stall, cost taxpayers, bog down the courts to harass them, and harass the defendants. That's the simplest reason to me.

      Attorney's aren't going to allow these frivolous games. They'd lose their licenses. But, Windsor has claimed he is more knowledgeable than attorneys and judges thus his need to "school" them, except he's not "schooling anyone" it's just a game to act superior and feed his Narcissistic tendencies.

      The stuff he files is head spinning nonsense. He doesn't have any merit to any of his claims, statues, and/or rules. Winging it has been his entire existence in courts across the US. This is how he's been able to cry and whine "Corruption" for years without being held accountable for the multitude of frivolous, meritless filings. Pro Se baby. It's a constitutional right, right? The right to attack whomever, for whatever frivolous reason he comes up with. Being labeled "Vexatious" hasn't stopped him or slowed him down one bit. He just uses it as another tool to play his games. "It's Void," "It's Unconstitutional," "No court has Jurisdiction to uphold that title," "I am not Vexatious and you can't look at my court history because it's irrelevant..." on and on and on.

      He is a menace. He is a domestic terrorist. He needs to be locked up. (upon information and belief...clearly)

    2. If he wanted to hire an attorney, he couldn't get one to take him. No attorney would ever put their name on one of his cases.

    3. Time for another empty chair deposition, aka "Bite me, asshole"...

    4. Y'all are so correct!
      I don't know what I was thinking!
      It's Windsor.
      I'll go to the corner>

    5. In the COA's OCt 15, 2015 order there were four pending civil suits at issue. Interestingly, Windsor chose to provide notice to only two of the four appellees. Where is the Due Process and fundamental fairness in that?

    6. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 21, 2015 at 10:53 AM

      How many filings has he actually sent throughout these appeals to all the defendants?

      Interestingly? He has been in contempt of Judge Carroll's orders for over a year. Those orders were specific on how to file, and serve the defendants. If the appellate court decided to sanction him in that area as well, he'd just respond with some more Billshit about how Carroll's order was void, violated his rights, etc. (The order was to keep to a minimum, his vexatious history of doing shady shit. How did that work out?)

    7. #fuundamental

      Excellent points Anon & Frank.

    8. Ninja is dead on:
      "He won't hire attorneys because he can use the pro-se excuse play games to stall, cost taxpayers, bog down the courts to harass them, and harass the defendants...
      Attorney's aren't going to allow these frivolous games. They'd lose their licenses."

  7. Yeah, Bill. Move to Florida. Live with Glen in the little house he built out of scrap materials. But he did spend some coin to keep the power bills down. Eat organic food and those free range chickens penned in under the trampoline.

    Didn't Glen sue the electric company a while back? He must have lost.

    Glen Gibellina Florida is nice in winter come and live off the grid and eat Organic papaya and veggies

    1. Last time I checked, the Internet was considered part of "the grid". Just sayin. FUGG!

    2. Bwahahahaha RC3!!! I think the internet is part of grid, too!
      Those 'free range' chickens penned up under the trampoline has irritated me too, Ida. Wtf?

      Swiping hashtag #FUGG

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 21, 2015 at 11:32 AM

      LMAO @ Free range caged trampoline chickens. I wonder what the Glenn version of "Organic" means. Hahahaha ***snort***

    4. Free to roam under trampoline for yardbirds. I wouldn't want to try his fruits or veggies!
      Off grid! #FUGG! Bwahahahahahaha! (I snorted too)

    5. I guess I can claim to be off the grid too. Just have wifi, cell phone, running water and electricity. I also have a free range dog in my fenced in back yard. I better get on Facebook and tell all my friends!

    6. What's Glen cooking under the solar panels?
      That's scary.
      "Here chickie chickie!"

    7. In a pinch, I think there's some extra space left in Marty Jr's living room...

    8. Wait. Since Glen sleeps on that trampoline, wouldn't those "free range chickens" actually be caged up in his basement?

    9. Trampoline's basement? Facebooking "Off the grid"?
      Y'all gotta STOP!!!! My sides hurt!
      I have to go Tweet how off the grid I am today! No AC!

  8. Boom!! Round of applause for this comment. She seems way to smart to be associating with the Leader of Billshit Propaganda--Fear and Smear Tactics.

    "Gail Hudson-- Wade Texas has some redeeming qualities and it's not all bad. Most Texans are proud of the Lone Star state. Corrupt government is everywhere starting at the top. Not everyone in Waco is wacko and not everyone in Red Oak is a Red Neck. Not everyone in San Antonio is an illegal and, likewise, not every law enforcement officer or government official in Texas is corrupt. Schools could be better but not bad, many churches here help people especially those that help themselves, many new provisions are being made for helping the homeless get off the streets, and many statistics aren't realistic these days and we all know that and sometimes they are better than the propaganda we are fed daily. Sometimes they are not. The real topic here is corrupt government....perhaps many of your points are closely related. However, we will never change anyone or anything unless we first change ourselves. Hate isn't part of a strategy that typically works. My daddy is a master mason. You missed that one by a Texas country mile. Now with all due respect, you should always remember where you came from regardless of the circumstances and revisit it and give back if you can. If you don't forget where you came from, you'll never lose sight of where you're going....oh, and i agree, I can't believe you were born in San Antonio."

    1. ***I know she was commenting to Deborah but it fits for Windsor as well***

    2. Bravo!
      Petunia will have Gail over here in the hammock in no time! Gail is certainly out of place with Windsor and his whackadoodles.
      I like Gail. I'm scooting over for her a place right now.

    3. It'll probably be deleted.

    4. Oh! Heck yeah! I ❥ Gail already!
      New hashtag! #RunGail

      ℗ ♛

    5. Spam is right:/ Gail will get turned on, scolded, accused of being a 'Joey'.
      Hurry! Tidy up! We're getting a new Snap!

  9. Mary Deneen-- The "Joey''s" are a violent, criminal and dangerous gang.

    Care to back your shit up Mary? Violent? How so? Criminal? How so? Dangerous "Gang"? How so. Prove it, or shut the fuck up. See, that is what STFU means you dumbass.

    I personally agree with your mental health professionals who YOU claimed wanted you on Depakote and other medications. Who YOU said diagnosed you with Munchausen's. I agree. You are easily brainwashed by IDIOTS and you immediately claim shit you can not EVER back up! YOU said there is still a warrant out for your arrest? I hope they find your crazy ass and lock you the fuck up.

    How is being opposed to people like you, and your Political agenda to undermine and destroy our Government being any of the shit you just said? You are the degeneration of morals, ethics and character that is destroying this country. YOU!! All of YOU!! And I have every right to pose my opinions on how I believe ALL of you should be charged with treason and locked up!

  10. Huh? Violent? Gang?
    Because we comment on a blog? mmm k.
    Same theory then with her & the others on Windsor's Facebook page.
    Violent. Facing criminal trial for violating protective order -- stalking. Gang.
    See how that works?
    Ping. Pong.

    1. Can we just get Gail first? She seems like great leadership for a "gang". She's literate. Huge plus.
      Throw in cold lemonade for trade negotiations. (Someone ask P! Quick!)

    2. And she wonders why they took her kids. Everyone except Mary is probably relieved they removed her kids. She's the definition of crazy.

    3. YES! Cases of lemonade! I will negotiate for that Gail lady.
      Flagging down lemonade truck now, have cash.

  11. Glen's house is new. Well, can't be any older than the last Category 2 wind to hit that area.

  12. WTF is this nonsense??? Go ahead an piss this Judge off some more Billy, Geshhhh.

    At 12:05 am, Bill Windsor filed a Notice in his criminal case as the World's Most Notorious Tweeter. As Deputy Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark failed to seek permission to file a Reply Brief to Bill Windsor's Slam Dunk Brief, she is now precluded from so doing.
    Here is Bill Windsor's Second Notice of Issue:
    1. By Order dated September 11, 2015 (Docket #109), this Court gave the State 14 days to submit a brief as to the validity of the temporary order of protection issued on August 23, 2013. The Court gave William M. Windsor 14 days to reply. The Court did not ask for anything else to be filed.
    2. The State filed its Brief on September 23, and William M. Windsor filed his Brief on October 6, 2015.
    3. While the Court’s order did not provide for a reply by the State, if there was a reply, Uniform District Court Rule 2 provides that it would have been due 14 days from the October 6, 2015 filing. That was October 20, 2015. Uniform District Court Rule 2 provides that this issue was deemed submitted at the close of Court business on October 6, 2015 or October 20, 2015.
    4. There can be no question that this issue is ripe for a decision. The Court raised this issue 39 days ago, and the case is in limbo pending a decision. Windsor raised this issue eight months ago and periodically ever since. Windsor believes his Constitutional rights have been violated by the delay in addressing this dispositive issue.
    5. Windsor respectfully asks the Court to settle this issue on an expedited basis.
    WHEREFORE, William M. Windsor prays that the Court will issue a ruling on this issue; dismiss all charges; grant the relief requested in William M. Windsor’s Brief; and grant such other relief as the Court feels is appropriate.
    This 21st day of October 2015,
    William M. Windsor
    Judge James A. Haynes could sign an order dismissing the charges any time now. Bill Windsor does understand that he has to write an explanatory opinion, but William M. Windsor's Brief gives him everything that he needs.

    1. "If you want me out of your state, just sign the damn thing!"

    2. Girls! Release & run! He's taking off!
      Evacuate ASAP!

    3. "4. There can be no question that this issue is ripe for a decision..."
      The only thing that's ripe are Billschit's hemorrhoids.

  13. I can't wait to see/hear Windsor's dismay when Judge Haynes says "Nope. Your trial will proceed as scheduled. And by the way, you cannot raise the issue whether or not the order or protection was valid."

    1. Or says nothing at all.
      Flight risk much?
      Windsor is scared shitless. His multi-state Vexi ProSe game is getting real. Real scary.

      Psssssst! Windsor? Just RUN! Go ahead! I double dog dare you to run.

    2. Speaking of double dogs, did someone Red Rover Gail yet?

    3. If Willy's slam dunk doesn't work, there are a few pathetic idiots that'll be really fun to watch.

    4. Relatively speaking, Gail is in the 'hood. Her son played ball for the Cedar Hill Longhorns.

    5. Gail is welcome here anytime, if she even knows we exist.
      She's bound to have been a 'mistake' Facebook friend, never recall her commenting before.
      Way too smart for that pitiful passel of Windsor's.

  14. Oh, this is good. Now Windsor the "Joeys" are paid by MoM? I hope their pay checks are more frequent and prompt than the government's pay checks have been.

    Bill Windsor Thanks so much, Peter. Most people here aren't aware that several of us fought to correct corruption in Ontario Canada AND SUCCEEDED. I never thought about it before, but I wonder if that dishonest company could be funding my cyberstalkers. My best to you and your sweet wife. If I'm ever allowed to leave America, I hope to come to Niagara Falls to say hi and see Hornblower's operation. I guess I would have heard if the NPS had erected a statue to the three of us who exposed it all

    1. If I'm a Joey? I'm way behind on being paid by the gubbermint & MoM.
      What the heck is a Joey? I'm a Snap for life, yo!

    2. His "descriptive timeline of events will help most people understand why he's getting effed?" Oh, you mean the Billshit lies and puffery? Anti Government flaming? Peter isn't a bright guy if that's what his guideline is. Windsor's notoriously full of shit the courts just have a more polite way of wording it.

    3. I'm getting a little tired of Windsor referring to the "sweet wife". Calling all the wives "sweet" is degrading and not true. Calling them all "sweet" is like an 19th century expectation that they don't think or speak up for themselves. I'm pretty sure all the lemming wives ain't "sweet" all the time. He used to refer to the ex Mrs. Windsor as "my sweet wife". Yeah, she found her voice. He doesn't call her "my sweet ex wife".

    4. That's Windsor attempting to implement his southern charm (he doesn't possess). Sweet does come off better than "that raging, lunatic that you're afraid of, but shackled to through matrimony".
      More BillSchit reigning supreme. At least they still have their wives, unlike Big Vexi. js...

  15. Rest of this week might be a doozey! Who else would write to a judge saying basically, ME ME ME ME ME ME!

    Gotta hand it to Windsor. That ought to get a response pretty quick. We can expect an eruption of MT. Windsor in 10... 9... 8... 7... 6...

    It will be glorious! It will be hilarious!

  16. From: Miss Cassandra's Future Telling Service

    To: William Windsor

    Bill, please find enclosed, a complete refund of your payment to our foreseeing services. Our powers to see the future sometimes don't work for reasons we've never been able to ascertain. Nothing to be done about it except refund the client's payment with our apologies. In your case, Bill, we didn't see nothing, but what we saw to be your future doesn't make any sense. With three dips into The Future Mind Spring, we received the same vision each time, that of a large pile of what appears to be turkey loaf and candy bars. We do not think this can possibly be meaningful. We do wish you good fortune in your future endeavors.

    Miss Cassandra

  17. Windsor: "Yes, corrupt Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst, whose motto is "Forget the Rapists, Get the Tweeters," reports that her office..."

    I seriously doubt that's her motto, Bill. If an attorney said or posted something like that it would be the final day of their career in Law. If you haven't crossed the line into Contempt of Court territory, then there's no line at all. You must be preparing to run again. Please do that. Please!

    1. He really wants to believe he's "That" important. They don't give a shit about him until the trial. They have other criminals up first, and they will deal with Windsor in due time. He's the one obsessing over them, thinking about they every waking moment. Posting stupid shit like this 4.1 million dollar bail for "tweeting." Uh, that's not it Windsor and you know it. You had a compound bond because you were a fugitive from Justice. That's why. Had nothing to do with "Tweeting" but you can't really make your big dramatic spin story can you if you tell the truth.

      He's just spinning and no one really even cares. Sure, he's getting some lemming "good for you Bill", "You'll get the charges dismissed" and "We're praying for you Bill" comments but even those don't seem to be soothing the savage beast right now.

      He should be stressed. No matter how many times the "haters" say something against Blowhard Bill and his "friends" beliefs, they just can't and won't see, that they are the only few to actually see things out of Vexi colored glasses.

      You're going to trial Windsor.

    2. Yup, Anon@10:19 and I wonder why Blustery Bill didn't post his insidious blather about Ms.Pabst on Newstalk KGVO's Facebook page & leave a comment and confront Ms..Pabst on the air ?????

      "Newstalk KGVO
      October 16
      Today on Talk Back, Jon is live in the studio with Adam Hertz, and we'll be speaking with Kirsten Pabst, Missoula County Attorney, and potential Gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte. Call us at 406-721-1290, visit us at, or leave a question for us to discuss in the comments below!"

    3. Notice Windsor never tags the local media in his posts? Or journalists? Or even whoever the post is bashing? Easy to use Facebook feature, I wonder why he doesn't? Oh! Because he's skeeeert.

    4. Windsor still hasn't figured out how that bail thing works. His bail jumping reminds me of what happened with Robert Durst. Windsor said he carried $100k on him in case he got arrested again. He didn't mind losing the $100k, like Durst didn't mind losing $250k. It seems to have never crossed his mind that bail would be set higher, based on his financial means and as a deterrent to jumping it again. The $4.1 million bail did the trick. It kept him locked up until arrangements were made to ensure he wasn't likely to run off again.

    5. Absolutely, Miss "P" .... he is too chicken to tag any of them of FB !

  18. I keep praying he runs too. I bet that cankle monitor is getting pretty tight...

    1. I'll bet that's right. If he keeps sitting on his arse, eating pizza and drinking cokes, those ankles are going to swell.

      I want him to hold his breath waiting for that dismissal. If he's still breathing when he finds out he is going to trial, will then pray he runs again.

  19. This post might carry more weight if Windsor would take down the hate site he set up with the man's name.

    Bill Windsor
    4 hrs ·


    ...if he dismisses all of my bogus criminal charges.
    smile emoticon

    You see, I am ONLY TOO HAPPY to give credit where credit is due. Only a brilliant and brave jurist would dismiss all of my charges under pressure from others to fry my a$$.

    So three cheers for Judge James A. Haynes!

    1. Yeah, the sudden "nice" Windsor doesn't last long. (Judge Haynes probably won't be as easily manipulated as Judge Cindy was--who learned the hard way that Windsor isn't a "Nice little ol' Grampa that he pretends he is, when he is working an angle)

      Did you notice his new Facebook Judge Haynes trash site?

      Viva la Revolution. (The "Revolution" he claimed in Texas he wasn't leading.)

    2. That FB page about Haynes is a Cystal Cox job. The misspelling of "Jim" in the About section was the first hint.

  20. Did Windsor go scrub all the nasty things he said about Judge Hayes from the internet? So, only his new ass kissing, brown nosing, bipolar post shows up? Pretty sure I read a few very unflattering posts by Windsor about Judge Hayes.

    Kind of funny how on one hand, he's all big and bad-assy, crap talking about the Judges, but then when he needs them to ignore the laws, and just give in to get him to go away, he flips the bipolar switch and tries to act all nice, but within a very short time, he's right back to Narcissistic Bill, crap talking and bad-assy posting again.

    I think Judge Cindy learned this the hard way, when he conned her into letting him out of jail without paying the bond. Lied straight to her face even.

    1. Conditional Compliment from Bill Windsor!

      "Aww, shucks. I'd better keep that Windsor defendant in a good mood... "

  21. Well, this is interesting. Windsor should get help from Jessica Sekerka Siegel. She, unlike other Windsor helpers, was an attorney (license suspended in 2014). She got her conviction overturned on appeal. She lied on an application to run for judge and was charged for tampering with government documents. The COA found that the application on which she made a false statement was not a government form.

  22. They should revoke his release on bail for being irresponsible as a Pro Se officer of the court. No lawyer could get away with blogging the things he does about the prosecution. Why should Windsor? Throw his ass back in jail until his trial. Babying him is counterproductive.

  23. I don't think he slept last night. Not much time between posts.

  24. Now I understand why Bill was so critical on the U of Montana law school. No way they could possibly compare to this lawyer who graduated from Bill's alma mater Texas Tech!

    1. Yup, that's for Windsor. Treating the Legal Profession with all the dignity due professional wrestling.

  25. The exchange on FB between Windsor and Serena Hendrickson made me curious about Hendrickson's story of corruption. Right, corruption. This is sickening and just another reason Windsor looks foolish talking about making a socially beneficial movie with these people.

    Hendrickson's husband plead guilty to molestation of a child and aggravated incest. The two thought if they offed the prosecutor, he could get out of prison. Ms. Hendrickson was convicted on charges of solicitation to commit first degree murder, as was her husband.

    1. That? Is disgusting.
      What is that sorry bitch doing out of prison? Our system is broken to allow A) her enabling the rape of a child and B) plotting the murder of a prosecutor.
      Windsor surrounds himself with the vile filth that lives as scum. I hope they all turn on him, each and every one of them. Windsor may be scared now, let these POS finally get it through their pea brains how he's duped them. That'll be fear he can't run from.

  26. Windsor has slapped up another clock picture! While describing how he should get dismissal today, tomorrow or 28 days, or duh, never.
    Wonder if he'll ever get the NEWSFLASH that he is not the only criminal in Montana on docket with that judge. Windsor is just a case/docket # & no one gives a rat's ass until the appointed day, unless he keeps goofing around filing more frivolous stuff, like this week.
    Windsor really is a nobody, just waiting criminal trial, worried and scared. It's only October 22! He'll be a bigger mess with each passing day.
    Wild applause! Giggle snicker! Squirm you AssRag.

    1. Yeah, he is an assrag as are the other assrags saying the prosecutor has a vendetta against him, and isn't cleaning up the streets of assrags. The Prosecutor IS cleaning up the streets all around town, that includes holding TOP violators accountable.

      Lets say, one of those supporters of the Assrag has a TOP in place, and their perpetrator violated it, and was avoiding being criminally charged like THE assrag is. You know damn well Assrag would be jumping up and down screaming "Corruption" if the prosecutor wasn't following through pressing charges.

      SMH. One Way Assrag Windsor!
      Buckle up Billcup, you're going to trial! It is the LAW and you broke it.

    2. From slam dunking to clock watching in one week! Time does fly.

    3. I think it is funny too, Anons and P. Windsor is a nobody, assigned a number and a date to appear. Ordered to not file more anything and what does he do? Files something ignorant, that was likely filed in bin 13, per the judge's orders.
      No more means no more.

  27. He's a cowboy riding Microsoft Word and he has a buttload of clocks. He shocks and blocks but mostly mocks and never rocks. Heading to the Big House, where he....

    oops... phone... I gotta take this

    1. Snap! I was catchin tha beat:/
      Hang up!

    2. It was fixin to get a bit course.

    3. Taking cocks 'round the cellblock...

    4. Yes, 3:55, that was the general (precise, actually) direction my rhyme was headed.

    5. Bell of the Ball.

    6. Lalalalalalala! Thumbs in ears! I can't hear y'all anymore, lost tha beat:/

    7. Keep searching for those clock pictures, Billy.

      Show that desperation. Maybe post a sweaty brow tomorrow...

    8. "Waste not time, for it is the stuff life is made of"
      Windsor missed that, as a movie buff that he claims to be.
      From Gone With The Wind, on the clock at gate outside Twelve Oaks.
      (Ben Franklin quote)

  28. Bill Windsor updated his cover photo.
    40 mins · Edited ·
    Maybe tomorrow. Maybe never. But I'm pulling for tomorrow.
    Judge James A. Haynes has tended to act on my case on Fridays, so tomorrow could be the day.
    I have a number of actions to file in various courts in the charges are not dismissed, but I am hoping to be able to hold off until Judge James A. Haynes issues an order.
    The TV Crew from California that filed a motion seeking permission to film my trial for a TV show had their motion returned to them. It was stamped FILED, but then it was scratched out with a note referring to the rules on filming, which they complied with. Courts don't have the legal authority to deny or cancel filings, but they do it whenever they want. I'm asking the TV folks to hold off until Judge James A. Haynes issues an order on my dismissal.
    I remain all packed up and ready to roll out of this Godforsaken area.
    I had one very special thing planned for my Route 66 trip heading East, but it fell through. Very sad about that.
    I continue to work on my Texas Tenth Court of Appeals filings. I am documenting every false statement made in that Court's orders.
    Photo copyright 1,000,000 Images.

    So, Bill asked Bill to hold off until the judge makes a decision? I wonder how William feels about that?

    1. They're not on speaking terms.

    2. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 22, 2015 at 10:05 PM

      "Bill Windsor-- I love pickles...and organic bananas. Not at the same time"

      ***giggle snort***
      That's good Bill. I'm sure William will enjoy them very much too.

  29. LOL what TV Crew from California that filed a motion seeking permission to film my trial for a TV show? The court never received an order per the records from a TV company. They did however receive a notice from Windsor asking if he could bring in his spy gear. LOL that too was referred to the court admin not the court judge. See, the courts have rules about cameras. Unconstitutional? Well, not at all. I would like to see an unbiased viewing of the windsor trial from a reputable news source.

  30. Photo copyright 1,000,000 Images.

    Ya right...

    as if Windsor has ever cared about copyrights. Billy, don't you recall
    the case where you were found libel and sanctioned for copyright infringement? Allow me to refresh your memory:

    Real Entertainment v. Windsor Companies, et al
    Ralph W. Nimmons, Jr, presiding
    Date filed: 01/28/1998

    1. Hahahahaha! Snort!
      Fist bumps!

    2. Let's not forget this one - Medieval Times Usa, Inc. Et Al V. Alcatraz Media, Inc. Et Al

    3. And this one - Robert Aakowitz vs. Windsor Communications, Inc. (Texas Sports Magazine) - but of course, Windsor claims it was his idea.

    4. Maybe a "Movie" about how shady Windsor really is, and the games he plays to make people believe their is "Corruption" would be a better idea.

      "Domestic Terrorism -- What you're paying for, here at home."
      Let people know exactly HOW the courts allow AssRags the ability to sue, manipulate, and play games in courts--sometimes for years, at their expense.

  31. Pacing back and forth in your suite is good exercise, Bill. It can be made more enjoyable by pretending you're making a Law-changing Constitutional point in front of the jury. But then you already know that.

    "That guy in the suite above mine, is he rehearsing for a play? Inherit The Wind or something? He really sucks."


    Windsor, your criminal charges aren't going to be dropped and you know it. Why lie like this? You've already got a herd of sheeple conned into thinking completely false information about this entire situation.

    You will not get out of this trial. You can not play games with the Judicial System and benefit from it. If you could simply file motions in various courts avoiding a hearing, and brainwash your followers into believing that game overrides an order, you're no doubt leading a Cult. Making up rules and laws to avoid rules and laws is the same type of brainwashing Cult leaders do.

    You have no Corruption to expose. You don't have any reason to bitch and whine, other than the malicious things YOU chose to do to "set up" the stage YOU want people to watch you perform on, acting out with the sole purpose of lying your ass off for some kind of sick high, and made up "Worship Me for I am Windsor" trip.

    There will come a time, that the lies you tell, and the spin you sell, will be the only thing "Exposed" out of your game. You will leave a long wake of very angry people who will understand how you played them, made fools out of them, and used them. That will be a great fricken day! (almost as great was when the Jury say's "We find William M Windsor GUILY of ____________" (keeping a positive thought that there will be several more times this phrase will be said)

  33. Oh boy.

    Windsor: "I look forward to quite a celebration. First will come the Official GPS Ankle Bracelet Band-Cutting Ceremony. I will find someone with wire cutters, and I will cut this gigantic GPS monitor off my right ankle where I have developed a huge callous."

    He chooses to believe that This is The Day.

    The man is going off the edge. Nutso. Bonkers. Looney Tunes. I sincerely hope that today IS NOT the day he gets a decision, no matter what that decision might be. I don't think the Windsor Pressure Cooker will make it through the weekend. (upon information and belief)

    1. Glen Gibellina
      WLYB....Enough is enough, the ankle modem is cruel and unusual punishment get a set of bolt cutters and cut it off pack up your stuff go to California and let's make the movie

      That sounds like a great plan Glen. I hope Windsor listens to you. #FUGG

    2. Amen, Mr Bill Windsor.

    3. LOL - I just saw Glen's suggestion. Yeah do that, Windsor. If he's so sure the charges will be dismissed today, why wait for the Judge to let him know? Just go for it...

      But, don't go to FL. Go to CA so Glen isn't charged with aiding and abetting a fugitive.

    4. You know, Billy there's a president in law (of your own making) where you can declare the rulings and orders of judges VOID. Not only that, but you can assume, by your Doctrine of Self-Presumption, that you have permission if any judge fails to perform to your liking after two weeks. You've waited for more than two weeks haven't you? TA-DA! Case dismissed, and declared VOID, so pack your bags and off you go!

    5. Oops...precedent

  34. "I haven't heard to the contrary, so I'll just assume my Slam Dunk dismisses the case.

    I'll be suing you for false arrest."

    1. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 23, 2015 at 9:32 AM

      I bet he'll send some motion to the MT court saying something along the lines of:

      "This is a request, motion and order for dismissal of the bogus criminal charges against William M Windsor. If I don't hear back from you within 5 minutes from the time I hit send, I will assume you agree and are granting this request."

    2. Put those bastards on notice.

  35. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 23, 2015 at 9:24 AM

    Glen Gibellina-- "WLYB....Enough is enough, the ankle modem is cruel and unusual punishment get a set of bolt cutters and cut it off pack up your stuff go to California and let's make the movie"

    Cruel and unusual punishment? Windsor chose to violate the law and became a fugitive from justice. Yeah, lets allow those criminals to simply run amuck with no way to track them--after they've proven they aren't trustworthy.

    Windsor isn't going to California to finish any movie. There isn't a California TV/Film company interested in it. That lie is played out. Windsor's only hope of keeping the lemmings on hook, is slowly dwindling. If they knew the company that asked permission to film his trial was his own, perhaps they'd start realizing their dreams of being on the big and small screen are illusions. A sick illusion he created for their support of him. That's it. Nothing more.

    WLYB= Why Lie Yokelish Bill?

    1. Well, heck! I am wandering around & Windsor is about to hit migration trail, too? Hmmmm
      I'm sooooooo bored with Windsor. For my sake? I hope he does make a break for it!
      Something! Anything!
      The clock watching is getting old. Quick. How many dang clock, and watches from Google Images can anyone use as their Facebook cover photo?
      I wanna see a close up pic of the cut off GOS ankle monitor. Make it a video! Shake it up. Something.

    2. I agree Ms P, I would love to see Bill cut his ankle monitor off! ;)

      This is beyond boring, but then that is to be expected since his trial date was moved to January.

      I wonder why he isn't getting his emergency hernia surgery- I would think the hot air and foulness in his belly is ready to blow!

      Isn't it time for another medical 'event'?

    3. It sure seems like the perfect time to have a medical emergency, Oceans.
      I'm bored of scrolling too.
      Let's turn the page>>>>
