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Friday, October 23, 2015

Boredom Reigning in AlpacaGanda!

Will Windsor keep clock watching? 
File more stupid stuff, that he was told not to file? 
Will Windsor cut off GPS ankle monitor and haul his tankass © to ____? 
Entertain me today and lemme read your theories. 
Maybe a door prize for closest correct prediction?  A case of Mike's Hard Lemonade ™ ®?  The hammock for a month?  Closest gets both? 
Anyone seen the dancing ticks?  They run off already, or are they practicing for debut of a show stopper?  I kinda like them (Cha Cha Cha). 

℗ ♛ ❥ 


  1. All I know for certain is that some lucky lot lizard gets offered a Black AmEx tonight...

    1. I think his " Hot Date" is with a fire-pit that he burns all the Montana paper in. HAHA !!

  2. That is a big bag of popcorn. It should be enough to hold us until the trial. The lemmings will take over the entertainment while Windsor looks for more clock and over loaded truck photos. You'd think that if they were going to fight judicial corruption, the lemmings would figure how judges get "the office of judge".

    Cruz Gomez Question what crime did he commit against others to get him appointed to the office of judge?

    1. To add to what Ida said:
      "That is a big bag of popcorn. It should be enough to hold us until the trial...."

      Or at least enough popcorn to hold us during the manhunt, when Windsor goes on the run :)

  3. I want to know how many "notice of invalid TOP" will Billy boy send to the missoula court? He has a easy sent number 2. I think he should keep faxing them daily. Lol what a LID. Then there is bullies buddy like his "mini me" marty delusional prehn who keeps advising him of collection laws he has no clue about.

  4. There is a comment made on Windsor's page that is annoyingly misleading: " caused the district court judge Larson to get a little benchslap from the MSC. They struck part of Larson's order as an abuse of discretion. Do you have any idea how humiliating it is for a judge to have his order vacated by a pro se party? It is HUGE."

    Yeah, it's not so huge. In all of the MSC opinions, there is only one place where the court said an order "is an abuse of discretion". This was with respect to an order for Windsor to post a $50,000 bond if he wants to sue a judge. They disagreed with a blanket amount (because he had no history of suing MT judges), they did not disagree with the sanction. If Windsor files another complaint, it is left to that court's discretion to determine if a bond is required and if so, how much. So now that Windsor has even more history, if he seeks approval to file another complaint, the bond amount could be $100,000.{5C73321C-7B13-4A6E-BAA3-BA67FDF2C199}

    1. She must really like the way his ass tastes. Why else would she spend so much time licking it. I shouldn't laugh because it's really sad but, I just can't help it. It's hilarious.

    2. Absolutely correct, Ida. The MSC seemed to be guarding against the very real possibility that Windsor's hobby could cost a judge or other court employee MORE than $50,000, not less. Larson surely didn't see it as any sort of slap. He probably just said, "good idea."

      And it is.

    3. Also, judges have details of their findings adjusted by higher courts all the time. I seriously doubt any of them feel butthurt about it. They're too busy to even notice it most of the time.

    4. Seriously! Judges have 100s of cases before them. To think that a judge is even giving Windsor a thought? Too goofy. #BillWho?
      But, hey, Windsor has to be important in his own mind, so there ya go.

    5. Maybe his vexi strategy is also because of a deep fear of abandonment and insecurity. The point of the dollar amount is not to charge him a fee, but as a penalty and as a caution to only file with care. That he has revealed that he can drop thousands of dollars on bail and think nothing of it justifies the steeper price, more than that, that the lower number was not a deterrent.

  5. For whatever heretofore unexplained reason, I've had good luck with women. Before I was married, I dated lots of attractive, intelligent girls and had a modern outlook on sex. I had lots of it. Certainly more than I deserved. I feel qualified to make this statement:

    I've never been on a "Hot Date." I have no idea what that even means, beyond an attempt to belittle some unsuspecting woman. I suspect what Windsor really means is that he's going to go annoy and borderline-harass waitresses at Fuddruckers as he usually does on Friday nights.

    1. Billbitch got ditched. Not so "hot".
      Can we refrain from putting Windsor & sex together in any sentence, paragraph or page, from now on? Ick.
      Please & thank you.

      ℗ ♛ ❥

    2. Understood. My apologies.

    3. Figuers... there aren't any women commenting on that "hot date" post. Otherwise, they might be offended by the sexist, belittling Windsor is known for.

    4. I'm with 8:41 ^^^. What exactly is a "hot date"?

      My bet is, she cancels again.

      Bill Windsor I should have anticipated this. My HOT DATE had to postpone. Oh well, 24 more hours of HOT DATE Anticipation.

    5. You're cool, Anon. There's just some stuff I simply cannot & will not consider. Windsor is gag a maggot grotesque physically, like hasn't seen his feet in years while standing, grotesque. Nuff said on that, you get drift.
      I sincerely hope no woman gets tangled up with him. None. Not those that are referred to s lot lizards or whatever, not older, vulnerable women on dating sites looking for companionship, not young desperate single mothers, NONE.
      I heard, from a friend of a friend of a friend, that there's an app for rating men and their past 'dating' and relationship history. Lucy? I think. Anyway, Windsor is supposedly on it, in much detail. If I get bored enough, not too nauseous? I may download it and look. One of you tougher Snaps can go on, I can already assure you I'm not that bored today.

    6. It was called youth and money. Nothing unexplained about it. Now the young women won't touch him and the women his age know better. And so much for Babs and that 40 year marriage actually meaning anything to him, if his glory days were in college when he could date---wait didn't the story always go that they were exclusive in college? So how many women did Bill date in high school or how many women did he date on the sly in college? Or maybe not even on the sly since Babs accepts the bad behavior from him?

  6. Who uses terms like Hot Date these days? Someone whose views on romance are inspired by Benny Hill. That's who.

    1. Eeeeewwwwww! Hot? Date? Windsor? Bwahahahahahahahaha!
      Windsor forgets just how many people have actually seen him and how very short, extremely round, shaking and shuffling, red faced and looking much older than 67-68 years old. And? that was a year ago, when I saw him last, during which he had gotten much healthier looking while he was incarcerated in Ellis County. He was still tore up ugly (FUGLY). Eeeeewwwwww!!!
      Time sure has not been kind to his appearance either, after watching his video a few weeks ago. So, uh, "hot date"? No way on God's Green Earth. I call flat out BillSchit, again.
      Could he be referring to the woman with the 12 year old that he claimed was reading Windsor's .com? Did the 12 year old boy clue his mom in? Yeah, I'm going to go that, and with they bought themselves some HamburgerHelper and blew Windsor off.
      I am really hoping Windsor 'runs', and straight to Texas. I have a hunch that he's already rolled and all his Fakebook BillSchit build up, is just that, BillSchit, version # 78,421,956.
      Why would Windsor, that has proven he loves to play court, is so confident and has such a slam dunk, possibly need to 'run'? Windsor couldn't or wouldn't stay out of Montana for several years. Why the rush to leave now? Why not just man on up and prove how badass he supposedly is? Windsor claims he's free to travel, so what's the big deal? Why does Windsor keep reiterating how he's going to leave, pack up, ship out, wtfever else analogy he uses? #pusscake? oops! #pusspie?
      Lots and lots of goofy BillSchit from what I'm reading of his.

    2. Moot point.

      "Hot date" drivel and subsequent rescheduling has been mysteriously redacted...

  7. From Windsor's FB page, 12 mins ago:
    "But in anticipation that the charges will be dismissed, William M. Windsor reports that he is going to go ahead and blow this berg. Come Monday, he's going to get on with his life."

    Wonder how long he'll stay away this time? ;-)

  8. Maybe important? Running, or maybe just getting a head start?

    ---- begin quote ---- Windsor:


    The Chinese Water Torture continues as Bill Windsor aka The World's Most Notorious Tweeter waits for his bogus criminal charges to be dismissed.

    Maybe Wednesday -- the one-year anniversary of his unlawful incarceration as a political prisoner.

    Maybe never.

    But in anticipation that the charges will be dismissed, William M. Windsor reports that he is going to go ahead and blow this berg. Come Monday, he's going to get on with his life."

    ---- end quote ----

    Definitely a loaded statement.

    As it stands the difference between Windsor running and just travelling (which he isn't prohibited from doing, yet) is him doing the cable cutter thing on the ankle bracelet, the unauthorized removal of which is probably also a felony. Maybe he's just trying to get the court's attention, like they read his Facebook page or something.

    1. He's posted more cop hating rhetoric. Maybe he's prepping the lemmings to blame the cops when he runs, then gets arrested again. Rene may have under estimated our need for popcorn if he runs. That bag Petunia brought might not hold us through another game of "Where is Windsor".

    2. He's gonna "blow this berg?" Captain of the Pietanic? That didn't work out so well for the other boat guy...Dude smacked the berg in that "unsinkable ship" and that sucker went straight to the bottom!

      "I believe you may get your headline, Mr Ismay"

    3. Get on with his life? He has no family, job or hobbies. So can we presume a stalking he will go?

    4. Windsor is a creature of bad habits and he has stalked many. He has lost his followers and the targets of his stalking and intimidation tactics aren't intimidated. His civil cases are losses, he's facing criminal trial in January (with a very real chance of a prison sentence). He won't (refuses) to "work" on the Movie. And, yeah, the no family, no job, no friends thing? What's he going to do? Just drive around aimlessly? Hoping for "hot dates".
      What a doofus. Get on with his life? How about facing the fact he should start living the one he has differently? That definition of insanity of repeating the same things over & over to only get the same results? He's been there, done that and got the dismals, sanctions and criminal charges to prove it.

    5. Giggle snort Anon! Some autocorrects you gotta love!
      Dismal? Dismal dismissals for Windsor!

      First bumps!

  9. With door is blowing the berg with his tail between his legs. Knowing he has to go to trial in January still. Knowing that he lost every civil case he's launched in the last few years. Basically he lost money and wasted his time and ruined his own life filing away and harassing people. This is a complete win.

    1. Blowing the berg? Yeah we don't need the details of what he does behind closed doors because he can't find a hot date.

  10. First Hillary gets a boost from the clown-car-effective Benghazi hearings. Now Bill hates her. If that kind of opposition holds, she'll be President.


    Ah, yes. Frat boy. Thought so.

    1. LOL right? Yeah....SMH
      So clever...not!

    2. John Denver the published author of songs that touched our hearts and whose royalties pay his family. The actor who made us laugh and cry and was so often invited to guest star because he was respected and beloved. The humanitarian and conservation who lent his time and name recognition to causes that affect us all. The winner of actual awards in his career fields. The imperfect man with demons who admitted to his failings to include his drug use and infidelities. The world wide celebrity who set the expectation for what the social and moral responsibilities that public figures have to be good role models and did inspire the up and coming generation of singer songwriters. The beloved man whose death broke our hearts . A lot of good people come from Texas tech, and it's nice that Bill admits how little he resembles these known and unknown people. That the name William Michael Windsor means nothing unless he steals the glory and hard work of other people.

  12. No more hot dating.

    Back to the terrorizing grind...

  13. New Windsor spewage blowing.
    He's re-wrote BillSchit history!
    Damn. His cheddar has slid smooth off his fries.
    He had to stand trial in MO?
    Didn't he sue Overstreet? Kinda different than "standing trial", which he is going to do in Montana.
    Refresh us on that, anyone? And, didn't he just drop the entire lawsuit & beat ass outta MO before attorney O'Conner, that has a new reality tv series, ripped Windsor's ass up? Ummmmm? Yup, that's the short version.

    Reckon it's ever occurred to Windsor that all these 'haters' just hate him and they don't know even each other,that he's the common denominator? Doh. Just because a 'gabillion' people hate him isn't enough clue.
    The demand to the judge getting no response & getting ditched by his hot date yesterday really got him spinning today.
    Pass the popcorn. All 12 of his readers should swoop into the comments anytime now.

    1. Nah. His followers are currently busy with much more important stuff than that. They're all still deciding and posting what kind of pie is their favorite. This one lemming just went on and on about strawberry rhubarb. She blended right in with Mary D!

    2. IKR, Robert? Amazing how MaryD and that lemming share so much in common & relate so well with each other.
      With these two instead of saying "Great Minds Think Alike" ... one has to say " Simple Minds Think Alike"

    3. Oh! Well good. Priorities.
      At least MaryD has someone responding to her paragraphs of by and thru now. That's nice.

    4. That is nice that the ladies are swapping recipes while competing for Bill's headpats.
      They could at least get on the current thread, where's he having today's concocted drama. Silly lemming ladies!

    5. Windsor must have fallen on his head again. He acts like this isn't true:

      Her Petition also said Bill Windsor is a cybersquatter who has set up hundreds of websites doing what he has done to her on

    6. Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
      She looks failiar to me Mr. Bill Windsor.. / Gues WHAT she's on of the DSHS SOCIAL WORKER that ACCUSED ME of FAMILY ABANDONMET, here in Seattle, Washington.../ I REMEMBER that DSHS SOCIAL WORKER.... Oh myyyy myyyy... / this LADY MADE A FALSE INCIDENT REPORTS AGAINST ME?...
      More · 5 minutes ago

      Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
      This LADY look familiar to me... She's one of the DSHS SOCIAL WORKER that TERRORIZE my normal life... / I remember you,,,

      So, this woman in Florida is the same woman who caused Flordeliza problems with her case in Seattle? Next it'll actually be Nancy Figat's ex Mike.

    7. Gotta love that Floridazilla...

    8. Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria

    9. She must be the most evil woman on EART!

    10. @ Ida--Also to add your opinion--One of the orders in MT also noted that SeanBoushie dot com wasn't the only stalking, harassing website Windsor was running, so that little twist from Windsor to excuse his inexcusable behavior--once again, supports the case in MT against him. Every time he makes a belligerent comment like that, I hope the DA is documenting it for the jury.

  14. So full of shit and hatred you'd think he had Mongoose Tutoring...

  15. And here we go, at least one lemming is all stirred up over J. Dotson. Windsor knows Floredeliza is mistaken. Betcha he doesn't point out the error.

    Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria She looks failiar to me Mr. Bill Windsor.. / Gues WHAT she's on of the DSHS SOCIAL WORKER that ACCUSED ME of FAMILY ABANDONMET, here in Seattle, Washington.../ I REMEMBER that DSHS SOCIAL WORKER.... Oh myyyy myyyy... / this LADY MADE A FALSE INCIDENT REPORTS AGAINST ME?...
    3 mins

    Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
    Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria This LADY look familiar to me... She's one of the DSHS SOCIAL WORKER that TERRORIZE my normal life... / I remember you,,,

  16. Due to government budget cuts, it's just for jollies...

    "Were these people paid by the government to do what they have done to Bill Windsor, or did they simply do it because they are pathological liars who get their jollies from terrorizing others? "

  17. This is interesting. Windsor took down some of his hate sites. The reason he took Boushie's down is obvious. He transferred all that data to 2 other hate sites for Boushie. But I wonder why he took down the sites for Jay Hoskins, Hargrove Real Estate, Gail Lakritz, Kinley Hardin, L. Wilson, Nancy Rolf, Mary Bagnaschi and Sid Wallingford Gray. Did he finally figure out some of his "intel" is faulty?

    1. He can pop them back up in one click, Ida. Seen him do it.

    2. I'm sure he can just pop them back up. But, why did he take them down?

    3. All those sites are a copy/paste joke. Anyone who can't see they're nothing more than the rantings of a complete idiot is just stupid, IMO. I'd bet all his sites combined haven't received 25 page views.

    4. Ida? Because he's facing criminal trial.
      Each domain name's site is a "folder" attached to, hosted by his LA .com, too, in Iceland > eyeroll<
      And, I agree Anon, no one goes to his malware infested sites. The LALA's dong even click links. Windsor tried the trick of not putting up Facebook posts, just teaser headlines and then a link to LA .com, no one was reading, he could see the low stats, he went back to his long blowhard puff posts.
      He's like a first grade primer, easy to read, and memorize.

  18. Todays most moronic comment made on Windsor's FB ever goes to this clown....

    "Don't most gun owners plan to use them to protect themselves?"

    M.O.R.O.N!! I.D.I.O.T!! SMH
    Yeah, if that's how the world worked, there wouldn't be murders and Windsor wouldn't be supporting them.

    1. Competition is heating up...

      "Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
      She looks like the ATTORNEY GENERAL in the DEPENDENCY COUR of my fourteen years old son, she was terrorizing me..
      More · 34 minutes ago "

    2. Yep. And Windsor is fanning those competition flames. He is inciting nasty comments about somebody the lemmings know absolutely nothing about. How is she more scummy, evil and scary than than the lemmings?

      Deborah Lynne Connor Bill, there is no way any man much less you would stalk such a homely woman!!! Hah Hah Hah!!!!

      Bill Windsor I think the word is UGLY, inside and out.

      Cecilia Elsner Sparks This is one scary woman.

      Bill Windsor HIGHLY SCARY!

      Stephen Gardiner Greenwood II White trash trailer park scum queen!!!

      Bill Windsor An evil person no doubt.

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 25, 2015 at 9:57 AM

      Windsor--"... or did they simply do it because they are pathological liars who get their jollies from terrorizing others?"

      You've never answered this question Windsor. Why DO you do it? Seems pretty obvious you get your JOLLIES by pathologically lying out your ass and flaming hatred to your group of mentally ill followers.

      It's already been alleged that YOU are being paid by the Government as you admit you're on Social Security. You've never been able to prove one thing you accuse people of on your professed "NEWS" sites, or "EXPOSE'S" trash sites.

      Funny that you expect people to believe Allie, Boushie and Jennifer just pulled the entire gun scenario out of their asses, when YOU posted that you bought the gun because you felt there were too many crazies (but your belief on what a crazy is seems to be anyone who you don't like...) but you expect the same people to believe that Boushie tried to Murder you, took a shot and missed? From hundreds of miles away? Or using that secret U of M time travel machine?

      Such a POS. January can't come quick enough. Hopefully there will be other organization who will be filing charges of their own against the alleged "Domestic Terrorist" William M Windsor by then.

  19. He is heading to Florida next.

    1. I had thought that myself, considering the one sibling that has been so loyal and helpful to him during the past months has a residence in Florida (just the close proximity to Georgia). Windsor has repeatedly bemoaned the winter weather, he would blend right in with the elderly "snowbirds".

    2. SB billshit is dying down soon, once it is done (as long as there is no massive jail time) he will head to Florida for new targets AND warmer weather.

  20. After reading about Dotson and the issue of Windsor gun the question is not if he had one the question is where is it. I did some research and you don't have to register your gun in georgia. He could have left it with his wife but why would he be wanting a concealed permit in South Dakota without his gun? Sons till the question is where is the gun? He should be turning it in. It could become a murder weapons because he claims he has no clue to where it is.

    I do know he lied and windsor and his wife filed bogus filings to the Georgia ticketing office and said zz tours was a dba of round America and Barbara filed this meaning they were in business together in 2014. So where is the gun?

    1. Where is "the Judge", the gun Windsor boasted of owning?

    2. Thanks Anon.
      The Bill Windsor Lawless America Files and Archives (BWLAF&A) appears to have been very meticulous in documenting Windsor's own videos, Facebook posts, pictures, comments & his LA .con 'articles'.
      After watching the video linked above, I watched all the others. Very tidy, easy to read Windsor's BillSchit. What a great tool for law enforcement and prosector(s) to use, IMO.
      I'd forgotten there was also a Facebook page until late this past week. It's also updated regularly. Simply put Bill Windsor Lawless America Files and Archives in Facebook search at, it's a LIKE page. I didn't copy the link, I apologize. Same search bar method with the BWLAF&A's YouTube channel. Some reminders of Windsor's past stupid stuff that I'd forgotten since there's been such massive amounts of stupid BillSchit.

  21. You can tell whatsername feels it is beneath her to have to post amongst the cretins. The disgust and simmering anger is chewing on her brain. Lovely.

    1. Yup. I really like that she's left this area and is staying with her own kind. Back to normal here at Miss P's and I don't have to scroll thru all her junk. I never did understand why she wanted to stay on a website and interact with the people she hated so much, it was just creepy odd. I like the Fabreezing, too, Miss P. Waves to you.

    2. Yup yup Anon(s). We're all good. And, as much as it goes against my wanting to never delete, moderate or whatever anyone's comments? It just takes one to schmuck it up. We went months without mention or input from her, we'll go on just fine. Nuff said.
      We're Windsor watching, whatever he puts out publicly, we watch, read and chat about. That Fair Use thing, another pesky detail he doesn't like :)
      Happy Sunday to you all!
      Good morning!

      ℗ ♛ ❥

  22. Stop! What happened on the postponed "hot date"?

    1. That "hot date" disappeared faster than a Windsor lawsuit in MO. Here one day, gone without mention the next.

    2. Ha! In the famous words of Steve Miller- Go on take the money and run.

    3. Hahahaha! MO lawsuit! O'Conner probably got the "hot date" of Windsor's just like he snagged that TV gig! Go Weasel!

    4. Ouch. That was #Wicked funny Anon! fist bumps
      Sorry P, I snorted!

    5. I giggle snorted too! Wicked? That is hilarious! I think Weasel/O'Conner is hot. Double ouch.

      ℗ ♛ ❥

    6. He remember God get mad at hot dates....

  23. The eart tilted!
    Buckle up!

    Kevin P Brady
    Bill. You gotta push away from your computer for a while. Go outside and play with the neighbor kids. { if they ain't stuck in front of theirs}

    If the idiots can see? It's obviously a problem!

  24. Bill can't keep track of whether time is on his side or not. Last week he didn't think it was.

    Bill Windsor today: "I am still waiting for Judge James A. Haynes to issue an order dismissing all of my bogus criminal charges. It is probably an excellent sign that he hasn't issued an order yet."

    It's an excellent sign, Bill, that Judge Haynes, after issuing a trial date at your last hearing, has rightfully forgotten all about you and is concentrating his full attention on each trial before him. It's an excellent sign that you need to be preparing for trial or pleading for a deal.

    1. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 25, 2015 at 10:41 AM

      HAHAHAH yeah, and that "legal eagle" helping him? HAHAHAHA
      Good for him. It's so nice to see that those he supports are just as stupid and idiotic as he is. Should make the trial much quicker towards the guilty verdict.

      All those Vexi assrags together, with their laughable legal knowledge and all? HAHAHAHA it's the same losing team that brought them all to Vexi Bill in the first place. A group of Butthurt AssRags who couldn't get out of rightful rulings. Seriously thinking a new nick name for the Lawless Losers should be "Vexi-Ville."

      Could alter a song to use as their theme song too...
      Wasting away against in Windsor's Vexi-Ville.

    2. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 25, 2015 at 11:20 AM

      LOL, typo...***Again,*** not against. hahahaha

  25. Yeah Bill! Excellent idea! An overweight, bearded and otherwise creepy looking old man chasing children whose parents he's never met around the neighborhood. Maybe they'll let you have a try on a skateboard. (those don't require magic time-traveling ice to inflict a trial-delaying head injury)

  26. i heard from the grapevine that certain people dislike anonymous from writing comments. Maybe because they can't figure out exactly who we are. Isn't that how the use of anonymous is suppose to work?

    1. Yeah, I heard the same, but took it from the source. Some people are just so stupid, but want to think they're so smart, but then just end up talking to themselves because they are the only ones who will listen.

    2. I like it here and I am glad I am able to comment as an Anon.

    3. I like it here too and am happy I can use Anon, thanks Miss P xxx

    4. I like it here too. Most of the people posting as anonymous are more intelligent and much better behaved than anonymous postings elsewhere. The name on a post doesn't interest me as much as the content.

      I find it hilarious that some folks don't realize they ARE the reason more specific identifiers are not used. Yup, they just "can't see the trees for the forest"...

    5. Pseudonym says anonymous sources say they don't like anonymous comments.

      Don't that beat all...

    6. Giggle snicker! That is kinda funny.

      ℗ ♛ ❥

  27. We anonymi have been right every step of the way and certain failures masquerading as real people have been wrong. Certain failures advised Windsor on his slam dunk. Now their incompetence and idiocy is coming home to roost and they're scared. They drink quite a lot, looks like. Probably some hillbilly heroin as well. Been there. Done both. But I never pretended to be brilliant while intoxicated on either. Gotta stop that shit sooner or later or it stops you.

    1. Hillbilly

    2. Anons are greatly appreciated.
      "Grapevine"? Lemming licker. Pfffft.

      NetFlix binge watching with the herd. Everyone have a good night!!

      ℗ ♛ ❥

  28. And I don't care who Petunia is. I love that cute Alpaca.

    1. Thanks!
      I don't need to know, no one needs to know, who chooses to comment as Anon.
      It's my pasture and our little spot.
      It's comfy.

  29. Windsor posted another story from Ellis County with accusations of corruption. He also claims the arrested man is "honest". Based on what? Did Windsor think the guy was "honest" before he lost his job with ECSO, kidnapped his kids and got arrested for it?

    Maybe he "honestly" just doesn't want the mother's boyfriend around the kids. He "honestly" did run off with the boys and was arrested for it when the Texas Rangers went to fetch the kids. It appears the man may have "honestly" made false accusations of sexual abuse.

    Where is the corruption? CPS and Cedar Hill PD investigated the abuse allegations. The case was given to a Grand Jury, who no billed the accused. The GJ found there was no credible evidence to support the abuse claims. ECSO pursued an arrest warrant for one of their own because he broke the law.

    Seems that maybe Windsor is claiming corruption because of his own butt hurt from ECSO and Judge Grubbs. If ECSO had ignored the kidnapping and Judge Grubbs ruled in his favor all because they know the guy and Windsor likes him, THAT would be corruption.

    1. That is the entire key. Windsor's butthurt and why he supports certain things and not others. He will always spin a story into corruption. Always.

      "Seems that maybe Windsor is claiming corruption because of his own butt hurt from ECSO and Judge Grubbs. If ECSO had ignored the kidnapping and Judge Grubbs ruled in his favor all because they know the guy and Windsor likes him, THAT would be corruption. "

  30. I can see (read) on Windsor's Fakebook page that I didn't miss too much since I last looked on Saturday morning.
    My overview?
    a. No earth (eart) shattering rulings came. The speed, or lack thereof, by the Montana criminal trial judge's (imaginary) dismissal ruling was expected by Friday, but now, maybe a month (good one!)
    b. Windsor's postponed hot date didn't get another mention (shocker! not so much), must've forgotten to revisit that subject, too much other important stuff going on :)
    c. He's back to trying to find CORRUPTION in Ellis County, Texas and posting a link about a father that worked as a jailer while he was locked up there. (Nasty divorce/child custody case) My guess? Because Windsor saw the jailer thru the chow hole, he then knew him and Judge Joe Grubbs was mentioned, the one Windsor referred to in the past as Judge Whatshisname, ruled on dismal in Windsor's *largest case of defamation in history* back in February of 2014 that he's been appealing (and been denied twice? three times? lost count). I believe that Grubbs also bought his (and his court staff's) domain names that same day, too. Damn that Judge, he probably foiled a perfect (predictable) Windsor retaliation tactic.
    d. Windsor posted (and edited that post a couple of times) watched TTU football and is trying to get ready for Halloween
    e. Windsor Fakebook posted that he's *getting on with his life* He's not in jail, he's on Facebook all the time, he's filing court documents, he says he's dating", he's doing internet radio shows, he's ordering to go & eating out, he's watching college football & the Voice. Windsor has said he can travel and he must have been, for it take him 12+ hours by auto to get to a hearing in Montana. What part of *his life* is it that he's not been doing?
    Y'all ever notice that Windsor doesn't ever mention the weather? Not beautiful sunny days? or cold, windy, rainy, stormy? To be such a photography buff, other than selfies, he only uses generic pics off the web or old Lawless America file photos. Wonder why? He's got so much photography equipment, just seems odd to me. For instance, my Facebook newsfeed is full of my Facepals' pictures and videos of the flooding, washed out roads, off road muddin', huge fish caught where there usually is no water, even some high water rescues. 20+ inches of rainfall since Friday morning is big news, here. Those pics & vids all required going outdoors, or at the very least, looking out a window.
    Oh well, it's Monday now, courts and clerks' offices are open, Windsor will probably be bustling with Facebook updates by the day's close of business.

    1. •date correction for above comment February of 2015•

  31. Turn the page~

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