It is a form letter, he is just in an eternal vat of denial. If he really expects anyone to believe it was forged because it didn't match what he says he did to contact them, he is lying again.
Billy and Snoozisaloser are just spinning as always. They are just so lonely and pathetic.
Slashing some beautiful waves to my favorite Alpaca and friends :)
Form letter. Just like the Form letter he got from THE President of the United States thanking him for his tireless efforts to kick the President and everyone else out of office.
That was the funniest thing ever. I still LOL thinking about it. Windsor claimed the President put a hit out on him, and just a short time later, sent him a "Thank you" note. hahahahahaha
HAHAHAHA I knew it. They would be more apt to represent the group of people Windsor is trying to take the first amendment rights away from before they'd represent that Anti Government blowhard.
Boo fricken hoo. Someone get me out of this mess I created for myself. Help me get multi millions of dollars from citizens who don't like my Political aspirations to charge everyone with treason!! Waaahhhh MaryD? Find my yoga pants and whip me up a banana smoothie. I feel unloved!! HAHAHAHA
bwahHAHAHAHHAAAA ROFL thanks Spamanon, I have to take a moment to clean up the mess I made....I should never read your comments whilst drinking soda... sorry 'bout your injury LMAO OMG there I go again
Hmm. I was wrong about there not being a letter - I'll take a lump for that. I've made mistakes before. However, I also see the ACLU representative was correct in that they're not taking Windsor's case. He's running out of options.
The ACLU would have provided him what? Free attorneys? Windsor can afford very very good attorneys but he won't hire them . No reputable attorney would stay on past the first interview anyway. Windsor is ridiculous and he makes ridiculous decisions. He will showboat himself back into incarceration. There was never any question about the ACLU being anything except a joke on the Joeys that fell flat. It was like every other attempt at humor from this joyless sociopath.
"There was never any question about the ACLU being anything except a joke on the Joeys that fell flat" Irony would be the ACLU accepting the defendants of Windsor's vextacious and repetitive malicious civil litigation in several states.
I think he had to show more "Corruption" to the lemmings. He knew damn well the ACLU wouldn't take any case he presented to them. There isn't anything about his cases that would interest them. He's attacking people left and right. WHY would they represent him?
He attacked Boushie and LOST. He attacked everyone under the sun and LOST. He is only trying to fake out the lemmings in making them think that everyone is just picking on him. Isn't that the whole goal of "Lawless America?" Proving that everyone is corrupt and removing them?
As usual, he goes from liking the ACLU to insulting them.
I just have to say a huge THANK YOU to Admin for getting rid of the thread troll. I'm sure, standard to her usual WRONG theory on why she's being censored, it will make reading comments much easier.
She was clearly diverting the attention from the facts to her Vexi spin. Repeating over and over how they are right and everyone else is wrong. Problem is, that these blogs aren't made up of Vexi's and their twisted, delusional and fanciful ramblings.
It also kind of solidifies the previous blog post about how Windsor and his ilk, Cyber stalk, and Cyber terrorize. They will not let anyone else form opinions without attacking and making up lame Narcissistic excuses to twist the truth. It's always someone elses fault. Never theirs. Ever.
So, THANK YOU Admin. I know it will take a bit more work on your parts, and it takes time to approve comments, but it's worth waiting it out, just to keep peace among the commenters not having to constantly defend their opinions!
Trying to reply to Frank Lee's comment @ 7:59 but reply button won't work.
Me too, THANK YOU.
Snoozie's domination of the threads and insults were terribly annoying. But she got to spinning so fast she went in circles. It was starting to be fun, watching her try to spin out of her delusions and contradictory comments.
We tried to allow "Susan" to comment but apparently that was the same as giving a drug addict an unlimited supply. The quantity of comments was just to much. Especially when you consider how worthless most of those comments were. I guess now I know what the clerks of a court that Windsor has a case in feel like.
Very good analogy. Just like what the courts go through. Endless floods of worthless crap to burry the issues, attempt to cause confusion, divert, divert, divert.
Perfect. That IS the Vexi way! Baffle with Bullshit since they can't dazzle with brilliance.
They have no real arguments to support their crap, so they just flood whatever medium they can with frivolous shit. It's insane to read it all, and even try to dispute it one by one. This is exactly what they do in courts. How on earth can Judges read through ALL that crap? That is why they do it. Then, they cry that the Judges denied their rights by NOT reading through it, when it is burdensome and time consuming. Make orders to stick to a few topics. But that is yet another "Violation" of their rights to get vexi. Endless circles.
Until the courts do what you guys did to her, by Labeling HER vexatious and barring her from commenting--(LMAO same theory) the Windsor's of the world will just continue on being court menaces.
@Ida? I just spoke to Blogger Helpdesk/Support (super nice btw! I do love me some Google, great folks!) That's a glitch being experienced & reported since yesterday from numerous bloggers, Google is currently working to correct it.
@Admin1? Bravo! Great analogy! Thank you.
I want to reiterate that I never wanted to delete or moderate anyone's comments. I can agree to disagree, and maybe after reading discussions among all commenters, there were things I hadn't considered, might give different perspective. I don't know about each of you, but I enjoy reading the views and opinions of others, their points of view. I, nor anyone else needs it repeated 100s of times, duh. Nothing new to add? Chill. Everyone gets a turn. However, this little dot on the www is mine, ours (cause I wanna share it with y'all). I am not going to allow one, regardless of who, become MaryD's twin, running off with diarrhea of the keyboard because they're isolated and these sites are the only human interaction they get. I tried, didn't work out, cutting that one from our herd. GingerSnap summed it up awhile back and it's still accurate, we own Windsor and his hag. They cannot function without us. They're completely obsessed with 2 little blogs! I❥ the Clubhouse and GS was so right, we do own her, more than Windsor, proven in the last week without a doubt, Windsor does have other goofy stuff he does at least, not her. It's because we're all just so cool! Comments at JIALK, aka the Clubhouse, and here at the Back40 are made by intelligent, witty, hilarious, insightful and informative individuals. Thank you all! Standing O! Bravo! Take a bow, all of you! I hope our dancing ticks will unite and give us a happy dance!
*we do continue to hope you'll all be patient as we work to improve the pasture and keep all your comments flowing quickly and smoothly.
Jan Smith I am wondering if the solution is not to start a bigger and better ACLU. I have spent several years now studying the law and what I know about it is there is no end to the corrupt practices of creating the law, violating the rights of people and denying fundamental liberty. How is it, for example, that so many have immunity? And how did psychology and the law become marriage partners? And WHY are pro se litigants treated so poorly? I second you starting such an organization.
LMAO!! Gotta love how the people Windsor decided were haters and "removed" from his precious billshit show, have continued on without him and his lies, and are doing MUCH better than he is.
And even if they aren't accomplishing anything? They are doing MUCH better not standing around, tapping their feet, waiting for him to do anything. Blowhard Bill's Blustery Blunders!
Rebecca McLaughlin-- Bill Windsor was this woman Tammy filmed for Lawless? I know her from somewhere!
Bill Windsor-- She was, and she was removed form the movie as she supports members of the AMPP hate group and cyberstalkers
@12:48 Anon, and Spamanon? exactly! Moved on. I follow several of those that were exiled upon information and belief, because they asked a question that pissed Windsor off. They're either with NLA or trodding along on their own, some doing both. Windsor is so mean! Most of those he was so hateful to? Just asked a question! That is forbidden.
Windsor's finally got The Media curious about his saga, eh? If he's nervous enough just listen. Some truth might get blurted out. He's not used to being in an interview setting beyond his complete control, that is Windsor being interviewed by Windsor. So it could happen.
Listen to how he talks about Judge Haynes, if at all. Might tell us how confident Windsor is of his slam dunk. If he trashes Haynes, he's given up on a dismissal.
Oh how original!! NOT! Another blowhard blogtalk. Like this is any different than the others? I can't wait for him to hang himself. He will because he can't STFU.
It's not Corruption, it's the law. If he even attempts to blame the system, it will further show what a tyrannical dictator he truly is. I hope JC's tuning in. Not that she needs much more evidence against Windfart but why stop now?
Ramble on Windsor! It's all you've got. Show your belligerence to the world. (Well the 10 or so lemmings, and then ALL the haters) Don't mention though that you do not have a legal entity for Lawless America, and all those who "Filmed for the Movie" signed VOID Contracts , or the fact that you do not have a trademark and your attorney who did help you file for a fraudulent one is now being SUED, or the fact that you knew you had a TOP against you and you admitted you would violate it, if that meant getting arrested and getting media attention. Nope, you just go right ahead and tell people the same things like a MaryD tick broken record.
Bhahahaha, don't choke!! Don't stutter too much either hunting for words like you always do. Just shows you're lying because you have to think too hard for what to say. One more tip, those pregnant pauses? Also a dead giveaway that you're trying to figure out what lies will flow, and not contradict the previous lies.
I have been listening Anon@4:41 ... OMG, it's a lie fest like I've never heard, plus he threw in "glory holes" penis size, herpes, etc and just lie after lie after lie.
Now, he brags much of his stuff is invalid and he "just puts it in to be a prick".
His wife left him, blah, his kids won't speak to him, the grandkids....because of death threats! Really? Not the same story he told himself about why she left. Neither wife or son wouldn't answer his calls while he was in jail in Ellis County, Texas.
He's not worried about this. God wants him to do this. He doesn't have a family, except the one sister.
Back to how he lost his LA Facebook page, but no mention of him buying likes. Facebook is corrupt now. His latest Facebook fake friend requests. Couldn't be his dating site or questionable sites visited while Facebook is logged in. Duh!
Lord! Everyone is corrupt! Zuckerberg is corrupt against Windsor!
Waiting on repsonse brief to be ruled on any time after Tuesday or could be 30 days.
Inviting everyone to come to his trial in Montana.
Guy is asking Windsor about the Boushie trying to kill him, added disclaimer, not sure if it's true, stuttering, can't remember anyone's name, stuttering... Windsor was on a radio show and the radio people came to him after the show, they'd gotten a death threat. That was a clusterferbuffle! Changes subjects. Back to D.C. trip and his packets he took. No one contacted him. Omg
The Blog Radio guy is a bigger wingnut than Windsor! "Martial law any time now! Swear to God!"
People will stand in line to buy Justin Beiber tickets but won't supports their friends like Windsor! The radio guy stole Windsor's minutes! Giggle! Windsor needs money, but he won't take donations because he got criticized. Yeah, that's why.
I think he fucked up his script. He mixed up twice the shit from MOM case and this one. Barbara's illness was from the GA courts. He already used that excuse too. But the whole Death threat was from president and he wrote the "Constitution is Void" story after that hot mess.
This is his stage and the world is supposed to stop and watch THE William M Windsor.
I'd like to know if this guy interviewing him is a Staunch Sov Cit. He sounds like it.
I know at least 5 of the 11 were us. Haven't checked in with several this afternoon. Millions, huh? Kinda like the 51,000 Bangladeshi? Maybe the million record and listen later. The YouTube Channel had 84 or 94 subscribers? I forgot, but less than 100.
I played back the blogtalk twice at about 40 minutes in - Windsor admits he jumped bond in Ellis County. He was supposed to sign a personal recognizance bond for $100k, but he just walked out of jail and kept going because nobody stopped him. No way he can deny he didn't know exactly what he'd done. In addition to admitting he knew he was supposed to sign a bond but didn't, he said he carried $100k with him in case he was arrested for it.
So, because no one stopped him, does that mean it wasn't a crime? Is that his definition? How many times has he claimed "I have never committed a crime in my life?"
I'd say, that is a semantic's game. He will only be forced to admit those things, to which he's been charged, AND convicted of-- YET he will simply dismiss with a blanket "They were Corrupt."
I wonder how many readers who are American citizens here have been sued by Windsor? How many American citizens in total? Care to guess? The correct answer to both questions is: ALL OF THEM! That's right, if you're an American citizen you've been sued at least once by Windsor, and here's proof:
Note Windsor was so incompetent he didn't even know the difference between a crime and a tort; that's pretty much lesson one, day one in law school.
It's also clear he doesn't learn from his mistakes. Note this appeal was against the judge who denied him a TOP because Windsor wanted to censor the speech of the attorneys who won the Maid of Mist case. Windsor even admitted to the court that everything the attorney said was true!
That's a heck of a read right there. Thanks! So Windsor's been trying these same strategies for years and failing. I'd heard other here say that. Now I've read it for myself. Amazing stuff!
"Kevin P Brady I tried to call in to ask the captain 'why can t you rally support among the nations talk show hosts to all cover this subject same night every week until we see some action. Couldn't get on. More · 5 minutes ago"
Even if you successfully did that with those talk show hosts who agreed with your radical crap, you'd wait forever for "action."
Maybe 6% of Americans listen to an entire talk show (radio, internet) even once a week. And those audiences are shrinking, not growing. Generally, as Americans, we don't give a shit. We don't give a shit about politics, or government or law or policy (foreign nor domestic). Here's what I think: We shouldn't. We shouldn't give a shit. Doesn't make a bit of difference in our lives. There's those that follow this stuff as if it were sports teams. Most of us just spend our lives loving (or hating or both) our families. We work at our jobs and look forward to seeing our dogs or cats at the end of a work day. We might play Skyrim or watch reality tv or the entertainment competitions, or sports or Netflix. What we don't do is listen to weirdos on talk shows. I think our not giving a shit is what makes this country great. You cannot conquer a nation that doesn't give a shit, or if you do... no one will give a shit!
Blogtalk radio is not and never has been "Media" nor are they broadcasted on normal radio. Bill get your story right, the FBI came to me asking about you and your buddy schied. Now they are especially looking at Schieds friend Visner. If the FBI did not think you posed a threat they would not would be asking questions and opinions. We both know what you said you can deny it all day. While you sit in that Prison Cell for breaking a TOP which I am happy that they are charging some loony toon guy like yourself up for antagonizing people on a college campus with a bullet proof vest and parking outside next to their car waiting like having a 3rd grade "hey meet me after school" thing. Seriously, all I can do s laugh. BTW I hope a million people heard that tonight maybe they will come interview me so I can tell them the truth. Maybe I will have an agent.
I'm pretty sure ' The Captain" had his largest audience ever, tonight ... and that was just the few of us who tuned in & tortured ourselves to hear how much Windsor would LIE!
The Captain thought Windsor had a "hearing" coming up in January, just like the majority of Bill's lemmings who can't seem to pay attention for more than 30 seconds.
On Windsor's Facebook --> Susan Harbison: "The internet is still the wild wild west. I don't expect to see it civilized any time soon. I'd say it will be another twenty years before the kids that have grown up with the net and social media become law makers. Until then, the House and Congress will be occupied by people that are so disconnected from it they don't know what to do. smh"
I think I probably agree with that, but here's the thing: if I or anyone here had posted that same paragraph here, Sharon, if she were still allowed would have called us stupid and said we didn't know what we're talking about. Nothing about her visits to this blog had anything to do with content or opinion. It was all revenge and attempts at egotism and intimidation. She's really a nasty person.
That's exactly why she's been banned and has to go play with the lemmings now. She can talk down to the mental patients. Non of them will even respond to her. It'll be like she's not even there.
Windsor has a credibility issue no doubt. The things he said on that show, were just that. For a show. Do courts get it wrong sometimes, yes, they do, but after proving they got it wrong, they reverse the wrong. Not for Windsor though. There is/was no wrong. He is an abusive person by nature. His moral compos doesn't seem to exist. He can lie his ass off and it doesn't phase him. He can convince himself that he's not lying by whatever excuse or semantic word game he likes to play. But the facts remain, he is just a flat out liar.
Sharon claimed a while back that it's the defendants faults for being ignorant in the laws or whatever to stop Windsor's frivolous filings. That somehow he has the "right" to just file his harassing motions, appeals, writs, etc because everyone has that right.
This is wrong. Suing isn't a "Right" it's a "Privilege." When you abuse that "Privilege" you lose that privilege. You have to be babysat. But babysitting is expensive and tiring. Windsor is one of "Those" kids. The kid in the hood that no one wants to babysit. When one babysitter finally passes him off to another one, they are relieved. Windsor doesn't think that the previous babysitters opinions matter for the new babysitter. He claims that's against his rights, and have no bearing on the new babysitters. That's it's "Ex-partee" communications, and that the previous "Babysitter was being exposed as a "Corrupt" babysitter and that's why they were mean to him."
He's wrong. They need to warn the others, that he will throw tantrums, (call them all corrupt) break things, (laws and court rules) try to start fires, (file endless, frivolous motions) then run away. (go file in another court/state, or just go on the run)
If Windsor has done anything over the past few years, he's proven just how dangerous Vexatious litigants are, not just to the Judicial system but to the public in general. Whether you are on the other end of one of his frivolous, harassment based suits, the babysitter, or you're the taxpayer footing the bills. William M Windsor is a menace to society. There isn't a babysitter on this planet that shouldn't know or be warned. And not that it's a violation of his rights, he lost those "Privileges." It's a blatant violation of the rights of the majority of society who haven't abuse their rights.
Ouch. So much for "Susan's" big ACLU threat.
ReplyDeleteRight and the only reason why they gave him that much attention was because he lied through his teeth.
DeleteThat looks like a form letter. Even one of the lemmings said it's the same letter he received.
DeleteIt is a form letter, he is just in an eternal vat of denial. If he really expects anyone to believe it was forged because it didn't match what he says he did to contact them, he is lying again.
DeleteBilly and Snoozisaloser are just spinning as always. They are just so lonely and pathetic.
Slashing some beautiful waves to my favorite Alpaca and friends :)
~waves @Oceans~ ❥
Delete℗ ♛
Form letter. Just like the Form letter he got from THE President of the United States thanking him for his tireless efforts to kick the President and everyone else out of office.
DeleteThat was the funniest thing ever. I still LOL thinking about it. Windsor claimed the President put a hit out on him, and just a short time later, sent him a "Thank you" note. hahahahahaha
I've been busy trying to figure out how to set up a Google account. Haven't had a chance to catch up - did Windsor find his pants?
ReplyDeleteThat's the funny part about that post. Windsor doesn't wear pants. He dresses like Hank Hill's son Bobby.
DeleteHAHAHAHA I knew it.
DeleteThey would be more apt to represent the group of people Windsor is trying to take the first amendment rights away from before they'd represent that Anti Government blowhard.
Boo fricken hoo. Someone get me out of this mess I created for myself. Help me get multi millions of dollars from citizens who don't like my Political aspirations to charge everyone with treason!! Waaahhhh MaryD? Find my yoga pants and whip me up a banana smoothie. I feel unloved!! HAHAHAHA
What did I miss?
DeleteI was busy shoving his letter where the sun don't shine.
If it makes him feel better, I've got one nasty paper cut...
Oh! I thought "where the sun don't shine" was a reference to "below his hernia."
DeleteWe're doing the Whip Whip Nay Nay now, Spam!
DeleteI hope they are pink yoga pants, to make Vee happy.
DeleteVee Hickock Sum men look really hot in hot pink
bwahHAHAHAHHAAAA ROFL thanks Spamanon, I have to take a moment to clean up the mess I made....I should never read your comments whilst drinking soda...
Deletesorry 'bout your injury LMAO OMG there I go again
Right now, as we speak, I bet "Susan" is begging Windsor to put her latest message to us on his Facebook page.
ReplyDeleteShe's frustrated!
DeleteEveryone ~wave~
Yup, we're carrying on with out you posing as another person.
Hmm. I was wrong about there not being a letter - I'll take a lump for that. I've made mistakes before. However, I also see the ACLU representative was correct in that they're not taking Windsor's case. He's running out of options.
ReplyDeleteCarry on.
"What makes you think it's Windsor's criminal charges they are interested in?"
Delete"Did you ask what level they had to be at before it showed up in their data base?"
What a bullshit artist. I guess there weren't any nuances there.
The butt hurt level is pretty high over on Windsor's Facebook page tonight.
DeleteThe ACLU would have provided him what? Free attorneys? Windsor can afford very very good attorneys but he won't hire them . No reputable attorney would stay on past the first interview anyway. Windsor is ridiculous and he makes ridiculous decisions. He will showboat himself back into incarceration. There was never any question about the ACLU being anything except a joke on the Joeys that fell flat. It was like every other attempt at humor from this joyless sociopath.
Delete"There was never any question about the ACLU being anything except a joke on the Joeys that fell flat"
DeleteIrony would be the ACLU accepting the defendants of Windsor's vextacious and repetitive malicious civil litigation in several states.
I think he had to show more "Corruption" to the lemmings. He knew damn well the ACLU wouldn't take any case he presented to them. There isn't anything about his cases that would interest them. He's attacking people left and right. WHY would they represent him?
DeleteHe attacked Boushie and LOST. He attacked everyone under the sun and LOST. He is only trying to fake out the lemmings in making them think that everyone is just picking on him. Isn't that the whole goal of "Lawless America?" Proving that everyone is corrupt and removing them?
As usual, he goes from liking the ACLU to insulting them.
"Bill Windsor-- A C L Useless"
Finally a comment from Susan I agree with!
ReplyDeleteSusan HarbisonOctober 14, 2015 at 3:15 PM
Using my definition of lying, Windsor has lied many, many times.
I hope that helps.
I just have to say a huge THANK YOU to Admin for getting rid of the thread troll. I'm sure, standard to her usual WRONG theory on why she's being censored, it will make reading comments much easier.
ReplyDeleteShe was clearly diverting the attention from the facts to her Vexi spin. Repeating over and over how they are right and everyone else is wrong. Problem is, that these blogs aren't made up of Vexi's and their twisted, delusional and fanciful ramblings.
It also kind of solidifies the previous blog post about how Windsor and his ilk, Cyber stalk, and Cyber terrorize. They will not let anyone else form opinions without attacking and making up lame Narcissistic excuses to twist the truth. It's always someone elses fault. Never theirs. Ever.
So, THANK YOU Admin. I know it will take a bit more work on your parts, and it takes time to approve comments, but it's worth waiting it out, just to keep peace among the commenters not having to constantly defend their opinions!
Trying to reply to Frank Lee's comment @ 7:59 but reply button won't work.
ReplyDeleteMe too, THANK YOU.
Snoozie's domination of the threads and insults were terribly annoying. But she got to spinning so fast she went in circles. It was starting to be fun, watching her try to spin out of her delusions and contradictory comments.
We tried to allow "Susan" to comment but apparently that was the same as giving a drug addict an unlimited supply. The quantity of comments was just to much. Especially when you consider how worthless most of those comments were. I guess now I know what the clerks of a court that Windsor has a case in feel like.
DeleteVery good analogy. Just like what the courts go through. Endless floods of worthless crap to burry the issues, attempt to cause confusion, divert, divert, divert.
DeletePerfect. That IS the Vexi way! Baffle with Bullshit since they can't dazzle with brilliance.
BRILLIANT Analogy Admin!!
DeleteThey have no real arguments to support their crap, so they just flood whatever medium they can with frivolous shit. It's insane to read it all, and even try to dispute it one by one. This is exactly what they do in courts. How on earth can Judges read through ALL that crap? That is why they do it. Then, they cry that the Judges denied their rights by NOT reading through it, when it is burdensome and time consuming. Make orders to stick to a few topics. But that is yet another "Violation" of their rights to get vexi. Endless circles.
Until the courts do what you guys did to her, by Labeling HER vexatious and barring her from commenting--(LMAO same theory) the Windsor's of the world will just continue on being court menaces.
@Ida? I just spoke to Blogger Helpdesk/Support (super nice btw! I do love me some Google, great folks!) That's a glitch being experienced & reported since yesterday from numerous bloggers, Google is currently working to correct it.
Delete@Admin1? Bravo! Great analogy! Thank you.
I want to reiterate that I never wanted to delete or moderate anyone's comments. I can agree to disagree, and maybe after reading discussions among all commenters, there were things I hadn't considered, might give different perspective. I don't know about each of you, but I enjoy reading the views and opinions of others, their points of view.
I, nor anyone else needs it repeated 100s of times, duh. Nothing new to add? Chill. Everyone gets a turn.
However, this little dot on the www is mine, ours (cause I wanna share it with y'all). I am not going to allow one, regardless of who, become MaryD's twin, running off with diarrhea of the keyboard because they're isolated and these sites are the only human interaction they get. I tried, didn't work out, cutting that one from our herd.
GingerSnap summed it up awhile back and it's still accurate, we own Windsor and his hag. They cannot function without us. They're completely obsessed with 2 little blogs! I❥ the Clubhouse and GS was so right, we do own her, more than Windsor, proven in the last week without a doubt, Windsor does have other goofy stuff he does at least, not her. It's because we're all just so cool! Comments at JIALK, aka the Clubhouse, and here at the Back40 are made by intelligent, witty, hilarious, insightful and informative individuals.
Thank you all! Standing O! Bravo! Take a bow, all of you!
I hope our dancing ticks will unite and give us a happy dance!
*we do continue to hope you'll all be patient as we work to improve the pasture and keep all your comments flowing quickly and smoothly.
℗ ♛ ❥
P ~ Thank you.
DeleteNow this is a brilliant idea:
ReplyDeleteJan Smith
I am wondering if the solution is not to start a bigger and better ACLU. I have spent several years now studying the law and what I know about it is there is no end to the corrupt practices of creating the law, violating the rights of people and denying fundamental liberty. How is it, for example, that so many have immunity? And how did psychology and the law become marriage partners? And WHY are pro se litigants treated so poorly? I second you starting such an organization.
LMAO yeah, the Lawless ACLU. Good idea. Glad she thought of it, AND seconded it. SMH
DeleteGiggle giggle giggle snickering uncontrollably!
DeleteYeah! Did so great with all those other things! An ACLU? Snort!
At the end of the day, all Windsor really has is a few crazy people and ticks.
DeleteThose damn ticks...
Hey! We do bite, ya know!
DeleteBack to practice!
"And WHY are pro se litigants treated so poorly?"
DeleteI'm thinking that might have something to do with pro se litigants sharing the same traits.
LMAO!! Gotta love how the people Windsor decided were haters and "removed" from his precious billshit show, have continued on without him and his lies, and are doing MUCH better than he is.
ReplyDeleteAnd even if they aren't accomplishing anything? They are doing MUCH better not standing around, tapping their feet, waiting for him to do anything. Blowhard Bill's Blustery Blunders!
Rebecca McLaughlin-- Bill Windsor was this woman Tammy filmed for Lawless? I know her from somewhere!
Bill Windsor-- She was, and she was removed form the movie as she supports members of the AMPP hate group and cyberstalkers
FORM Billy;
Delete"If you're not standing with me, you're standing with the cyberstalkers..."
Different whackjob interviewing Windsor on BlogTalkRadio today.
Link to listen to BillSchit today:
@12:48 Anon, and Spamanon? exactly!
DeleteMoved on. I follow several of those that were exiled upon information and belief, because they asked a question that pissed Windsor off. They're either with NLA or trodding along on their own, some doing both.
Windsor is so mean! Most of those he was so hateful to? Just asked a question! That is forbidden.
Hell, even Marty Prehn can land those gigs...
DeleteTrue. Doh, my mistake.
DeleteStill gonna listen to Windsor's "saga".
Windsor's finally got The Media curious about his saga, eh? If he's nervous enough just listen. Some truth might get blurted out. He's not used to being in an interview setting beyond his complete control, that is Windsor being interviewed by Windsor. So it could happen.
DeleteListen to how he talks about Judge Haynes, if at all. Might tell us how confident Windsor is of his slam dunk. If he trashes Haynes, he's given up on a dismissal.
Oh how original!! NOT! Another blowhard blogtalk. Like this is any different than the others? I can't wait for him to hang himself. He will because he can't STFU.
DeleteIt's not Corruption, it's the law. If he even attempts to blame the system, it will further show what a tyrannical dictator he truly is. I hope JC's tuning in. Not that she needs much more evidence against Windfart but why stop now?
Ramble on Windsor! It's all you've got. Show your belligerence to the world. (Well the 10 or so lemmings, and then ALL the haters) Don't mention though that you do not have a legal entity for Lawless America, and all those who "Filmed for the Movie" signed VOID Contracts , or the fact that you do not have a trademark and your attorney who did help you file for a fraudulent one is now being SUED, or the fact that you knew you had a TOP against you and you admitted you would violate it, if that meant getting arrested and getting media attention. Nope, you just go right ahead and tell people the same things like a MaryD tick broken record.
Bhahahaha, don't choke!! Don't stutter too much either hunting for words like you always do. Just shows you're lying because you have to think too hard for what to say. One more tip, those pregnant pauses? Also a dead giveaway that you're trying to figure out what lies will flow, and not contradict the previous lies.
Ha! Media! But, yeah, the stammering and tale telling will get deep with Billschit.
DeleteIf anyone is listening to Windsor right now, you already know it's a complete lie fest!
DeleteWow, I'd say Boushie has a defamation case now.
DeleteI have been listening Anon@4:41 ... OMG, it's a lie fest like I've never heard, plus he threw in "glory holes" penis size, herpes, etc and just lie after lie after lie.
DeleteI've been listening for 15 minutes. Wow!
DeleteBillSchit reigns supremely deep!
Now, he brags much of his stuff is invalid and he "just puts it in to be a prick".
DeleteHis wife left him, blah, his kids won't speak to him, the grandkids....because of death threats! Really? Not the same story he told himself about why she left.
Neither wife or son wouldn't answer his calls while he was in jail in Ellis County, Texas.
He's not worried about this.
God wants him to do this.
He doesn't have a family, except the one sister.
Back to how he lost his LA Facebook page, but no mention of him buying likes. Facebook is corrupt now.
His latest Facebook fake friend requests. Couldn't be his dating site or questionable sites visited while Facebook is logged in. Duh!
Lord! Everyone is corrupt! Zuckerberg is corrupt against Windsor!
Waiting on repsonse brief to be ruled on any time after Tuesday or could be 30 days.
DeleteInviting everyone to come to his trial in Montana.
Guy is asking Windsor about the Boushie trying to kill him, added disclaimer, not sure if it's true, stuttering, can't remember anyone's name, stuttering... Windsor was on a radio show and the radio people came to him after the show, they'd gotten a death threat. That was a clusterferbuffle!
Changes subjects.
Back to D.C. trip and his packets he took. No one contacted him. Omg
The Blog Radio guy is a bigger wingnut than Windsor!
Delete"Martial law any time now! Swear to God!"
People will stand in line to buy Justin Beiber tickets but won't supports their friends like Windsor! The radio guy stole Windsor's minutes! Giggle!
Windsor needs money, but he won't take donations because he got criticized. Yeah, that's why.
I think he fucked up his script. He mixed up twice the shit from MOM case and this one. Barbara's illness was from the GA courts. He already used that excuse too. But the whole Death threat was from president and he wrote the "Constitution is Void" story after that hot mess.
DeleteThis is his stage and the world is supposed to stop and watch THE William M Windsor.
I'd like to know if this guy interviewing him is a Staunch Sov Cit. He sounds like it.
Windsor thinks the Revolutionary Party was/is a much better idea.
DeleteYeah, Frank and P, he's had at least 3 reasons in the past why his ex was sick & why she left. Windsor put her illness in his filings in Georgia!
DeleteLol -
Delete"Don't read online, I'm crazy ... or think I'm crazy (chuckle-giggle)
I'm not"
Bill Windsor
HAHAHAHA so THIS guy just said they are considered "Domestic Terrorists" yet WINDSOR says that is Defamation and is suing for it. HAHAHAHAHA
DeleteIs he going to sue this interviewer?
"PANDEMIC of CORRUPTION!! Because we 3 here in this radio conversation say that, we are classified Domestic Terrorist! Tyranny! Tyranny!"
DeleteMy ears are bleeding.
I'm done.
I really believe he needs to be charged with perjury. He keeps taunting them to do it. I know of about 50 things he's committed perjury on.
DeleteI see 11 people in the chat room. I think this guy exaggerates like Windsor. A million people listening?
I know at least 5 of the 11 were us. Haven't checked in with several this afternoon.
DeleteMillions, huh? Kinda like the 51,000 Bangladeshi? Maybe the million record and listen later. The YouTube Channel had 84 or 94 subscribers? I forgot, but less than 100.
Listening to the blog talk with Windsor now.
DeleteHow is Windsor not violating the TOP by what all he said about Boushie today? smh
I was thinking the same thing Anon@8:53 when I listened earlier, Geez, I think Windsor even spelled SB's name ... if I remember correctly.
DeleteI played back the blogtalk twice at about 40 minutes in - Windsor admits he jumped bond in Ellis County. He was supposed to sign a personal recognizance bond for $100k, but he just walked out of jail and kept going because nobody stopped him. No way he can deny he didn't know exactly what he'd done. In addition to admitting he knew he was supposed to sign a bond but didn't, he said he carried $100k with him in case he was arrested for it.
DeleteSo, because no one stopped him, does that mean it wasn't a crime? Is that his definition? How many times has he claimed "I have never committed a crime in my life?"
DeleteI'd say, that is a semantic's game. He will only be forced to admit those things, to which he's been charged, AND convicted of-- YET he will simply dismiss with a blanket "They were Corrupt."
He's a fricken menace.
I wonder how many readers who are American citizens here have been sued by Windsor? How many American citizens in total? Care to guess? The correct answer to both questions is: ALL OF THEM! That's right, if you're an American citizen you've been sued at least once by Windsor, and here's proof:
Note Windsor was so incompetent he didn't even know the difference between a crime and a tort; that's pretty much lesson one, day one in law
It's also clear he doesn't learn from his mistakes. Note this appeal was against the judge who denied him a TOP because Windsor wanted to censor the speech of the attorneys who won the Maid of Mist case. Windsor even admitted to the court that everything the attorney said was true!
That's a heck of a read right there. Thanks! So Windsor's been trying these same strategies for years and failing. I'd heard other here say that. Now I've read it for myself. Amazing stuff!
DeleteHis communicator must be acting up again.
ReplyDeleteBetter get with Scotty in Engineering...
"Kevin P Brady
I tried to call in to ask the captain 'why can t you rally support among the nations talk show hosts to all cover this subject same night every week until we see some action. Couldn't get on.
More · 5 minutes ago"
Well, KPat? The Captain and Bill wouldn't have let you have a word in edgewise. Beam yourself up.
DeleteEven if you successfully did that with those talk show hosts who agreed with your radical crap, you'd wait forever for "action."
DeleteMaybe 6% of Americans listen to an entire talk show (radio, internet) even once a week. And those audiences are shrinking, not growing. Generally, as Americans, we don't give a shit. We don't give a shit about politics, or government or law or policy (foreign nor domestic). Here's what I think: We shouldn't. We shouldn't give a shit. Doesn't make a bit of difference in our lives. There's those that follow this stuff as if it were sports teams. Most of us just spend our lives loving (or hating or both) our families. We work at our jobs and look forward to seeing our dogs or cats at the end of a work day. We might play Skyrim or watch reality tv or the entertainment competitions, or sports or Netflix. What we don't do is listen to weirdos on talk shows. I think our not giving a shit is what makes this country great. You cannot conquer a nation that doesn't give a shit, or if you do... no one will give a shit!
Agree to wholeheartedly disagree with most of what 9:33 says...
DeleteUntil and unless the lemmings figure out time zone math, I'd say the country is safe from takeover...
ReplyDelete"Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
What time is that HERE in Seattle, Washington Mr. Bill Windsor?.
More · 1 hour ago"
Can't she pray for the time?
DeleteFlordeliza scares me.
She's on EART time.
DeleteToo funny! EART time.
DeleteI wonder if she's still waiting.
Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria I'm now waiting.
3 hrs
Blogtalk radio is not and never has been "Media" nor are they broadcasted on normal radio. Bill get your story right, the FBI came to me asking about you and your buddy schied. Now they are especially looking at Schieds friend Visner. If the FBI did not think you posed a threat they would not would be asking questions and opinions. We both know what you said you can deny it all day. While you sit in that Prison Cell for breaking a TOP which I am happy that they are charging some loony toon guy like yourself up for antagonizing people on a college campus with a bullet proof vest and parking outside next to their car waiting like having a 3rd grade "hey meet me after school" thing. Seriously, all I can do s laugh. BTW I hope a million people heard that tonight maybe they will come interview me so I can tell them the truth. Maybe I will have an agent.
ReplyDeleteThe Sean Fleming Show actually has more followers than "The Captain".
DeleteFrom SpongeBill Square Pants.
I'm pretty sure ' The Captain" had his largest audience ever, tonight ... and that was just the few of us who tuned in & tortured ourselves to hear how much Windsor would LIE!
DeleteThe Captain thought Windsor had a "hearing" coming up in January, just like the majority of Bill's lemmings who can't seem to pay attention for more than 30 seconds.
ReplyDeleteIt's called a trial. A criminal trial.
On Windsor's Facebook --> Susan Harbison: "The internet is still the wild wild west. I don't expect to see it civilized any time soon. I'd say it will be another twenty years before the kids that have grown up with the net and social media become law makers. Until then, the House and Congress will be occupied by people that are so disconnected from it they don't know what to do. smh"
ReplyDeleteI think I probably agree with that, but here's the thing: if I or anyone here had posted that same paragraph here, Sharon, if she were still allowed would have called us stupid and said we didn't know what we're talking about. Nothing about her visits to this blog had anything to do with content or opinion. It was all revenge and attempts at egotism and intimidation. She's really a nasty person.
That's exactly why she's been banned and has to go play with the lemmings now. She can talk down to the mental patients. Non of them will even respond to her. It'll be like she's not even there.
DeleteSimilar to a ghost.
DeleteWindsor has a credibility issue no doubt. The things he said on that show, were just that. For a show. Do courts get it wrong sometimes, yes, they do, but after proving they got it wrong, they reverse the wrong. Not for Windsor though. There is/was no wrong. He is an abusive person by nature. His moral compos doesn't seem to exist. He can lie his ass off and it doesn't phase him. He can convince himself that he's not lying by whatever excuse or semantic word game he likes to play. But the facts remain, he is just a flat out liar.
ReplyDeleteSharon claimed a while back that it's the defendants faults for being ignorant in the laws or whatever to stop Windsor's frivolous filings. That somehow he has the "right" to just file his harassing motions, appeals, writs, etc because everyone has that right.
This is wrong. Suing isn't a "Right" it's a "Privilege." When you abuse that "Privilege" you lose that privilege. You have to be babysat. But babysitting is expensive and tiring. Windsor is one of "Those" kids. The kid in the hood that no one wants to babysit. When one babysitter finally passes him off to another one, they are relieved. Windsor doesn't think that the previous babysitters opinions matter for the new babysitter. He claims that's against his rights, and have no bearing on the new babysitters. That's it's "Ex-partee" communications, and that the previous "Babysitter was being exposed as a "Corrupt" babysitter and that's why they were mean to him."
He's wrong. They need to warn the others, that he will throw tantrums, (call them all corrupt) break things, (laws and court rules) try to start fires, (file endless, frivolous motions) then run away. (go file in another court/state, or just go on the run)
If Windsor has done anything over the past few years, he's proven just how dangerous Vexatious litigants are, not just to the Judicial system but to the public in general. Whether you are on the other end of one of his frivolous, harassment based suits, the babysitter, or you're the taxpayer footing the bills. William M Windsor is a menace to society. There isn't a babysitter on this planet that shouldn't know or be warned. And not that it's a violation of his rights, he lost those "Privileges." It's a blatant violation of the rights of the majority of society who haven't abuse their rights.
Thank you, Anon @7:25 am. Speaking of some of what you commented above? Turn the page~
DeleteGood morning~