He claimed on the afternoon of the Friday 9th, in present-tense, "it now has to be forwarded from South Dakota".... The real-world calendar says nuh-uh. Saturday was the 10th, and no mail on Sunday the 11th, or today, Monday the 12th.
Now watch him say he had it overnighted.
Notice the lack of info about the content of the letter.... no mention of what it supposedly said--and you know if he actually received a letter from the ACLU, he'd open it *right* away and read it, then, based on the contents, either go to the www to call them corrupt and publicly condemn them - or say how delightful he is to see that they agree that he's the 'victim of the largest case of defamation in history'.....
That was just another lame humor attempt from Windsor. How could anyone (Mary D) really believe any of that is true. And as far as Sharon's comment above, why is it you always want answers or proof yet never once in the history of all of your idiotic comments have you ever provided either. You're full of shit and no amount of "nuanced" double speak will ever disguise it.
Why can't anyone else call the ACLU? If everything Windsor said is true? What's the problem? The ACLU will rescue him. I'd be very curious to know if he's ever donated to the this organization. Naomi, Windsor's dear friend? Her ice cream truck GoFundMe didn't get a donation, just a link share.
Rebecca McLaughlin-- Are you doing reverse psychology again? Lol. I just don't know anymore. Lol.(Yeah, no one knows Rebecca...)
Bill Windsor-- Read the words carefully. (yeah, because he plays semantics and thinks it's "funny".)
Mary Deneen-- MT Bar Assoc. probably barred you from representation. (Windsor? they don't understand your humor because well, it's just not funny)
Bill Windsor-- I asked "Would you believe?" LOL
Mary Deneen-- conflicts of interest, most are UM law school grads(See, she still doesn't get it. Those poor ticks are running for the hills. That's just mean. They were having fun on the rollercoaster in her brain, but now her brain is smoked out and they need to find some fresher air)
Your butthurt boss. Got all uppity because YOU told him "we" (whoever that is) called. You are a pot stirring, lying sack of shit. But, since Daddy Warbucks already scolded us, why the hell not check up and yet another LIE of his hu?
The nuance sailed past you, again, Sharon. How was your day? Everything good? I'm reading and several have attempted to converse with you and you're so aggravated, confrontational, snippy. Chill. It's just a discussion.
I just think it's hysterical that between Windsor and Sharon, their lives revolve around comments on this blog, and the need to go post stuff on his facebook page, to try and create some stir over here (which fails because he's a liar and not funny) and the lemmings have NO idea that's why he's posting stuff, and they also have no sense of humor, so they freak the eff out. Then he has to explain it was a joke. That is the only funny part. Watching him try to explain his sense of humor.
Millions of contacts each year and sure they must have a database of all the fake and crackpot cases who want to escape consequences for their own actions. Yeah right. Not everyone builds a toilet shrine like you do.
Windsor is a limited internet public figure and leader of a political movement. Being such, Windsor's social media and .com posts are a topics of discussion. Very few are even aware of his existence, much his claims of the his largest case of defamation, judicial corruption being committed against him, and whatever other bodacious BillSchit broadcast. Windsor just doesn't like scrutiny, few have ever flat out called it bunk, he's not coping well. Boohoo.
Don't forget yesterday was Sunday. So that fake letter is 2 days behind. Well apparently the liar Bill Windsor managed to stick the fake letter where the sun doesn't shine in his laundry! Pretty sure he doesn't launder his clothes as much as he launders money and excuses. As for the sun not shining, considering that Windsor and Sharon are both virtual shut-ins, it would seem that they can keep the letter to themselves and shut up about it.
Now he's just copy/pasting previous comments to people. Can't even be bothered with typing a direct comment. What a douche!
Bill Windsor-- I will publish the letter if I get either my pants or the letter back, if it was taken, and if the letter was in the pants. Lot of Ifs. 1 hr
Bill Windsor-- I will publish the letter if I get either my pants or the letter back, if it was taken, and if the letter was in the pants. Lot of Ifs. lol 30 min
Did he report them stolen since he's certain a stalker is trying to intercept communications. Love this spy talk, they are sure to diagnose him with something if he keeps this up.
Washed up whore 9:45- I have a question. While you were lap dancing and tricking in the strip club, did you tell people you were just "working your way through law school"?
Sharon? The Nuances you miss were the comment right below your question, answering you. Petunia was pointing out the fact that you are always late to the game, never batting 1000, 6 can's short of a 6 pack, take your pick. You're lost in your own faceblind world of ghosts and memories of lap dances. Perhaps some of the ghosts who cuss you out, are dissatisfied deceased customers.
LMAO!! Oh, this is hysterical. Windsor telling people not to just accept friend requests unless they know several other friends, and not to just join groups? Really? King stalker there, WAS soliciting people by going through other people's email and friends lists. HE was the creeper who sent mass emails out and asked people to go "Like" him on Facebook.
Check out this line in his Warning to the world (that really seems to be a warning about himself) " Do not use any photos that have ever appeared online anywhere else. If you do, it's easy to trace you with Google Image Search"
HAHAHAHAHA says the guy, who posted a picture, from his attack phone call video to Iron County District Attorney Scott Garrett. He even titled the picture Windsor Zoosk. HAHAHAHAHA oh man. What a complete and utter Cyberstalking CREEPER!! Do as I say, not as I do!! Or I will have to sue.
HAHAHA You're welcome fat ass! You forgot about your Scott Gordon trash video didn't you?
Cyberstalker much Windfart? Maybe when naming your dating site profile pictures in the future, you'll head your own advice and not put your real last name, and the scummy dating site to which you frequent.
Nah, that's just you being pissy and making defamatory attacks because Scott Gordon is a successful attorney. A real one. Unlike you and Sharon could ever hope to be.
What about the slam dunk, Windsor? Slowest, least spectacular slam dunk in history? More like a jump shot without the jump, man. Fell short of the backboard. Delay of game.
Why don't you try to keep up Sharon? The only one who plays semantics is you and your buddy. If you can't understand the comments because you're looking for your standard semantic game, that's your issue. Some people are straight forward. Unlike you and Billshit. You've lived in a faceblind, semantic riddled world so long, neither one of you understand the simplicity of communicating without mindfuck game. Now, go run on over back to your billy, I think his ass is getting cold.
Melissa really needs to give up the meth. Or, maybe she did and took up 'shrooms. Either way, she just ain't right. She starts out with this:
"Melissa Martin Idk who my stalkers are but they were putting a lot of time into me last week, by Friday they completely hijacked my phone, Saturday am I did a factory reset and installed extra apps to detect and prevent the stalkers from controlling my phone, Saturday night there was 5 flying objects hovering together above my property, I watched them and after a few minutes they must have noticed because they then split up and flew away but came back to fly over several times then later two were hovering in place around my property, One was bigger than the rest of them and had a red light and two flashing lights while the others had one flashing white light on each of them."
Then she throws in some Sov Cit rhetoric and ends with this:
"So we must fight 50 battled like the one that ended ww2 in Europe, the final battle was for a fairytale castle, we have 50 state capitals and can take back the fairytale castles to restore American rights like citizens in Europe did to stop the Nazis"
LOL I saw that, and was going to comment, then gave up. I almost thought she was a targeted troll. Then with that Sov Cit shit? Yeah, she aint right in the head.
The ACLU won't be involved in Windsor's case in any way. That whole claim is nothing more than another attempt by Bill and Sharon to try to get people worried Willy might avoid conviction.
"I'm anxiously waiting for the crack reporter that called the ACLU to return and answer my question: "Did you ask the individual what level of "involvement" is necessary for a case to be entered into the national database?" One would think a reporter would know how to ask the right question to get the answer he is looking for."
Sharon, I did receive the answers to my questions. The ACLU is not involved in Windsor's case. And they have never heard of him. I did not ask about the level of involvement necessary for a case to be entered into the ACLU's database. That's irrelevant since they're not involved. I have the answers to the questions I asked and am done with the ACLU as far as Windsor's concerned.
However, since you seem keen to know what level of involvement is necessary, feel free to contact the Montana ACLU. Here's their information: (406) 443-8590 aclu@aclumontana.org
Based on Windsor's past history of making up things and distorting facts to suit his needs of the moment, I call bunk on that supposed ACLU letter. If there IS one, please tell him to post it. I'd love to see it.
"Are you the crack reporter? Cause the crack reporter said, "The ACLU does not get involved in criminal cases."
That's a direct quote fromt the ACLU to me, Sharon. Again, feel free to contact them to confirm.
One other thing, Sharon, for your edification (and yes, you have permission to tell Windsor this - as I know you will.) You're probably wondering why I don't identify myself. It's because I work in an understaffed radio newsroom, and have to concentrate on work. I don't have time to deal with a vexatious litigant hassling me all day via phone or email. One person involved in this saga HAS voice-verified me. And that is all YOU and Windsor need to know.
Sharon probably blew through all her meds already this month. She's not making much sense. Not that she does when she's on them mind you. She's just jelly that she doesn't have a real job, so she has to attempt to insult people who do work for a living. And who do verify facts. They aren't used to that over in lemmingville. Don't ask questions, don't verify facts. If you do? You'll get sued. That's what separates Lemmings in Windsor World from the real world.
Windsor will contend that the whole ACLU thing was just a joke on the Joeys. Dude. We don't care. Lie all you want and pretend it's humorous. We all still live our lives like you didn't exist. You, however, have to live in Windsor World. Soon that's not going to be funny at all, or fun. Besides that, even if you could trick the Joeys, what good does that do. We have no control over the criminal charges against you. It also just makes you appear more creepy, inventing jokes that aren't funny and none of your lemmings have a chance to appreciate. Get a lawyer, man. A real one. As much as we despise you, this is getting difficult to watch. Are you never embarrassed?
It's like you're playing with your own poop. And the lemmings see you playing with your own poop and they say, "Bill! For God's sake, man! You're playing with your own poopee like it's play doh! What's up?"
To which you reply, "Don't worry. It's a joke on the Joeys!"
And the Snoozan comes round here and says, "You're all obviously too stupid to get how Windsor playing with his own stool is a joke on all of you. He's playing you!"
Windsor: "I am bored to tears as I wait for Judge James A. Haynes to issue an order. So, I have to do things like this to keep myself entertained. I even cleaned up my hotel room. You guys would not recognize it. I have two engagements that I look forward to this week. On Wednesday night, I have a meeting with two waitresses at Olive Garden. They want autographed Wanted Posters. I've kind of become their Modeling Agent. One girl looks like a much more beautiful version of Keira Knightly. It's funny how we all bumped into each other at Olive Garden. On Thursday night, I am having dinner with a mom and her two young sons. She used to be the front desk clerk at my hotel. She asked what brought me to town. I said: "you don't really want to know." She assured me that she did, so I told her about my criminal charges and pulled up my pants leg to see my GPS ankle monitor. Her oldest son (about 12, I guess) really got into reading LawlessAmerica.com and watching the YouTube videos. He apparently thinks I'm some kind of celebrity. It should be fun. Another autographed Wanted Poster ready."
Just stop it, you old fool. No one thinks you're a celebrity. There's no waitresses wanting you to be their manager. Every waitress on the planet thinks you're a gross old windbag. You think they really believe you're winning civil suites for hundreds of millions of dollars? Don't pretend like that's not what you're telling them. They've seen it all, Bill. The talent scouts for Hollywood studios. The CIA agents who just happen to be looking for operatives in that very Fuddruckers. And you. A gross, loney old man who thinks he's a celebrity.
Yeah, and when he's board to tears, he posts all kinds of moronic shit that now becomes a topic of opinions because he loves to share every single detail about his pathetic life (even if make believe)--yet he sues for that. He also posted twice tonight how his is of "Celebrity status" to people on the streets--yet in court, he says he isn't.
Windsor wants the ACLU to represent him. I have to question whether the ACLU would be interested in an Anti Government whakadoodle who wanted a "Revolution" where he was the leader--to take away the first amendment rights (among other things) of people who comment about political extremists or if they'd be more inclined to represent saving the first amendment rights of citizens.
While Windsor wants to claim his first amendment rights are being violated, at the same exact time, he is in civil suits trying to abolish it for others. Where Windsor's claims of first amendment violations against him are proven to be harassing, stalking, defamation and now criminal violations, yet others simply post opinions opposed to his extremist views.
I believe the ACLU would be far more interested in representing the public against Windsor more than Windsor against the world. He has cost taxpayers astronomical amounts of money in his frivolous, meritless suits. That would also be more important for the ACLU to counter to protect a greater cause. Windsor also fits the description of "Cyberstalker" due to the extremely large data base of domain hoarding sites that are in violation of the TOS for registrations. So for his blabbering of late, I flat out call BILLSHIT!
He's such a gross, lonely, old creeper - his whole spew about having no real friends requesting his friendship adds to his pathetic creepiness. His attempt to make himself into a known figure on Facebook or a Montana celebrity is scary in the sense that some old, fat, creepy, criminal senor citizen from South Dakota is so delusional and weird that he thinks he's a celebrity on Facebook and people want his autograph. Him and Snooze are both rejects of society who use Facebook to build their shattered, bruised egos and minds ... how sad, how pathetic, how creepy.
His little joke falls apart when you remember that today is a Federal Holiday with no mail delivery in Montana.
ReplyDeleteWhat am I saying? Lemmings don't even know what day it is...
He claimed on the afternoon of the Friday 9th, in present-tense, "it now has to be forwarded from South Dakota".... The real-world calendar says nuh-uh. Saturday was the 10th, and no mail on Sunday the 11th, or today, Monday the 12th.
DeleteNow watch him say he had it overnighted.
Notice the lack of info about the content of the letter.... no mention of what it supposedly said--and you know if he actually received a letter from the ACLU, he'd open it *right* away and read it, then, based on the contents, either go to the www to call them corrupt and publicly condemn them - or say how delightful he is to see that they agree that he's the 'victim of the largest case of defamation in history'.....
Typical Windshit.
hahahaha!! Yeah. Even forwarded or overnight mail doesn't get delivered on a holiday.
Delete"So, William M. Windsor was very excited when the mail came from South Dakota today"
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThat was just another lame humor attempt from Windsor. How could anyone (Mary D) really believe any of that is true. And as far as Sharon's comment above, why is it you always want answers or proof yet never once in the history of all of your idiotic comments have you ever provided either. You're full of shit and no amount of "nuanced" double speak will ever disguise it.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWhy can't anyone else call the ACLU?
DeleteIf everything Windsor said is true? What's the problem? The ACLU will rescue him.
I'd be very curious to know if he's ever donated to the this organization.
Naomi, Windsor's dear friend? Her ice cream truck GoFundMe didn't get a donation, just a link share.
Washed up whore 7:39. You're completely full of shit all of the time.
DeleteRebecca McLaughlin-- Are you doing reverse psychology again? Lol. I just don't know anymore. Lol.(Yeah, no one knows Rebecca...)
DeleteBill Windsor-- Read the words carefully. (yeah, because he plays semantics and thinks it's "funny".)
Mary Deneen-- MT Bar Assoc. probably barred you from representation. (Windsor? they don't understand your humor because well, it's just not funny)
Bill Windsor-- I asked "Would you believe?" LOL
Mary Deneen-- conflicts of interest, most are UM law school grads(See, she still doesn't get it. Those poor ticks are running for the hills. That's just mean. They were having fun on the rollercoaster in her brain, but now her brain is smoked out and they need to find some fresher air)
Sweet Jesus! We did the hustle and hitched a ride far, far south.
DeleteSangria anyone?
"I asked would you believe?" It's been obvious for some time that those idiots will believe anything he says. Poor Mary is so lost, it's pathetic.
DeleteJust a lonely fat guy, bored in a hotel with free WiFi, awaiting trial...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteYour butthurt boss. Got all uppity because YOU told him "we" (whoever that is) called. You are a pot stirring, lying sack of shit. But, since Daddy Warbucks already scolded us, why the hell not check up and yet another LIE of his hu?
DeleteWhat's he gonna do? Sue? BAHAHAHAHAHA
"Bill Windsor
DeleteI will publish the letter if I get either my pants or the letter back, if it was taken, and if the letter was in the pants. Lot of Ifs".
He left out one. "If Crystal Cox can forge one that looks convincing".
The nuance sailed past you, again, Sharon.
DeleteHow was your day? Everything good?
I'm reading and several have attempted to converse with you and you're so aggravated, confrontational, snippy. Chill. It's just a discussion.
I just think it's hysterical that between Windsor and Sharon, their lives revolve around comments on this blog, and the need to go post stuff on his facebook page, to try and create some stir over here (which fails because he's a liar and not funny) and the lemmings have NO idea that's why he's posting stuff, and they also have no sense of humor, so they freak the eff out. Then he has to explain it was a joke. That is the only funny part. Watching him try to explain his sense of humor.
DeleteMillions of contacts each year and sure they must have a database of all the fake and crackpot cases who want to escape consequences for their own actions. Yeah right. Not everyone builds a toilet shrine like you do.
DeleteWindsor is a limited internet public figure and leader of a political movement. Being such, Windsor's social media and .com posts are a topics of discussion. Very few are even aware of his existence, much his claims of the his largest case of defamation, judicial corruption being committed against him, and whatever other bodacious BillSchit broadcast.
DeleteWindsor just doesn't like scrutiny, few have ever flat out called it bunk, he's not coping well. Boohoo.
Don't forget yesterday was Sunday. So that fake letter is 2 days behind. Well apparently the liar Bill Windsor managed to stick the fake letter where the sun doesn't shine in his laundry! Pretty sure he doesn't launder his clothes as much as he launders money and excuses. As for the sun not shining, considering that Windsor and Sharon are both virtual shut-ins, it would seem that they can keep the letter to themselves and shut up about it.
DeleteNow he's just copy/pasting previous comments to people. Can't even be bothered with typing a direct comment. What a douche!
DeleteBill Windsor-- I will publish the letter if I get either my pants or the letter back, if it was taken, and if the letter was in the pants. Lot of Ifs.
1 hr
Bill Windsor-- I will publish the letter if I get either my pants or the letter back, if it was taken, and if the letter was in the pants. Lot of Ifs. lol
30 min
Did he report them stolen since he's certain a stalker is trying to intercept communications. Love this spy talk, they are sure to diagnose him with something if he keeps this up.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWashed up whore 9:45- I have a question. While you were lap dancing and tricking in the strip club, did you tell people you were just "working your way through law school"?
DeleteSharon? The Nuances you miss were the comment right below your question, answering you. Petunia was pointing out the fact that you are always late to the game, never batting 1000, 6 can's short of a 6 pack, take your pick. You're lost in your own faceblind world of ghosts and memories of lap dances. Perhaps some of the ghosts who cuss you out, are dissatisfied deceased customers.
DeleteSome information sailed to the top of the page! Yay P & crew!
ReplyDeleteLMAO!! Oh, this is hysterical. Windsor telling people not to just accept friend requests unless they know several other friends, and not to just join groups? Really? King stalker there, WAS soliciting people by going through other people's email and friends lists. HE was the creeper who sent mass emails out and asked people to go "Like" him on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteCheck out this line in his Warning to the world (that really seems to be a warning about himself) " Do not use any photos that have ever appeared online anywhere else. If you do, it's easy to trace you with Google Image Search"
HAHAHAHAHA says the guy, who posted a picture, from his attack phone call video to Iron County District Attorney Scott Garrett. He even titled the picture Windsor Zoosk. HAHAHAHAHA oh man. What a complete and utter Cyberstalking CREEPER!! Do as I say, not as I do!! Or I will have to sue.
Just a bunch of hot steamy Billshit!!
***forgot to add*** the picture part is about "Dating sites"
DeleteGot to laughing and throwing up at the same time...
HAHAHA You're welcome fat ass! You forgot about your Scott Gordon trash video didn't you?
DeleteCyberstalker much Windfart?
Maybe when naming your dating site profile pictures in the future, you'll head your own advice and not put your real last name, and the scummy dating site to which you frequent.
Nah, that's just you being pissy and making defamatory attacks because Scott Gordon is a successful attorney. A real one. Unlike you and Sharon could ever hope to be.
What about the slam dunk, Windsor? Slowest, least spectacular slam dunk in history? More like a jump shot without the jump, man. Fell short of the backboard. Delay of game.
ReplyDeleteI have uncovered exclusive footage of Windsor's "slam dunk".
DeleteGiggle giggle giggle snicker! Giggle!!
DeleteBest photo ever!
DeleteYeah he needs to get a Fisher Price wiffle bat and leave the slam dunks for the pros.
DeleteBuahahahahahahahaha! Absolutely perfect!
DeleteTassels at Law
ReplyDeleteLMAO but eewwwww!!
DeleteHAHAHA !!
DeleteOMG, that is a hoot!!!!! :)
DeleteVexatious Bill
DeleteWhat national database?
Hmmm...the ACLU says it wants to hear from us right here:
Yes, it looks like they did take his case:
Yes, Bill you will have plenty of access to mental health care if the UCLA gets their way. Remember they are working hard just for you.
The ACLU DOES NOT take criminal cases or complaints:
Maybe he'd have better luck with UCLA. Forgive the dyslexia I have jet lag.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you try to keep up Sharon? The only one who plays semantics is you and your buddy. If you can't understand the comments because you're looking for your standard semantic game, that's your issue. Some people are straight forward. Unlike you and Billshit. You've lived in a faceblind, semantic riddled world so long, neither one of you understand the simplicity of communicating without mindfuck game. Now, go run on over back to your billy, I think his ass is getting cold.
DeleteMelissa really needs to give up the meth. Or, maybe she did and took up 'shrooms. Either way, she just ain't right. She starts out with this:
ReplyDelete"Melissa Martin Idk who my stalkers are but they were putting a lot of time into me last week, by Friday they completely hijacked my phone, Saturday am I did a factory reset and installed extra apps to detect and prevent the stalkers from controlling my phone, Saturday night there was 5 flying objects hovering together above my property, I watched them and after a few minutes they must have noticed because they then split up and flew away but came back to fly over several times then later two were hovering in place around my property, One was bigger than the rest of them and had a red light and two flashing lights while the others had one flashing white light on each of them."
Then she throws in some Sov Cit rhetoric and ends with this:
"So we must fight 50
battled like the one that ended ww2 in Europe, the final battle was for a fairytale castle, we have 50 state capitals and can take back the fairytale castles to restore American rights like citizens in Europe did to stop the Nazis"
LOL I saw that, and was going to comment, then gave up. I almost thought she was a targeted troll. Then with that Sov Cit shit? Yeah, she aint right in the head.
DeleteThe ACLU won't be involved in Windsor's case in any way. That whole claim is nothing more than another attempt by Bill and Sharon to try to get people worried Willy might avoid conviction.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThat's right, because no one can get it dismissed Sharon. Shitty try though. #3
Delete"I'm anxiously waiting for the crack reporter that called the ACLU to return and answer my question: "Did you ask the individual what level of "involvement" is necessary for a case to be entered into the national database?" One would think a reporter would know how to ask the right question to get the answer he is looking for."
ReplyDeleteSharon, I did receive the answers to my questions. The ACLU is not involved in Windsor's case. And they have never heard of him. I did not ask about the level of involvement necessary for a case to be entered into the ACLU's database. That's irrelevant since they're not involved. I have the answers to the questions I asked and am done with the ACLU as far as Windsor's concerned.
However, since you seem keen to know what level of involvement is necessary, feel free to contact the Montana ACLU. Here's their information: (406) 443-8590 aclu@aclumontana.org
Based on Windsor's past history of making up things and distorting facts to suit his needs of the moment, I call bunk on that supposed ACLU letter. If there IS one, please tell him to post it. I'd love to see it.
"Are you the crack reporter? Cause the crack reporter said, "The ACLU does not get involved in criminal cases."
That's a direct quote fromt the ACLU to me, Sharon. Again, feel free to contact them to confirm.
One other thing, Sharon, for your edification (and yes, you have permission to tell Windsor this - as I know you will.) You're probably wondering why I don't identify myself. It's because I work in an understaffed radio newsroom, and have to concentrate on work. I don't have time to deal with a vexatious litigant hassling me all day via phone or email. One person involved in this saga HAS voice-verified me. And that is all YOU and Windsor need to know.
Sharon probably blew through all her meds already this month. She's not making much sense. Not that she does when she's on them mind you. She's just jelly that she doesn't have a real job, so she has to attempt to insult people who do work for a living. And who do verify facts. They aren't used to that over in lemmingville. Don't ask questions, don't verify facts. If you do? You'll get sued. That's what separates Lemmings in Windsor World from the real world.
DeleteLMAO. All the time Windsor spent trying to attract the attention of mainstream media. I don't think that ^^^ is what he meant.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteWindsor will contend that the whole ACLU thing was just a joke on the Joeys. Dude. We don't care. Lie all you want and pretend it's humorous. We all still live our lives like you didn't exist. You, however, have to live in Windsor World. Soon that's not going to be funny at all, or fun. Besides that, even if you could trick the Joeys, what good does that do. We have no control over the criminal charges against you. It also just makes you appear more creepy, inventing jokes that aren't funny and none of your lemmings have a chance to appreciate. Get a lawyer, man. A real one. As much as we despise you, this is getting difficult to watch. Are you never embarrassed?
ReplyDeleteIt's like you're playing with your own poop. And the lemmings see you playing with your own poop and they say, "Bill! For God's sake, man! You're playing with your own poopee like it's play doh! What's up?"
ReplyDeleteTo which you reply, "Don't worry. It's a joke on the Joeys!"
And the Snoozan comes round here and says, "You're all obviously too stupid to get how Windsor playing with his own stool is a joke on all of you. He's playing you!"
ReplyDeleteThis poop is a slam dunk!
ReplyDeleteWindsor: "I am bored to tears as I wait for Judge James A. Haynes to issue an order. So, I have to do things like this to keep myself entertained. I even cleaned up my hotel room. You guys would not recognize it. I have two engagements that I look forward to this week. On Wednesday night, I have a meeting with two waitresses at Olive Garden. They want autographed Wanted Posters. I've kind of become their Modeling Agent. One girl looks like a much more beautiful version of Keira Knightly. It's funny how we all bumped into each other at Olive Garden. On Thursday night, I am having dinner with a mom and her two young sons. She used to be the front desk clerk at my hotel. She asked what brought me to town. I said: "you don't really want to know." She assured me that she did, so I told her about my criminal charges and pulled up my pants leg to see my GPS ankle monitor. Her oldest son (about 12, I guess) really got into reading LawlessAmerica.com and watching the YouTube videos. He apparently thinks I'm some kind of celebrity. It should be fun. Another autographed Wanted Poster ready."
ReplyDeleteJust stop it, you old fool. No one thinks you're a celebrity. There's no waitresses wanting you to be their manager. Every waitress on the planet thinks you're a gross old windbag. You think they really believe you're winning civil suites for hundreds of millions of dollars? Don't pretend like that's not what you're telling them. They've seen it all, Bill. The talent scouts for Hollywood studios. The CIA agents who just happen to be looking for operatives in that very Fuddruckers. And you. A gross, loney old man who thinks he's a celebrity.
Yeah, and when he's board to tears, he posts all kinds of moronic shit that now becomes a topic of opinions because he loves to share every single detail about his pathetic life (even if make believe)--yet he sues for that. He also posted twice tonight how his is of "Celebrity status" to people on the streets--yet in court, he says he isn't.
DeleteWindsor wants the ACLU to represent him. I have to question whether the ACLU would be interested in an Anti Government whakadoodle who wanted a "Revolution" where he was the leader--to take away the first amendment rights (among other things) of people who comment about political extremists or if they'd be more inclined to represent saving the first amendment rights of citizens.
While Windsor wants to claim his first amendment rights are being violated, at the same exact time, he is in civil suits trying to abolish it for others. Where Windsor's claims of first amendment violations against him are proven to be harassing, stalking, defamation and now criminal violations, yet others simply post opinions opposed to his extremist views.
I believe the ACLU would be far more interested in representing the public against Windsor more than Windsor against the world. He has cost taxpayers astronomical amounts of money in his frivolous, meritless suits. That would also be more important for the ACLU to counter to protect a greater cause. Windsor also fits the description of "Cyberstalker" due to the extremely large data base of domain hoarding sites that are in violation of the TOS for registrations. So for his blabbering of late, I flat out call BILLSHIT!
He's such a gross, lonely, old creeper -
Deletehis whole spew about having no real friends requesting his friendship adds to his pathetic creepiness. His attempt to make himself into a known figure on Facebook or a Montana celebrity is scary in the sense that some old, fat, creepy, criminal senor citizen from South Dakota is so delusional and weird that he thinks he's a celebrity on Facebook and people want his autograph.
Him and Snooze are both rejects of society who use Facebook to build their shattered, bruised egos and minds ... how sad, how pathetic, how creepy.
You're so correct Anon11:38. And for an example? New blog post is up, showing in Windsor's very own words, exactly how creepy.
DeleteTurn the page~
One fact snoozan can't argue there is no movie