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Monday, October 26, 2015

Memory Lane Monday

Decided to get a pedicure and was looking through BillSchit screenshots when what do I find?  A giggle fest from the mysterious Not Bill.
This?  Was a monumental Facebook post on Bill Windsor's page and he didn't even participate. 
It's a lot of screenshots, and yes, I did blip over a lot of Vic's and MaryD's (for space reasons), but readers can click the link below to read them all.  
What struck me most?  Ms. Sharon Stephens' comments.  It was not just how many, or her very sincere concern and support for Windsor, but the fact that she is adamant that the rules of law be followed!  
Not Bill didn't help real Bill out much, IMO.  Wonder what ever happened to Not Bill
Ms. Stephens replies throughout the thread to commenters that no longer appear, whether they deleted their comments, were deleted or were un-ed and blocked by real Bill or Not Bill?  Who knows.  
It's all I've got people.  Did I mention I'm bored with Windsor?  I am.  So, until he does Facebook backflips or court hula hoops?  TaDa!

**disclaimer:  I lost count which screen shot I was on while choosing festive holiday design for front left hoof.  I'm sorry, sue me. 


  1. Is Sharon Stephens an A/K/A for Snoozan?

  2. I like the Mrs. Stephens lady. How did she get involved with Bill and Lawless America?
    I like that other lady too, Mrs. Anderson. She had a link or a blog for everything.

  3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 26, 2015 at 2:35 PM

    HAHAHA I remember this day. Ms Stephens was correct and whoever "Not Bill" was/is was a hot mess of DUH! Just adding more and more confusion with each post.

    Ms Stephens seems to understand you follow court rules, which Windsor does not. So I am of the same curiosity as Anon 2:14, how and why is she following the lying turd stain Windsor?

    1. She's too nice & can't say no?

    2. I started nick-naming the nice ones! That Mrs Anderson? #LinkLady she seriously has a link for everything! I like her too.

  4. Ok so lets play a "Where's Windsor" game.

    Today was the day he was "Blowing the berg" right? He said he had his car loaded and ready to go. I believe that. However, I believe he blew his berg over the weekend. I also would guess that since he just now brought up the whole Jennifer story, his plans were to head to Florida (hang with Magilla Gorilla Glen) or one of his siblings, file a new harassing, frivolous lawsuit against Jennifer and the "Joeys' there, and it's a two fold win for Windsor. He won't be able to make it back to MT for trial due to one of the many medical excuses and distance, and he'll also have new pending game litigations there.

    Seems legit right? This is Windsor...

    1. For Windsor? Yes, as legit as he ever gets.

    2. Magilla Gorilla Glen? Love it! Don't forget the ©

    3. I was wondering what would happen if Ninja is right, Windsor slips on ice while in FL, bonks his head and can't drive back to MT for the trial. OK, small chance of ice in FL - let's say there is the storm of the century, a blizzard slams several states and Windsor can't drive back to MT from where ever he is hiding out or he comes up with a new medical malady.

      In felony cases: "Except as otherwise provided in Title 46, the defendant in all cases in which a felony is charged must be present at the initial appearance, arraignment, entry of plea, preliminary examination, trial, and sentencing or when otherwise required by the court."

      The court has several options if Windsor doesn't make it back for the trial:

      (1) or if the defendant is not represented by counsel, the court, in its discretion, may do one or more of the following:
      (a) order a continuance;
      (b) order bail forfeited;
      (c) issue an arrest warrant; or
      (d) proceed with the trial after finding that the defendant had knowledge of the trial date and is voluntarily absent. -

    4. Knowing Windsor, he'd request a phone in appearance at his felony trial.

    5. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 27, 2015 at 10:26 AM

      This is Windsor so rational thought process doesn't apply.

      A) He sent in his slam dunk brief, therefore the Judge didn't respond so that must mean he agrees.

      B) In Windsor World, what he deems "Void" is, but what is actually "Void" isn't.

      C) It is "Unconstitutional" to have on GPS tracker, therefore his whereabouts are irrelevant and unenforceable for tracking purposes. He signed waiver under "Duress" while crossing fingers. (They have to find him first don't cha know...)

      hahahaha...sound about right?

    6. I'm going with phone in appearance, too RC3.
      It'll be the "Hurricane, Blizzard, Hail Storm, Earthquake, Volcanic ash makes travel impossible" of the century and debilitating mystery illness. cough cough

    7. Winter's coming. It would be one more vexi-delay for him to force them to come get him, even if he knows he would be caught. That's still one more day filled with the manic delusion that he'll find a way out of this mess.
      I think the lemmings are bored too. Like good little citizens they are trying to talk about genuine politics and the presidential race. I bet that made Bill jealous. "No focus on me." Face it, Bill, your'e not even good enough for yesterday's news.

  5. Does Rhode Island Rebecca's comment near the end say she was worried about Bill's spirituality while he was in jail? She is a real comedienne :0) CHEERS!

  6. Either Bill has slipped into a coma or he's rolling down the highway. Too quiet the entire day.
    Alert! Be on high creeper alert nationwide.

  7. Windsor: "And, please do us a favor and recognize that America has an epidemic of government corruption, judicial corruption, and law enforcement corruption that is much scarier than the scariest Halloween Haunted House."

    Just as fake though, Bill. A haunted house is actually a good analogy. Its owners going to great trouble and expense to create the ILLUSION of danger, creating fear with household items. Throw on the light and it's just a messy basement.

    1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 27, 2015 at 8:32 AM

      Guess that's why he doesn't like the "Haters."
      We have the power to turn on the lights, when he'd rather keep people in the dark.

    2. Trying too hard to be vexi. Everyone knows a haunted house at Halloween time is faked. Visitor be warned any other time of the year too. Too easy to fake a haunting these da

  8. Oh brother! Now he's back to Sheriff Arpaio again. Dude really needs to new material! Is he just THAT desperate to get some kind of media attention he'll just jump on other people's stories to link himself in there? OMG what a moron!

    1. You didn't enjoy the pumpkin pic's Anon@11:42?
      Over 60 pumpkin pic's and not one "Tick" pumpkin, I bet that "ticks" Mary off .... LOL !!!

  9. One of Bill's links: "Retaliation claims re-emerge during sheriff's contempt case"

    Mary Full of Ticks: "Montana Sheriff Retaliation Against Treatment for Lyme Disease and Co-infections Misdiagnosed in MT."

    What in tarnation is wrong with that woman? She needs help, not a raging codependency. Shame on you Bill Windsor. I mean that. Shame.

    1. He has no shame.

      (Tarnation doesn't know what's wrong with her either)

  10. Those Arpaio video reports of Windsor's are of similar quality to a high school media student who is pumping out assignments due the next day. I'm not saying they're amateurish. They would have to be much better to rank as amateurish.

    1. LMAO at the Yahoo news article Windsor posted about Arpaio. The confidential informant that started all the trouble for Judge Snow is a con man. He made a lot of money selling computer programs to the government that didn't work but were supposed decode secret messages transmitted through Al Jazeera. He soaked Arpaio's office for $120,000. It gets better, the CI is represented by Larry Klayman.

    2. Yeah, to rank Windsor's videos as amateur would be a compliment. I about got whiplash with some of those edits. And I agree with what was said up there ^^^ somewhere. Windsor looks like a moron linking himself to the Arpaio controversy. Who cares if he even HAS an opinion? He doesn't live there, it's not HIS election, the corruption and ethics issues are being investigated. There is nothing for him to do there, even if he could do something besides give a half a$$ recap of 2 issues.

      All I could think while listening to Windsor complain about the tent city is, it's a darn good thing for him that Boushie doesn't live in Maricopa County, AZ.

    3. Too bad Montana doesn't do tent prisons. Brrrrrrrrr shivers.

    4. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 28, 2015 at 7:32 AM

      @ Ida, I agree. Windsor's always posting stories trying to say there is "Corruption" but if you notice, all the stories are of things already being investigated = No Corruption, or people like him, whining about how they lost their court cases, but upon further investigations, the lost on merit, not "Corruption."

      It's laughable. So what exactly is Windsor doing? Nothing. He's like one of those wanna be paparazzi (without actually being there to film current events) and just reposting other people's work, with his bias, twisted commentary that usually has some kind of MaryD twist back to himself.

      When I read him say to a court that everyone is "Retaliating against him because he's exposing Government and Judicial Corruption," after I get done giggle snorting and shaking my head, I think WHERE? WHAT did he or has he exposed, except for himself being a big, fat fraud.

      Maybe he made his Millllliions off Depends stock.

    5. "...people like him, whining about how they lost their court cases, but upon further investigations, the lost on merit, not "Corruption."

      Yeah, like those posts on Cherie Safapou that everyone is ignoring. The e-mail is dated 9/29, saying Ms. Safapou is taking her case to the Feds. The federal court dismissed her complaint on 10/7. On the surface, Ms. Safapou looks like several other lemmings, no merit to her case and every judge that rules against her is corrupt.

  11. So, Who are "We" and "Us" ?? Is Windsor even posting on his wall or are "We" and "Us" posting... as he runs?

    "Happy Halloween. We hope you enjoy these fabulous pumpkins -- gathered from all across the Internet.
    If you do, please share this Halloween Album with friends, relatives, neighbors, and enemies.
    And, please do us a favor and recognize that America has an epidemic of government corruption, judicial corruption, and law enforcement corruption that is much scarier than the scariest Halloween Haunted House. We must educate everyone we can"

    1. Surely he's not running now! I mean, he says every day without a dismissal, things just keep getting better and better! And if he hits his head on a cabinet, stubs his toe, loses his wallet or gets a flat tire then things will surely be looking up for Bill Windsor! Run and waste such good fortune? Never! If he hasn't heard anything from the Judge by mid-November, surely that means Windsor has been elected Governor of Montana or something. No he wasn't a candidate and there wasn't an even election. That just shows you how excellent a lengthy delay on a damn slam dunk can be!

  12. Today wasn't the day some more!

    1. Nope. Snickering!

      ℗ ♛ ❥

    2. It's starting to look like his slam dunk is going to end up like his MO lawsuit and his hot date. Here one day, then never mentioned again.

  13. How interesting, out of Ellis County, Texas. Sounds familiar.

    An Ellis County jury deliberated into the late night hours on Thursday, October 15, 2015, before returning on Friday and finding Harvey Leelane Searcy, 30, of Red Oak guilty of Assault on a Public Servant. On October 19, 2015, punishment evidence was presented to Judge Bob Carroll of the 40th District Court, who sentenced Mr. Searcy to the maximum 20 years imprisonment. Because he has a prior federal felony conviction for counterfeiting, Searcy faced a possible punishment range of 2-20 years in prison.

    Mr. Searcy chose to represent himself during trial, declining the representation of an attorney the Court designated to assist him as stand-by counsel.

    On May 21, 2014, Ellis County Sheriff’s deputies attempted to execute two arrest warrants on Mr. Searcy as he drove out of his neighborhood. Mr. Searcy refused to stop for the deputies. He continued driving approximately a half of a mile before turning into an elementary school during peak drop-off time. As a deputy attempted to arrest him, Searcy slammed the deputy’s hand in the car door, causing injuries. Mr. Searcy then barricaded himself in the car, forcing the school to go on lockdown. After a 20 minute stand-off, deputies broke the driver side window of the vehicle and placed Searcy under arrest.

    Mr. Searcy stressed his intent to appeal his case. Throughout his trial Searcy claimed that the Ellis County District Court lacked jurisdiction over him as a “natural person,” a belief shared by followers of a movement commonly referred to as “Sovereign Citizens.” Mr. Searcy claimed he was not subject to the laws and jurisdictions of this Court because he did not consent to the contract that formed our government.

    1. I saw that! ProSe and Sovereign, yeah familiar.
      I was on the Ellis County DA, Patrick Wilson's Facebook page reading about the drone crashing on his patio and kept scrolling.

    2. Wow. Interesting news day in Ellis County. And I missed it all. Thanks for the posts.

    3. Windsor saw the drone story. He just makes stuff up to rile the lemmings. The link he posted for the drone group is from May, it shows a meet up in Ferris was cancelled due to weather concerns. They did meet in Waxahachie, a month ago. Otherwise their meet ups have been all over the place, Plano, Grand Prairie, Weatherford, Mckinney. This model drone has a remote control range of 500m (and I believe this is consistent with FAA regulations). It doesn't appear the drone could have made it to Wilson's patio from any of the meet up locations.

      Then he posted an article about elementary school kids from Lancaster ISD that took drones, as a summer camp class, to Ferris in August 2014. Geesh. Those kids live in Dallas County. Besides limits on range, they probably have no idea of who Patrick Wilson is or how to find his patio.

    4. Windsor saw the drone story while reading here.
      That's what is I find funny.

      You're welcome, again, Bill.

    5. I fly various drones. The quadcopter in question is a cheap Phantom copy. First off, hobbyist drones (of which that is a poor example) are very nearly useless for spying. Second, most people with that sort of quad are poor pilots. What happened here was that someone bought this cheap thing on Banggood, believing the hype that they're easy to fly. First or second flight, they got too high and got confused and it crashed. The pilot is one of Wilson's neighbors. With the small amount they've invested, they'll figure goo riddance. Either that or they know Wilson and will fess up. Whoever flew it wasn't trying to spy. The camera on that thing is worse than a 20 year old flip phone. Plastic lens. Defective, misaligned ccd. They were just trying to keep it in the air and failed, just as hundreds of thousands of people will do this coming Christmas.

    6. This is a good drone with a halfway decent pilot (me).

    7. The different launch sites would be partly due to weather conditions on that given day and may not reflect the person's actual residence. The FAA is tightening restrictions on drones, hang gliders and hot air balloons which means these will increasingly be described as air craft and require a pilot's license to fly. And then there is the expense. No one is going to throw that all away on Windsor unless they are already part of the SovCit crowd. (Signed, Pilot in Training.)

  14. Bwhahahahahahaha!
    Windsor is commemorating the anniversary of being arrested with much whining and spin spew.
    Oh Yoo-hoo? From my family to you, Happy Anniversary Mr. Windsor! Enjoy your day and don't forget to #SayCheese

    1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 28, 2015 at 7:52 AM

      LOL Wow!! That sure is a whiney, snively, drivelly, woe is me Billshittery post. I like this line though..."here's an article that Bill Windsor wrote after he escaped from prison: hahaha Why yes, yes he did "Escape" (jail) didn't he? Thus, creating the necessity for his recapture, second arrest, and incarceration, and the extradition, which caused the third arrest, and incarceration. His actions created the entire thing that he wants to play off as "Corruption."

      So, when he's claiming he's going to sue Ellis County for this? Like they just arrested him out of nowhere? Good luck with that Windsor. I can't wait for that show! Should be a fairly quick one, resulting in an awesome display of Bitchslapping Butthurt Billness.

      Oh, and now he would like the drone flyer to contact him? Really? Would that be interfering again in an investigation? Kind of like interfering and or tampering with evidence by changing the youtube video title?

    2. ^giggle snickered at "Escaped" myself^

      I make the motion to lowercase c © your Bitchslapping Butthurt Billness and we gift it to all the Ellis County, Texas officials.

      ℗ ♛ ❥

    3. I caught that too, he "escaped from prison". I hope Wilson and the drone owner are watching Windsor's FB page.

    4. Wilson has been made aware.

    5. I hope Wilson & Ellis Co charge him with interfering with a criminal investigation ... and/or stalking, harassment etc ... the only reason he would want the drone owner to contact him is to get Wilson's home address (scary)

      " I encourage the owner of the drone to contact me CONFIDENTIALLY at "

    6. Well, the drone incident is not a nefarious as it first appeared.

      Ellis County & District Attorney - Patrick Wilson
      48 mins · Edited ·

      I'm happy to report that the owner of the drone appeared at Waxahachie P.D. first thing this morning. I appreciate him coming forward. My understanding is that he lost sight of the drone and it flew far beyond its expected range. The police told me where he lives, and from where the drone was apparently launched. That neighborhood is nowhere near mine. This should be a lesson to anyone who is thinking about getting one of those. Please don't fly them in residential areas. And please see this funny public service announcement about drones from The Muppets.

    7. ^^^^^ Just as I suspected. More corruption!

    8. Damnit! I knew the Muppets were corrupt. I've been whining, I mean, "Exposing corruption" for YEARS!! Never did trust that Frog! And don't even get me started on that pig!

      Undeniable, irrefutable proof, that the Government has been paying the Muppets!

    9. Thanks for the update, Ida - too bad Windsor's intentions were not as innocent = "I encourage the owner of the drone to contact me CONFIDENTIALLY at"

    10. The funny part of that- I guess Bill thinks everyone in Ellis Co reads his Facebook page daily.

    11. Brandy Bee That drone is like $800 online. I don't think it belongs to a kid there. Isn't it a really poor area?

      Yep. I just heard on KRLD that Brookshire's in Midlothian has the cheapest gas anywhere around the D/FW area. It must be cheaper here because we can't afford to pay more. Brandy is probably right, folks in Ellis County can't afford an $800 toy. Their spending all their money on trucks that cost $40,000+, ag animals, ag animal accessories and sports. Oh, and homecoming mums, those cost a bloody fortune.

    12. Most of the lemmings couldn't afford to drive through Midlothian. After Bill was laughed out of town, he'd be pulled over pretty quick as well I'd guess.

    13. I like that DA, Patrick Wilson. He's a great DA, a family and community oriented individual, he has a terrific sense of humor, and he uses various social medias platforms very well and regularly.
      If I were a resident of Ellis County, I would certainly vote him for re-election.

    14. The traditional 1st anniversary gift is paper. A more modern gift would be a clock. However, after a decades long obsession with the justice system, it really is time that they bought him some jewelry, gave him his own room in the big house and made an honest man of him!

    15. Yep, Mr. Wilson has always had my vote. He's a hard a$$, no BS kind of guy. But I also think he is fair. Where I appreciate him the most in is prosecution of crimes against children and cops that need to be in jail. He is completely color blind, IMO, black, blue, brown, white - doesn't matter, a crime is a crime and he's on it. I've attended several police department's "National Night Out" in different Ellis County towns, he's been at every one I've attended. As regards to police, he maintains a Brady List. If he finds an officer has a credibility issue, Wilson will not accept cases from them or allow them to testify.

  15. I noticed a comment made by Bill's expert legal adviser on his page. This part caught my attention:

    "He doesn't seem to have any respect for the courts. He blatantly ignores court orders! It IS like he thinks he is untouchable. How can he think that? This is a real mystery!"

    I couldn't tell if she was talking about the subject of Bill's post or her Willy himself!

    1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 28, 2015 at 9:49 AM

      LOL!! I thought the exact same. I believe subconsciously it was aimed Windsor.

      The legal advisor was an adversary of Windsor's, who bailed and created a few anti Windsor forums of her own. I feel there is an underlying need or obsession to show exactly what a moron he really is, by misleading him. She claimed before once she felt dooped, it was only fair to return the favor. So, that's what I believe she's doing to him now. Misleading him, just like she felt he mislead her and the others.

    2. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 28, 2015 at 9:57 AM

      And what better way to get to him, than to pretend to be all "Anti hater?" Windsor just eats that shit up faster than pie. All one has to do to feed that Narcissist is hand him some fake information and he'll post it "Upon information and belief" all day long. That is his entire life isn't it? Just to attack people he doesn't like. A sure way to Windsor's black heart is hating on others. I have to hand it to her, she did an excellent job conning the con man.

    3. Ha! That is irony.

  16. When did Bill add the title INFAMOUS to his Facebook profile description of himself? Is trying to be a Drake or Meek Mil gangsta wannabe now?
    Wasn't he crying he was just a nobody when his saga began, way back when dust was first discovered?

    1. That is exactly the opposite of what Windsor vehemently argued in the 40th District Court in Texas.
      Now, he's claiming he is infamous?

    2. Hahahahaha. I looked up doofus and infamous in the urban dictionary:

      A total fucking idiot

      Being well-known for having a negative impact on society, a community, and/or the world. Someone who is infamous is well known but not respected/liked by anyone.

      Example of doofus: scrubbing the internet of the words "public figure" and replacing the self description with the word "infamous".

    3. Told y'all so. Last year.
      Not only is he a wad, he's a doofus wad. He can't hide it, it's plainly plainly visible the moment he opens his trap. Or files anything, in any court, anywhere.
      Can I lowercase c that? Please? Thank you.

  17. I have a troll on my page ..... this was kinda funny to me Joey is his Mafia clan....... really he show up after I posted the Gun picture from Bill Windsor ......I hope you find it funny too

    1. LOL!! I think he swore under oath that it never left Georgia. hahahaha

  18. Bill Windsor
    Thanks Cruz and friends. Unfortunately, the Clerk's Office is now closed in Montana, and no order again today. I had a need to watch my Response to the State of the Union video yesterday. I wish one of the candidates would embrace those issues and ideas.

    He had a need to watch himself talking on a video? Just f-ing weird. A need?
    Going to shower now. With bleach.

    1. Yes a need. Narcissistic supply. The presidential debate was last night. Bill needed to feel like a star in a world where hundreds of political issues have risen to the surface since his brief foray in politics. He doesn't understand the issues, he's too lazy to learn, the talk is over his head and he knows it. His defense mechanism for feeling inadequate is once again to escape into delusions of grandeur over something he did in the past, even if it was also a failure.


    1. Sssshhhh!
      It's after midnight! Dammit! Go to sleep! No more all CAPS LOCK for you!
      I'm always watching • •
      ℗ ♛ ❥

    2. ❥ your guts,Anon. Please turn off lights on way out the gate & make sure coffee is ready. Ida gets up early.

    3. LMAO - Thanks, P. Coffee is ready...

      I'm with Anon @ 11:16 PM. Windsor had a NEED to watch that video? For what? Like he has the NEED to take and post another selfie?

    4. I wonder if Windsor watched the Republican debate. I did. The attitude, questions and presentation from the panel were horrible. The entire exchange between candidates and panel was contentious and sometimes hostile. But the candidates did a good job of avoiding the traps.

      I bring it up because the candidates did not address each specific lemming butt hurt but they spewed the Sov Cit mantra and Windsor's tag line. If elected, each would "take back our country". I cringed every time I heard those words. But in context, a couple of them almost swayed me. At least they've all given the appearance that they've paid attention to the plight of the middle class.

    5. Could you imagine Windsor in a debate? Since he doesn't like questions, or talks in circles with semantics, it's no wonder he just wanted to nominate himself, and be "leader" with no vote.

      I have to wonder if he was watching his state of the onion response looking for anything he said that might be used against him in the near future.

      I was curious about Eugene Paulson's comment about the US Supreme court so I went looking. In March of 2015, his appeal was denied and they upheld his conviction for all three of his charges. The interesting part is that the verbiage Paulson used to describe how his "Constitutional Rights" were being violated was much like Windsors, however the court saw it more along the lines of moron trying to revamp the constitution to suit his agenda.

      Same Sov CIt mantra as Windsor uses, which he claims he isn't a part of. Part of Paulson's conviction was due to using the same "Treason-death" comment that Windsor's said numerous times. I still stand firm in my belief, that Windsor was working with Paulson and aiding him with his threats and fake grand jury crap back then, because of the comments Windsor made on a talkshoe where he stated he had a secret group (or however he said it) working behind the scenes in South Dakota, and they were writing up the crap that all the Lawless would use to start filing those charges after DC. Paulson's arrest seemed to be the reason Windsor never uttered another word about those charges being filed. Kind of like all the other stuff he suddenly stops talking about without following through on his promises.

    6. Is it just my imagination (because Paulsen frightens me), do Paulsen's sporadic comments on Bill's self proclaimed INFAMOUS saga have an ominous tone? As if Paulsen's most recent, a "been there, done that" is hinting that Bill has deviated from a plan or schedule, and has a NEED to re-focus? If you go back and note the time and date, Bill stops posting new updates after each Paulsen comment in recent months, and barely, if at all, commented afterwards. Bill waits 24 hours and re-cranks slowly.

    7. It is my opinion that Windsor has deviated from what he professed he would do for those GRIP followers prior to the whole "Movie" debacle. There are/were some serious Sov Cit's looking to him to lead them down the path to Fake Grand Juries. He said it too many times back then, then claimed he never said it, didn't think it would actually work, yada yada. Well, that's funny because in one of his Narcissist Youtube's he actually posted a contract where he showed the "Citizen Grand Jury" agenda.

      Windsor may think he's clever in his double talk, but he's not. All it would have taken for him to go down with Paulson was a deeper investigation into Paulson's computer. IMO they didn't go deep enough. They just got the easy evidence to nail Paulson, but left the rest of the Lawless Crew working with him, free to continue slithering around.

      Maybe Paulson is sending Windsor some veiled messages. I'd be pretty irked too, if I went to jail because my self proclaimed "Leader" pushed my in front of the bus and slithered away whistling.

      Piccone-- the "attorney" for the trademark debacle is currently dealing with a whole other issue of fraud, and I have a gut that Windsor was the mastermind to that fraud, and he pushed Piccone in front of that bus too. Being an "Attorney" was the downfall, where Pro-Se Butthurt Baby seems to get away with tons of crap attorney's can't. (So, why did Windsor let him take the fall? He could have stepped up and showed his stupidity, and Piccone might not be in so much trouble)

    8. Piccone sued the USPTO. His case was dismissed day before yesterday. William Windsor is mentioned on page 2 of the opinion, as one of the cases Piccone handled during a time when his license was suspended.

    9. Yeah, he knew he was being investigated, so he pre-emptively and frivolously filed against them. Now comes the fun part. Their suit against him. hahahahaha

  20. "I cannot wait to get out to California, conduct some movie biz, and then hit the Mother Road heading from Santa Monica back toward Chicago."

    What the hell does this movie garbage even mean anymore?

    Seriously. His "letter" from the documentary filmmaker crap is forgotten by the lemmings. His retooling into a TV series horseshit fell flat.

    Why couldn't he just find some kid with an iPad to splice his stupid YouTube videos together, add some graphics and call it a day?

    Just keeps blathering about some pretend movie for the mindless tick and lice crowd he calls followers.

    1. The movie is nothing more than the proverbial carrot dangling in front of the donkey. It's how he keeps the little audience he has left. When there is no one listening then Windsor become a true nobody. Unfortunately, the carrot really only works on donkeys.

    2. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 29, 2015 at 9:20 AM

      LMAO @ Ticks and Lice crowd.
      He needs them to rally around his conviction in outrage. It's the only reason he keeps throwing out those breadcrumbs. "Look at me--I'm still trying to get the movie done, but the big, bad, meanies keep stopping me cause they're scared."

      They are too stupid to understand the truth, and that truth was that Windsor did a bait and switch on them. He wanted people for his "Revolution" and figured the movie con would do the tick. So, he's still calling for the MILLIONS of asses to follow him, by pretending anyone is interested in their 'movie' so they share, share, share--to get the "Revolution" going again.

      He's got nothing. He is a Nobody, living in the world of Narcissistic selfies and re run youtubes of himself blustering away. I wonder how excited he gets while watching himself on screen. It's the closest he'll ever get being a "Movie star." Bet he's got a huge screen on his computer and he just sits there all day (when not updating his Facebook) watching his "Fabulous" self on looped youtubes.

    3. The turning point was Marty having Schied resubmit his YouTube nonsense as his own.

      Pretty telling when the likes of Marty Prehn fears his reputation might suffer by association...

    4. "Why couldn't he just find some kid with an iPad to splice his stupid YouTube videos together, add some graphics and call it a day? "

      Fantastic idea!

  21. I guess Connie missed the part about separation of Church and State? Since she's Mormon, and that religion is offensive to other religions, and vise versa, exactly where is she trying to go with the Connie Fielding sermon hour? Are all the lemmings just one sided? Is that their real issue? That they can't accept or respect each person's individual rights to believe differently than they do? Then to mix in Law, which is not derived from a religious standpoint at all?

    Interesting watching how they get to their beliefs about "Constitutional Rights Violations" when they violate them repeatedly.

  22. Leave it up to idiots to say that the charges against Windsor will be dropped. Windsor's charges are not getting dropped and anyone who would claim they would, is maliciously misleading any readers or followers of Windsors. There is NO CORRUPTION in the charges. This is yet one more ploy of Anti Government flaming.

    Some "Legal Expert" Windsor has over there. SMDH Flippen Morons! Vexatious Narcissists who feel that they can simply do and say as they please, purposely not following court orders or rules, and expect to just keep getting away with it. Keep playing the games because it's only going to solidify the crimes Windsor played and thought he could get away with.

    Although, that sudden support by the "Legal Expert" does seem suspect of reverse psychology since Windsor is a huge moron.

    1. Based on all of the previous legal predictions, Bill is screwed for at least 2 weeks.

      "As "Brief Watch 2015" continues, I remain convinced that Haynes will dismiss the charges within the next week."

  23. Connie Fielding: "24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up."

    That means as much today as it did when Joseph Smith wrote it in 1840. That is to say, nothing. Serious. Look at it. Doesn't mean a thing. Windsor won't erase it because then it would look like no one is posting comments.

    Even nonsense is preferable to nothing. Pretty much describes Windsor's brief, come to think of it.

    1. Thank you for saying that. I read that drivel twice and couldn't make sense of it. I thought maybe I just needed more coffee.

    2. Except Joseph didn't write that. He plagiarized 3 different books. The internet is the death of fraud.

  24. Windsor: " Tell it like it is. Call a Spade a Spade. Call a corrupt judge a corrupt judge. In my opinion, no use pussyfooting around when you're going to get screwed anyway."

    No Windsor. At one point you could have had those charges dropped completely. Then you turned down a deal that all but did away with the charges, certainly any danger of further incarceration. Let's look at your definition of you getting screwed, Bill. To you, if they don't allow you to continue to stalk and intimidate and threaten (exactly as you accuse others of doing) then they're screwing you and you'd rather go to prison. No one else sees it that way, Windsor. The judge doesn't and the jury won't. You're not special. That's what this eventual conviction will mean. It will mean you're not special, and you can't tolerate not being treated special by everyone.

    1. Tell it like it is. Call a spade a spade, a vexi asshat a vexi asshat!

    2. Bill is ugly, inside and out. Even the words he uses are ugly.

  25. And so another day of The Grotesque Tyranny of A Judge Not Paying Any Attention To Bill Windsor's Excellent Slam Dunk otherwise known as today not being the day again.

    1. Fudrucker's, Cinemax and alcohol for the close...

  26. Windsor has a way of spinning any story back to himself. In his recent "How do I link myself into this "hot topic Subway" story" post, he is trying to polish this turd by saying the Judges bought Subway Sandwiches to keep people inside the courthouse and away from "the movie."

    Interesting, since Windsor claimed Subway was his favorite sandwich place and requested tin several states, that Subway be provided for his fatness I'll help spin this story in a truthful way for Windsor.

    Windsor is the Subway Sammich Supporter. Windsor helped support Jarred Fogle's sickness. As one of the commenters on Windsor's FB post says "Isn't it ironic that..." (I'll change this from their conspiracy to mine) Windsor supported a place where there were disgusting crimes committed and a guy who's trying to buy his way out of the full sentence.

    Seems more accurate of a spin, since Windsor supports stories about people who want to whine and cry "Corruption" instead of owning their shit. Perhaps Windsor should be contacting "Jared" instead of the victims. That would be the angle right? That Jared was "Set up" or "Framed" and his constitutional rights to diddle with kiddies is being violated?I mean, Jared is the "victim" here? Windsor supported a few stories like Jared's, and the children were simply "liars."

    There you go Windsor. You're welcome. You'd have a far better chance of linking yourself to Jared's wagon. He needs damage control "Media." Go get em! Show the world the "Corruption."

    1. Windsor is stil pissed off he wasn't offered a Subway sammich that day.

    2. Windsor was in Carver County, MN in the middle of 2012. Jared was arrested in August 2015. The judges are supposed to have crystal balls? Their crystal balls must have been broken that day. Besides, it's not Subway's fault Jared turned out to be an accused pervert. Stupid lemmings.

      Stephanie Ann Jackson-Sanders Isn't it ironic that they chose Subway when their spokesman was recently under investigation for child pornography yet, there they sit ripping children away from their homes!?!?

    3. Ida, you just summed up the entire Lawless America organization. "Stupid Lemmings".

  27. Bill was busy editing his big anniversary Facebook post late yesterday. More threatening, trying to get all INFAMOUS. When he gets done with 'Motion Watch 2015', Bill's going to get on with his life, carrying on with filing more lawsuits.
    Busy Doofus ©

  28. Good morning!
    Happy Friday!

    Anon@ 7:26? You gave me an idea!
    Turn the page>>>>

    ℗ ♛ ❥
