Is William M Windsor coming out of the closet? The “Cyberstalker” closet.
The face of a completely obsessed and unstable Cyberstalker.
Windsor has claimed that Cyberstalkers are being paid by the Government. Well, he is on social security isn't he? Is he finally admitting that Lawless America is an “Organization” of mentally ill, obsessed, unstable people--lead by a Man who's being paid by the Government to Cyberstalk?
Lets take a look shall we?
Looking for personal information? Social Security numbers? Drivers license information?
How obsessed IS William M Windsor? Leader of “Lawless America?”
WOW! Increasing the reward? Lets see, first it was $1000, then $5000 then $10,000!! Just how mentally ill and obsessed does someone have to be, to offer to pay 10K for names?
And what will he do with that information once he obtains it? And is the information even reliable? Well, Ppfffttt who cares right? He's got names, that's all that matters. Commence domain hoarding!! Slander, defamatory content, and libel “galore.”
*note that below is a screenshot of just 1 of 93 pages of many judges' domain names purchased by Windsor! 93! Click and get a good view of all of it*
The complete “How To” in Windsor's own words. Cyberstalking By William M Windsor 101.
Oh nifty. He's got the “Tricks” down pat huh? Awesome. That William M Windsor Cyberstalking 101 Lawless style is sure laid out nice isn't it? Wow. Including the “I believe” excuse too. Sweet!
“Our goal is to blanket the searches for “Corrupt People.” Stated Lawless Cyberstalker in goals, as noted below: (anyone William M Windsor doesn't like, will be targeted, Cyberstalked, and physically stalked under the name of “Lawless America” masquerading as “News.”)
Government paid “Cyberstalkers” hard at work!! Wow. How does Windsor find the time?
Thank YOU William M Windsor, for explaining how and why YOU Cyberstalk.
However, one of the best, most concise summaries comes from an Anon post made here, at the Back40 pasture, recently. Thank you, Anon: