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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Rut roh!

Hmmm?  Dizzy? No mention below from August 18.


  1. Right about that time, POTUS will be giving a speech in honor of 9/11. But what the Lemmings should really worry about as they try to take back America is whether or not a grown man can be where he is told to be without having his hand held.

  2. Sounds like the court is making Willy pay for the various games he's been playing. The judge is letting him know he's still running the show and can play games too.

  3. If it wasn't so far to Walmart, I'd run over to buy some burner phones. This is an invitation almost too good to pass up.


    I won't have a lot of battery, but I'll respond to as many as I can when I stop for gas or the short night.

    It will be 8:00 pm MDT before I leave my motel. That gives me 18 hours to drive 13 hours and nap somewhere along the way. Backbreaker.

    This really pi$$e$ me off. See the story in the post below.

    I have filed documents with the Court about my fractured skull, my hospitalization, my dizziness, and my need for sufficient notice to travel to Missoula. Judge James A. Haynes is forcing me to put my life at risk doing this marathon drive. Absolutely outrageous.

    1. Didn't bother him when he was stalking people across the southern states. Boohoo boohoo.

    2. Yes, he filed his written "because I said so" documents, but did he file actual evidence to support his claims? Doctor reports, diagnosis', x-rays from 2013? Anything tangible? From a real doctor, and not a lemming like MaryD? Surely he'd have tons of medical reports right? From TX and MT? Since he wrote he'd been seen in both? What about the ambulance records from his transportation to the hospital in TX? Something? Anything?

    3. I'm wondering if all this "detailed" blabber is just a smokescreen for him running.
      Why all the details of exactly when he's leaving, or imploring the lemmings to text him on his journey to MT?
      IMHO, he's giving out way too much information about his every move ....
      Does anyone know if he really has to be in court on Friday?
      If so for what?

    4. Why didn't Windsor list his dizziness / closed head injury on his jail intake paperwork? All he ever listed was his paranoia to closed in spaces. Hmmmmm.....

    5. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already in MT. He was quiet all day, and could have easily driven the 5 hrs or whatever. It's all just more drama. He probably actually got word that the pre trial hearing was for Friday a few days ago, and he was just hoping the stall/stay would put it off. Then he found out the stay/stall was lifted, and he had to be there. That sounds more accurate to me.

    6. Frank your probably right. That is how the windsor rolls. like an old pie with a dented crust on it's side.

    7. your-->you're

    8. I call B.S. and say he's running.

      From the Ravalli County Court website: (
      "... The Law and Motion Calendar ... for Department 2 Judge Haynes will be [published] on Wednesday afternoons. When the final Law and Motion Calendar is published we are also publishing a tentative calendar for each department for the next scheduled Law and Motion day."

      Here is the docket/calendar info for Judge Haynes: You'll note Windsor is NOT on this calendar. Nor was he on the calendar for today.

      Windsor claims he just found out about tomorrow's "hearing." Given his pattern of lying and hyperbole, I don't believe him. I wonder if they'll find that ankle bracelet of his in his hotel room ... lying amid a pile of rumpled bedsheets.

    9. 10:31 Who cares. This is not a college paper

    10. That's a perfect libtard response, Sean, and no one here would expect anything more from you.

    11. Just so you know I'm voting for Barry sanders

    12. Just FYI.. Judge Haynes is a Ravalli County judge, but the case is still in Missoula county. Judge Haynes is traveling the 50 miles from Hamilton, Mt to Missoula just for these hearings. Which is why they are being held on Fridays.

    13. The point--which you prove repeatedly--is you "can't get it right" because you are ignorant. Vote for whomever you like, but be sure my vote will cancel out yours.

  4. It would be nice if they revoke his bond for tampering with evidence and obstruction of justice due to all his frivolous games of stalling the hearing that had NO MERIT. He's the biggest game playin' m-fer and he should be charged for it. He's still barking about his Writ of Cesspool he's trying to file by Monday--again--USELESS and more games!

    1. He keeps whining about how he can't get back for whatever reason, maybe they will make him stay put. He seems to forget this is a criminal, not a civil, matter.

    2. Yep, I agree. Whatever they do, he shouldn't be allowed to leave. He's admitted he shouldn't be on the road, so why did he even leave MT in the first place? If he wants people to believe he's so ill, he should also put his ego and arrogance aside for the safety of the public. If he'd admit he shouldn't be driving, that is a blatant disregard for others on the road just because HE is traveling. He never thinks of anyone but himself.

      But I still opt for revoking his bond, AND adding more charges. He deserves it, and a hell of a lot more IMO!

    3. They should take his license away until he is cleared by a doctor That way the public is protected, and his "dizzy" excuses are off the table.

    4. Yep. No one forced him to risk his life. He is making the claim that he has chosen time and time again to risk his life and the lives of others. That should earn a visit from the cops and a revoke from the DMV. More than that, the court could always book him a ride if it is so difficult. What were those buses you guys spoke of before :)

  5. Glen Gibellina
    Judge is a punk....needs his ass kicked

    I think Glen is the one that needs a kick in the ass.

    1. Agree!
      Glen is a piece of sovereign shit.



    Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
    More · 10 minutes ago

    Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
    when is the court date?.
    More · 10 minutes ago

    Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
    you mean tomorrow the September 11, 2015, is your court hearing Mr. Bill Windsor?. / I like to come and attend, your Court Hearing?.
    1 · More · 8 minutes ago

    Karen Jutkiewicz
    Yeah I thought it was for the 28th
    More · 2 minutes ago

  7. Rebecca McLaughlin--"I just recieved a text from Bill ... In fabulous spirits!! I am trying to raise funds to go help Bill. Just posted fundme! Lol. I have never been so broke in my life...$6 in my checking account!! Thank God love happiness my son daughter friends and family keep me from going insane!"


    1. I think I'll donate. That crazy lady would be a great help, but not for Bill.

    2. No problem. Her bank will be closing that account for insufficient funds very soon. Hope it was worth it!

  8. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorSeptember 10, 2015 at 10:12 PM

    Ok, this is just typical lemming. No matter what? Good or bad? That means in lemmingville, they CAN commit crimes and it's all ok. I swear, I hope they lock Windsor up for the rest of his life, for real, just to make an example of what happens when you mock the Judicial System and the Government, and you join in some extremist group and try to overthrow them--even if just the premise.

    "Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria-- OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, WILL ALWAYS PROTECT, AND MAKE Mr. Bill Windsor, WIN all of his COURT CASES at ALL OF THE TIME, NO MATTER WHAT THE SITUATIONS ARE, GOOD or BAD, Mr. Bill Windsor, WILL ALWAYS BE THE WINNER, AMEN. / THY WILL BE DONE CAREFULLY AND ALWAYS, AMEN. / FATHER IN HEAVEN! PLEASE! GO HELP, Mr. Bill Windsor, Amen. / Please! go get Mr. Bill Windsor, AND take him home, to a GOOD HOME, NOT! in the jail house, AMEN."

    1. Flordeliza isn't necessarily wrong. She might just have a very screwed up definition of WIN. Like it means lose or something. I'm sure she means well. Bless her thoroughly confused little soul.

  9. Bill's gotta have nightmares about that elevator in Texas stopping on a surprise floor (him going to jail). He's got to be worried about that happening tomorrow in Montana. If he runs now, that's why. He's been able to to control everything for months now online. His greatest fear is that he can no longer post crap on LA and Facebook. Looking at the possibility of that being taken away tomorrow, he might just shed the device and run. Let's remember, he hasn't once voluntarily appeared in that court on his criminal trial. Not once. He entered that courtroom until now with cuffs on. Those gotta be bad memories associated with that place. We can justifiably entertain doubts he'll show.

    1. I realize he interviewed witnesses. That's not a hearing and not a trial and not even an arraignment. It's not required. Bill and/or any of the other participants could have skipped it. If Windsor makes that hearing today, it will be his first without being lead into court with cuffs.

      I think I know where he was. SLC. That's 7 hours from Missoula, not 12. He obviously doesn't want to let anyone know where he was or where he's headed. The court knows untill he loses that jewelry.

    2. "Let's remember, he hasn't once voluntarily appeared in that court on his criminal trial. "
      Sorry, not quite correct, he has been in the courthouse twice for hearings on his own, once in an orange jumpsuit.

      He has been living in Meridian Idaho, all of the documents he posted were notarized at a wells fargo bank just of I 84 in Meridian.

      Boise, (Just outside Meridian) To Missoula is ~8 hours. Its a curvy deer and moose filled road. he probably goes the long way to I 90, so ~9 hours.

    3. From Google maps--Boise to Missoula different routes:

      7 h 29 min (367.3 mi)
      via ID-55 N and US-12 E

      7 h 32 min (399.7 mi)
      via US-95 N and US-12 E

      7 h 42 min (528.5 mi)
      via US-20 E and I-15 N

      The fact that Windsor is playing those faithful followers like he is, when he was in Idaho the whole time, is more disgusting documented behavior, that hopefully will be mentioned in court. It's the facts that he simply lies with ease, and causes emotional distress for fun and games. These ARE the people supporting him, and his hatred for Boushie, and everyone in the Montana Judicial System, LE, DA, etc.

      When Vic said the Judge needs his ass kicked? And that other whackjob asked what Boushie looked like? Yeah--HELLO!! These are crazy people following Windsor!

    4. Anon10:06,

      Well written, informative, perfect.


    1. Spam, He needs an Elder Advocate they are saying now. Wheres the Elder Dawg? Good time for him to start his GoFundme to get a trip to Montana.

    2. I thought Rebecca was setting up a page to help Windsor. This is all about funding her problems. If there was any way to get Rebecca, Vic, Florawhatever, Glen, Karen, Howard, Marty and a few more of the best fruit loops in the court room with Windsor, I'd donate and buy a ticket to the show.

  11. I'm calling flat out BillSchit on Windsor's whiney tale of woe.
    Windsor is sooooooooo "in fear" of an infinite number of "Joeys" and "Mommies"? Boushie? But he gives out specific details of his travels? In the wee hours of the night? While dizzy and in physical distress? Pffffffftt
    Windsor has been planted in a rented room for a hot minute and is doing his narcissistic spin.
    I would really like to give plane tickets to Floridzilla, Rebecca, Vic and several others to be in Missoula to support Windsor. He's whipped them into a frenzy, he should get to enjoy their company until his trial begins. They and Windsor could do major legal brainstorming and filming in the next 17 days.

    1. It will be easy to find out where Windsor has been on September 11th by the notary that stamps his paperwork or the envelope that gets scanned in. Maybe the the fax number he uses too.

    2. The authorities that issued Windsor the GPS monitor know where he's been. And, yes, Mr. Flemming, the notary stamps have been very contradictory of where Windsor has claimed he was in the past.
      There's #truth and then there's Windsor's windbaggery. The two have been proven repeatedly to not be within the same galaxy.

    3. Back off, SFW!

      He's being roalroaded...

    4. He's not even driving anywhere.

      Holed up in his hotel room, jerking to an Ooga Boobies flick...

    5. ©
      Ok! It's ours!
      Use it proudly.

      ℗ ♛ ❥

  12. Five bucks says someone cracks up when he swears to tell the truth...

  13. "I won't have a lot of battery, but I'll respond to as many as I can when I stop for gas or the short night".

    So this man who spend so much time driving around the country doesn't have a car charging cord for his phone?

    1. Someone stole it when they broke into the Jeep in 2013...

    2. He was arrested in the AT&T store before he could finish buying one. It's all LE's fault if he gets stranded with a dead phone.

  14. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorSeptember 11, 2015 at 9:22 AM

    Rebecca McLaughlin-- "Just got a text from Bill wants me to let you know he is safe. He's in Oregon - 2 hrs. into his 13 hour trip. I will be setting my alarm all night every two hours to make sure he is safe and awake. This is cruel and unreasonable punishment. Bill is almost 70 years old - I feel like filing a complaint against the State of Montana - elderly abuse!! Emotional and psychological elderly abuse. What a bunch of cruel f***ers! This is very cruel. I am worried he is driving all night very worried."

    Look at how spinny he got them with two little posts full of lies. It's is amazing to me, the fact that not one of them questions anything. It's just full on Billshit gobbling over there. Then MaryD goes into her "all about me" on the thread.

    He's just mean, evil, hateful, and couldn't care less that he's done spun them into this frenzy for HIS drama. Rebecca getting up every two hours? Really--just can't stop shaking my head at Windsor's games.

    1. Windsor is so cruel to them. He's disgusting.
      Seriously, MaryD is having another online meltdown.
      That is just pitiful.

    2. So, all his recent court documents have been sent from Idaho, yet he's told them he was somewhere near Oregon? Didn't he tell the Judge in TX that he couldn't drive there for the hearing because he was in ID? or did he tell them he was in MT?

      Wherever he was two weeks ago, if he left, he clearly didn't have an issue with driving and dizzy. He's capable of driving whenever he wants, until it's someone else telling him where to drive to. Rebecca needs to take her manic meds, and chillax! He's lying to her!

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorSeptember 11, 2015 at 9:45 AM

      Cruel? Should have been his middle name!!

      Rebecca McLaughlin-- Its 10:30am RI time Bill Windsor should have arrived by now. The last I had contact was at 6am which would have been 8 hrs into his 13 hour trip. According to my calculations he should be there. He was looking for the number of a specific hotel which I provided. I will call it to see if he checked in. A bit worried he's not responding. He was tired the last we had contact so maybe he is sleeping.

      Karen Jutkiewicz-- I text him at 8:24 and no response back yet

      Rebecca McLaughlin-- I just checked the hotel requested the number for he did not check in. They said they had no openings last night. So he is either sleeping in his car or in a different hotel. Its 8:30am there. He maybe sleeping. His hearing is at 2pm. So hopefully he is sleeping. Pr ay!
      2 mins

    4. MaryD killed the first thread--so they were forced to continue being concerned on the lower one. STFU Mary!! They are trying to find Windsor--who--cant be bothered to let them know he's fine, reading their comments and filling up his ego!!

      Why don't they put in a missing person report? Sheesh!!

      Rebecca McLaughlin-- I am a bit worried they may have tricked him there to keep him again. Karen Jutkiewicz 2pm there is about 4pm here! Plz update if you hear from him. I am exhausted going to get some sleep. Will keep phone on."

    5. Marty should issue another formal Elder Alert!

    6. 7-11 parking lot presser and everything!

      All of these clowns are such retards...

  15. I'd love for the transcripts today, to show the GPS log of where exactly Windsor has been for the past month or so. It would help document the lies he's told the courts, (TX) as well as prove to the lemmings that he lied to them about something so trivial. Maybe they'd wake up and start realizing the lies are endless, and he's been playing them for drama and hype.

  16. Oh where oh where has Billy gone,
    Oh where oh where could he be...
    With his head so fat
    and his brain so.......cracked.
    Oh where oh where could he bee...

    Run Billy! Run!!!

    Se Habla espanol Billy? Que pasa Taco Dickey's BBQ?

    1. They better make sure his next jumpsuit is striped. Where's Windsor?

  17. Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, there's a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him.

    It's 2 am...

  18. Elder abuse! Pfffft! It's the old coot that is the abuser! Does he not realize that all these lies he's told and continue to tell is not going to fly with a jury of his peers with his criminal trial. Clear and convincing evidence of a man who is clearly deranged and delusional. Been a long run with this old coot I am #delighted to see him finally brought to justice!
    Recently went through Missoula, beautiful state! Might take a jaunt back through there again and sit a spell.

    1. Dharma!!! Yippppeeeee! ~waving~
      How is Smeggie?

    2. Smush! Smeggie is great!!

  19. Apparently Windsor didn't crash into anything. Looks like him might make it to court...

    Rebecca McLaughlin Just heard from Bill Windsor asked me to post that he is ok. Thank God! Was sleeping getting ready for court! Best R.
    38 mins

    1. I think Deborah is going to need a league, just a team probably won't do the trick.

      Deborah Lynne Connor Bill, I have a whole prayer team praying for you today!!!

    2. What part of this don't you get, Deborah--Bill's playing for the other team!

    3. Is that like dial a prayer? "Hello? I'm gonna need a team prayer. My Amex#? Lemme get it! Wait right here!"


    4. But all of this greed and anger in Windsor comes from a place of lack in his life. Probably a lack of love and respect. This is the chance for Scrooge to turn his life around. Instead of 3 ghosts, he has well...thousands of Joeys and Mommies and whatever other delusions. He couldn't live that dishonest life forever and he had to fall to see this. This is his moment to turn his life around. So go ahead and pray, because his soul needs redemption. And while you are praying, ask yourselves how many times this man has publicly thanked God, or prayed to God or taken Jesus as his savior.

  20. Connie Fielding is a Mormon 911 Truther. (also divorced, I assume) She's got the entire Mormon apparatus praying for Bill now, which works, just ask President Mitt Romney.

    1. Hahahaha. Yep, didn't help Romney. But, wasn't it an LDS elder that got Connie committed to the psych ward?

    2. "But, wasn't it an LDS elder that got Connie committed to the psych ward?" Oh that's delicious! Are all of these people certified mental patients? Every one? We should rent them a bus!

    3. Oh yeah, it was too. The LDS leader had Connie committed. Because "...affiant (crisis worker) has received phone calls from various family members and friends who describe a history of delusional preoccupation with government conspiracies to take children from their homes and give them to bad people. Resources have expressed their concern for her well-being and for others, as Connie has stated that it is her 'mission from Christ' to expose these conspiracies."

      Icing on the cake: non public figure Bill Windsor was interviewed by the news about Connie's case.

    4. What sunk Mitt's campaign was Marty's endorsement.

      "Kiss of death Prehn", as he's known in political circles...

  21. So how does this work, when people are praying for Justice for a liar, a con, a fraud etc. Will that speed up his Karma?

    Connie Fielding-- I will put your name in an LDS Temple tomorrow - which means that for two weeks tens of thousands of Mormons will pray on your behalf at the altars within over 165+ temples!

    1. You mean Mitt Romney, Bill's old boss, could be praying for Billy soon? That's rich.

    2. In order to enter the Temple itself she would need approval from her church to include being paid up on tithes. Anyone can place a name on the prayer roll for 2 weeks, but it is a confidential roll, so no one knows who is on the list when the church service calls for them to pray together. In fact many people believe that the LDS faith is made up and is a fraud itself due to lack of scientific/historical validity. (When was the last time you found a Mormon coin in your yard despite claims that millions of pre-Mormons roamed the Americas?) If you happen to be one of those people who can google and reason or watch the youtube vids, then you see here the irony of using a fraudulent faith built by a child who got attention for making up stories to pray for another man child who gets attention by making up stories.

  22. If Bill attends, he has literally rolled into the courtroom trailing carts full of paper documenting each of the 214 points he intends to make. Here's how many of those he will be allowed to pursue: none. Zero. Bill's mountain of evidence (about 4% of which is unique information, with 96% being identical paragraphs copied and pasted over and over) is useless in a pretrial hearing. Mount Windsor, a paper Everest, is very common amongst the remote Pro Se tribe, though few are as large as Bill's. Bill Windsor, meet Reality. She'll be your flight attendant these next few weeks. Things are fixing to get real.

    1. Windsor showed. Wearing an orange t-shirt, looking like something the cat drug in.
      No more motions/fings. None. Continued until at least November.
      That's all I've got.
      No specifics.

    2. Oh, and he's gained more girth. Just an observation.
      I know! A wow moment.

    3. I have never seen such a slower process. This is ridiculous.

    4. I have. Everything with Windsor is sloooooowwwww.


  23. How fricken stupid are these people really? Windsor posts a book by Jon Krakauer and Connie says this:
    "Connie Fielding-- Is this your book?"

    So, now Windsor is free for a few more months to be a lying, manipulative, pot stirring sack of shit--and the morons that support him will eat up every drop of Billshit he writes. SMDH

  24. OMG!!! Just wow! Unfrickenbelievable! Turn the monster loose already! Just let him go free, he's innocent of course after all. Who cares any more right? Judge Larson's clear order is meaningless, Windsor's premature appeal is the reason there was no hearing--but who really cares? When Windsor wants to dick with the courts, and they allow it, why bother? Just let the menace loose, its all good! SMDH


    I have just left the Missoula County Courthouse. I was summoned there yesterday afternoon at 4 pm. I finished some business, packed up, and hit the highway at 8 pm. I only stopped once briefly for gas, and then multiple times trying to get a hotel or motel room. No cigar. I finally found a room when I got to Missoula at 7 am. No traffic and no stops, so I made what was a 13 hour trip in 11 hours. I slept a few hours, printed some documents, and raced to the courthouse for the 2:00 pm Preliminary Pre-Trial Conference.

    It was quite a surprise. Judge James A. Haynes was positive toward my case for the first time. He still browbeat me a bit, but he admonished Sean Boushie for trying to file something in the case. He then gave me three options and let me decide how the case would move forward. I chose the extension of time for two months. The trial will probably now be in December.

    Now for the really good news. He indicated that it may be appropriate to dismiss the charges. COULD HAVE KNOCKED ME OVER WITH A FEATHER!
    Deputy Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark has been instructed to submit a brief explaining why the Temporary Order of Protection ("TOP") was still valid since there was never a hearing as required by law. And since the TOP stated that it expired after 20 days on September 16, 2013. The bogus charges are for things that happened between December 30, 2013 and October 4, 2014. I then get to file a reply.

    The trial will probably be rescheduled for December, and it's possible that the case could get dismissed within the next few weeks.

    So, I didn't mind driving all night when this happened. Of course it could just be a set-up. I trust no one in a courtroom.

    Judge James A. Haynes didn't say anything about the federal court threat made by Jennifer Clark a few weeks ago. I don't believe she ever spoke to the U.S. Attorney, but I am to try to find out.

    More to report, but I am a sleepy guy.

    I am headed to Helena, the capital of Montana, where I will attempt to get a temporary restraining order and injunction to stop the case. I'm going to stop by the Montana State Prison to see if I can get a tour as I could spend seven years there."

    1. This right here: "I am headed to Helena, the capital of Montana, where I will attempt to get a temporary restraining order and injunction to stop the case.", is just stupid. He made his points, why keep poking the judge? Why NOT just do what the judge said, wait for the prosecution's brief?

      I think Windsor is addicted to law suits. ABFTFM (c) Spamanon

    2. "So, I didn't mind driving all night when this happened."

      He was "forced to risk his life" and he was dizzy and could barely keep his eyes open. But who cares. He didn't die so what the hell. And now he has no problem what so ever driving as far and as long as he wants cause now he doesn't have to play dead.

  25. Deputy Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark has ALREADY SUBMITTED a brief explaining why the Temporary Order of Protection ("TOP") was still valid. Re-submit it? Good. Let's play.


    1. Relax folks. I did this image meme for my new movie, but it's needed now:

      Fibology 101

  26. Yeah this is a bit much. The wheels of justice are slow. Smdh

  27. I guess that this judge has not still recieved enough of Windsor's filings even though he was upset about all the filings during the stay that he wrote that he ignored the stay. Now it's back to open season filing motions and whatnot for the vexatious one. I wonder how many pages Windsor will make bob barker and me taking it from a small book to over 1,000 pages. Thank god for e- books.

  28. I think the Judge knows what he's doing. He's saying look, this is the only potentially substantiate position Windsor has taken. Before we proceed with trial, show me again you have an answer for it. Clark will have that answer. Not a problem, and probably a good idea.

    1. There was an order from a higher court that stated the TOP would remain in effect until the lower court modified it, if ever. Seems that ruling might be the only argument left to the prosecution, but I'll bet SH's next pay check Ms. Clark makes a brief out of it.

    2. SH? Taking into consideration you're betting on Windsor's version of what went on and you with no paycheck?

      Beautiful day for a drive into Missoula yesterday, by the way.

    3. Ahhhh, SH is already backing up. I believe she said there would be NO brief. And was it a harsh slap? Or, is Judge Haynes just being fair? Windsor has a point. The TOP has an expiration date on the face of it. Contrary to Michael Warnken's comments, Windsor continues to receive every break or brake that can be given to a vexatious pro se litigant.


      Here's where Bill got the idea to do a book about life behind bars, from his friend Snusan. Snusan WAS friends with Shorty. Bill couldn't exactly steal Shorty's idea without being sued. Snusan got angry once before about Bill and LA stealing their courtwatch ideas before. So why is she supporting him now? And love him or hate him, Shorty's been trying to give back to real charities lately. He has not published anything from Maryland Court Watch in awhile. So, Snusan, tell us---did you lose his friendship over your support for Windsor?

  29. I think the judge decided to meter out a few more yards of rope, just to provide the prosecutor with additional hanging material...

    1. That better be some strong rope. How bloated is he now?

    2. Wafer-thin

      (I hope there are some Python fans around).

  30. One thing I noticed, is there is no complaint about his dizzyness in all of the 13 hours he drove. Thanks bill for clearing it up that you did not have an issue.

  31. UPDATE :

    "I think today's action by Judge James A. Haynes caught Jennifer Clark by surprise, She didn't really have anything to say.
    I spoke to the attorney who attended the witness interviews with me. He believes I caught Jennifer Clark with her pants down. he doesn't believe she ever spoke with the U.S. Attorney's Office. So I am darn sure issuing Freedom of Information Requests on all that."

    1. We only have Bill's side of the story and he is a notorious liar who has been caught several times lying about court events. I bet much of this is made up and he's so manic right now because he knows he can say anything and get away with it.

    2. "Now, my main reason for an update is that I don't want folks to get too excited about what happened today. Perhaps Judge James A. Hayes was sincere, but as it was a 180, this may just be a set up -- a way for the judge to rule that the temporary order of protection remained valid so I am eliminated from using that in my defense. Then again, I am hoping that he read enough of my seven motions to dismiss that he realizes there are big issues, and a 600-day TEMPORARY order of protection is the lowest-hanging fruit"

      Even Bill knows exactly what that judge is doing.

    3. Susan got excited just like a good lemming should. I'm sure her, Mary, Rebecca, Vic, and the others all celebrated together on Facebook. She is just like the rest of them.

  32. I got to thinking about it, Windsor was suing clerks, judges and a DOJ attorney when Thrash issued his infamous order. When Windsor started with GRIP, LA and the movie because he thought he was banned forever from filing a law suit in any court. Then he figured out (with the help of Kpat) that he could file law suits just about anywhere. He put the movie on hold and binge sued his cyber critics.

    Windsor's cyber critics are off the hook, IMO. Regardless of the outcome in Montana, Windsor is going back to his roots.

    Glen Gibellina Records request on emails, mail and phone calls concerning the Federal lawsuit from Jennifer Clark.
    1 hr

    Bill Windsor Absolutely, Glen!
    12 mins

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. William Windsor Of Lawless America - Stalking Across The US

    YouTube Link -

    Google Drive -

  35. UPDATE:
    I appreciate all the wonderful comments, text messages, and calls. I slept for two hours and hit Fuddruckers. Best restaurant in Missoula. I always let them pick a name for me. I was Bruce Wayne tonight.
    I am headed to the Montana State Prison and Helena (capital of Montana) in the morning. I will ask for a tour at the prison Then I will burn the candle at both ends to finish my Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that an American is supposed to have an unbiased judge and a fair trial. This has to be postmarked Monday. Then Tuesday, I will go to the United States District Court for Montana and attempt to see a judge to seek a Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction to stop my trial because what Montana has done and is doing is a gross violation of the U.S. Constitution.
    Some folks didn't want to believe this is true, but at the federal courthouse in Atlanta, my 8x10 color photo was posted at every entrance. President Obama's was on the wall; mine was in the security station drawers and on the wall in the U.S. Marshal's Office. I was proud and just a little bit humble. One of the people who I filmed in Atlanta was in line behind a courier service that I used to file my motions. He saw them pull the photo out when the guard saw who the filing was for. I always had at least one U.S. Marshal accompanying me every time I was in the federal courthouse for the last couple of years there.
    Now, my main reason for an update is that I don't want folks to get too excited about what happened today. Perhaps Judge James A. Hayes was sincere, but as it was a 180, this may just be a set up -- a way for the judge to rule that the temporary order of protection remained valid so I am eliminated from using that in my defense. Then again, I am hoping that he read enough of my seven motions to dismiss that he realizes there are big issues, and a 600-day TEMPORARY order of protection is the lowest-hanging fruit.
    I received a few hundred pages of my Freedom of Information request from Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark today. There were a few interesting things in there, but most interesting is what I know she has that wasn't produced.
    I think today's action by Judge James A. Haynes caught Jennifer Clark by surprise, She didn't really have anything to say.
    I spoke to the attorney who attended the witness interviews with me. He believes I caught Jennifer Clark with her pants down. He doesn't believe she ever spoke with the U.S. Attorney's Office. So I am darn sure issuing Freedom of Information Requests on all that.

    •Who truly believes that there is even the most remote, slightest possibility that they could really be spending 7yrs in prison and uses any of their 'free time'to 'visit' one?
    I so hope he does barge his tankass (c) up in that detention facility. Prison wardens & staff really dig impromptu visits >face palm <. There are strict guidelines in place for who, when and how visitors may be allowed access. It's not a "hey was passing by & thought I'd whoop in & meander around, get the feel of the place, start putting in my demands for special accommodations now".
    BAHAHAHAHAHA! #GoWindsor •

    1. I can just see him showing up like a tourist at worlds largest ball of crap. Stupid LA hat, khaki shorts, two cameras. Next Alcatraz tours will be selling tickets. No refunds of course.

    2. Yes, security was on high alert for the man who has spoken about sneaking into courthouses and how he has a gun. The only way security would be on high alert if if Jennifer Clark and the judge had told them of the need. All sadistic-rape fantasies aside, Jennifer Clark had more than pants on. She had battle armor on too. And if we must compare people to Biblical characters around here, please remember Bill, that her initials are J.C.

    3. The more I've learned of yesterday? (not Windsor's version)
      I believe Judge Haynes is showing he is just as quick to admonish Prosecutors as he is Windsor. His Honor seems to me to be expecting the standards of judicial procedures regardless of which participant. Just because Windsor is running amuck? Judge Haynes expects no more amuck.
      I have no doubt Ms Clark will provide what His Honor has requested, most likely by Monday. While Windsor is touring detention facilities, updating his Facebook statuses, adding more BillSchit to his .cons and waddling around Fudruckers? Ms Clark can crank out the requested brief.

    4. SFW? I agree completely.

      "I believe Judge Haynes is showing he is just as quick to admonish Prosecutors as he is Windsor. His Honor seems to me to be expecting the standards of judicial procedures regardless of which participant."

    5. Roberta Cuting shared Bill Windsor's photo.
      5 hrs ·
      "Good for Bill Windsor for making a joke out of his possible stay in the Montana State Prison. "

    6. He's making a joke out of all of it. He'll be filing in any and every court/state he can think of over the next few months. Then, he'll claim that the hearing can not take place once again because it's being addressed somewhere else.

      Just watch how he utilizes the time, and continues to spread lies, while still gathering more new supporters to replace the ones who ran like their asses were on fire when he went sideways.

      Where's his big press releases to the Montana News Media? Or the Motion Picture Industry? He said he was going to post it, so...where is it? He's been given the green light to continue searching for mass media to "Expose Corruption" and tell the story of poor wittow Wiwwy Windsor who's being picked on by every court, in every state.

    7. He never did make it back to Texas to film with his alleged prison buddies. He wants to joke about this and pretend that he can stand outside one without any fear. But he is afraid. And he's not going to be posting anymore new videos either. Those days are over.

    8. So, I'm thinking, maybe ... Willy is at the prison today to have his mental evaluation that was part of the original plea deal and maybe the plea deal is back on the table ( he indicated Ms.Clark wants to put it back on ) and he's just pretending to be dropping by for a casual visit. I wonder if the required mental evaluation would take place at the prison or mental hospital ( just down the road according to Tick Mary) ? And, wonder why he has a exact time he's going to be there. Then with Tick Mary's comments below, it made me think that maybe he's there for the mental evaluation ... I could, probably am wrong, but who knows with all the lies he tells.

      Bill Windsor I'm off to the prison! 11:00 am

      Mary Deneen MT prisons/jails - "most are mentally ill or drug users non-violent offenders."
      1 hr

      Mary Deneen The MT State Mental Hospital, Warm Springs, is just down the road - named after a Hot Springs Limelick Mount a whitetailed deer hang out, and thus, the name 'Deer Lodge' MT.
      1 hr

    9. Prison facilities often don't have the resources to meet the need, and he's not a prisoner yet. I doubt they would have him go there for mental health issues. I also doubt he did a mental health screening, but no doubt he's dumb enough to think he can scam the doctors if that is the case. Those tests are designed to spot fakers. And what a complete forensic study would reveal about him is entirely different then what some random psych eval, (absent any information about his history given to the doctor) would reveal. Hope they thought of that.

    10. Bill Windsor will NEVER voluntarily submit to a mental evaluation.

    11. Totally agree Anon@759 & Anon@803 - that said, I only thought about it when Tick Mary commented " The MT State Mental Hospital, Warm Springs, is just down the road " that maybe he was in that area because he agreed to a mental evaluation on Friday as a stipulation of his choice( as he put it to delay until November), and would never admit it to anyone especially his followers but make it seem he was just in that area for a casual visit to the prison ... if you look at the photos he posted he was / drove by the state mental hospital .... I'm not getting either why per his MO he didn't immediately burn rubber out of MT on Friday the minute he walked out of court and instead took a scenic trip to the prison an by the mental hospital. Like I said I'm probably totally off base but he is such a liar that anything is plausible

  36. Bill Windsor I have filmed approximately 1,000. 6,000 more inquired about being filmed. 38,000 Lawless America Facebook followers. 2,700 Bill Windsor Facebook followers. Several thousand Twitter followers. We had a major impact on the Hilton Hotels when they evicted me for filming, but I got injured and had to take some personal time, and people scattered to the winds.

    Injured? Yeah, no. His "personal time" was to file frivolous law suits against ex lemmings and people who didn't like his political platform. Anybody that has not been treated for mental illness scattered to the winds because Windsor has not accomplished a thing towards reform or helping anyone resolve an issue.

    1. 38,000 Lawless America Facebook followers

      Pffft! He knows that is an outright lie; those "likes" were purchased from a click farm in Bangladesh and we have the screen caps to prove it.

    2. Why has he not sued the Hilton for a wrongful eviction? Truth is hundreds of people are kicked out of hotels each year for their own behavior and failure to pay. And the Hilton family is richer than the Windsor family :)
      And why doesn't he file for disability since its free money and he's homeless and penniless and its free money that is his and his injury is so real, or so he swears.

  37. I love how Susan tries to act like she was at Bill's hearing and knows exactly what happened and why the judge did certain things. In reality she's once again just lapping up whatever her Willy is feeding her. She has no more info on the situation than Rebecca or Mary. Nor anymore intelligence. What a good little lemming she's turned into.

    1. Isn't Susan the one who predicted Bill's great victory in his Texas lawsuit? And promised that there was no way Fleming would get a judgement against Bill? Another SovCit legal genius.

    2. Susan isn't a SovCit, they wouldn't have her either. She's just a former military brat who became a whore, was disowned by her family, got old, and now her entire life revolves around two blogs. Pretty pathetic IMO.

  38. Windsor: "...a way for the judge to rule that the temporary order of protection remained valid so I am eliminated from using that in my defense."

    The Judge doesn't need a way to do that, he can just do that. Soon as he gets his brief from Miss Clark, he'll do it, too. Fully proper. So that when Bill tries to speak against established facts in front of the Jury, he won't get two words out of his mouth before the Judge slaps him with contempt. See, Bill will have been warned.

  39. Windsor: "Jennifer Clark wants to discuss settlement again."

    This is a lie. I hope Jennifer Clark is told of it and confronts Windsor. If it were true, Bill would have devoted more than a sentence to it. He would have filled yards of scroll with it. At best it is Windsor speculating. Lying, in other words.

    1. Agree that Windsor's claim of another plea bargain is another lie. At this point in the game, Clark is balls to the wall.

    2. He got a slap on the wrist when he really was afraid he was going to jail so he's manic. This isn't the first time he's falsely claimed to have won in court. Notice he's no longer talking about tv shows, dizzy spells and books. In general he seems to be sick when he needs his tush patted by the lemmings, the tv show is when he feels depressed and wants to believe his life has meaning, and he taunts about filming outside of jail to showboat that he knows he should be in there but got away with it. He's becoming more childish and easier to read by the day.

    3. Clark is and has been very much aware of Windsor's online BillSchit.
      No plea bargaining now or in his future. That opportunity is over.
      It's Criminal ProSeBaby time for Windsor.

    4. If found guilty of all the charges, I doubt Bill gets any prison time. First time felon and non violent offense usually gets probation. I personally would be happy with being able to put "convicted felon" in front of Bill's name. As far as his punishment, I'd think Bill would have a hard time completing probation. Especially if it includes internet restrictions.

    5. And before the brilliant legal mind and Queen of the lemmings starts rambling, yes they can restrict "Willy's" internet activities with probation. They can go so far as to forbid any internet usage at all. I could link a couple of examples of this but you know she won't read any link that doesn't confirm her misguided opinions.

    6. Can you imagine the domestic terrorist being restricted from his weapon of choice, the internet?

    7. They should make him release the domains he has registered with the intent and purpose of harassment, defamation etc

    8. I agree RC3. I have never expected Windsor would get any prison time. Probation with numerous restrictions, then, perhaps after he violates the terms of probation, revocation. That? Is not nearly as melodramatic as the Windbaggery BillSchit he peddles to his readers though.

  40. Tsk, tsk, so defensive Cookout. I am aware of what can and cannot be ordered for probation.

    If you need "convicted felon" to make you happy, brace yourself for a lot of sadness. Not gonna happen.

    1. It makes me #Delighted that Windsor is so miserable and whiny, seeking attention from virtual strangers. That? Is #Delightfully splendid. Very similar to you, SH.

    2. Ohh Susan, you silly little obsessed troll. I don't need anything involving Windsor to make me happy. You see, unlike you, I have a happy life full of family and friends. This is just entertainment for me. I really do pity you though. You spend every waking hour of your miserable, lonely life trolling the internet looking for someone you can attempt to feel superior too. You found what you needed when you hooked up with Bill and his band of mental patients. You really should just go play with them, you fit right in over there. Your belief you have anything other than very basic legal knowledge is laughable. The fact you think you already know the outcome of Bill's legal situation just reinforces my belief that you really don't know shit.

    3. IMO, If Bill continues to represent himself in MT, it's a slam-dunk he'll get convicted.

    4. Oh Susan lol really your boy billy is a loser. Keep up the hope but, he committed the crimes, btw if you knew only 1/2 of what I know about the truth about billy you couldn't handle it. I won't waste my time telling you either. All I can say is he will probably now be quite avail to testify for the Feds at a hearing for "tradegate" the scandals of for the trademark with him and his old buddy Piccone who actually might be sitting in the slammer soon.

    5. The harsh reality even is that Windsor still remains on the radar of the Feds. I really think he is a little jealous that many have flocked to the NLA. I am glad to have stopped silly grand juries and won money at the same time.

    6. Susan is obsolete. She hasn't even posted to her own courtwatch blog in months. Bill has now been forced to wear an anklet for how long? Who saw that coming? All this bravado can't change the fact that he's running scared. As slow as this is: I'll take that.

  41. When I look at your batting average, Susan, your opinions seem to be negatively predictive. I look for Mr. Windsor to be a felon late this year or early next.

    1. Care to sign your name to that post so that we can keep your batting average 11:35?

      And of course, there is ZERO merit to your claim that my average is lacking. I haven't cared enough to keep track but apparently you have, so why not post the facts?

    2. Ha! Susan asking someone to post facts. Not once in her entire history with this blog or JIALK has she once posted anything other than her slanted opinions and shit stirring attempts. Nary a "fact" has ever been presented by her.

    3. Fact No. 1.: Snoozan knows the truth about Windsor; she knows because she took credit for editing his self-styled Wikipedia page.

      Fact No. 2:

      A few years back, Snoozan sent me an email about the history of GRIP. Here's a direct excerpt:

      Willy then suggested GRIP ( Government Reform and Integrity Plan), giving us a hint at where he really thought he was going. There had never been any discussion about or indication that anyone (not even Willy) was interested in going beyond JUDICIAL reform.

      The inclusion of "Integrity" was a jolt, lol, because by then, most people were aware that Willy had lied about many things.

      Apparently, Snoozan has changed her mind about Windsor and is willing to recant her previous opinions of him.

    4. Why did you steal Susan's name? Is it because she is prettier than you and way more successful? Were you jealous of her as a child or is she one of the many doctors you've met as a broken adult? You will never be her, you know. And no matter how many ugly things you do in her name, karma will always send the repercussions back to you.

    5. Anon 5:42,

      Huh? What in the world are you going on about?

    6. Oh...I get it're asking Snoozan why she stole Susan Harbison's name (ie, using it as a moniker).

    7. Cause she's an identity thief in addition to her other loser whore traits.
      That's special.

  42. Before it goes to that big bit bucket in the sky...

    "Tara Lyons
    Sorry, mr. Bill Windsor but I am at the prison every month as a speaker on their Victim Impact Panel. I have never had any issue finding it.

    You talk down on montanans like we are idiots. I am a public speaker who happens to enter that prison every month. The very judge you talk down on happens to have a great record in our area and me and my fellow montanans are proud to have him.

    A secure facility like a STATE PRISON would have to be stupid to give out "tours" to anyone and everyone because of the simple fact it is a secure facility. The more posts you write (in the second person) that shows up on my newsfeed, the more I realize that you may not be someone worth supporting. That prison is so easy to find that it's almost ridiculous.
    More · 1 hour ago
    Bill Windsor
    Well, Tara Lyons, I don't believe I should show up on your newsfeed. You obviously know where the prison is. There is NO SIGN. Not one. None on the highway, none in town, none anywhere. Unless you know to turn at the red light and head right before reaching the Old Prison, you won't find it. I think many Montanans are idiots. It is the most corrupt state in America, and it is filled with slimeballs and scumbags. Judge James A. Haynes has a terrible record. Many Missoula attorneys will have nothing to do with Ravalli County because of him. Haynes actually ordered that i could not get a protective order against Sean Boushie unless he was first convicted of stalking me. Most state prisons do have a visitor's area and some displays. I;m sorry those prisoners have you as a speaker.
    1 · More · 1 hour ago"

    1. Priceless. Thank you, Spam.

      I told y'all I like Tara...

    2. Little bit I read last night, there was a crowd there to watch Haynes become a judge. Bill just making excuses for why he won't go visit the jails after saying he would. He would want a red carpet laid out for him when he is in someone else's home town. He could never travel the world despite his wealth. There are some places where roads don't have names.

    3. That is what happens any time someone with any intelligence pays attention to what Bill says. Now the remaining brain dead idiots that still support Bill will attack that lady like a pack of dogs. All you have to do is read the comments on Bill's Facebook page to see how stupid his remaining followers are.

    4. "Well, Tara Lyons, I don't believe I should show up on your newsfeed."

      Ok, so this is how stupid Windsor really is. What part of Facebook does he not understand? The fact that every post he makes, DOES show up in the main newsfeed of his "Friends." Does he really think that people have to go to his actual page to see his blathering? What a complete idiot!! No wonder his ego is bloated. Dude...don't flatter yourself. Any time you make a post, it goes on the main newsfeed which is where your "friends" see the post. Then? If they like it or comment? It shows up on the "ticker" where their "friends" can also see it. Seriously need to check yourself in somewhere Windsor. Being THIS stupid is dangerous to society.

      So basic logic is not something that Bill Windsor has. Rationalization skills are void. Learning truth is toxic to him. Understanding his "Understanding and belief" is warped to say the least, other than being flat out wrong.

      I'd imagine if anyone tried to educate the idiot on how facebook actually works, and completely obliterates his delusional belief, he'd just call them liars and sue them. Interesting...

    5. Yeah, Frank Lee, I think that already happened once. I recall a while back, there were 2 people commenting on Windsor's posts from newsfeeds of friends. Windsor accused them of stalking him, told them to cease & desist, get off his page. They tried to educate him and explained they weren't on his page. Those folks were named in Windsor's TX law suit.

  43. Won't be long until he labels Tara Lyons a Joey. Adds her to the lawsuit in South Dakota and buys her domain name the is the risk of being an outspoken lemming.

    1. That was my thought too. Poor woman has no idea the kind of mess she just walked into.

      And, the lemming attacks have started:

      Karen Jutkiewicz Oh no Bill I see another corrupt in the Horizon (Tara Lyons)

    2. David Franklin Malone Hey, Bill? Mollie and I used to live in Billings, Montana for a spell and we had nothing but one bad experience after another! 4 outta 5 people we encountered while we we there were either obnoxiously rude or simply just dumber than a box of rocks!! We believe ya, Bill Windsor. Who let this Tara Lyons idiot in on this Group anyway?? What a TROLL!!

    3. "We believe ya, Bill Windsor"--yeah, and who's dumber than a box of rocks? Those that believe Bill Windsor. He's proven over and over that he is incapable of being anything other than bias, he is a liar, and will not tolerate anyone with a different view point than his.

      Just reading Windsor's replies to people he doesn't agree with, pretty much shows what a completely intolerant prick he really is.

    4. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorSeptember 13, 2015 at 12:18 PM

      Here we go again with Windsor's stupid idea of humor. He believes he can be disrespectful and insult people, and it's just funny. However, if anyone is truly funny and that fun happens at his expense? Holy crap! Hide your name, address, employer, family, friends, because one way Windsor's coming to sue--because clearly--you're a "cyberstalker."

      "Bill Windsor Hi guys. I don't know who Tara Lyons is, but she obviously has some sort of cyberstalking agenda. My article is absolutely accurate as to the hidden prison...though filled with my own brand of humor. I'm sure the two people on the main street, the lady at the landfill, and the jogger knew their left from their right, but they were probably so accustomed to telling people to drive into town and turn right at the stoplight that they forgot to adjust their thinking when they were away from their normal location. That said, the University of Montana ranks next to last in the ratings of every university in America."

    5. Breaking news: Stupid bastard can't find his way around town...

    6. Actually the ranking of colleges is controversial and as each have their own areas of study it's like comparing apples and oranges for some of them. U of Montana is a Tier 2 school meaning that it is still in US News's top 50-100 schools---but who made US News God?
      Billy Boy's conceit is due to his money, not due to any academic prowess on his part. He has many times noted that he was more worried about working and having fun than concentrating on his studies. He still thinks that life is one great big frat party, minus the party, where he is the star. He was just to lazy to do the hard work and now he's jealous of all those people who studied while he was out fooling around.

    7. Ain't that some BillSchit?
      Ms Lyons is a real, law abiding activist, that actually gives of her time in many ways. The more I read about Ms Lyons, the more good things I learned that she does. Does, not blathers about.
      Because Ms Lyons stated the obvious about dipshits taking your of a prison being ratarded? And that the prison facility was easy to find? Windsor immediately turns on her & spews, as do the denser of the BillSchit bigots.
      Windsor just dissed what could've been not only a credible individual, but an activist that follows the laws and is very well regarded in Montana & neighboring states.
      Surefire test of how decent someone is? Windsor turns on them.
      Ms Lyons definitely doesn't need Windsor.
      Windsor however? Could use, at bare minimum, 50 Ms Lyons types.

    8. Windsor really is the idiot. I've traveled all over this country, I can not remember the last time I had to ask for directions. And I can't imagine anybody that is as well traveled as he is, not having a very good idea of where is he going before he goes. Anybody that uses GPS outside of a city should know that those units are unreliable in rural areas.

      So, Windsor - Google is your friend. You didn't even need to know the address for MT State Prison. Just put it in search bar, a map just pops right up.''/400+Conley+Lake+Rd,+Deer+Lodge,+MT+59722/@46.3829106,-112.806428,12z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x535b7fd9db7efec9:0x90af37b5e622edaf!2m2!1d-112.8011047!2d46.3829904

    9. Oh gee, look what else is readily available if Windsor had Googled his next stop before he left the last stop. You have to fill out a visitors application to visit the prison. Ms. Lyons was absolutely correct. Windsor would be denied visitation to the prison.

    10. And yet you're "helping" him? What does that make you? Correct Answer: A HUGE BLACK KETTLE!

    11. Any doofus knows you can't just stroll into a jail/prison without getting permission first. However, Windsor--being an idiot anyway, knows this, but had to have an angle to write up a drama packed story of his stupid little sightseeing trip, full of Billshit, not limited to, needing to ask strangers for help, and a brownnosing conversations he allegedly had with the guard at the gate. Surely though, if that guard happens upon Windsor in jail? He'll tell one of his cronies she was mean, nasty, and picked on him for no reason.

      Windsor's whoppers are really getting stale.

    12. @ 3:11 - Did you run out of places to be a prick? It had to be here?

      An ex lemming, I'm sure.

      Maybe I was helping unsuspecting people from coming into contact with Windsor. Now, off you go...prick on someone else.

    13. The comment at 3:11 was directed at a Susan comment that's been removed. Not at you Ida.

    14. Ida,

      Anon@3:11 was replying to a Snoozan post which has been deleted.

    15. Oh gosh. I am so sorry @ 3:11.

      @ 5:03 - thanks for keeping me straight. I guess I should check in more often. I'm sure 3:11's response was appropriate.

      Carry on...

    16. No Worries! I very much appreciate you being here and "on the wall." You know, Snoozan has no problem with Windsor telling folks to stay off of his FB page, websites and Talkshoe shows, yet Snoozan has a right to come here to troll? Call me stupid and a cyber-stalker, etc, whatever you like, but in my book, Snoozan's actions and words are gobsmackingly hypocritical.

  44. Found this.. Big in the news has been this crazy clerk in KY fiasco. It does not matter what view anyone has but this matters;
    "You imply that the Supreme Court’s Obergefell v. Hodges ruling legalizing same-sex marriage is “judicial lawlessness.” See the Constitution (article and section already cited above). Jailing criminal citizens is what courts do at times, and pursuant to the law, not to some arbitrary or perverse whim. Both the Sixth Circuit Court and the Supreme Court turned down Davis’ petition for a delay while she appealed, yet she kept right on refusing to issue marriage licenses. She belongs in jail."

    Basically from an article, she was put in jail even though she appealed. The process continues just as it will for Windsor.

  45. Breaking news!!

    The worlds LARGEST ASSHOLE found driving around Montana aimlessly.

  46. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorSeptember 13, 2015 at 6:19 PM

    Butthead Bill-- "My primary mission is to submit a Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order to the federal court seeking to stop my trial in Missoula. TROs are supposed to be given immediate attention. We shall see."

    Then you'd be making a false report and committing perjury because you're not in imminent danger--which is what a TOP is for. Nice! Another frivolous and blatant abuse of the courts. Perhaps one of these day, some court somewhere, will charge you for wasting their time, since this is just ONE more example of your continued retaliatory harassment against Boushie, and the entire MT Judicial system.

    More Butthead Bill
    "I am working my little fingers to the bone preparing to visit the Federal Courthouse here, the FBI, the ACLU, the Montana Supreme Court, and at least one mainstream media outlet. I will be doing some filming including filming of government employees at work using one or more of my hidden cameras. This is perfectly legal, and they always enjoy it so much when they see what they did."

    Yep--making good use of those extra months of stalling the hearing!

    1. Perfectly legal? go with that theory, Billy; your cellmate will find that story fascinating:

    2. Wait! So Bill is asking a federal court to intervene is his state court trial? According to Susan's brilliant legal mind, the federal court has no jurisdiction over the state court action. What's up with that? Is Bill going against his greatest legal mentor?

    3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorSeptember 13, 2015 at 6:56 PM

      Yeah LMAO right? On one hand, he's cried that he didn't need Federal leave for his big "V" title, because of that very issue, yet now? He's all good with it. Although, I'm not sure that a federal court is the proper venue for a TOP, which, surely he'll just claim is more "Corruption" and designed strictly for another Windsor rant.

    4. Blibber blabber about secret cameras is just one more lie. He's not filming anything and he's not uploading any new videos to youtube. But talking like a predator about how victims enjoy being filmed when they are unaware is helpful to keeping him in jail once he goes.

    5. Yes, and the fact you pointed that fact out makes YOU both responsible and libel (according to Windsor).

      Further, according to Windsor, I'm am one the "MOST EVIL" of the Joeys. I think that's because I choose to express my opinions with satire, parody and humor, and Windsors knows full well that combo is very powerful. That said, I know this view won't be popular, but I "pull my punches" against Windsor because I think he's suffering from a real sociopathic-narcissistic personality with histrionic and paranoid tendencies. I don't hate him, but I do pity him--he could have helped so many people, but he wound up hurting them instead.
      That's the signature of a wasted life, IMO.

    6. 7:22? Uh, I think he just posted a video in your prove you wrong. (You know he reads here religiously and has to answer us, without telling the lemmings what he's doing, or why he's saying something. So funny)

    7. What? He reads here? I thought that was Snoozan's job.

    8. Windsor puts up a video private what a wuss

    9. LOL !!

      Tammy Stroud If you fill out a COL form .... Color of law violation form then the feds take over the investigation
      1 hr

      Flordeliza ArrojoViloria what's COL?.

    10. Yeah, Windsor & Harbison read here a lot. Their page refreshes are into the hundreds.
      Pssssstt? That HideYourAss thing? Ain't working.

      The private video? Cute. TaDa! Windsor uploaded a video. Not viewable, but he showed us! Giggle snort!

      ℗ ♛ ❥

    11. "I have a secret video and not showing anyone. Nah nah nah nah nah nah..."

    12. LOL he probably didn't know he set it to private, until he read it here that it wasn't accessible, so now it's public. Almost 30 whole minutes of Woe Is Me...yeah, like just writing it isn't enough? Now he's got to go full Narcissist and film it too.
      BTW, he looks like shit!

    13. Can lie and bore using multiple forms of media...

    14. I watched about 6 minutes of this blowhard blather and shut it off. It's the same crap over and over.

      Windsor? I call full on BILL FUCKING SHIT!! Make your stupid movie. No one has stopped you. YOU stopped yourself. You have not been issued a C & D, and you are and were free to continue making it. You are such a fucking drama king/queen not sure which any more.

      Oh boo hoo waaaah. They are stopping my movie, and my tv show. HOW??? How on earth has anyone "Stopped" you from finishing it? Please explain. It's not about the money, because you've spent far more on court cases in the past 2 years than it would have taken to complete the film.

      Why didn't you finish it 2 summers ago when you first claimed it would be completed? NO ONE STOPPED YOU!! ASSHOLE! You're just a big fat liar. Oh by the way? You been drinking more? You're sporting that alcoholic red bulbous nose, even more so than last year. What's up with that? You also seem to be moving around without any "Dizzyness" eye movements are still shady and shifty and what the hell was that funky wink when talking about your ankle monitor? Whatever. You're just a lying POS.

    15. Definitely abusing something.

      As the lemmings say, "Meth capital of the country"...

    16. Can someone post the URL to Billy's latest opus?


    17. OMG - that was the most boring thing I have ever watched.
      He appears nuts in it, naming judge after judge across the country of being the most corrupt & the "everyone is after me" crap. His weird grins, winks and smirks are almost as disturbing as his rambling, stumbling, bumbling slurry speech where he has moments of complete memory loss. Either he smoked some really good weed before filming himself or he's drunker than a skunk IMHO ( sad, that whole pathetic video screams "Mental Help/Intervention needed ASAP)

    18. Anon 10:59: Here's the link:

      He really has gained a lot of weight -- you can see it in his face and neck. And Anon 11:05 -- I agree. What WAS he smoking/drinking/popping before he made this? Not his best effort .... and considering most of his videos are crap, that's pretty damn low.


      True, but not his.

      BTW, Does anyone know of any other person who has been found libel and sanctioned for copyright infringement other than Windsor?

  47. Gina Barkema
    I didn't get the last 11 minutes yet. Too tired, so I will finish tomorrow.
    In the meantime - please tell me you have copies of that film with people throughout the United States! (and elsewhere if possible) That way it can still be put out and they will fail in their attempts to silence you in your efforts to expose corruption.
    More · 8 minutes ago

    Bill Windsor
    Yes, Gina. One copy is in another country. Another copy is somewhere in the United States, and I know not where (so I can't be waterboarded into telling where it is .) One copy is with someone absolutely trusted. The fourth copy was stolen, but I know who has it.

    1. Need to ensure that Mary Deneen's story gets told.

      She's pretty private about what she thinks happened to her, otherwise...


  48. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

    The only question as to the alleged forth tape is this: was it certified by Price-Waterhouse as the stolen tape then hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar and placed on Funk and Wagnall's porch?
