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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Coming Soon: The Brief Bill Windsor Doesn't Want You To See


  1. This Paca has a copy of THE Prosecutor Jennifer Clark's BRIEF!
    I'm making screenshots & creating link to view the entire document, Windsor's umpteen motions, reconsiderations, etcetera, etcetera that Ms. Clark attached as Exhibits.
    Gimme just a bit!
    Get your beverages & snacks! And prolly a partner, in case you giggle snort too much, I don't want you to choke ROTFL :)

    ℗ ♛

  2. Well, this is a load of crap. If he was soooo looking forward to it all, why did he stall the proceedings????

    Bill Windsor "...I have been so looking forward to presenting my case before a jury, a courtroom of supporters and haters, and a TV camera."

  3. I think he's in for a big disappointment if he really thinks there will be a TV camera in that courtroom.

  4. So does Glen think Bill can collect a damages judgement in a criminal trial?

    Glen Gibellina
    Dismissed BS, go to trial ..WIN and collect Damages, at least make it worth your while .......


    1. Notice how brave some lemmings are when they themselves aren't looking at a felony conviction and prison time. Fight them, Bill! Show them not to mess with us lemmings!

    2. Tellum, Bill! Just bust out some Mandamus Certiorari on their lame asses! They've never heard of the Mandamus Certiorari technique in Montana. Never know what hit them! They'll owe you billions!

  5. Windsor has made these "I win because..." Claims in every legal case he's been involved in. In all the recent ones (last two years), Susan has jumped in and made the same claims. Not once have they been right. Maybe it'll be different this time.....

  6. WTF is he smokin?? im starting to think the drunk thing might be accurate...

    Boy just aint right, I tell ya what...

    Bill Windsor If this Motion to Dismiss due to Lack of Jurisdiction was a baseball game played at Yankee Stadium, I would have just hit a Grand Slam Homerun, and Jennifer Clark of the State of Montana would be at a batting cage in Missoula Montana wondering why those balls keep whizzing by her. She couldn't even find her way out of Montana to get to the game.

    1. I had two thoughts when I read that ^^^. First, Ms. Clark must have kicked his butt but good. Second, funny how that jurisdiction thing works. Wasn't he arguing that MO and MT had "long arm" jurisdiction because comments he didn't like on other blogs were read in those states?

  7. Bill Windsor
    If this Motion to Dismiss due to Lack of Jurisdiction was a baseball game played at Yankee Stadium, I would have just hit a Grand Slam Homerun, and Jennifer Clark of the State of Montana would be at a batting cage in Missoula Montana wondering why those balls keep whizzing by her. She couldn't even find her way out of Montana to get to the game.
    Edited · 1 · More · 14 min

    What Bill is really saying:
    "I'm going to keep spewing about my great victory. I can't post the brief but trust me, I win."

    1. He's got plenty of time to brag but not enough time to post it. Standard Willy.

  8. You can all read Ms Clark's batting now>>> turn the page!
