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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Boredom Of BillSchit Reigns

Anyone else just flat out bored with Windsor's tired whining, lies and omissions? 
Windsor claimed he's healthy, then he's been sicker this past year than ever before.  Really? 
Windsor claimed he found case law that will exonerate him, but 3 days ago he was begging his window licking lunar tuners to send him any case law he could cite.  Huh? 
Windsor contradicts himself so often, he must confuse himself, he can't seem to keep all his posts straight.  A simple scroll through his past posts might refresh his memory.
Let's just take a day and reminisce many of Windsor's inconsistencies.  Giggle snicker snort at the buffoonery that is Bill Windsor.  
I'll go first.  
These pictures below are of Joey Dauben's father's 'WheelieBlazer' that the elder Dauben emblazoned with LawlessAmerica decals and Windsor photographed and posted to his Facebok page.  The father of the Joey Dauben that Windsor claimed to never have spoken to or met, yet Windsor was chummy enough with Joey's father to snap numerous photos of the wheelie blazer and Windsor even filmed Joey's fiancé Presley for the LawlessAmerica Movie.  Windsor was so smitten by pretty Joey's fiancé Presley and her friends, that he insisted they call him "Dad".  But, in standard Windsor form, he turned on the Daubens and Presley.  Then, earlier this week, (several years later) Windsor claims to have received a letter from Joey!  Eureka!  How would Joey know which mailing address to send Windsor a letter?  To Georgia?  South Dakota?  Texas?  Montana? 
Windsor claimed also that he'd scan and upload the letter from Joey to his Facebook, just as he claimed he would scan and upload Jennifer Clark's brief.  Still waiting.   Windsor has since then repeatedly Facebook updated how busy he is though, most likely just an oversight, he'll surely get both those documents posted soon. 


  1. Billschit is such an asshole. LA LA can keep him ... Cuz, we have Ninja Kitty:

  2. Montana committed the most heinous act they possibly could to Windsor, they refused his filings!!

    1. Those corrupt bastards! They told Windsor he couldn't file anymore, then had the nerve to refuse his filings when he tried anyway. Oh the corruption runs deep!

  3. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorSeptember 30, 2015 at 3:17 PM

    Bill Windsor-- "I have a LOT of proof of filings that disappeared. I'm going to get all of that proof posted online. I have email receipts for some things that magically were never docketed."

    See, this is where the lies he tells and posts he can't keep straight in his own air head. He has claimed he filed things with the courts but didn't. The courts wait and wait, and then he files something completely irrelevant. I personally believe he does this on purpose just to cry "Corruption" when he gets the boot. All the lemmings know is what he tells them. Not the truth.

    Just like his magic pot of gold story. All the lemmings came out to cheer. He was peacocking all around, and even Sharon crawled out of her crypt to gloat. But, now, he claims the big bad Judge won't accept his filings. That's funny because the court sent him the same crap that we've all read. Denied, denied, denied, and by the way? Stop filing any more fanciful crap. We're done here. All I need is JC's brief and we're good. Thanks for playin'. (my summary of course)

    Now he's all butthurt and the lemmings are deflated. GAME!! He knew prior to his pot of gold, that it was a farce. There is no magical law that is gonna save him. He just needs the idiots in LaLa Land to believe it, so he can continue to spoon feed them Corruption Kool-Aid.

  4. I'm still waiting on the Movies and books. So intriguing!

    1. You are right. This is boring. But it's not boring because he was ever exciting. He may have been more active in the past, but that wasn't excitement. He's always been a bore, it's just that this has been going on too long. I guess maybe we should be grateful that we can say of Windsor that he is a bore. Law enforcement and the courts have not removed the danger completely, but at least they have contained him this much that he is less active than before.

  5. "Right after I discovered that my GOLD was missing from my pot, I received an email from Missoula County Attorney Jennifer Clark offering to settle. Interesting timing. No prison. No guilty plea. But a mutual order of protection. I think I could agree to that as long as I retain my Constitutional rights. The ball is in her court. "

    Mutual? Ya right... Not mutual, permanent against you Billy.

    1. He really ought to take this deal.

      I think all PO's should be mutual. I was surprised to find out that they are not mutual in some places. The petitioner should be bound by the same terms, legally prevented from contact, internet discussion and antagonizing the other person. If Boushie isn't or hasn't been harassing Windsor, then it's no skin off his nose. Right? As long as Windsor leaves Boushie alone, that should be the end of it.

    2. Oh wait. What am I saying? After the end of it, comes all the law suits against the cops, the DA, the judge and everyone who violated his constitutional rights because he was forced into a plea deal.

      And here I was, wondering what kind of excuse he would have for not working on the movie after the criminal charges are resolved.

    3. There are other reasons not to have a protective order hanging over your head. Job security clearance, gun purchases, professional licensing. I can gauandammtee Boushie would never agree to any crap like that.

    4. Why would he accept any form of deal. His legal expert already guaranteed the charges will be dismissed.

    5. how much money are you defrauding the government by not reporting your paychecks to the IRS? And thanks for the confession. I hear there is a church next door to you if you'd like to make that a habit.

    6. Courtesy Flush needed @5:49!

    7. Does Boushie have a say in what the DA offers? Is it possible that the DA found reason to make the PO mutual?

    8. Windsor is a pathological liar. Just look at what he's done in the civil cases. The crap he's spewed? There is no way, that plea deal would be offered as mutual orders of protection since Windsor has been harassing Boushie through the courts. He won't stop AND he will continue to make false allegations about being "threatened" by Boushie, or the famous billshit "he shot at me..." story. No way. I do not believe him at all, and I would really love to get a copy of the alleged plea offer to post up just to compare.

    9. Windsor is too obsessed with filming and following around Boushie and others that he would never accept that he can not do so. I don't see any deals. What I see is windsor still getting 2 misdemeanors and 3 felonies.The Minute he's off the hook he will be back on that campus filming Boushie without permission.

    10. I think we would all love to see a copy of the plea deal.

      Just because Windsor is a liar and spews crap doesn't mean he's got the market cornered. What if Boushie was lying and spewing crap too? Personally, I don't trust a thing either of them says to be anywhere close to the truth. Not trusting what Boushie says in no way lets Windsor off the hook for what he's done. I'm just trying to figure out if there is any basis for Windsor's claim of a plea deal. It sounds like an Alford plea, with a twist to make him STFU and go away.

    11. Windsor won't go away. He's promised to sue and basically be a menace for the rest of his life. He's picked up numerous other names along the way to harass from this MT warrant so I just think he's dreaming about a plea because he thinks it will make "Paranoia reign supreme" over here.

      It hasn't. Not one bit because he lies. The Judge told Windsor to stop filing because he was harassing the courts, along with his belligerence and his defiance about the order. What he showed is that he doesn't care or respect anyone.

      Link that with the fact that he was given leeway through TX, and violated that promise to the Judge. He was on the run for months, then Idaho having to deal with him. IDK, it just seems to me, this is yet one more lame attempt at "humor" on Windsor's part to get the lemmings riled up (surely for some more anti govt. drama when it doesn't pan out) and to try to ruffle us--which it hasn't.

    12. With respect to comments at 5:20: Windsor said he would accept the plea deal (as he's outlined it) "I think I could agree to that as long as I retain my Constitutional rights." I took that to mean that the PO would be modified in such way that Windsor would not be prohibited from owning and legally carrying a gun, for example. If Boushie is held to the same terms, it wouldn't affect his rights. It could be modified to a simple agreement that if either of them contacts the other, charges will be filed for violation of the PO.

    13. Really Ida? What about the .com(s) Windsor created aimed at harassing the Boushies? The University? The prosecutor? The investigators? The judges? The interns? That cool too?

      How about Windsor start doing to you what he's done to dozens of others for years? With a gun? And create a .com for you?

    14. Clue one you're wrong Ida? Sharon agrees with you and head pats you.
      Go shower quick!

    15. A different opinion and way of looking at things makes me wrong? That's a little Windsor-esque, ain't it?

      Where did I defend Windsor's behavior?

    16. I don't believe there is any mutual PO deal being offered to Billy, nor do I believe the judge is dismissing the charges or that Ms.Clark is offering any type of settlement to Billy.
      I could see a mutual PO being ordered when SB initially sought one against Billy but, I can't see any judge ordering a mutual PO years later with the PO violator going to court for violating it .. whatever SB may or may have not done, he is not on trial, Billy is. Numerous courts denied Bill a PO against SB, I find it hard to believe anything he (Bill) claims now in all his idiotic filings would compel a court, judge and prosecutor to make this a "Mutual" thing, now including a mutual PO JMHO

    17. eh, I can see where Ms. Clark might be looking for ways to get this case off her desk. But, this is like calling the strategy and winner of a football game before the kickoff. We won't know the final score until it's over. At least we aren't talking about bananas any more.

  6. He's going to buy Rebecca some pot? What? Oh, no, he's going to buy her A pot! My bad. But, she could probably use a toke or two. If Windsor is going her a pot from his defamation law suit awards, it's going to be a looooong wait.

    Bill Windsor rebecca, I'll get you a pot, too.

    1. What suit is he going to win? The only one was going was TX and that is on it's way out. He's still living in delusionalville.

      He was ordered several times to follow the Appellate time frames and he has refused. He's blown them all, and he can't fix it either. His game was the same game in the appeals courts in MT, which was to try to present the entire case, which isn't proper and he knows it.

      He's just filling their heads with more "look how great I am" without showing them anything to back that lie up. WHY? Mr. I'll post my entire life on line--when I want you to think I am winning--but don't dare post up the facts or form opinions that differ from mine or I'll sue.

      Windsor's only concern right now about any pot of gold, is the fact that people know where his is, and they can take it. That empty pot is his fear. He's projecting. Who posts about a pot of gold, when talking about finding some fake laws or statutes to cite? That would be more along the lines of finding Wonka's golden ticket. Not a pot of gold. His examples are always twacked--but seem more to show where his mind really is at.

    2. Windsor withdrew out of Dallas Federal and refuses to follow procedures in Texas 10th COA, for the 3rd, 4th run at it. Pfffffft.

    3. IDK, Ninja, given Billy's semantic wranglings, I could say I win a pot of gold every morning too but, thankfully, I always flush it.

  7. Bill Windsor
    Don't get excited. I doubt seriously that this will happen. The only way she will do this is if she knows (or is pretty darn sure) the judge will dismiss the charges. Based upon his actions earlier today, I'm not seeing that.
    More · 5 minutes ago



      ll Windsor
      I have to agree not to contact Sean Boushie, which I have never done. She'll come back wanting to stop the movie. That's a dealbreaker.
      1 · More · 23 minutes ago

    2. Post it up Windsor and ALL the conditions and sanctions.
      Omitting a lot of details?

    3. Uh-huh. If it exists, he wants to blame her for why he doesn't take it, rather than admit that he's not willing to accept the conditions.

  8. He wants to continue to sue everyone under the sun, over and over and over again. And are they just challenging him to find loopholes so he can stalk? Ones he would have to defend with filings to the court? Get real. There is one way to be rid of Windsor. It's expensive. Keeping someone in prison costs money. But the question becomes, if you deal with Windsor, things are going to get more expensive yet. Want Bill Windsor to own a web site with your name on it until he dies? How about your family?

    They deal with Windsor, he's going on attack. He'll have found them weak. He's a classic bully.

    1. Keeping him incarcerated isn't nearly as costly to taxpayers as the shit he's been doing in numerous states' courts.
      Windsor sucks taxpayer's hard earned money, wastes time of over burdened & understaffed courts. Prison, solution.
      Last I checked? Windsor wasn't paying his taxes.

    2. That's exactly it. Prison costs are finite, are calculable. Costs of "The Deal" are not only incalculable, they've no limit. The more Windsor costs them, the more he wins, and he loves to win.

  9. How about the clerks, hell even the janitors in your building? Will your deal protect them from Windsor? One thing is guaranteed. Ink won't be dry on any deal before Windsor looks for ways to punish hundreds of people in Montana and Idaho for even the slightest connection to his arrest and incarceration. Don't do it. Don't.

  10. Oh how I wish you weren't just a name fixing to disappear from this page, Snooze. I wish you weren't broke down and broke. I wish we could bet on those legal grounds to incarcerate Windsor, and that you could pay when you lost. Yes. Game over.

    1. Her name is Sharon V Galloway.
      She poses as Susan Harbison, a real person's name. She's a poser. And insignificant.
      Sharon plays Windsor hard. Proof of that is how pitiful Windsor has done using Sharon's paranormal legal advice.
      That? Is funny.

    2. I've said this before but, one more time. Based on what Bill is charged with, his record, and normal sentencing of first time non violent felony offenders, Windsor isn't going to prison even if he's found guilty. At the most he would receive probation with restrictions. He's going to be free to sue and harass for the foreseeable future. When Bill dies, he'll have lawsuits pending in several courts. That, you can count on. And the lemmings will still think he can't finish the movie because he has to get his reputation back first by suing everyone he can think of.

    3. Susan (Sharon Galloway) that's not the only point I made you agree with. You know he won't stop suing people with baseless cases. You also know there was ever going to be a movie. You just can't admit you agree on this blog because you know others report everything here to Windsor.

    4. Dang it. I keep missing SVG. Whatever.

      RCIII @ 7:56 - Exactly.

      "Windsor isn't going to prison even if he's found guilty. At the most he would receive probation with restrictions. He's going to be free to sue and harass for the foreseeable future."

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Well Sharon, if you honestly believe there was going to be a movie, I overestimated your intelligence. Did you also believe it was going to be a"blockbuster" and all the lemmings were going to become movie stars?

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. I'm just curious Sharon, you have said it many times, that Windsor is playing games. This is all a huge game to him. So answer me this, if he is dishonest, he does violate laws, but figures out how to screw the courts SOO bad with his plethora of filings, the real issue isn't corruption you fight is it? It's just being pissed off that your (your as in you vexi's) game didn't work that time. Isnt that pretty much it? Has nothing to do with honor, credibility, honesty, or anything else. Just if you can play the system and find a way to fuck them over because you loth them that much.

      Windsor has not played fair in his filings but that doesn't seem to matter to you. You just keep helping and egging him on. That shit is not honest, which really boils down to integrity and the facts that all vexi's lack it. Nut shell? You find if funny that Windsor is attempting to quash free speech? Sue people, including government employees without merit what so ever, but just because he can? Cost taxpayers to foot the bills for his games?

      It's loathsome.

    9. IMHO I don't think we should ever say never in regard to Windsor going to prison.
      Texas and Idaho threw his fat ass in jail for months, Montana has a GPS on his chubby ankle & he did jail time there.
      He was a wanted fugitive etc and he's pissed off prosecutors, judges, LE in Texas and Montana & most likely Idaho.
      Once he's in court anything is possible, and the very people he's slandered, harassed and pissed off hold his fate in their hands. and if he loses at his jury trial ( like we know he will) the judge/jury and prosecutor can order whatever punishment they want, including prison. He can cry and stomp his little feet all the way to prison, but once he's in their custody, it's game over for him. IMHO

    10. See my comment below. But let me add, they can't "order whatever punishment they want". There are guidelines and ranges of punishment they must follow.

    11. OK RCIII ... yes, there are guidelines they are "supposed" to follow but many judges do not always follow those guidelines & decide what they believe to be just punishment even if it is outside of the guidelines is all I'm saying. And, it's totally possible that a judge ordering BW to serve prison/jail time is within those guidelines. IDK, maybe I'm wrong I hope not.

    12. You're not wrong. Prison time is within the possibilities of what Windsor could be sentenced to if found guilty. My opinion is based on common sentencing practices nationwide. It's very unusual for any non violent first time felon to receive prison time.

    13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    14. Ok Sharon--you just cant see the forest through the sleeze. Windsor deserved the TOP and that's all there is to it. You want to ignore the fact that Windsor did not have the right to do what he did on any level, and excuse it with his "rights." What about the Boushie's rights to NOT have a stalker filming them? Posting up at his place of work? Windsor does not have a film company, a business or anything legitimate and you now it, but he lied about that, and that's just the facts. You have known he is a liar, and you also admitted he is dangerous. I have the screenshot of that conversation.

      His TX civil suit had no merit. The statute of limitation had run out for his complaint and the majority of it was a lie (things never said), AND he could never state or prove damages because of what he himself has done. He sued for frivolous things he could never prove damages for. He lied. That is dishonest. He played games and trampled on the rights of others and it appears you will never see that. However, when you were on the outs you were all too ready to jump on the anti Windsor movement and make basically the same claims we had.

      And no, you have not told me over and over Windsor doesn't call this a game.

      Windsor is in this entire mess because of his own actions. Period. He should never have gone to MT. You just won't see that part of it. He shouldn't have driven by all the other people's homes and posted their pictures with completely defamatory comments. Windsor's hate sites? That he calls news? Just like Joey Daubins. They were made for the sole purpose of defaming people. Windsor's continued frivolous filings, full of nothing but pure Billshit IS the reason all the cases have been a clusterfuck. He designs them that way and it's solely on him. The courts have bent over backwards affording him way more than they should have. Either you know or he's lying to you.

      Whatever. You don't and won't see the truth.

    15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    16. Hey SVG, James Donohue is a pretty common name. There is a Judge James P. Donohue, but only in your skewed imagination are you related in anyway to him. Then there is a James Robert Donohue who is the registered owner of the house you live in. Is that the same JRD of Baltimore who pled guilty of armed robbery and was given a ten year sentence on a plea deal back in 1962?

    17. "The GENII have enjoyed a long respite, but that is coming to an end."

      Another guess. A poor one.

    18. "You defamed him, stalked him on line, stalked him in D.C., made phone calls to "warn" strangers about him, publicized everything you could find about his personal life, reported him to the FBI, IRS, Homeland Security and anyone else you could think of."
      Wide broadbrushing of *YOU* in your statement above, Sharon.
      Really? *YOU*, as in ALL the individuals that have read and commented their opinions of Windsor have physically stalked him? No. Each of those individuals have called to report him to the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and any other agency each individual could think of? No.
      Just as implying all judges, attorneys, law enforcement agencies and officers, elected officials are *CORRUPT*. Untrue, embellished broadbrushing.
      There is no justification for Windsor's predatory physical stalking of anyone.

    19. Yup. That's an awfully broad brush SVG is using with this statement and she completely ignores what Windsor did to draw attention in the first place.

      "I don't think hate sites like this and Joey should be legal, but they are. I would be the first to defend your right to hate on people. But this group has crossed the line in many ways and I do think Windsor should address those issues."

    20. Yeah SFW, she doesn't get it. It does no good to even acknowledge "her" views because they are warped and twisted to excuse Windsor's criminal activities. Discussing someone who thrust himself into the spot light isn't 'Cyberstalking' otherwise every person on the internet that discusses the political stances of anyone would be guilty of the same.

      If anyone had a concern that his donations weren't being reported to the IRS, that was their own "right' to contact them to verify. Remember it was Sharon who said Windsor didn't need to report it. Doesn't matter to her if he mislead people TO donated under the false premise he had a 501C3.

      Nothing she said ^^^ is in any way true, or even the slightest bit on point. Windsor wanted an audience, he just didn't want the audience to critique him. She is the same. The broad "You" doesn't fly.

      Lawless America was/is/and always will be a hate group of mass proportions aimed at gathering Anti Government people. So, if you don't agree with that, you are the enemy and any and every excuse to attack is used. Sharon noted Windsor crossed the line when she was on the outs with him, and now she's sidestepping that. "They" (the anti government vexatious types) will make any and every excuse to avoid their actions and twist it back onto whomever they are attacking. They are all Narcissists, and sociopaths IMO. It's the reason they continue day in and day out to get back at the courts because they don't like to be told no.

    21. And there there is this "He exposed your real names."

      How does SVG know that he "exposed" the right people? What if he's slandered, defamed, set up a hate site and incited others to harass the wrong people? Is Windsor entitled to hurt just anybody because he doesn't like what is said about his PUBLIC activity?

    22. Sharon doesn't care about the truth. She is strictly blinded by her own hate, that she now believes Windsor, who she said she herself saw lying repeatedly to people prior to the filming game. She has no credibility.

    23. Another broadbrushing statement of Sharon's:
      "There were at least ten of you attacking one man. EVERY SINGLE DAY. For the sole purpose of amusing yourselves."

      At least 10 of *YOU* (who?)?
      Who attacked Windsor? How?
      Windsor used public settings on his his Facebook and YouTube accounts and on his LA .com
      Just because commenters stated their differing opinions, explained why they viewed Windsor as anti-American, ignorant and dishonest is not attacking.
      Windsor had been buying domains of judges (and many others) and creating .coms using those domain names for years. That is a proven fact.

      Windsor has attempted to persuade his followers (readers) for years as well that any and everyone was "out to get him". Windsor's claim the POTUS was targeting him? That was beyond far fetched and not true. There hasn't been a POTUS during Windsor's lifetime that has ever even heard of or even given a thought to Windsor, much less mentioned or threatened him. That example is just one of many in the massive Windsor's absurdities.
      Sharon, since you seem to be Windsor's spokesperson, and you staunchly support and defend Windsor, could you explain how it is that Windsor claims the President of the United States plotted against him. Just to pretend to go along with Windsor's theory that POTUS plotted against him? How did Windsor become aware of that? Did Special Secret Aagent Marty Prehn of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, APS, CPS, TSA, Homeland Security and the Secret Service give that information directly to Windsor? Or to you? Has that threat passed now, and the POTUS has moved onto other national & international persons and issues?

  11. Windsor: "According to legal experts, the Felony Tweeting and other criminal charges against me will be dismissed by Judge James A. Haynes. I am told that the reason he denied some of my filings and less important motions is that he will deal with the Brief that he requested and put an end to the charges. "

    Oh that's funny. Who's your legal expert this time, Bill? Let's see. Cox. Crystal Cox. A and that $5000 bet? If that could be run through a licensed booking agency, I'd take that. But no, it's just you shooting off your mouth.

    1. Yup. One of the briefs Windsor tried to file was clearly assisted by Cox. I reviewed what he posted, but I didn't see a miracle brief.

    2. ^^^^ That's because it doesn't exist. Windsor's "pot of gold" is nothing more than fools gold.

  12. I'm sure any supposed "deal" that violates his constitutional rights includes no internet...

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. They denied it to Joey Dauben. I'm sure you can find his probation and bond restrictions yourself Sharon.

    3. Has happened with cyber-felons like Mitnick. Read his book.

    4. Joey Dauben. Duh. He'll serve that sentence after his 3 10 year sentences.

    5. They do it all the time for child abusers.

      I'm sure Marty, MaryD and Floridazilla qualify, given their mental development...

    6. Bill Windsor- Crystal Cox gets a pot as do Cruz Gomez, Madison Rossi, and Bonne Journee.

      Bill Windsor- Snoozan gets a pot. I'm gonna need a quantity deal on pots.

    7. Yup. Told you. Crystal Cox is Bill's legal expert on this, as well as his person with insider knowledge. Crystal Cox has inside information regarding that Judge and that court. Right. Every bit of this latest dismissal revaluation is email speculation tennis between Windsor and Cox. Assign probabilities it's correct accordingly. Could be true, but the direct opposite is just as likely and probably more so.

    8. This so funny but so not funny. Windsor's credibility is already shot full of holes. But then along comes Roseann. This just makes him look so much more ridiculous. It's not funny that he fans these flames.

      Roseann Smitreski They keep bragging to me in v2k that they stole my gold, too. Obviously, that's all they know how to do.

    9. Bill Windsor- Snoozan gets a pot. I'm gonna need a quantity deal on pots.

      Apparently, Billy doesn't understand the name Snoozan is disparaging. As they say, ignorance is bliss, and that makes Billy about the biggest blister around.

    10. Wow. I googled "v2k." It's electronic mind control.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. Most of the commenters on his Facebook page are great examples of the lack of mental health care in this country.

    13. I fully believe Sharon likes the name Snoozan. Using that name is an acknowledgement someone noticed her. Any attention, no matter how disparaging, is all she really craves.

    14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    15. Joey's Ellis County charges had nothing to do with predator offenses. His IT equipment was seized and internet restrictions were a condition of his release - all because of what he posted on the www. Before you claim this was a violation of free speech rights, read the complaint.

    16. Oh yeah, I just remembered. The Ellis County Sheriff's Department seized Joey's web sites too. Check this out:

    17. Excuse me, the site was seized by Red Oak PD.

    18. "One thing is for sure though, there is no way in the world Windsor's activities put him at risk for such a restriction."

      That's as much a guess as saying internet restrictions are assured in Windsor's case. Most prosecutors and judges are internet-newbs. No telling what they would do or if it would stand. Two things. First, if a person enters an agreement with the court to avoid a harsher sentence, they're in breach of it if they do things not allowed by the agreement. Second, such a restriction is so unenforceable as to be nearly meaningless anyway, if it says a person can't use the internet at all or things like that.

      Now, if a court ruled that Windsor cannot own certain domain names, that's going to be tough to beat on appeal or otherwise. That's well within the powers of a court. Okay it's Windsor's property. So what? Courts confiscate property every day. Naming a blog is another matter altogether. Even there, if the company hosting the blog caves to law enforcement's or a court's demands, then there's not a damn thing the writer of that blog can do about it other than find another host. Bill hosts Lawless America where? Iceland? Damn unreliable, not that many people notice. Almost no one outside Joeys and lemmings try to read Lawless America and they wouldn't if it was hosted IN America.

    19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    20. Since you're apparently driving the Windsor sled, Snooze, are you prepared to steer it to trial in January? Or are you going to disappear the minute you're proven wrong about the dismissal.

    21. Susan can't even stand on a street corner anymore without dark glasses and a scarf to hide her face. She doesn't have the guts to stand up in court or anywhere public in defense of Bill. She's another one that hasn't posted videos in a long time. All she knows how to do is egg on fights between incompetent men and others for a paycheck.

    22. "I only know the most basic facts about that case."

      Apparently not. Windsor has done the exact same thing, posted personal information, then physically stalked and incited others to harass those people.

    23. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 1, 2015 at 8:42 AM

      OMG!!! This is hysterical. Sharon stands on this 'First Amendment Right" thing for Windsor, yet she will call this a hate site that Windsor should address--as in sue. Everything Windsor does she believes is covered by the First Amendment, but not anyone else. HOLY SHIT!!

      Just forget anything she says. She talks out her ass, and around in circles. What's good for Windsor, isn't good for anyone else. And Windsor's rights include driving around stalking IN PERSON and then Plastering that stalking on line. Letting everyone know where they live, work, etc. Exposing them to his hate group, after telling them lies about it being those haters faults their little "movie" didn't get made, so perhaps one of them will go attack for Windsor.

      Windsor's group was on the FBI radar the entire time Sharon. Stop kidding yourself. There are plenty of others out there who are discussing Windsor and his Lawless activities with the same opinions as the majority of those who comment here. You were/are part of Lawless so you will not see how the majority view what and who you are as a whole.

      Scrolling past your drivel from now on. You are anti government, and that's all there is to it.

    24. Bottom line- Sharon is just another butt hurt court loser who became a Windsor lemming. The only reason she and Windsor fell out was because she wanted to be in charge. After every other group she tried to take over shunned her, she had no choice but to return to LA. Don't let her fool anyone, she's exactly like all the other remaining LA participants. They are still supporting Bill because all the real groups don't want their support. They discredit any group that allows them to participate.

  13. I understand that Windsor going to prison upon conviction is unlikely. But I consider dismissal unlikely, a trial and conviction likely. Also a judge would not be out of bounds sending Windsor to jail or prison for a short time to show him the court means business. Never mind first time convictions, first felony conviction, any of that. If a judge isn't bound by that stuff (they rarely are) then he or she can consider a prosecution's request to consider circumstances. Windsor comes pre-packaged with a buttload of circumstances. I don't think anyone can rule out incarceration of some amount. We're talking about stalking, after all.

    1. I shouldn't have said "he isn't going to jail". I just think it's unlikely. Judges have a wide range of sentencing options. If Windsor has or does make the judge angry enough, he could easily give him the maximum sentence if found guilty.

    2. I understood what you meant and you're right. About that and the other stuff as well.

    3. I'm sorry but I just don't buy this "they'll let him go" because this is his first offense. Everyone in jail/prison had a first offense at one point that sent them to jail/prison the first time.

      Windsor posted or shall I say bragged and taunted more than once that they should arrest him. So, that is what they did. He asked for it point blank. These games he is playing with his filings is ridiculous and designed IMO solely to trip someone up at some point. (with the aid of other vexatious assholes who's sole goal is to get revenge on any court they can due to unfavorable rulings against them. That IS Lawless America and all it's participants goals right?)

      I have watched him now for 3 years, and all he does is lie, and play court games. He's so big on his rights, but I have watched him trample everyone elses. The alleged things he cites in the civil suits was from 3 years ago! AND he is suing innocent people, and he knows they are innocent. He doesn't care--and that tells me all I need to know about his lack of character.

      He did NOT have a trademark but he sued in part for Trademark violations. That is fraud upon the court IMO. Does he care? No. He just says and does whatever he feels like and it's not honest any way you slice it. Him professing that he is not a liar, is a lie. He is the most dishonest, slimiest, POS I have ever witnessed, taking advantage of desperate people, and screwing with the lives of others for fun.

      I will continue to wish nothing but the stiffest sentence for that fat fuck. It was funny at first just to watch him blowhard all over the place, but not now, not after he has gone over the line with his games at the expense of people who had every right to criticize him and his entire agenda of wiping out the current government to replace with his own.

    4. Gotcha Robert, and I agree and I agree with Ninja wishing nothing but the stiffest sentence for the fat fuck. HA !!

    5. I can't think of anyone more capable of angering a judge than Windsor, especially considering that Bill will be winging it after the first five minutes. First time he's reminded he's not in charge, raw emotion is going to erupt. Once panic sets in, things will really get entertaining. That's why, if I'm still in the vicinity (looks like I will be) I'm going to attend. I've no good reason to attend that trial, only a truthfully bad one. I find it interesting. Windsor harmed someone I cared about, but that was ages ago and I won't pretend my interest is any longer associated with them or that. It's all me, rubbernecking at a train wreck.

    6. I believe that windsor will may get tied to the mess that his unlicensed attorney friend has got them both into filing false affidavits to the USPTO and such. Time will tell.

    7. ^^^^^ Doubt that but, keep hope alive!

    8. Ah you must not be watching court dockets 10:04.

    9. Ok Sean. I challenge you to show any court docket involving that case that has any filing that contains Windsor's name.

    10. Uh no. This is the first offense he is being charged with. Thanks to Windsor's love of stalking everyone at once, they can make the argument that this is not his first offense and that he has been allowed to hurt people for years. It can be reasonably argued that he will come out after a short sentence and keep doing the same thing to the same people and to others---especially since he already has.

  14. Who is shaking in their boots? Nobody I know of.

    Karen Jutkiewicz
    Oh Bill you are you have people shaken in their boots

    Kay Kay is a moron.

    1. Yes, Kay Kay is a moron but MaryD always proves herself to be a even bigger moron ...Lol

      " Mary Deneen I think Bill just made Twitter stock jump!"


    I keep hearing Jesus is too, but no one is holding their breath.

  16. First this:


    And then, this:

    "Bill Windsor’s Response Brief will be filed soon."

    Do you know what "ALL" means, Windsor?

    1. Frank Lee BillsadickOctober 1, 2015 at 9:11 AM

      HAHAHAHA gotta love how he misrepresents his articles to appear things are still rolling down the tracks on side. "To get his bogus criminal charges dismissed?" Didn't he just say yesterday that none of those were even admitted? The clerk sent them all back? So how exactly are those motions to get the bogus criminal charges dismissed going to, if they weren't even filed with the court.

      This is the kind of false reporting that discredits Windsor as having any kind of character as a "reporter" or "press."

  17. I think Windsor is afraid to file that brief. If it isn't allowed like the rest of the crap he attempted to file, it will mean an end to his dismissal fantasy and he'll have to acknowledge failure to stop the trial and start preparing for it. He'll also have to admit Jennifer Clark won that battle. That's gonna be the most difficult. He hopes the case will be dismissed without his response. If that happens he will hurriedly post his response as if that made the difference. The lemmings would never catch it.

  18. Amazing the flurry of motions he can pump out. There is no hate here billy. I love the drama you dream up. Your delusional thought processes and court filings etc make for a great event show. Wait they stele easy have one for dumb criminals.

    1. An attorney friend told me that at her firm, unless they're working overtime on a huge, firm-wide case, January and July are start-from-zero months. During those months, every page they produce is typed without copy, paste or any other automated procedure and the entire load is shared amongst all the lawyers in the firm for editing and review. She had a good point. She said the senior partner felt that since what they mostly produced was pages of text, he wanted to be known for the quality of their pages. Didn't take long and that's what happened. Judges, clerks and other lawyers noted the lack of computerized errors because they were used to seeing them. They increased in size and brought in more work - all from actually DOING the work twice a year. I tried it one month per year in my company (engineering) and everyone at our shops thinks it's a pain in the ass. But after seeing the kind of mistakes we were copying and pasting and form-lettering out the door, we're going to keep it. Windsor's stuff is so bad that sometimes half of a brief will be about something else entirely. He needs a start-from-zero month.

  19. I can't understand why these people think 6 mentally ill idiots calling the court is going to do anything.

    Michael Warnken
    You know what Bill, you should have all of your followers contact the Court and the University over Sean Boushie. Everyone should call and ask about him.
    More · 3 hours ago

    Bill Windsor
    That would probably get me in trouble.
    More · 3 hours ago

    Glen Gibellina
    When there is Corruption the only answer is Disruption
    More · 1 hour ago

    1. Yes! They should definitely the court, the prosector's office, the police department, the sheriff's office, the university! Lots and lots of calls, and follow up with emails. That would so show their support
      of Windsor and prove to those in Montana exactly how important and influential really Windsor is! Terrific idea!

    2. You're already in a spot of trouble Bill. Since they're calling the University, have them all say bad things about its academic quality and stuff. Have them say how much better Texas Tech is. Do this right and you're home free.

    3. Great idea, Glen !!!
      Join BW's stalking/harassing party train against SB.
      "All Aboard" !!!

    4. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorOctober 1, 2015 at 9:20 AM

      Michael Warnken-- "Hmmmm it sounds like a huge inquiry needs to be made into who this person is. It sounds like he is some guy the powers that be have in hiding in a cozy spot for some payback he is owed by them. I almost think he needs to be flushed out. Make it huge and public."

      Michael Warnken-- "You are the only person asking who he is, more people need to ask. We need lots of people to come out and ask who he is and why you are in trouble and not him."

      And there you have it folks--Windsor's groupies are all in line to harass the courts, the University, and anyone else they feel is "paying Boushie" or "Hiding Boushie" because that IS the story Windsor put out. No merit, no proof, no evidence. Hung by the Lawless Jury on a one sided lie by Windsor working in collusion with Cox et al.

    5. Michael,you mean Windsor's the only person continuing to harass and stalk him (SB) ... right? So you all should join in & help him do it ?

      "Michael Warnken-- "You are the only person asking who he is"

  20. So Crystal Cox and Sharon Galloway are Windsor's legal advisor dream team? That might be the funniest thing I've ever heard. Two idiots that have never won anything in court are now guiding Windsor and telling him not to accept a plea deal because they're guaranteeing the case gets dismissed. Hilarious.

    1. Ship-to-shore telegram, Windsor to Cox & Galloway, Attorneys at law:

      On Titanic. Hit Iceberg. Sinking. Advice needed. End.

      Reply: No worries. Ship unsinkable. No need for life vest or boat. End..

  21. Here is an interesting quirk. The poor Notary that Windsor has been Using, a Ms. NC, has been a victim of cyberbullying in Nampa Idaho. Poor girl even had a TV station do an article in 2013. I wonder if she gets the shivers looking at Billy boy.

  22. Very interesting

  23. If I've missed something with the following, please let me know.

    Here's what the judge has to announce if he has found Jennifer Clark's brief sufficient and he intends on proceeding with Windsor's trial: Nothing. Things are set for that trial as things stand.

    Here's what the judge has to announce if he has found Jennifer Clark's brief insufficient and he has decided to dismiss the felony charges against Windsor: Everything. What he has decided, and if he wants the prosecutor's office to ever cooperate with him again on anything, his reasons for finding that brief insufficient. He'll have to dismiss the jury.

    What have we seen? Nothing. Well, according to Bill, there's an offer to talk about a deal. If this is real (probably is) then the judge signaling the prosecutor that he is fixing to drop charges IS NOT the only reason that deal might be offered. The prosecutor, in an ongoing effort to cut costs and concentrate on more important cases, may have made one last effort to avoid trial. The judge may have even suggested it. A trial will be expensive. We all believe it's cheaper than letting Bill go, but that's difficult to explain to whoever controls the finances of the prosecutor and the court. It's almost always cheaper to make a deal. They just need to be sure it doesn't result in a dangerous person being set free.

    Also of note, even though he's been promising it for a week or more, Windsor has yet to publish his response to Jennifer Clark's brief. I think he's afraid to try to file it. Now, if his case is indeed dismissed, he'll publish it immediately and pretend his superior legal mind beat Jennifer Clark's and that his response reigns as the reason charges were dismissed.

  24. Roy P Pilkey: "Doesnt matter where I park, there will always be "Lost Boys" and they will expect me to lead them, Know what I mean Bill..."

    What the Heck does THAT mean? Sure there's a Peter Pan reference, but come on!

  25. From Windsor's FB page:
    "When I was unlawfully imprisoned as a political prisoner on October 28, 2014, I was staying in a fabulous loft near downtown Dallas. Historic building with brick walls, original wood floors, giant paned-windows, columns, pipes, ducts, all original old stuff -- not a place made to look old. I would have been quite happy to live there forever."

    I'm confused. Didn't he tell the court he was staying in a Richardson, Texas hotel?

    1. And just how is he a political prisoner? He hasn't had anything to do with the government. He hasn't pretended to be a leader of a pac or revolution in a very long time. Simply hating the government doesn't make him a political prisoner when he is arrested.

    2. Good point, 8:05. Made me try to think if there are any actual political prisoners in the USA. Came up with some possibles. Some of the fellows in Guantanamo perhaps. Not that they shouldn't be imprisoned - just that some of them aren't there for crimes but because certain political forces make their release difficult. Even there they're more war prisoners. Jonathan Pollard probably counts as a political prisoner. He's being released in November only because both U.S. political parties now find it counterproductive to keep him in prison. I'm sure there's others. Bill isn't, surely. There's probably half a million people in prison who fit any definition of "political prisoner" (at all) better than Bill Windsor did. Pure Windsor hyperbole. Everything associated with him has to be the biggest and most outrageous in history.

  26. Looks like he and Snoozan had a date. Sorry if that causes any horrid visuals. Guy needs to meet with his legal team every now and then. Nothing wrong with that. Until she's wrong. Again.


    I'm sure he'll let everyone know if this one bounces like the others did. Very goo chance it will.

    1. Wait...what? Bill is filing a brief? Who could have ever predicted that?

  28. Soon to be convicted felon to fill his briefs on Monday. Please don't tell us if they are boxers or underoos.
