Continued from last post...according to Martha's research, Windsor is screwed as a private person or in his "commercial" capacity. And not just in Boushie's case. He incited others to stalk and harass officers of the court and private individuals. Some names of private individuals were provided to Windsor for personal revenge, because it was known Windsor would harass those people publicly and incite others to do the same.
"...The standard developed determined that speech advocating the use of force or crime could only be proscribed where two conditions were satisfied: (1) the advocacy is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,” and (2) the advocacy is also “likely to incite or produce such action.”
Lol, Ida ... that's what I thought, too. Martha's research is proving Windsor had/has no right to stalk SB and others or incite his followers to harass/stalk SB and others.
Oh yeah about those people, Marlene, Kay Kay, TickBite, Levinson who else? All the people who wrote affidavits who never even met the dude? Under penalty and perjury no less! HA HA HA HA! Just getting the ducks/quacks in a row.
Most importantly I'm sure any one victim is willing to submit their experience/testimony with a DA or other entity that may want to finally give the "climax" to "his" story. Maybe they already did? Maybe they are going to be the Perry Mason moment in his trial, since he's a known stalker and the identity of witness(es) for the prosecution are under witness protection. Dum dum dummmmmm!!!!
Still not quite understanding the trial is about a violation of a TOP, seems Windsor's wasting yet more time searching for crap that is irrelevant--but would have been helpful at the TOP hearing he played games to get out of.
This is not a trial on the validity of the TOP, it is a trial on the violation of it, which JC just proved was valid, and in effect due to Windsor's games. The continued games he is launching, will further support his harassing games, and solidify the fact that A) he knew the TOP was in force B) it was upheld through numerous court orders C) and he maliciously taunted being arrested for violating it.
Windsor can't grasp that he flubbed up. He is THE ProSe pro. Couldn't possibly be anything he didn't do or did incorrectly! It's CORRUPTION! Y'all know this by now! Gesh! Have a banana and try to keep up!
What is MunchenMaryD yammering on & on about now? Getting her children back? They're adults with children of their own! Mary's adult children have got to be beyond tired of her never ending mantra! She missed out on their childhoods with her Lyme-ing! Is Mary going to totally miss out on her grandchildren's childhoods too? There are millions of Americans with much more debilitating illnesses and they live wonderful and happy lives being a part of their adult children and grandchildren! Didn't MaryD bitch about a gag order in place, so she'd PTFD and her kids and ex could have some peace? Didn't Mary also state she has active warrants for her in Montana? MaryD couldn't find a STFU with a search party! I feel so bad for her adult children! smdh There is no way a tick, or a dozen ticks made her so insane! No possible way!
Mary Deneen A restraining Gag Order is in violations of the US 1st Amendment is discrimination and retaliation against one's Constitutionally-protected rights of political free speech
She missed the point. The gag was to protect her from her own libel. She was incapable of learning how to STFU. Hopefully there really is still a gag in place and they charge her. Nothing else will make her learn. She is stupid. Period. I think Cruz with his 8th grade graduation has more smarts--and that's not saying much.
Meanwhile, Lawless America, the web site, hasn't been given an update for a dozen days. Any lemmings notice that? No, or they're afraid to say anything about it if they have. The web site, the movie, none of that is FOR lemmings or their problems. That's for Bill and HIS problems, the only problems there are. And clicks. Never mind there are cats, dogs, pigs and parakeets, each with thousands more clicks per day than what Windsor brags about.
LMAO: "Never mind there are cats, dogs, pigs and parakeets, each with thousands more clicks per day than what Windsor brags about." Too true!
I noticed that Deegan guy's video got over 8,000 clicks. What's the top number for Windsor's videos? Also noted, Windsor is just posting links to the crap on now. Seems even he's getting tired of the wash, rinse, repeat cycle. Finally.
ROFLMBO! As the yellow colored "Keep Calm" pix loaded and when banana appeared!! Enjoying my cup o joe and the beautiful weather as windsore loses his bananas!! Happy Monday all! Put some peels on the floor too windbag!! You got one in the grave as it is :D
Sorry, meant sues, not uses. My tablet doesn't like the word "sues." Knows it's a word. Just doesn't like it. Like instead of me buying this tablet, this tablet bought me and can decide which words i use.
"Bill is working diligently..." in other words, Bill is feverishly typing up some frivolous games to flood the courts with.
Oh Windsor--tisk, tisk, tisk. Your latest games? You think you're so funny? So clever? No, this is why you've been deemed vexatious in numerous cases. Your continually mocking them? Doing exactly what they told you NOT to do? You have no rights to stomp your baby sized bloated feet and type up your drivel to whine to your lemmings. YOU are the epitome of what you say you hate. Corrupt, corrupt, corrupt! William Menace Windsor Corrupt Court Clown. sniff, sniff--I think I smell some high sanctions coming your way. muhahaha
" I've never met, spoken with, or communicated with Joey Dauben in any manner," Windsor says of Joey Dauben and Glory Holes at the freeway truck stops.
I call flat out BillSchit on his claim of Joey writing him. How'd Joey get the SD address? Why would Joey contact Windsor after talked shit about Joey and Presley, both, treated his parents like shit? Joey has potential, he actually cared about others, the communities & issues in his area, he has real friends and family that love him. I'm going to have to see that letter. More diversion.
LMAO!! This sentence says it all. " I will reciprocate by sending him all the stories that I have published about the Joeyisalittlekid Gang and my tenure in the Ellis County Jail"
Joey already got in BIG trouble by believing one person. Windsor? Is a known pathological liar, and it's been documented as such through court transcripts. So, even IF Windsor does send Joey his "stories" I believe Joey is smart enough this time around NOT to fall for anything without facts to back it up. Windsor never has facts, all he has is more Billshit ramblings of "Because I said so...," sworn affidavits of "Because I said so...," and frivolous filings of more "Because I said so..." evidence pointing back at only things he's written.
Windsor won't be allowed to send his stuff to Joey. Any fiction has to be sent from a publisher. Bill's make believe stuff he printed off won't qualify.
Windsor should give the mailroom corrections officers in Texas a glimpse of his crazy, so they can pass the word and the other officers can be prepared. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Joey wrote to Bill! Which address in which state? Bill better hurry and get that letter to Joey, inmates aren't allowed to correspond with other inmates.
Exactly Anon6:11. Windsor sends all his "articles"? Joey will never see them. Printed materials must be shipped to inmates directly from bookstores or subscriptions to newspapers and magazines. Windsor needs to be learning these correctional facility rules.
I call Billshit on the whole thing. It doesn't pass the smell test. It's probably just another Windsor attempt to get ".paranoia reigning supreme". He thinks people might worry that Joey gave him some info.
Bill Windsor Based upon what I know now, I have no doubt that he was set-up and that his Constitutional rights were violated every which way but loose. That said, I understand there was mighty compelling evidence that he had sex with an underage boy. But who the heck knows but Joey and the boy?
It's standard Windsor. He changes his view of things to fit his current purpose. Not to mention, he contradicts himself in that comment. Says Joey was set up but also says there was evidence Joey had sex with an underage boy. Joey was convicted of having sex with an underage boy so where is the set up?
Enough. No more of Windsor's spew about Joey or Windsor insinuating anything about a minor child. Windsor is lying and embellishing as usual. IF Windsor was under such a time crunch with all his ProSe vexi shit? He wouldn't be concerned about someone he turned his back on 3+ years ago, unless it was his own family.
I couldn't care less. Doesn't chap anything on me--but it does make him look like an asshole once again.
A victim made an allegation. A jury heard the evidence. He was found guilty. That entire thing was years and years ago. Windsor trying to tie us in somehow? Letting Connie Fielding say it's the same people who are setting him up? That's yet one more lie in the millions perhaps gabillions he's told. Just goes to show what a low life POS he really is.
Windsor never sides with the victims, he turns the perps into victims. I had nothing to do with any of it, so why would that chap my ass?
I think it's really Windsor's ass that chapped and he would really like to be able to ride Joey's coattails to get some media attention for himself. Windsor does nothing for anyone that he can't somehow gain off of. I think Joey is way smarter than that.
Took a good look at my ass. It's not bad as 60 year-old asses go. One thing it definitely isn't: chapped. I'm a fair newcomer to the Joeyisalittlekid Gang. 2013, I think. Since I've been around these friendly, creative, intelligent people all I've seen them do with regard to Joey Daubin is ignore him completely. I imagine when Windsor goes to prison they'll ignore him as well. Prison leaves few other options. I sincerely doubt you've chapped any asses, Bill. Maybe LMAO a few times, but no chapping.
Windsor wants to re-visit the past? How about he pontificate about the mother of his grandchild, by his son, & while she was incarcerated, she demanded an abortion. Then sued the county and jail after the child's birth. That grandchild is an adult now. Does Windsor have a relationship with that granddaughter? Does she call him 'hero'? Does Windsor even acknowledge that grandchild? Does Windsor ache for her as he does the grandchildren his daughter and son in law forbid him to even utter their names, come near them? CSI much so that they moved states away to get away from him.
Windsor? You really wanna go there? I will. With facts. Think long and hard AssRag.
Windsor: "I have six appellant's briefs due by Thursday, and I have 10 replies to responses to motions due within a few days thereafter."
Wait. Replies to responses to motions. You won't listen, Bill, so I'll give you honest advice. DO NOT proceed to bury this judge in paper. Worst thing you could do at this point for your own prospects.
So that's exactly what you'll do, right?
The more the judge rules on pre-trial, the less you'll be able to talk about to the Jury. That makes sense, doesn't it? No? Seriously, no? Go ahead then. We'll make popcorn.
That's because he is an immature, toddler, playing childish games. I have a whole new perspective and opinion about him now. Just when I thought I couldn't think lower of him, he proves me wrong.
Maybe he's bringing up Joey because he knows he's screwed and probably going to end up in prison & this way he can claim he like Joey was "set-up" by the Joey's ... as he put it ("Joey Dauben of Ellis County Texas was the original target of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang of cyberstalkers who turned their sickness on me when Joey went to prison" ) this way he can explain away to his lemmings the stalking charges, TOP and his violating it ... it was all a setup to get him in prison, just like Joey ... which we all know is BS but a good enough explanation for the lemmings of why he will prob be found guilty and sent to prison JMHO
Here's what Windsor doesn't and can't know about Joey Dauben and the people of Ellis and Kaufman Counties, TX: Those of us that watched Joey grow up or went to school with him were saddened by the choices he made after leaving his job as a reporter for a reputable newspaper. In spite of disappointment, people close to Joey and his family never lost their affection for him. In fact, JIALK was started in an attempt to help guide Joey in a more appropriate direction (it takes a village, you know) when face to face coaching failed.
Joey angered, upset and hurt a lot of people with his "reporting". When he was arrested for posting personal information, we cheered because Karma caught up with him. The people that were close to Joey did not lose their affection for him.
NOTHING could have prepared anyone that knows Joey for the charges that landed him in jail for 30 years. Shock is an understatement. There was an accusation (or, outcry), the accusation was investigated, Joey was charged, arrested, tried and found guilty. That's it, the end of the story. The people close to Joey and his family still have not lost affection for him.
It's hard to separate the Joey we knew from the Joey found guilty of a heinous act. People close to Joey will probably struggle with reconciling the contradiction for the rest of their lives.
Petunia and several Anons have a point. Windsor admits he is poking at someone with his comments about Joey. Whatever Windsor's motivation, out of respect for those that are struggling with their love and relationship with Joey, I hope nobody here is willing to play Windsor's game.
Well stated @Ida, thank you. Investigated by the Texas Rangers. And? The victim!! Windsor slings insinuations at a minor. I'm done discussing this topic. Windsor relishes anything pertaining to violence, murder and sex crimes. Prison will allow him the opportunity to get up close and personal with some violent criminals that will be glad to break their mundane existence, regaling him with their 'stories'.
Earlier today, Windsor told the lemmings that he was far too busy to post anything because he was busy copying and pasting frivolous crap. But? He makes time to make a shady post that backfired on him.
What does that say to the lemmings? Windsor thrives on lies and drama. He doesn't care about any one of them, or their issues. He only cares about being vindictive, petty, and childish. I'd have to think his actions over the past few months alone would be enough to sway even the most brain dead lemming from any further support. Sigh...lemmings.
Wow. Looks like the washed up whore is out of meds again. Why won't her Willy help her out with a few bucks to get her a few extra pills each month? I'm sure she'd be willing to "work" for it.
You have to take into consideration what you're dealing with when it comes to Susan. Most women who willingly enter the adult entertainment industry either already have or soon develope some form of addiction problem. Most have also been molested by someone (military dad). You can tell by when Susan goes into her posting frenzies that she's run out of the meds that help her deal with the issues that drove her to become a stripper/prostitute in the first place.
or? She's not even a wannabe anything, just a never was. SVG is a shitty person, just like Windsor. Implying she was molested & then putting military dad, (in parentheses) is stooping as low, if not lower than SVG's late night spews.
Thank you, SFW. I had a military dad. Not perfect, none of us are, but he raised good kids and the only thing he ever molested was a pot of ham & beans. I've tore up a few of those with corn bread myself.
Stuff like this influences no one beyond confirming that Bill Windsor is a crackpot. Seriously, who would see that and go, wow, there's this Old West gang of outlaws and they've defamed this poor chap more than anyone else defamed anyone in the history of the world?
So how come Windsor didn't mention anything about going back to the doctor yesterday? He claimed last week he needed to go back on Monday? Nothing mentioned what so ever but he's busy with fictitious briefs, and reply dates.
He also claimed he needed to see the Neurologist. What happened with that? He claims so many things, with definitive statements that he NEVER follows through with, it's beyond laughable now.
Yeah, that's odd, huh? Windsor still hasn't ponied up Ms. Clark's BillBitchSlap brief complete with the timeline of his pussalala stall tactics either. Why can't Windsor just own the simple fact that he's fascinated and envious of Boushie & his attractive wife? Windsor is just mad as Hell that it's against the law to stalk them, that he was ordered to stop stalking them and he couldn't control himself. Windsor is fascinated and envious of a lot of people, he's compelled to creep on them just to get a glimpse at their normal lives because he neglected and abandoned his own. He lost his wife, by his own admission that she gave him an ultimatum to stop the goofy stuff and he chose no. He lost his daughter, son in law and grandkids for the same reason. Windsor also admitted his son and siblings, except Wendy, we're done with his creepy behavior, too. Windsor never had any real friends to lose, just his Facebook groupies. Windsor really made a lonely, pitiful existence for himself. Like everything else he's ever done, he failed at life, despite his inheritance. He squandered everything good that real people cherish. No mystery why he's bitter and spends all his time online and in courts, only places Windsor can get any attention, and he's even failing at those. Dang. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. #BoohooWindsor Another day for Windsor to Facebook interact with his few remaining virtual friends. I'm off & out into the sunshine, to spend the day with some of our nation's finest, #USMilitaryVeterans! YaY!
"In my Brief, I say: "Freedom of speech and press enjoy a near-sacred position in our society. Just not in Missoula and Helena Montana." I also say: "Windsor has been charged with five crimes, and the alleged acts are all protected by Freedom of Speech. MCA Title 40 Chapter 15 and MCA 46-5-626 violate the right to freedom of speech and are thus unconstitutional. No one is safe to speak in Montana. If you speak a lot, it could get you life in the Montana State Prison." I don't pussyfoot around in my court filings. I guess that's one of the reasons that corrupt judges hate my guts so badly."
And all this time I thought judges hated him because his briefs were long, fanciful, and baseless.
Once again Bill is presenting the arguments he could have used when he should have been appealing the TOP instead of trying to jump through a loophole with stall tactics. Keep chasing your tail Bill. It's worked so well so far.
the alleged acts are all protected by Freedom of Speech
I don't pussyfoot around in my court filings.
Really? Exactly how many of your filings have had the result you wanted? The number has to be a tiny fraction of a percentage point, and these latest filings will be tossed as frivolous nonsense as well.
LOL!! These are issues he should have raised at the hearing--prior to appealing--which he did try to argue through appeals, that were irrelevant because he didn't address it through the hearing--which were upheld by several courts. He's blowharding to his facebook jury now. It's irrelevant to the trial.
I'd love to know if he actually filed this because he's claimed in the past he's filed things "Schooling the courts" and he didn't.
Also regarding the "pussyfooting" comment? I think his Pussy-outing was deleing the evidence he claimed didn't exist--which it did--which should be another charge tampering with evidence. He's screwed and he knows it. Snoozlebeast obviously can't "see" anything clearly either.
I think the reason the courts don't like him is because a 500 +page brief, rehashing irrelevant shit, and a plethora of other frivolous filings is simply harassing tactics to the courts. He's not "schooling" anyone, he's documenting that he is a menace and overly vexatious.
Snooze? Helloooo!! If the Judge was going to dismiss, he wouldn't have set the court date. He's more than likely humoring Windsor because the continued pointing out how many times Windsor was denied his frivolous appeals is so much fun. You are wrong. Point blank. You know nothing about the laws no matter how much you misread them.
Snooze? You are missing my point, as usual. Windsor by his own vexatious assholeness played games when he should have been addressing the court through a hearing. He chose to play games by filing a premature appeal, which he is not afforded the rights to present information through--only to address the wrongs of a ruling. All that stuff should have been addressed at a hearing. Windsor's actions do not cancel out the fact there was no hearing. You keep hanging onto that thread.
If every person played the same games by appealing something instead of going to their hearing, then claiming the courts were wrong because there was no hearing--forget it. You're just an idiot who likes to manipulate everything and that's why you lose.
Ninja, you have to remember that Susan is a vexi just like Windsor. They don't fully understand laws and statutes. They tend to misinterpret things because they let their mind twist what they're seeing to meet their current needs. I consider it a form of mental illness. Arguing with them is a complete waste of time. Their mental state prevents them from ever accepting there is a possibility they could be wrong. I'll be the first to admit she could be right but, in the two years she's been trolling the two blogs, it hasn't happened yet concerning a legal decision.
In a way, removing Susan's comments helps her. She makes bold predictions about upcoming court decisions. After they don't happen, she just claims that's not what she said. You can't go back and reference her comment because it was removed.
Bwahahahahahaha! Windsor: "I don't pussyfoot around in my court filings." Bwahahahahahaha! Pussyfoot court filings is ProSeBaby Windsor-speak for #voluminous #repetitive #vextacious
I understand @ 2:06. I was just trying to understand their belief--that to get around an order of protection, all one has to do is file numerous appeals, to stall the hearing and click down the clock and then claim the hearing didn't take place within the allotted time--so the court orders that stated the temporary would remain in effect was invalid--is a valid argument.
No worries, 2:13--I've got a huge text file of Snooze's troll droppings I've collected over the years. For instance, the other day she claimed Clark "inferred she had contacted the feds." Actually, Clark would have implied she talked to the feds--not inferred. Of course, when you're one of the ANI, you can't make semantic distinctions because that attribute is a function of IQ.
Yeah, we (those of us with keys to the gate) just remove Sharon's comments, we don't delete them though, we're saving them for a giggle snicker fest. I had planned to not ever remove Sharon's comments when I opened the Back40. Sharon chiming in was ok, but she's goes all whacked out, tacky twat, that I changed my mind. Sharon doesn't like it? She can twattle back to WindsorWorld or get her blog (oh! She has one, no one will go there).
Another thing Bill could have done to avoid his present troubles is to simply obey the order -- forget about SB and get on with his life -- get on with making the Lawless America movie. This is what most people do when confronted with a protective order. They just obey it.
Bill still hasn't explained how anyone including SB has prevented him from making a movie or a television show. This is important because if he had been able to substantiate that one thing, he would have successfully made the protective order go away before he violated it. Sure he said it, but he never substantiated it. If someone was preventing him from making that movie, he would have proof. It's not a vague thing. They would have to steal his camera or footage. People saying bad things about Bill Windsor doesn't prohibit him from making a movie. Bill wanted to defeat SB, defeat The Joeys, not so he could go back to making his movie but for the sheer satisfaction of defeating someone. Bill had this screwed up logic in his head that if he defeated someone (anyone, really) it would domino all the way back through his failures, reversing them. Defeating SB or the Joeys would somehow automatically reverse the Maid of the Mist defeat because it's all tied together, rattling around in Windsor's head. So he purposefully violated the order, adding the Montana courts to the list of people he could defeat to not only erase a decade of failure, but flip the magic toggle switch turning it into a decade of success. Bill wanted this showdown. I think maybe he still does.
This is Bill's occupation now. It's his identity. Do you think there's a single Fuddruckers waitress who doesn't know Windsor will be awarded billions of dollars in the biggest case of defamation in human history? Just play your cards right, little lady, and you could be with this charming, rich fellow. Here's your tip. $1.15.
Windsor: "I will publish my Brief on Violation of Constitutional Rights and Unconstitutional Statutes. I'll publish a pdf and a Word copy. It contains a host of case law citations that others may find helpful."
Nevermind this will be much more manifesto than brief, who requested it? I'm pretty sure the judge in his criminal trial said no more briefs. Maybe Windsor is allowed comment on specific briefs that Jennifer Clark submitted, her having specifically been asked for these by the Judge. I've seen one of these and it's not about violation of Constitutional rights, even tangentially. The judge specifically said no more. Didn't he? It's not like these courts are inexperienced with Windsorland. Judge Larson had to specifically order Windsor not to contact (phone or email) court staff and threatened sanctions if he did. That order from Judge Larson is included with Ms Clark's brief.
So while I can say I'm confused about this document Bill says he must finish by October 6th, I'm truthfully not. Windsor is ignoring the Judge's request (order?) that he not submit any more paperwork. Wholly predictable.
Right. So I guess this is in response. I suppose that will work. Won't help Windsor, but he won't get yelled at for it. I guess. And you're right. The judge specifically said no more motions, not briefs, not manifestos.
He thought he would be funny--but once again FAILED. Sharon twattled back to WindsorWorld and tattled so Windsor or Sharon decided to write a post making fun of us. However, he had to tell the lemmings it wasn't real.
I guess he can get away with posting things like this because he is his own attorney, any other attorney would not be allowed to post lies, slander and harass the prosecutor like this, without being sanctioned or disciplined.
"Jennifer Clark couldn't find her way out of a legal brief to save her soul. She's a dishonest, corrupt woman who has committed significant wrongdoing and crimes against Bill Windsor As a Joey, she is definitely screwed. I hope she, Casey, Clyde, Barbara, and Patrick have $100 million for damages."
Yeah, he just slammed himself. That's the problem when your besties are all conspiracy driven whackadoodles. They don't have any idea what is or is not funny.
I'm waiting for them to start claiming that Windsor is a targeted individual based on the complete idiocy he's been posting lately.
There is a lemming right now waiting to post the following: "The dizziness, his legs don't want to work--all side effects that the government is subliminally screwing with him. Its real--I've seen it. Trust me. I am also a targeted individual."
Slammage occurred, evidently. Everyone in Windsorland knows only Pro Ses can competently write legal briefs. Proof of this will be when Windsor's case is dismissed. Probably when it isn't dismissed too. The judge didn't dismiss the case because he wants to see more great legal opinions from Windsor or something.
It's odd, not funny or humorous, that Windsor is so concerned what the "Joey's" comment, instead of concentrating on his ProSe defense. Focus should be the next word he Googles.
Odd. Why does Windsor answer US but not the lemmings? Why is he so obsessed with the things being discussed over here, and the opinions of a bunch of "haters?"
Oh Sharon--you are such a simpleton as is your vexatious leader. HAHAHAHAHA
Ya, after all that copying & pasting, he's needs some R&R. Maybe he can find his way to the Foil Hat Emporium--hear tell they're got head dip on sale--goes great with the chips those G-men put in him.
Oh yeah, he's so funny, Snooze. That he always has to explain to the moronic lemmings that he was "making a funny". But alas, even after him explaining he was lying and "making a 'funny" the lemmings still don't get it. Now that is funny !!
Lise McLain - Sometimes I have to decipher what is real and what is not real regarding these posts.
Bill Windsor - Lise, I have learned that my sense of humor is not recognized by quite a few folks. Sorry! I'll try to be clearer, but I can't seem to curb the sense of humor. It is my defense mechanism.
OMG What the hell is wrong with him? Everything is backasswards to him. DUDE!! The saying is "He who laugh last..." and since you think that will be you dickhead...maybe you need to google every saying. It's also "Can't see the Forest for the Trees."
No wonder he always loses his court crap. He is just fuckedthefuckup in the head.
Bill Windsor-- Glen, yes, I was in the Slammer -- put there by the Joeys. Maybe that's what they meant. You know what they say about ye who laughs first...."
Oh Billy, I'm so very thrilled you give us full credit for all of your pain and suffering over the last few years, but don't worry, we've only just begun; we love watching you play your vexi games--and losing. Why, I'm so excited about your dismal future, I'm going to open up a nice bottle of Chianti and some fava beans to celebrate.
Let me see if I have this straight: "We" (whoever that is) "put Joey in jail," and "We put Windsor in jail." Is there some reason why Snoozan is so confident that "We" can't also put her in jail as well? Apart from the fact that she knows this is all bunk that is?
We are a powerful bunch, huh? I mean, we knew that, it's about time Windsor admits it. If his geriatric, dimwitted, stripping slut wouldn't have pretended she knew anything about civil or criminal law? Windsor wouldn't be facing prison. Sharon's boyfriends can verify her legal skills didn't help them. Duh Windsor! Sharon hates you and is laughing hysterically at how gullible you've been following her advice. Windsor got gotten by a real hater, not just a spectator! That's funny.
Very confident he won't be required to stand trial, that right, Snooze? Notice I said "required to." I still doubt he'll show. He knows how well he would do. Might as well let them catch him again. Same result.
Roy Pilkey kinda ticks me off, with the VERY AFRAID and lab rat stuff. I'm off to find the source of his butt hurt. First rattle out of the box was this, he's spreading Windsor's spew.
Well, this is a new claim. Windsor's harassing, stalking, paper terrorism, slander and just plain meanness are ordained.
Bill Windsor Deborah, I have said this many times, so pardon me if you've heard it. But I do feel like God wants me to do what I started doing in 2007. There is no other way for me to explain why I haven't been scared to death every waking moment. I am scared when people shoot at me, send me emails threatening to kill me and post things like that online, record videos threatening to kill me, and offer rewards for my death. But I have zero fear of fighting the corrupt government officials, judges, and law enforcement.
"I'm going to write an article about Legal Research for Pro Se Parties and publish it on If you are intelligent and can afford $19 for a month, you can find cases to support your positions in court..."
Yeah, but will the Jihadists still think it's a miracle if it doesn't work?
Carol Eaglin you know that just didnt happen Bill. the Lord gave you that knowledge.
Bill Windsor It really and truly was like a miracle. I was done. I even printed out all of the filings. I was signing them and preparing to scan them. Then the words came into my head.
I was wondering, can the lemmings pool their resources to come up with $19 a month for group access to They looked to be screwed on pooling intelligence.
Now that Windsor found "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow", you think he'll use some of that gold to pay Fleming and Kellie the sanctions he owes them? Can you garnish a found pot of gold? Better yet, can the leprechaun previous owner press charges against Windsor for taking it? Considering all the LE corruption in the world, probably not.
"But I do feel like God wants me to do what I started doing in 2007."
Right about the time he first had his ass handed to him in court. Right. God wants Bill Windsor to lose every court case he's involved with for the rest of his life. Now THAT'S a calling!
Maybe that ankle bracelet emits high radio frequency waves that have prevented him from finding the case law that has eluded him? Or did the lemmings already come up with that conspiracy?
Windsor: "Well, this morning I started emailing my filings to the Clerk of the Court. Rather than receipts, I started receiving orders denying the motions and emails saying that Judge James A. Haynes was not allowing certain filings, such as my Request for Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on nine motions that he denied summarily without consideration or explanation 10 days ago."
So, CORRUPTION! Who could have imagined? Oh look! A pot of gold! Oh no! It's corrupt! Why God? Or maybe it's the leprechauns. Why Chief Leprechaun? Why? Why are the Wee Ones so corrupt?
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Thick headed doofus cannot get it to sink in that the only thing the judge requested was the brief from Clark. No more BillSchit! Duh! Criminal court in Montana just isn't going along with the usual Windsor flurry of frivolity. Day 98 kinda sucked for Windsor, huh? Bwahahahahahaha
Continued from last post...according to Martha's research, Windsor is screwed as a private person or in his "commercial" capacity. And not just in Boushie's case. He incited others to stalk and harass officers of the court and private individuals. Some names of private individuals were provided to Windsor for personal revenge, because it was known Windsor would harass those people publicly and incite others to do the same.
ReplyDelete"...The standard developed determined that speech advocating the use of force or crime could only be proscribed where two conditions were satisfied: (1) the advocacy is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,” and (2) the advocacy is also “likely to incite or produce such action.”
Lol, Ida ... that's what I thought, too. Martha's research is proving Windsor had/has no right to stalk SB and others or incite his followers to harass/stalk SB and others.
DeleteYep!! Gotta love it when lemmings help out, but don't understand the whole story, because Windsor lied to them.
DeleteOh yeah about those people, Marlene, Kay Kay, TickBite, Levinson who else? All the people who wrote affidavits who never even met the dude? Under penalty and perjury no less! HA HA HA HA! Just getting the ducks/quacks in a row.
DeleteMost importantly I'm sure any one victim is willing to submit their experience/testimony with a DA or other entity that may want to finally give the "climax" to "his" story. Maybe they already did? Maybe they are going to be the Perry Mason moment in his trial, since he's a known stalker and the identity of witness(es) for the prosecution are under witness protection. Dum dum dummmmmm!!!!
#PotassiumOverdose #ParanoiaWillDestroyYa
Happy Monday!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhoop, whoop, whoop!!!! Still cheering DA Clark kicking Billschit's arse :)
Still not quite understanding the trial is about a violation of a TOP, seems Windsor's wasting yet more time searching for crap that is irrelevant--but would have been helpful at the TOP hearing he played games to get out of.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a trial on the validity of the TOP, it is a trial on the violation of it, which JC just proved was valid, and in effect due to Windsor's games. The continued games he is launching, will further support his harassing games, and solidify the fact that A) he knew the TOP was in force B) it was upheld through numerous court orders C) and he maliciously taunted being arrested for violating it.
Windsor can't grasp that he flubbed up. He is THE ProSe pro. Couldn't possibly be anything he didn't do or did incorrectly! It's CORRUPTION!
DeleteY'all know this by now!
Gesh! Have a banana and try to keep up!
What is MunchenMaryD yammering on & on about now? Getting her children back? They're adults with children of their own!
ReplyDeleteMary's adult children have got to be beyond tired of her never ending mantra! She missed out on their childhoods with her Lyme-ing! Is Mary going to totally miss out on her grandchildren's childhoods too?
There are millions of Americans with much more debilitating illnesses and they live wonderful and happy lives being a part of their adult children and grandchildren!
Didn't MaryD bitch about a gag order in place, so she'd PTFD and her kids and ex could have some peace? Didn't Mary also state she has active warrants for her in Montana?
MaryD couldn't find a STFU with a search party!
I feel so bad for her adult children! smdh
There is no way a tick, or a dozen ticks made her so insane! No possible way!
Hey MaryD!
DeleteMary Deneen
A restraining Gag Order is in violations of the US 1st Amendment is discrimination and retaliation against one's Constitutionally-protected rights of political free speech
She missed the point. The gag was to protect her from her own libel. She was incapable of learning how to STFU. Hopefully there really is still a gag in place and they charge her. Nothing else will make her learn. She is stupid. Period. I think Cruz with his 8th grade graduation has more smarts--and that's not saying much.
DeleteMeanwhile, Lawless America, the web site, hasn't been given an update for a dozen days. Any lemmings notice that? No, or they're afraid to say anything about it if they have. The web site, the movie, none of that is FOR lemmings or their problems. That's for Bill and HIS problems, the only problems there are. And clicks. Never mind there are cats, dogs, pigs and parakeets, each with thousands more clicks per day than what Windsor brags about.
ReplyDeleteLMAO: "Never mind there are cats, dogs, pigs and parakeets, each with thousands more clicks per day than what Windsor brags about." Too true!
DeleteI noticed that Deegan guy's video got over 8,000 clicks. What's the top number for Windsor's videos? Also noted, Windsor is just posting links to the crap on now. Seems even he's getting tired of the wash, rinse, repeat cycle. Finally.
ROFLMBO! As the yellow colored "Keep Calm" pix loaded and when banana appeared!! Enjoying my cup o joe and the beautiful weather as windsore loses his bananas!! Happy Monday all! Put some peels on the floor too windbag!! You got one in the grave as it is :D
ReplyDeleteIs all of Facebook down or did they boot Windsor again?
ReplyDeleteAhhh. It's all of Facebook. Bet he uses them anyway.
ReplyDeleteYup...widespread outages today:
Sorry, meant sues, not uses. My tablet doesn't like the word "sues." Knows it's a word. Just doesn't like it. Like instead of me buying this tablet, this tablet bought me and can decide which words i use.
ReplyDeleteFacebook is down? Windsor is cut off from civilization, his virtual lifeline!
"Bill is working diligently..." in other words, Bill is feverishly typing up some frivolous games to flood the courts with.
ReplyDeleteOh Windsor--tisk, tisk, tisk. Your latest games? You think you're so funny? So clever? No, this is why you've been deemed vexatious in numerous cases. Your continually mocking them? Doing exactly what they told you NOT to do? You have no rights to stomp your baby sized bloated feet and type up your drivel to whine to your lemmings. YOU are the epitome of what you say you hate. Corrupt, corrupt, corrupt! William Menace Windsor Corrupt Court Clown.
sniff, sniff--I think I smell some high sanctions coming your way. muhahaha
" I've never met, spoken with, or communicated with Joey Dauben in any manner," Windsor says of Joey Dauben and Glory Holes at the freeway truck stops.
ReplyDeleteI call flat out BillSchit on his claim of Joey writing him.
DeleteHow'd Joey get the SD address?
Why would Joey contact Windsor after talked shit about Joey and Presley, both, treated his parents like shit?
Joey has potential, he actually cared about others, the communities & issues in his area, he has real friends and family that love him.
I'm going to have to see that letter.
More diversion.
And? Windsor did meet Joey and his family. Lie after lie.
DeleteAnother character witness.
DeleteLMAO!! This sentence says it all. " I will reciprocate by sending him all the stories that I have published about the Joeyisalittlekid Gang and my tenure in the Ellis County Jail"
DeleteJoey already got in BIG trouble by believing one person. Windsor? Is a known pathological liar, and it's been documented as such through court transcripts. So, even IF Windsor does send Joey his "stories" I believe Joey is smart enough this time around NOT to fall for anything without facts to back it up. Windsor never has facts, all he has is more Billshit ramblings of "Because I said so...," sworn affidavits of "Because I said so...," and frivolous filings of more "Because I said so..." evidence pointing back at only things he's written.
Reciprocate by sending him a bunch of garbage?
DeleteProbably wipe his ass with it...
Windsor won't be allowed to send his stuff to Joey. Any fiction has to be sent from a publisher. Bill's make believe stuff he printed off won't qualify.
DeleteWindsor should give the mailroom corrections officers in Texas a glimpse of his crazy, so they can pass the word and the other officers can be prepared.
DeleteHahahahahahahahahahaha! Joey wrote to Bill! Which address in which state? Bill better hurry and get that letter to Joey, inmates aren't allowed to correspond with other inmates.
Exactly Anon6:11. Windsor sends all his "articles"? Joey will never see them. Printed materials must be shipped to inmates directly from bookstores or subscriptions to newspapers and magazines.
DeleteWindsor needs to be learning these correctional facility rules.
I call Billshit on the whole thing. It doesn't pass the smell test. It's probably just another Windsor attempt to get ".paranoia reigning supreme". He thinks people might worry that Joey gave him some info.
DeleteWindsor needs to be learning these correctional facility rules.
DeleteHopefully very soon and from the inside.
Bill Windsor
ReplyDeleteBased upon what I know now, I have no doubt that he was set-up and that his Constitutional rights were violated every which way but loose. That said, I understand there was mighty compelling evidence that he had sex with an underage boy. But who the heck knows but Joey and the boy?
How odd that Windsor changes his spew about Joey now.
DeleteHad Windsor believed so strongly, why did he turn on Joey's fiancé and her closet friends?
Windsor is such a two faced piece of shit.
It's standard Windsor. He changes his view of things to fit his current purpose. Not to mention, he contradicts himself in that comment. Says Joey was set up but also says there was evidence Joey had sex with an underage boy. Joey was convicted of having sex with an underage boy so where is the set up?
ReplyDeleteNo more of Windsor's spew about Joey or Windsor insinuating anything about a minor child.
Windsor is lying and embellishing as usual.
IF Windsor was under such a time crunch with all his ProSe vexi shit? He wouldn't be concerned about someone he turned his back on 3+ years ago, unless it was his own family.
Bill Windsor Camille. you are FINE! He may have done it. But it will chap the behinds of the Joeys for me to hint that the Joey might be innocent.
ReplyDeleteNothing much new there to get chapped about. Windsor was all in on the free Joey project until he got miffed at Presley and the mommies.
Hint? Marty Prehn said his close personal friend, the Texas Attorney General, and you were setting an innocent man free and putting MVZ in his cell.
DeleteYou really need to keep up with your Regional Director, Billy...
I couldn't care less. Doesn't chap anything on me--but it does make him look like an asshole once again.
DeleteA victim made an allegation. A jury heard the evidence. He was found guilty. That entire thing was years and years ago. Windsor trying to tie us in somehow? Letting Connie Fielding say it's the same people who are setting him up? That's yet one more lie in the millions perhaps gabillions he's told. Just goes to show what a low life POS he really is.
Windsor never sides with the victims, he turns the perps into victims. I had nothing to do with any of it, so why would that chap my ass?
I think it's really Windsor's ass that chapped and he would really like to be able to ride Joey's coattails to get some media attention for himself. Windsor does nothing for anyone that he can't somehow gain off of. I think Joey is way smarter than that.
Took a good look at my ass. It's not bad as 60 year-old asses go. One thing it definitely isn't: chapped. I'm a fair newcomer to the Joeyisalittlekid Gang. 2013, I think. Since I've been around these friendly, creative, intelligent people all I've seen them do with regard to Joey Daubin is ignore him completely. I imagine when Windsor goes to prison they'll ignore him as well. Prison leaves few other options. I sincerely doubt you've chapped any asses, Bill. Maybe LMAO a few times, but no chapping.
ReplyDeleteChapping will be the least of his own ass problems in prison...
DeleteWindsor wants to re-visit the past?
ReplyDeleteHow about he pontificate about the mother of his grandchild, by his son, & while she was incarcerated, she demanded an abortion.
Then sued the county and jail after the child's birth. That grandchild is an adult now. Does Windsor have a relationship with that granddaughter? Does she call him 'hero'? Does Windsor even acknowledge that grandchild?
Does Windsor ache for her as he does the grandchildren his daughter and son in law forbid him to even utter their names, come near them? CSI much so that they moved states away to get away from him.
Windsor? You really wanna go there? I will. With facts. Think long and hard AssRag.
This woman:
Just another childish attempt by Willy to piss off someone. It's all he has left.
DeleteBoomerang effect. Windsor has far more to hide and a lot more worries.
DeleteWindsor forgets how often his loyal lemmings read here & at the Clubhouse.
Windsor: "I have six appellant's briefs due by Thursday, and I have 10 replies to responses to motions due within a few days thereafter."
ReplyDeleteWait. Replies to responses to motions. You won't listen, Bill, so I'll give you honest advice. DO NOT proceed to bury this judge in paper. Worst thing you could do at this point for your own prospects.
So that's exactly what you'll do, right?
The more the judge rules on pre-trial, the less you'll be able to talk about to the Jury. That makes sense, doesn't it? No? Seriously, no? Go ahead then. We'll make popcorn.
Just one more thing he brings up but doesn't have time to post.
DeleteThat's because he is an immature, toddler, playing childish games. I have a whole new perspective and opinion about him now. Just when I thought I couldn't think lower of him, he proves me wrong.
DeleteI would say he's digressing mentally but, he's always acted like a spoiled brat.
DeleteMaybe he's bringing up Joey because he knows he's screwed and probably going to end up in prison & this way he can claim he like Joey was "set-up" by the Joey's ... as he put it ("Joey Dauben of Ellis County Texas was the original target of the Joeyisalittlekid Gang of cyberstalkers who turned their sickness on me when Joey went to prison" )
Deletethis way he can explain away to his lemmings the stalking charges, TOP and his violating it ... it was all a setup to get him in prison, just like Joey ... which we all know is BS but a good enough explanation for the lemmings of why he will prob be found guilty and sent to prison JMHO
DeleteBoohoo Windsor, Boohoo #not
Here's what Windsor doesn't and can't know about Joey Dauben and the people of Ellis and Kaufman Counties, TX: Those of us that watched Joey grow up or went to school with him were saddened by the choices he made after leaving his job as a reporter for a reputable newspaper. In spite of disappointment, people close to Joey and his family never lost their affection for him. In fact, JIALK was started in an attempt to help guide Joey in a more appropriate direction (it takes a village, you know) when face to face coaching failed.
ReplyDeleteJoey angered, upset and hurt a lot of people with his "reporting". When he was arrested for posting personal information, we cheered because Karma caught up with him. The people that were close to Joey did not lose their affection for him.
NOTHING could have prepared anyone that knows Joey for the charges that landed him in jail for 30 years. Shock is an understatement. There was an accusation (or, outcry), the accusation was investigated, Joey was charged, arrested, tried and found guilty. That's it, the end of the story. The people close to Joey and his family still have not lost affection for him.
It's hard to separate the Joey we knew from the Joey found guilty of a heinous act. People close to Joey will probably struggle with reconciling the contradiction for the rest of their lives.
Petunia and several Anons have a point. Windsor admits he is poking at someone with his comments about Joey. Whatever Windsor's motivation, out of respect for those that are struggling with their love and relationship with Joey, I hope nobody here is willing to play Windsor's game.
Well stated @Ida, thank you.
DeleteInvestigated by the Texas Rangers.
And? The victim!! Windsor slings insinuations at a minor.
I'm done discussing this topic.
Windsor relishes anything pertaining to violence, murder and sex crimes. Prison will allow him the opportunity to get up close and personal with some violent criminals that will be glad to break their mundane existence, regaling him with their 'stories'.
Earlier today, Windsor told the lemmings that he was far too busy to post anything because he was busy copying and pasting frivolous crap. But? He makes time to make a shady post that backfired on him.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that say to the lemmings? Windsor thrives on lies and drama. He doesn't care about any one of them, or their issues. He only cares about being vindictive, petty, and childish. I'd have to think his actions over the past few months alone would be enough to sway even the most brain dead lemming from any further support. Sigh...lemmings.
Where's the brief Windsor?
Wow. Looks like the washed up whore is out of meds again. Why won't her Willy help her out with a few bucks to get her a few extra pills each month? I'm sure she'd be willing to "work" for it.
ReplyDeleteEwwww! Not even Marty will let Susan "work" with him. Windsor can afford much higher class hookers than her. Like Naomi for instance.
DeleteYou have to take into consideration what you're dealing with when it comes to Susan. Most women who willingly enter the adult entertainment industry either already have or soon develope some form of addiction problem. Most have also been molested by someone (military dad). You can tell by when Susan goes into her posting frenzies that she's run out of the meds that help her deal with the issues that drove her to become a stripper/prostitute in the first place.
Deleteor? She's not even a wannabe anything, just a never was. SVG is a shitty person, just like Windsor.
DeleteImplying she was molested & then putting military dad, (in parentheses) is stooping as low, if not lower than SVG's late night spews.
Thank you, SFW. I had a military dad. Not perfect, none of us are, but he raised good kids and the only thing he ever molested was a pot of ham & beans. I've tore up a few of those with corn bread myself.
ReplyDeleteStuff like this influences no one beyond confirming that Bill Windsor is a crackpot. Seriously, who would see that and go, wow, there's this Old West gang of outlaws and they've defamed this poor chap more than anyone else defamed anyone in the history of the world?
The man is mentally ill.
Bullhorn up: Ready, and....
DeleteAttention, attention, gather 'round,
Fat Ass Windsor's the "worlds largest" clown
Grab a banana and feed a monkey
Put on your rubber boots, this shit is chunky
Freedom of speech, freedom of Press
Windsor's got none of it, but he's still trying to impress
Rally the troops, spread some more lies
Drama King's tantrums draw nothing but flies
Judicial Corruption is his worn out theme song
But when asked to prove it, he's always proven wrong
No sense of humor, thin skin as tissue paper
If Windsor says it's true, get out the elephant crap scraper
Suits in several states, same thing in each new town
This circus is getting old, it's time to shut this clown down
Poor little rich boy who can't buy his fame
Once he's locked up no one will remember his name.
You have to wonder if even the lemmings think the defamation bit is candy assed. Cowboy up, Cupcake.
ReplyDeleteSo how come Windsor didn't mention anything about going back to the doctor yesterday? He claimed last week he needed to go back on Monday? Nothing mentioned what so ever but he's busy with fictitious briefs, and reply dates.
ReplyDeleteHe also claimed he needed to see the Neurologist. What happened with that? He claims so many things, with definitive statements that he NEVER follows through with, it's beyond laughable now.
Yeah, that's odd, huh?
DeleteWindsor still hasn't ponied up Ms. Clark's BillBitchSlap brief complete with the timeline of his pussalala stall tactics either.
Why can't Windsor just own the simple fact that he's fascinated and envious of Boushie & his attractive wife? Windsor is just mad as Hell that it's against the law to stalk them, that he was ordered to stop stalking them and he couldn't control himself.
Windsor is fascinated and envious of a lot of people, he's compelled to creep on them just to get a glimpse at their normal lives because he neglected and abandoned his own. He lost his wife, by his own admission that she gave him an ultimatum to stop the goofy stuff and he chose no. He lost his daughter, son in law and grandkids for the same reason. Windsor also admitted his son and siblings, except Wendy, we're done with his creepy behavior, too. Windsor never had any real friends to lose, just his Facebook groupies.
Windsor really made a lonely, pitiful existence for himself. Like everything else he's ever done, he failed at life, despite his inheritance. He squandered everything good that real people cherish. No mystery why he's bitter and spends all his time online and in courts, only places Windsor can get any attention, and he's even failing at those.
Dang. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
Another day for Windsor to Facebook interact with his few remaining virtual friends.
I'm off & out into the sunshine, to spend the day with some of our nation's finest, #USMilitaryVeterans! YaY!
Try to keep up Snooze, he did file frivolous Brief's already that are once again completely irrelevant to the appeal. Gawd you're so stupid.
DeleteLooks like Bill has started the count down to his trial. What happened to the eminent dismissal we've been continuously warned about?
ReplyDelete"In my Brief, I say: "Freedom of speech and press enjoy a near-sacred position in our society. Just not in Missoula and Helena Montana."
DeleteI also say: "Windsor has been charged with five crimes, and the alleged acts are all protected by Freedom of Speech. MCA Title 40 Chapter 15 and MCA 46-5-626 violate the right to freedom of speech and are thus unconstitutional. No one is safe to speak in Montana. If you speak a lot, it could get you life in the Montana State Prison."
I don't pussyfoot around in my court filings. I guess that's one of the reasons that corrupt judges hate my guts so badly."
And all this time I thought judges hated him because his briefs were long, fanciful, and baseless.
He said "one of the reasons".
DeleteI'm sure there's many more...
Once again Bill is presenting the arguments he could have used when he should have been appealing the TOP instead of trying to jump through a loophole with stall tactics. Keep chasing your tail Bill. It's worked so well so far.
Deletethe alleged acts are all protected by Freedom of Speech
I don't pussyfoot around in my court filings.
Really? Exactly how many of your filings have had the result you wanted? The number has to be a tiny fraction of a percentage point, and these latest filings will be tossed as frivolous nonsense as well.
LOL!! These are issues he should have raised at the hearing--prior to appealing--which he did try to argue through appeals, that were irrelevant because he didn't address it through the hearing--which were upheld by several courts. He's blowharding to his facebook jury now. It's irrelevant to the trial.
DeleteI'd love to know if he actually filed this because he's claimed in the past he's filed things "Schooling the courts" and he didn't.
Also regarding the "pussyfooting" comment? I think his Pussy-outing was deleing the evidence he claimed didn't exist--which it did--which should be another charge tampering with evidence. He's screwed and he knows it. Snoozlebeast obviously can't "see" anything clearly either.
I think the reason the courts don't like him is because a 500 +page brief, rehashing irrelevant shit, and a plethora of other frivolous filings is simply harassing tactics to the courts. He's not "schooling" anyone, he's documenting that he is a menace and overly vexatious.
Snooze? Helloooo!! If the Judge was going to dismiss, he wouldn't have set the court date. He's more than likely humoring Windsor because the continued pointing out how many times Windsor was denied his frivolous appeals is so much fun. You are wrong. Point blank. You know nothing about the laws no matter how much you misread them.
DeleteSnooze? You are missing my point, as usual. Windsor by his own vexatious assholeness played games when he should have been addressing the court through a hearing. He chose to play games by filing a premature appeal, which he is not afforded the rights to present information through--only to address the wrongs of a ruling. All that stuff should have been addressed at a hearing. Windsor's actions do not cancel out the fact there was no hearing. You keep hanging onto that thread.
DeleteIf every person played the same games by appealing something instead of going to their hearing, then claiming the courts were wrong because there was no hearing--forget it. You're just an idiot who likes to manipulate everything and that's why you lose.
Ninja, you have to remember that Susan is a vexi just like Windsor. They don't fully understand laws and statutes. They tend to misinterpret things because they let their mind twist what they're seeing to meet their current needs. I consider it a form of mental illness. Arguing with them is a complete waste of time. Their mental state prevents them from ever accepting there is a possibility they could be wrong. I'll be the first to admit she could be right but, in the two years she's been trolling the two blogs, it hasn't happened yet concerning a legal decision.
DeleteIn a way, removing Susan's comments helps her. She makes bold predictions about upcoming court decisions. After they don't happen, she just claims that's not what she said. You can't go back and reference her comment because it was removed.
DeleteWindsor: "I don't pussyfoot around in my court filings."
Pussyfoot court filings is ProSeBaby Windsor-speak for #voluminous #repetitive #vextacious
I understand @ 2:06. I was just trying to understand their belief--that to get around an order of protection, all one has to do is file numerous appeals, to stall the hearing and click down the clock and then claim the hearing didn't take place within the allotted time--so the court orders that stated the temporary would remain in effect was invalid--is a valid argument.
DeleteNo worries, 2:13--I've got a huge text file of Snooze's troll droppings I've collected over the years. For instance, the other day she claimed Clark "inferred she had contacted the feds." Actually, Clark would have implied she talked to the feds--not inferred. Of course, when you're one of the ANI, you can't make semantic distinctions because that attribute is a function of IQ.
DeleteYeah, we (those of us with keys to the gate) just remove Sharon's comments, we don't delete them though, we're saving them for a giggle snicker fest.
DeleteI had planned to not ever remove Sharon's comments when I opened the Back40. Sharon chiming in was ok, but she's goes all whacked out, tacky twat, that I changed my mind.
Sharon doesn't like it? She can twattle back to WindsorWorld or get her blog (oh! She has one, no one will go there).
I think I'll set up a go fund me for supplemental meds for Susan. The end of the month must be particularly hard for her this month.
DeleteI'm just here trying to find an update on the Facebook, Google, Yahoo and AT&T suits...
ReplyDeleteI'm here for the latest countdown!
DeleteLast time, Windsor lost count!
I'm still waiting for Bill to update everyone on the MO suit.
DeleteRemember, he will stop at NOTHING in prosecuting his cases--NOTHING! (except when he voluntarily dismisses them).
DeleteHahahahahahahaha!! Missouri lawsuit! There never was another Windsor word about that, from someone as wordy a Windsor. Ha Hahahahahahaha!
DeleteWindsor didn't ever mention to his window licking lunar tuners that he withdrew his BillSchit from Federal Court in Dallas, Texas either.
DeleteAnother thing Bill could have done to avoid his present troubles is to simply obey the order -- forget about SB and get on with his life -- get on with making the Lawless America movie. This is what most people do when confronted with a protective order. They just obey it.
ReplyDeleteBill still hasn't explained how anyone including SB has prevented him from making a movie or a television show. This is important because if he had been able to substantiate that one thing, he would have successfully made the protective order go away before he violated it. Sure he said it, but he never substantiated it. If someone was preventing him from making that movie, he would have proof. It's not a vague thing. They would have to steal his camera or footage. People saying bad things about Bill Windsor doesn't prohibit him from making a movie. Bill wanted to defeat SB, defeat The Joeys, not so he could go back to making his movie but for the sheer satisfaction of defeating someone. Bill had this screwed up logic in his head that if he defeated someone (anyone, really) it would domino all the way back through his failures, reversing them. Defeating SB or the Joeys would somehow automatically reverse the Maid of the Mist defeat because it's all tied together, rattling around in Windsor's head. So he purposefully violated the order, adding the Montana courts to the list of people he could defeat to not only erase a decade of failure, but flip the magic toggle switch turning it into a decade of success. Bill wanted this showdown. I think maybe he still does.
That's it! Bingo!
DeleteYou, Anon? Win the Internet today! TaDa!
This is Bill's occupation now. It's his identity. Do you think there's a single Fuddruckers waitress who doesn't know Windsor will be awarded billions of dollars in the biggest case of defamation in human history? Just play your cards right, little lady, and you could be with this charming, rich fellow. Here's your tip. $1.15.
ReplyDeleteWindsor: "I will publish my Brief on Violation of Constitutional Rights and Unconstitutional Statutes. I'll publish a pdf and a Word copy. It contains a host of case law citations that others may find helpful."
ReplyDeleteNevermind this will be much more manifesto than brief, who requested it? I'm pretty sure the judge in his criminal trial said no more briefs. Maybe Windsor is allowed comment on specific briefs that Jennifer Clark submitted, her having specifically been asked for these by the Judge. I've seen one of these and it's not about violation of Constitutional rights, even tangentially. The judge specifically said no more. Didn't he? It's not like these courts are inexperienced with Windsorland. Judge Larson had to specifically order Windsor not to contact (phone or email) court staff and threatened sanctions if he did. That order from Judge Larson is included with Ms Clark's brief.
So while I can say I'm confused about this document Bill says he must finish by October 6th, I'm truthfully not. Windsor is ignoring the Judge's request (order?) that he not submit any more paperwork. Wholly predictable.
Windsor isn't allowed anymore motions but he is allowed to respond to the filings.
DeleteRight. So I guess this is in response. I suppose that will work. Won't help Windsor, but he won't get yelled at for it. I guess. And you're right. The judge specifically said no more motions, not briefs, not manifestos.
ReplyDeleteWhat's this all about then?
He thought he would be funny--but once again FAILED.
DeleteSharon twattled back to WindsorWorld and tattled so Windsor or Sharon decided to write a post making fun of us. However, he had to tell the lemmings it wasn't real.
Der du Der!! Windsor is such a loser!!
I guess he can get away with posting things like this because he is his own attorney, any other attorney would not be allowed to post lies, slander and harass the prosecutor like this, without being sanctioned or disciplined.
Delete"Jennifer Clark couldn't find her way out of a legal brief to save her soul. She's a dishonest, corrupt woman who has committed significant wrongdoing and crimes against Bill Windsor As a Joey, she is definitely screwed. I hope she, Casey, Clyde, Barbara, and Patrick have $100 million for damages."
He must be pretty damn busy, I tell you what...
DeleteBusy getting #Slammed
DeleteI missed a chapter. Jennifer Clark is a Joey too?
DeleteWindsor makes it so obvious that he knows when he's been bested.
ReplyDeleteYeah, he just slammed himself. That's the problem when your besties are all conspiracy driven whackadoodles. They don't have any idea what is or is not funny.
DeleteI'm waiting for them to start claiming that Windsor is a targeted individual based on the complete idiocy he's been posting lately.
There is a lemming right now waiting to post the following:
"The dizziness, his legs don't want to work--all side effects that the government is subliminally screwing with him. Its real--I've seen it. Trust me. I am also a targeted individual."
Slammage occurred, evidently. Everyone in Windsorland knows only Pro Ses can competently write legal briefs. Proof of this will be when Windsor's case is dismissed. Probably when it isn't dismissed too. The judge didn't dismiss the case because he wants to see more great legal opinions from Windsor or something.
DeleteSure, Bill. You'll have the last laugh. You'll show all these amateurs with your very first visit to a criminal court (not wearing leg irons).
ReplyDeleteIt's odd, not funny or humorous, that Windsor is so concerned what the "Joey's" comment, instead of concentrating on his ProSe defense.
DeleteFocus should be the next word he Googles.
Odd. Why does Windsor answer US but not the lemmings? Why is he so obsessed with the things being discussed over here, and the opinions of a bunch of "haters?"
DeleteOh Sharon--you are such a simpleton as is your vexatious leader. HAHAHAHAHA
Ya, after all that copying & pasting, he's needs some R&R. Maybe he can find his way to the Foil Hat Emporium--hear tell they're got head dip on sale--goes great with the chips those G-men put in him.
DeleteOh yeah, he's so funny, Snooze.
DeleteThat he always has to explain to the moronic lemmings that he was "making a funny".
But alas, even after him explaining he was lying and "making a 'funny" the lemmings still don't get it. Now that is funny !!
Umm Snooze-
DeleteLise McLain - Sometimes I have to decipher what is real and what is not real regarding these posts.
Bill Windsor - Lise, I have learned that my sense of humor is not recognized by quite a few folks. Sorry! I'll try to be clearer, but I can't seem to curb the sense of humor. It is my defense mechanism.
OMG What the hell is wrong with him? Everything is backasswards to him. DUDE!! The saying is "He who laugh last..." and since you think that will be you dickhead...maybe you need to google every saying.
ReplyDeleteIt's also "Can't see the Forest for the Trees."
No wonder he always loses his court crap. He is just fuckedthefuckup in the head.
Bill Windsor-- Glen, yes, I was in the Slammer -- put there by the Joeys. Maybe that's what they meant. You know what they say about ye who laughs first...."
His "the joeys put me in jail" claims make me giggle. I wonder if Susan believes that one too.
DeleteOh Billy, I'm so very thrilled you give us full credit for all of your pain and suffering over the last few years, but don't worry, we've only just begun; we love watching you play your vexi games--and losing. Why, I'm so excited about your dismal future, I'm going to open up a nice bottle of Chianti and some fava beans to celebrate.
DeleteJust kiddin'.
Let me see if I have this straight:
Delete"We" (whoever that is) "put Joey in jail," and
"We put Windsor in jail." Is there some reason why Snoozan is so confident that "We" can't also put her in jail as well? Apart from the fact that she knows this is all bunk that is?
We are a powerful bunch, huh?
DeleteI mean, we knew that, it's about time Windsor admits it. If his geriatric, dimwitted, stripping slut wouldn't have pretended she knew anything about civil or criminal law? Windsor wouldn't be facing prison.
Sharon's boyfriends can verify her legal skills didn't help them.
Duh Windsor! Sharon hates you and is laughing hysterically at how gullible you've been following her advice.
Windsor got gotten by a real hater, not just a spectator! That's funny.
Very confident he won't be required to stand trial, that right, Snooze? Notice I said "required to." I still doubt he'll show. He knows how well he would do. Might as well let them catch him again. Same result.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I wonder how Billy's book on how to stay on the lam is going? I'm sure it's available on Amazon by now.
DeleteYes, you answered my question. Thanks. I don't think there's a chance they'll be dismissed. Could be a bit before we know which it will be. Not soon.
DeleteRoy Pilkey kinda ticks me off, with the VERY AFRAID and lab rat stuff. I'm off to find the source of his butt hurt. First rattle out of the box was this, he's spreading Windsor's spew.
HAHAHAH under his profile:
Delete34 comments,
one story,
That is priceless!
OK, I'm done. Pilkey is nucking futz. Just another Sov Cit loonie tune. Crystal Cox and Paul Stramer support him. Nuff said?
The NAJ and JCI are watching Mr Pikey closely. We're in touch with our get-a-guy-thrown-in-prison ops superintendent.
DeleteNational Association of Joeys and Joey Central Intelligence
ReplyDeleteWell, this is a new claim. Windsor's harassing, stalking, paper terrorism, slander and just plain meanness are ordained.
ReplyDeleteBill Windsor Deborah, I have said this many times, so pardon me if you've heard it. But I do feel like God wants me to do what I started doing in 2007. There is no other way for me to explain why I haven't been scared to death every waking moment. I am scared when people shoot at me, send me emails threatening to kill me and post things like that online, record videos threatening to kill me, and offer rewards for my death. But I have zero fear of fighting the corrupt government officials, judges, and law enforcement.
Holy Jihad.
DeleteWindsor is preaching to the wrong crowd.
Delete"I'm going to write an article about Legal Research for Pro Se Parties and publish it on If you are intelligent and can afford $19 for a month, you can find cases to support your positions in court..."
^^^^^ He just eliminated 95% of his audience.
Delete"Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light, his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness."
Delete2 Corinthians 11:14-15
Yeah, but will the Jihadists still think it's a miracle if it doesn't work?
DeleteCarol Eaglin you know that just didnt happen Bill. the Lord gave you that knowledge.
Bill Windsor It really and truly was like a miracle. I was done. I even printed out all of the filings. I was signing them and preparing to scan them. Then the words came into my head.
I was wondering, can the lemmings pool their resources to come up with $19 a month for group access to They looked to be screwed on pooling intelligence.
Case in point re: pooling intelligence.
DeleteFlordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria Kevin, what's VERSUSLAW mean?.
Someone should explain to her it's a vexatious pro se litigants HEAVEN ON EART.
DeleteKpat has been using it for 5 years so obviously it works great!
DeleteLol@ RCIII & Anon@853 ...
DeleteLMAO too.
Now that Windsor found "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow", you think he'll use some of that gold to pay Fleming and Kellie the sanctions he owes them? Can you garnish a found pot of gold? Better yet, can the leprechaun previous owner press charges against Windsor for taking it? Considering all the LE corruption in the world, probably not.
Delete"But I do feel like God wants me to do what I started doing in 2007."
DeleteRight about the time he first had his ass handed to him in court. Right. God wants Bill Windsor to lose every court case he's involved with for the rest of his life. Now THAT'S a calling!
I bet windsor is getting a little nervous these days about other pending law enforcement issues also that are hitting close to home.
ReplyDeleteOne thing is for certain; Paranoia is reigning supreme in that prosecutor's office...
DeleteMaybe that ankle bracelet emits high radio frequency waves that have prevented him from finding the case law that has eluded him?
ReplyDeleteOr did the lemmings already come up with that conspiracy?
Doesn't matter. They're refusing his emails.
DeleteWindsor: "Well, this morning I started emailing my filings to the Clerk of the Court. Rather than receipts, I started receiving orders denying the motions and emails saying that Judge James A. Haynes was not allowing certain filings, such as my Request for Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on nine motions that he denied summarily without consideration or explanation 10 days ago."
ReplyDeleteSo, CORRUPTION! Who could have imagined? Oh look! A pot of gold! Oh no! It's corrupt! Why God? Or maybe it's the leprechauns. Why Chief Leprechaun? Why? Why are the Wee Ones so corrupt?
That's right! For the first 1000 callers, for just $19.95, you'll receive Bill Windsor's Miracle System -- How to Win Yourself Right Into Prison!
ReplyDeleteHow to Parlay The Plea Deal of a Lifetime Into Life in Prison! Also included free if you ACT NOW, Bill Windsor's, How To Hide From Law Enforcement!
DeleteThick headed doofus cannot get it to sink in that the only thing the judge requested was the brief from Clark. No more BillSchit! Duh!
Criminal court in Montana just isn't going along with the usual Windsor flurry of frivolity.
Day 98 kinda sucked for Windsor, huh? Bwahahahahahaha
Giggle! Y'all are too funny! Except to Windsor.
DeleteTurn the page>>>>>
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