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Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Real Bill Windsor Captured in One #Selfie

Windsor gives all a view of how he spent his Christmas holiday by posting this image to his lifeline, Facebook.
His self portrait and the caption he created really captures the true essence of all that is William Michael Windsor.  

*photo is courtesy of Facebook's TOS fair use policy (dumbed down? post it to social media? it then becomes fair use to all)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Judge James Haynes Rocks Windsor's World

Then?  Windsor threatens that appeal thing.  Again.
So?  Judge Haynes volleys one off to the SCofMT.  
Go ahead.  Get your giggle on!  
We'd wondered for years where that one judge that would get enough of Windsor's goofy, frivolous, Vexi, ProSe Baby BillSchit.  
Hello Judge Haynes! 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Windsor Focusing on Friday's Criminal Pre-Trial Hearing

With less than 48 hours remaining before Windsor's pre-trial hearing on Friday, November 20, 2015, Bill feeds his followers a flurry of Facebook updates.  
The first of Windsor's Wednesday Facebooking frenzy:
*yes, raped, that's not a misprint*
*Windsor has to do it all, he does not receive any assistance from any assistants. (You several staunch supporters, that have tirelessly and unselfishly been giving of your time to help, with your knowledge and experience, your own resources, doing hours of research citing case law, drafting briefs and motions?  You may want to keep that screengrab of Windsor's appreciation to you. #zip #zero #zilch)

Seems reasonable to any normal person, however, the offer is deemed absurdly unacceptable by Windsor.  So what does he do?
*Windsor claims he responded to DA Jennifer Clark's email:
Windsor's supporters commiserate in the comments throughout the day, then, kapow!  Harry J Shelhamer drops into the comment thread, announcing that he's considering making a trip to Montana just to visit District Attorney Clark at her home, even visit her ______ family.
*Windsor should be very proud to have Harry's support.

Then, later on Wednesday evening: 

full Facebook day of whining and moaning about the residents of, the University of Montana, the Judges in, the District Attorney for Missoula, Montana, Windsor then spins his compass South, and makes a plea for a favor from any of his Facebook friends in or near Waco, Texas.  
Why?  Windsor took a Facebook break, checked his email, and TaDa!  
Incoming!  Incoming!  
From the State of Texas Tenth Court of Appeals:

Below are several of my own personal  favorite key words and phrases from the TX10th CoA:
•There are a number of inaccuracies in your Notice...The Court will not attempt to respond.
• ARE required to comply with the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure in your communications regarding pending cases, of which you have several.
•...Rule 12 does not apply to your request.  
•...your baseless allegations...
I can't choose which is the better BillButthurtBitchSlap DA Clark's closing remarks in her email, or the Texas 10th's last paragraph.  Both are equally worthy of adding to the Wall of Shameful ProSeBaby Billl Windsor's Stupidity.  
With just the additions from the past 10 days?  Is there even wall large or sturdy enough?  It's not Friday, yet, and in Windsor's very own words, "Friday is usually the day",additional space may be needed on the wall at the close of the business day tomorrow. 


Monday, November 16, 2015

Another Windsor Whine

Bill Windsor
BILL WINDSOR OF LAWLESS AMERICA *LA cap kept near bare foot* IS STILL WAITING FOR A COURT ORDER *much waiting is done, huh?* TO ALLOW HIM TO REMOVE THIS DELIGHTFUL GPS ANKLE MONITOR. *DELIGHTFUL* indeed, finally an accurate adjective!

I've had this on since May 9. It has rubbed big callouses on my ankle. * squinting* - - where are any callouses?

I filed a motion 16 days ago, and i sent an order to the judge to sign today. *more filings from Windsor?  Hmmm...who'd have ever guessed?  How is that Motion titled?  Could a #Butthurt Report have been substituted instead?  same difference*

I don't believe people *'victim of terrorism' yesterday* charged with emailing a legal document to an attorney and having a website have to have their every move tracked.  *Only a moron would believe that tired blather.  GPS monitors are for tracking an individual that has a history of bond jumping, failing to appear at hearings and for violating protective orders, all while updating his social media accounts daily bragging about the number of days spent evading. 
•Notice that Windsor used "I"!  He uses it so seldom though, he neglected to capitalize.  Flip flops between 1st person & 3rd person though (still early in the day, this Facebook post will most likely be edited multiple times)

If you don't know Bill Windsor's sory, *sory?  It's no longer a saga, but a sory?* 

Photo copyright Friends of Bill Windsor
 —  at Missoula, MT

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Frivolity - Courtesy of William Windsor

Those meanie heads at the Texas Tenth Court of Appeals!  How dare they insist that THE William Windsor follow ANY rules and procedures?  
Windsor will  show them!  Just as soon as they provide him with ALL the shizz he claims he needs, Windsor will tattletale on them to whoever, wherever for whatever!  >stomping of little fat feet 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Windsor Stomps His Tiny Feet Over Facebook Friends of His Followers

Rut roh!  749?  That's a lot of folks.  

This woman? 

Looks as though it's not only Windsor's Facebook friends that are cross pollinating (term thanks to GingerSnap) with Ms. Grenadier!  America just isn't big enough for anyone but Windsor to be fighting #corruption.  Windsor's Facebook followers/friends are not allowed to have friends Windsor does not  pre-approve, obviously. 

Didn't Windsor did a blog talk radio 'interview'  with 'The Captain' not too long ago?

***Back40 Crew doesn't know Ms. Grenadier, nor had the Crew heard or read of her prior to Windsor's announcement.  The Back40 Crew extends an invitation Ms. Grenadier to visit***

Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday Comment Overflow

We're busy at the Back40, too!  
Busy orchestrating! 

giggle snicker snort! 

℗ ♛ ❥ 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Windsor is On #MotionWatch2015 with Facebook Simulcast

Busy! Busy! Busy! 

As we follow the BillWindsor Saga...and we can 24/7, via Windsor's Facebook page, we see he's delighted to label himself INFAMOUS.  Windsor regales readers of his posts how busy he is filing this and that, scheduling more filming, planning his next trip(s).  
Very similar to Dory, Bill can't seem to stay focused or recall what he's said from one post to the next.  One day, Windsor posts for his readers that he'll be traveling to California to get the MOVIE done.  Another day, later?  Bill is off to Carver County, Minnesota.  (Ping, ping, zip!)
Windsor celebrated the one year anniversary of his arrest on warrants out of Montana, into the Ellis County Jail this week with a (multi-edited) Facebook update.  As the days wore on this week, Bill's tone in the edits get snippy.  Bill was most likely going for menacing, as one commenter here used, came off as bitter and snippy to me.  Here, just read and see if it's menacing or snippy for yourselves: 

There we have it.  Snippy and bitter Bill Windsor "getting on with his life" after his big Montana #MotionWatch2015.  
WLYB!  Happy Anniversary!
*sources reveal that the "L" denotes loathe, upon information and belief , sources are confirmed correct*

℗ ♛ ❥ 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Memory Lane Monday

Decided to get a pedicure and was looking through BillSchit screenshots when what do I find?  A giggle fest from the mysterious Not Bill.
This?  Was a monumental Facebook post on Bill Windsor's page and he didn't even participate. 
It's a lot of screenshots, and yes, I did blip over a lot of Vic's and MaryD's (for space reasons), but readers can click the link below to read them all.  
What struck me most?  Ms. Sharon Stephens' comments.  It was not just how many, or her very sincere concern and support for Windsor, but the fact that she is adamant that the rules of law be followed!  
Not Bill didn't help real Bill out much, IMO.  Wonder what ever happened to Not Bill
Ms. Stephens replies throughout the thread to commenters that no longer appear, whether they deleted their comments, were deleted or were un-ed and blocked by real Bill or Not Bill?  Who knows.  
It's all I've got people.  Did I mention I'm bored with Windsor?  I am.  So, until he does Facebook backflips or court hula hoops?  TaDa!

**disclaimer:  I lost count which screen shot I was on while choosing festive holiday design for front left hoof.  I'm sorry, sue me.