"Bill Windsor hopes the Joeyisalittlekid gang gets a few cases of butthurt cream" Why? Can't you afford it money bags? Maybe you should have asked the federal court to make us pay for your ointment in that 100,000,000 that you'll need gobs of it for.
You should be used to applying such ointment to your large amount of butthurt. No one else has suffered any kind of butthurt, not even going back to the MOM days. That's your forte. In fact, perhaps you should buy stock in it. That'd be the only thing you'd "Win" money from during all your frivolous litigation.
"Bill Windsor-- I received a message from a lady for whom I have great respect saying she found this posting offensive. Hey guys, this is supposed to be kind of funny. Butthurt refers to when people get their feelings hurt. It's a slang term and one that the Joeys are apparently quite familiar with."
Whadda douche. Instead of just quietly letting it go, he had to show everyone that he doesn't agree with someone elses opinion. Wait. Oh that's right. That's HIS butthurt. He's the asshole that's SOOO incredibly inflamed he put off their "MOVIE" to go hunt down and sue to try and Soothe that butthurt.
Epic fail # 1,000,000,000,000 for Butthurt Billshit Billy
No one tells Windsor what to do, or that they find HIM offensive. Nope. Not ever.
If the 'lady' was offended, did that mean she needed a definition? Duh. If the 'lady' doesn't get the meaning of butthurt, she prolly has zero clue on 'Joey', and in her defense, there are supposedly at least 700 'Joeys'. Heck, she may know one or two, she might even be one!
Tell ya what windbag I am definitely not butthurt over anything to do with you. I am in fact #delighted to see you flounder and spin. I know that you will f*** up again and will stalk the wrong person. Once you're convicted of misdemeanors that will ensure you will stop.
There was no lady. Maybe voices in Windsor's head, but probably Windsor just having something to post to keep him busy. He's posted things much more offensive. Where was this imaginary lady then? What makes this obvious is that Windsor has great respect for no one except Windsor.
I know it wasn't Kay-Kay, but maybe Mary thought the dung beetles were after her too? Maybe Bill can suggest a brand of butt-creme with his history of raging-diarrhea. Or better yet, maybe he or one of his lemmings know a real good doctor. Prevention is key :)
Well she might want to suck it up. Butthurt was officially declared a word this year by Oxford Dictionaries, along with brain fart, butt dial, manspreading, mangry, furbaby and mkay. Bill dropped prison talk to make everyone think he fit in there, but clearly he can't even handle street slang. The other inmates called him Montana? Montana is a slang word for cocaine. Word to the wise Windsor: don't confuse coke for your butt powder.
And while we're at it, let's look at some definitions. Bill wants us to believe that he can hurt us, that we will pay him millions of dollars and go to jail. Bill wants us to believe this is true and be afraid of him. Key words: Bill wants us afraid, but just because he wants it, it doesn't make it true.
If it's true that he can hurt us, then he is claiming fear of him is rational. However, had he and his Fraud obsessed helper ever studied psychology, then they would know that paranoia is understood to be an intense and irrational fear.
HAHAHAHAHA Obsessed!! Butthurt obsession watch 2015. Now playing at Windsor's FB page.
Everything they now do, say, type, post, email about, and con is about the "Joeys." They are owned by their vindictiveness. Their addiction is real, and consumes every waking moment. All self inflicted, even though they like to claim otherwise. Windsor specifically has brought this all upon himself, by his own actions, yet, he still can't see it.
That is the most hysterical part, and they don't see the real humor in the fact that they are owned by their own obsession.
Wow. So much for lemmings getting the TRUE story out of that one. Case in point: is any one here devastated by MT events? I haven't noticed anyone contemplating life's end, but over it. Nor have I seen anyone here express the belief that Windsor will spend any time in jail (hoping he will, is a whole other matter), much less the rest of his life. She just makes sh*t up as she goes. All that talk about spending the rest of his life in prison came from Windsor. Which I suspect was vain attempt to garner lemming attention and sympathy.
It's hilarious that she is so obsessed with JIALK and this blog that she resorted to hijacking Windsor's blog in an attempt to continue antagonizing this blog's participants. I know Petunia well enough to know that if she had made any attempt to curb her anti-social, narcissistic, ignorant thread hijacking attacks on people, Petunia wouldn't have banned her from commenting here.
I sort of enjoyed her spin outs, if she could've controlled herself, she's a comment thread hoe! Good grief, take a seat and let someone else have a turn. And, yeah, she's bitter, she so wanted to be a cool kid & she had been eyeing my pompoms for a hot minute!
Just like the last article Windsor put up that she wrote, face plant. Crickets and cobwebs. ZZzZZ It's her history. Can't get any interest anywhere. She and Whiney Windbag get such a kick out of posting all things "Joey" but none of the danglers understand, let alone care. Occasionally TickyD tries to join in, but she's a broken record, and only knows by and thru and nothing new.
I just can't stop laughing at how they think they are getting us to quake in our boots, or paranoia's reigning supreme here, or any of the other idiotic stuff shim (she and him) says when it's eating them alive. HAHAHA
Still crickets. Darn it! Those people don't even do her the courtesy of commenting. It's as if she is dead to them.
It's too bad she couldn't learn to play well with others. At least over here she could engage conversation. If we are anything but smart, what does that make the lemmings? She must miss us bad.
I'm tossing the bs flag on bill "butthurt" windsors bullshit posts and Susan the genii watcher. Oh boy she has the truth. Truth is the fbi contacted me about Billy and his michigan militia ties. When your recording yourself calling for Grand juries and giving Congress members letters to do something or be tried for treason and face the death penalty that's serious stuff then to have a list of who did not reply is first on the list. Windsor the whack job he is landed himself on the radar of the fbi several years before I knew of him. If anyone wants the truth they can contact me. I'll tell you on a radio show no sweat.
Oh! Wow! I didn't know the FBI had chatted with you about Doofus Windsor. Dang, he might should find his stfu with his assistant. They could maybe moderate each other? Nah.
Of course they have to spin everything their way. They're Narcissists. They have to blame others in order to lift themselves up. Lies, upon lies, upon lies. All court documented now, which they then excuse as "Court Corruption."
It's laughable. The fact that "It" had to find a nick name that differed from Windsor's nick name of Joeys, says her own obsession is more important that Windsors. Just like her belief of how GRIP should have been run. She got butthurt and left, tried to gather others under her little umbrella and failed. (cause, you know, she's just a pitty party of one anyway) all the while claiming SHE knew he'd fail, that he was dangerous, lied to everyone, yada, yada, yada. You know, pretty much like everything she now claims we made up.
Whatever. Just laugh at how moronic they are. We all know the truth and most importantly the COURTS know the truth. All Windsor and his trolls have is a dot con somewhere that HE made or one of his trolls with their lying, billshit spins.
Yup, Anon@6:32 She's even more butthurt than Windsor when it comes to the "Joeys" - she just can't stand being rejected and tossed out of here on her pointy witch ass. Plus, this is great diversion from the fact that Blubbery Billy is still bumbling around with that clumsy GPS bracelet while in total panic mode about his upcoming trial in January. But, she and he dare not let the 5 lemmings know how butthurt they both are, despite their attempts at claiming a slam-dunk victory in Mt . the old fat dude is still a accused criminal and on his way to trial. I find both of them extremely humorous with the false bravado faces they're putting on for the 5 lemmings left. Take off the masks, Fat Boy and Pointy Ass, Halloween is over !!
Sniff, sniff...smealls like desperation over in LaLa land.
Oh noooo, don't want the lemmings reading anything that's not "Windsor approved Billshit."
Look, troll bitch, IF Windsor cared one iota about the Lemmings straying off, he should have curbed his butthurt and finished the movie. That right there, was goal #1 to them. We all know, even YOU know that movie was never getting made. (got the screenshot to prove it)
So, why worry? Why are you so desparate to keep them believing the lies? Hummm? The one's with the functioning brain cells already left and went elsewhere else. Sure, they check in, give Whiney a pat on the back, toss a hail mary his way, and go back to where they were.
What about the charges they were going to file under Windsor's leadership? April or May was it? Right after DC? Chicken little Windsor tucked his tail right back up his butt didn't he, when his buddy got arrested. Then when the FBI contacted him, his ass puckered like no other. Probably didn't shit for a week.
Why keep saying nothing said over here is the truth? Why does it matter? Could it be all those court documents showing how neither Windsor nor the idiot "expert ghost yacker" knows diddly about law and couldn't argue their out of a paper bag with an flashing lights at the open end. That the things being discussed here make more sense, AND they can read it themselves?
Just losers going nowhere, looking for any avenue they can find to file some other frivolous something. We know. We got it. It's the lemmings who have to learn on their own, just like all the others who left.
Maybe she's just feeding his ego. Witches are known for fattening up their prey before they eat them. They must have a karmic connection. Desperation forces the misogynist to seek help from a woman who hates him.
This is a flash back to when the brownnose troll was calling Windsor out on his lies. While her support has turned back towards Windsor, due to her very own desperation and vindictiveness, I'd question whether or not she was the "Liar" or as Windsor claims "Hater" or if it was/is/always will be Windsor. If he lied about one case for attention, he lies about them all!!
So, which is it? Lets show the lemmings the real thoughts of long time asskisser of a GRIP/Lawless supporter LONG before the "MOVIE" scam, which is really why the "Movie" participants are now following him.
What has he done for you? Other than claim he's helping you? Why now, are they back together? WAKE UP!!
WHOA! That's her busting Windsor's lies! Hahaha! But, now, she is sidled up with him? Hahaha! Windsor better real wary of her. Where's the continuation? What did she say next? We're going need more popcorn! Hahaha!
Here is part 2, but she edited it in April of this year. Why? What did she delete, alter, change, and or hide? Is she fearing "Willy" retaliation? There were TONS of "Willy" trashing posts on her "Forum," but just recently, she slithered over there, and locked it down.
It's so funny that Windsor now relies on her "Expert legal knowledge" just because she's pretending to be helping him, and he's such a vindictive prick he can't see she's getting even with him now. But, both are con artists IMO, and are playing each other.
I also see now, how she acknowledged Windsor's clear lies and deceptions yet now supports his new lies and deceptions--and tries to spin the same web of lies he sells. She has zero character, or credibility.
Back to GRIP. As much interest as she has shown in GRIP, I really believe it was her idea and that Windsor swiped it. If that is true? No mystery why she is bitter and vengeful. Was the Movie her idea, too? I'd wage it was (she'd have finished it, had she worked on it). As much as her yammering is tiresome, those LA followers would have be wise to have paid attention to what she was trying to tell them. Her not having any 'people skills' and being so condescending is why the LA followers (or anyone else) didn't pay any attentions to her then, or now.
After all the venom and knowing what kind of monster he is, why would she want to involve herself or anyone with him? She is a woman without conscious and her money well is drying up. She's helping him and willing to look the other way if he will pay her to be in control.
Ha ha ... Maybe Windbag does know she's full of crap!
Not A Attorney Witch - None of these charges will ever go to trial. Haynes is dismissing them in stages for a reason. But they are all going to be dismissed before trial. And I am open to taking bets on that. Any takers?
Bill Windsor - From your fingertips to God's ears.
They both are full of crap. Both overly suspicious of everyone, both play people for their own agenda. Just watch. She'll be brownnosing extra hard now, and he'll be attempting to act like there's nothing wrong, but the fact that he is using her, to sway the lemmings to his side? After she called him out? Clearly saw what a deceptive liar he was? And now she's lying to them too? They should all feel played right now. Hard.
Her ego hurts. We won't play with her and none of the men she's gone to bat for have won their games. The Lemmings don't care who she is, and can rightfully ask her to explain he inactivity. Come to find out she can't get what she wants by going it alone. She needs the power of a group, but no one wants to follow her.
Windsor said his bond was as high as $4 million at one point. Did anybody here find independent support that claim? Windsor said he filed a brief in Idaho. I was looking for the case and the brief. All I found were 2 criminal cases, bond was $1 million for each charge.
I never found one thing that supported his 4 million claim. Not one. I also don't see where ID is even requesting anything from him. He's been denied there several times. Perhaps they will be the next state to label him Vexatious. They really should. Since he can't seem to take the denials, dismissals, and general GTFO orders, the next step is the big 'V." ID had that awesome "Vexatious Litigant" data base.
I'm also not understanding how he believes they wrongfully arrested him in ID, when that was a case of "Fugitive from Justice." That warrant was out of TX for failing to appear. But, just like all things Windsor spins, and the lies he sells, his side of this warped story will only be proven as such, when they finally kick his ass to the curb and we can post it. (Of course, this is where the "Corruption" whining starts because Vexi's and actual Law's don't get along)
I don't get how he claims wrongful arrest either. ID has 2 cases, so I was assuming he was arrested on warrants, 1 each, out of MT & TX. He bragged that he ESCAPED from McCollum Detention Center, then left TX to return to MT. But clearly he did not turn himself in to MT authorities.
I don't either, it's fairly simple, if you don't show up for a bond hearing or turn yourself in when a warrant is issued (showing up would have resulted in no warrant), an arrest is imminent.
GingerSnap summed it up a week or so ago: He (Windsor) turned what amounted to a slap on the wrist into over 130 days in jail and a felony bond jumping charge. He spent over a month on the run as a fugitive before being caught in Ada, Idaho and returned to Missoula, Montana where he is still waiting to stand trail.
Windsor blew an easy fixable situation, proverbial slap on his wrist, into his now INFAMOUS SAGA. sigh and eyeroll
Exactly. Everything he posts is for drama and hype and done maliciously, willfully, and intentionally. Yet, when called out on it, that's when the hollering and whining of "Corruption" kicks in.
He's a jackass. It's so obvious how he plays these games now trying to build cases of corruption, thus buying up all the domain names of those Government officials who have to mop up his messes. It is intentional 'set ups' to appear like he's being targeted, when it's simple. HE creates these situations himself for publicity, because in his pea brain when he hits "Send" or "Publish" he gets some kind of warped rush.
Thinking out loud, isn't this similar? http://www.rawstory.com/2015/07/oregon-bakers-werent-fined-over-cake-they-were-punished-for-sharing-lesbian-couples-home-address/
Bill is publishing people's addresses, personal info etc in some cases correct? Just a thought.
IMO, Windsor crossed a more criminal line. Not only did he post names, addresses and other personal info about people he claims defamed him, he physically stalked those people, set up web sites to defame them and incited others to harass them. As I've pointed out before (probably ad nauseam) Joey Dauben was prosecuted by Patrick Wilson and convicted for doing something very similar.
oh billy they denied you once in sd federal court now your asking them again. SMH. you hurt your butt there once, i guess you should get your preperation H out cause i am sure they will butthurt you again. you should c all 1-800-but-hurt
This is SD's problem in part, with allowing non residents access to possession of drivers licenses and PO Boxes to "Claim" residency. Sov Cit's exploit the loopholes in states that don't care if you're actually living there or not. They're all good with some random vagabonds simply parking in a PO Box.
He wants to claim "Jurisdiction in SD is proper" because he's technically a "resident" but his other lawsuits prove that no one else is. How can Windsor claim Jurisdiction is proper in all those other states, using every excuse imaginable when he's sending out service to states that don't have Jurisdiction over non residents, yet appealing that they do?
One way Windsor. Always and forever. He claims (when he doesn't like a ruling) that they don't have Jurisdiction over him, and in the same breath will argue they do to others who have valid support of non Jurisdiction. It's a vicious circle of fraud upon the courts, in each and every state--and that's just on the "Jurisdiction issue." Lets not even get into his numbered frivolous claims he can't prove.
Yes, and as loudly and vehemtly as Windsor claims he is NOT vextacious (filing briefs over the 20 page limit and attaching 970 pages plus of exhibits), Windsor screams he is not a Sovereign Citizen. Windsor's fraud upon numerous states simultaneously is a proven Sovereign Citizen trick. Windsor's label abbreviations are getting long: VL PS SC LPF
LOL. I about spewed all over my computer screen when I went to download the brief from PACER - WTF? 971 pages???? I did not pay for that. I figured we've read it all before.
You know, with the blurring of state and federal law, it is a wonder that Homeland Security/FBI etal. don't force SD and other states to crack down on stuff like this. New immigrants will be denied the chance to vote as lawmakers err on the side of caution, meanwhile in how many states could Bill claim he's authorized to vote?
Yeah, and then there's the whole fugitive status. Windsor has no permanent residence, so he's basically a ghost if LE were to go look for him. Say for service? (not counting the anklet now)
Say he got into a fender bender, and it was a hit and run. Some good citizen sees him fleeing the scene. His registration for the car and his drivers license won't help anyone find him to sue him. There are so many reasons SD and other states that allow this are creating issues for law abiding citizens.
Windsor loves to launch his frivolous lawsuits using that SD PO Box as his address, but turn about isn't fair play. He avoided and evaded service using this same game a while back.
You know when you are watching a ball game, with no real interest in the winner, you are watching just to see if it's going to be a good game? Then one side starts to get slaughtered and you sort of start rooting for the under dog to put some points on the board?
That's how I felt when I saw that there was a 'like' under the GENII post.
Speaking of "Embracing the Suck" ... seems Windsor already has with his Witchy non-attorney pal.
"A succubus is a female demon that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. The male counterpart is the incubus. Religious traditions hold that repeated sexual activity with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death."
Yeah, in his dreams. Did anyone see the lawsuit this week between the witch and warlock? The witch won. Bill might want to consider the true history of the dark woman and shed her, not bed her.
Seems as though the euphoric mood on Windsor's Facebook page has dissipated rather abruptly. Is that an example of #butthurt? Or just reality sinking in all the way?
Just another way to keep the "Corruption is rampant" agenda going. Gotta get the millions for the revolution. He's still on that mission, hidden behind the all the set ups and scams. Windsor needs that "Landmark case" for notoriety. Even if that means, paying for a "Press Release" full of his lies. Thought he said a few months ago, that there was going to be another press release. What happened to it? Did PRNewswire deny him? Based on their last blunder of his? Or just another empty promise of his?
"Mary Deneen-- Also, I believe the MT government is prosecuting Bill "vindictively" because he argued his way out of Jail with a $4.1 M bail."
Just ONCE I'd like to see MaryD prove this comment. Not simply repeat what she's read, actually prove it.
How did Windsor argue out of that exactly Mary? Show proof that his bail was 4.1 million. Where is the court document stating this amount? Now prove that MT is prosecuting Windsor for that, and not on the charges HE VIOLATED. Did MT change the charges after his arrest in ID? No. No they didn't. The charges stayed the same, so HOW on EART can you prove anything you just said?
Ok, let me help you out a bit MaryD. because I feel so bad for you, that you only repeat what you're told or what you read, and not because you have any merit to anything you utter. Much like all your other repetitive spew about by and thru crap. Hence most likely why you allege you were diagnosed with Munchausen's.
From the ID website regarding Windsor's arrest. Since there were two case numbers, it is possible that this amount would be doubled, but there is no proof of that since they are identical in filings. But even then, it's still only 2 million.
02/27/2015 Motion to Increase Bond 03/05/2015 Motion To Increase Bond/Granted 03/05/2015 BOND SET: at 1000000.00 - (I19-4513 Fugitive from Justice)
Do you understand now, why Windsor loves people like you? Because you keep spreading out his lies. Here's the link. Go look for yourself. But girl? Stop spreading around Windsor's lies. Stop being so gullible.
Indeed. I cannot post my appreciation there, so I'll do it here. Excellent writing (no surprise, GS is a wonderful writer) and superb points made. Well done x one million.
That's the only control she has over him: telling him what he wants to hear even if he doesn't believe her. Two-bit fortune tellers are nothing new. Can she predict or control the courts? Her own history says no.
Oh yeah Anon@4:17, she is soooo Butthurt and very embarrassed about her brief being shot down and knowing Windsor and the lemmings are now snickering about her behind her back.
It is also very obviously talking down to the lemmings. Even they are capable of picking up on that. She might have them rooting against her in short order.
Ooooooooo yeah! That is complete and total butthurt. She is hot! That's hilarious! I'm looking at the Order. It is very plainly worded. #absurd #chirping
Bhahahaha OMG!! She's spinning! Over there talking to herself and answering.
No Snoozer the loser, you need to learn how to read AND comprehend. What an IDIOT she is. No wonder she can't win any of her cases either. I think she's really irked that she was called the "Chirpper" in that filing. Another frivolous defense by another vexatious POS. Bahahahaha Slam dunk? Not for you!
I also find it hilarious she is addressing a hater on Windsor's page, like the other lemmings even have a clue what she's talking about. Spinnnnnnnnnnnn
"It's a very different kind of atmosphere here...it's peaceful."
I'm sure it is more peaceful for her. Everyone over there either doesn't care about the subject or is brain dead. Nobody is going to point out her errors in fact.
I really have more important things to worry about this morning than my newest obsessed fan. Like what flavor pop tart I'll be having. Wait! Do I hear something chirping?
Yeah. So peaceful she keeps trying to dream up ways to get them under her blog umbrella. If peace was what she wanted, she wouldn't be obsessed with picking fights. Then again, this is the ghost lady quite at home in graveyards. It's live people she can't stand.
Windsor, if you had put 1/10th the energy into finishing the film you put into lawsuits that won't help the people you filmed one bit, you could have submitted it to Sundance before the deadline. You'll never submit it because you'll never finish it. You're an amateur at every single thing you do. Not even that. You're not remotely competent at anything. Utter failure.
Windsor filed a discovery request for documents from Sundance on Jan 30, 2014. What a brilliant idea! I'm sure Sundance is looking forward to working with Windsor as a contestant (not).
He shoulda finished the "movie" and not played stalking across the US. He shoulda just been honest with his MOM scam and not tried to turn an alleged verbal agreement between a non owner into a multi year frivolous suit. He shoulda "retired" being a pansy-ass mama's boy who bullies his way through life in general. Indeed Windsor's #shoulda list is infinite.
I wonder if he's trying to get help from his old college buddies, but they grew up. Remember the donation he made a year or two ago? Too good to actually go to law school, couldn't make it in Hollyweird, flunked at his business, and now he thinks things would have just been ok if he had gone into sports instead? Whatever.
Rut roh:/ Windsor must have gotten his copies of UofMT's recent filings. He's back to bashing the university. Glancing over Windsor's lengthy essay, quoting some enrollment data? Indicates that UofMT's (another female) attorney had to have 'Bill bitchslapped' Windsor tremendously hard. Hypocrisy regarding incarcerations? Drug related convictions, (robberies, assaults by drug users)? Those prisoners should not be incarcerated (we, Americans should be funding the costs of their recovery & educating them), but District Attorneys, Judges, Clerks should be incarcerated for performing the duties of their offices. Twisting. Omitting. Spinning. Butthurt is reigning supreme in Windsor's world. ouch
Yup. I figure enrollment might be down because the kids discovered there are great colleges in warmer climates. Calling the UofM the rape capital is completely unfair. This is a big problem on all campuses across the country. Even SMU. Several rapes are reported every year on that campus.
He makes no sense. On one hand, using statistics to trash U of M, he claims it's the rape capital and not to let your children go there. Then, in the next post, he's crying about people being arrested and is bitching about probation. Seems his "Hooker" buddy is back in for a probation violation.
So? Which is it? He wants people released from jail, and the government officials and "Joeys" thrown in, but he wants the current residents released. Oh, that's right--he created his "Lawless America" agenda by promoting to people who didn't like their sentences or rulings, or generally being held accountable, and wants to make it a crime of "Treason" to hold people accountable for their crimes.
All laws that go against Windsor's delusional and warped beliefs are hereby VOID, and new laws to support Anti Government take overs are hereby VALID. Once all current Government employees (and anyone who supports them) have been incarcerated for "Treason" and put to death, (cause you know in one way Windsor world there are no appeals) new laws shall be enacted, whereas anyone opposed to Windsor's rule shall be executed on the spot.
http://www.collegefactual.com/colleges/texas-tech-university/student-life/crime/# (LMAO, at city rating F+. I'd have to agree with that rating. Lubbock really isn't much fun, harsh weather, not pretty and smells of sulfur and gas)
Windsor posted "Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males. To be safe, be an old, white woman."
Even old white women aren't safe if they break the law and do something stupid. I heard a story from a cop this week that still cracks me up when I think of it:
Cop was patrolling normally, around 11 PM. Coming from the opposite direction, was an older woman (50's) walking down the middle of the road, waving down the cop. The cop pulls along side her and the woman tries to get into the squad car. She manages to get her purse in the car before the cop stops her. Then the cop asks what's the problem.
The woman, with speech slurred and other signs of inebriation, says she had been at a party. She said when she left the party, another car came out of nowhere and hit her car. The cop says "where's your car?" The woman says it's 2 or 3 miles down the road. Then cop notices a car parked in the middle of the opposing lane about 100 yards past the woman. The cop says "Is that your car right there?". The woman says she doesn't know, could be. They go to the car.
The cop notices one side of the car has been crashed, it appears to have side swiped something made of concrete. The woman couldn't give any details as to how the car was damaged or what she hit. In the process of running her mouth, she tells the cop she smokes weed.
Turns out, the car had run out of gas. Because the cop did not see the woman driving, no DUI, but woman was going to jail for public intoxication. During the arrest, the cop asks the woman if she had any contraband and informs the woman that if she has anything illegal to disclose it because it would be a felony charge if contraband makes it into the jail.
The woman had weed in her purse. The same purse she willingly placed into the police car. So, she went to jail for possession of the weed, instead of public intoxication - Class B, instead of class C misdemeanor.
And--there it is. No need for Government. Under the rule of Windsor of course--because this is his "Revolution" though Darlene. You are following his lead.
"Darlene Monsour-- If done correctly there would be no need of Government the Land would continue to flourish we would no longer be slaves to a societal based biased corruption to the Crowns whom are all padding the hands..We have lived so long in this concrete jungle that we forgot how to live and become Human once again.."
"Diana Marigold-- BTW- You are repeating the Donald's line: America is Broken. Not a good idea."
"Bill Windsor-- Diana, The Donald stole it from me. January 20, 2012:"
Well a quick search and I see someone else used it in 2011. Surely there have been TONS of people before you Windsor. You've never had an original idea in your life!
" Tuesday, 18 October 2011 AMERICA IS BROKEN, WHAT NOW?" http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2011/10/journal-why-the-us-middle-class-is-broken.html
A supplemental reporter's record filed has just been filed in one of the cases at the 10th COA. I guess Billy is still trying to play games and the attorneys aren't playing along. Poor Billy.
Windsor and Prehn are basically one in the same. Windsor just has money. Both are gross, obese, homeless, family-less (by their choice), lying while Facebook pontificating, stalkers.
Bahahahaha Windsor's stealing and posting Marty's idiotic posts, now. Wow he truly has hit rock-bottom.
Marty Prehn 2013 - Chris don't forget to tell others to get off of their couches or off of their asses and go to their windows and raise the windows up and stick their heads out their windows and shout the same thing that they are MAD as HELL and are not going to take it anymore.
Giggle snicker!!! KPat pissed Windsor off by dropping a link in the comments to another 'everyone is corrupt' doofus, Windsor told KPat the other doofus was one his cyberstalkers! #ByeKPat #MartyMovingOnUp
Keep in mind that people who file frivolous lawsuits are usually lonely and angry souls with too much spare time and too few friends. It takes a level of desperation and self-loathing to expend the expenses and time it takes to file a frivolous lawsuit. Try to muster some sympathy for this person, for your own good, because it may help you avoid trial. Try to settle out of court––apologize for anything that you might have done wrong, compromise as much as you can without sacrificing your dignity, and try to empathize a little. Sometimes a little kindness goes a long way.
It's amazing these people still follow Bill expecting him to fix their lives for them. Bill doesn't know or care that's why he can't teach anyone. It really is time for the lemmings to ask what Bill is really doing for them. "What's in it for me?" Go on, ask him.
As I read this horrific news link from Austin, Texas, I immediately thought of William Michael Windsor. Windsor and his continuous online inciting of #hate, prodding his moronish, mentally unstable supporters with his maliciously, misleading, fabricated tales of 'judicial corruption'. I also thought of Windsor's most recent supporters that he's 'bonded' friendships with while he was incarcerated in Texas, Idaho and Montana detention facilities. #INFAMOUS
Windsor doesn't care. He'd love to say this person was his friend and filmed by LA. He'd love to take center stage in this story and get all the attention. He wanted the removal of all judges and the death penalty. Secretly he approves of this death. If not then let him come out and speak against violence.
@ 8:16 - sorry, your post wasn't showing when I started writing. Same thing happened, my thoughts turned to Windsor immediately when I heard about the shooting.
IMO, Windsor and his lemmings should go live somewhere that doesn't have law enforcement or judges. The chances of it being a Windsor lemming that shot the TX judge last night are nil to slim, but this kind of rhetoric is just not OK. Maybe they'd all like Syria or Lybia better. They can build whatever kind of government they want from scratch.
Bill Windsor "Thanks, Diana. The law enforcement officers and judges who do all this horrible stuff like inflicting pain on others. THEY are the ones who have mental health issues."
And then this guy. WTF is he talking about, TX is a 3rd world country?
Thomas Kirby "...Of course with Texas being one of the largest third world countries in the world (about 23 million population), there must be several such inspirations."
"...If flipping the bird at your manager is considered "insubordination," understanding that helps me to understand that people who will beat others for doing it consider them to be guilty of insubordination. That means that they think themselves to be so superior to others that others are their subordinates.
The perceived right to arrest and confine others comes from this source."
Thomas Kirby "This is also why the police will attack people in their own homes, with or without a "legal" warrant, and kill them if they resist those attacks."
I agree with the chances of this incident in Texas being slim to nil a Windsor lemming. Heaven forbid if something similar were to happen to one of the judges Windsor has repeatedly raked across his social media or webpages. I have read some very violent comments numerous times on Windsor's posts in the past two years. Windsor obviously likes the violent tone to those comments or he would delete them, he'll delete other comment for merely disagreeing with him or mentioning someone that has disagreed with him. Windsor incites his supporters, IMO.
Exactly. Windsor incites people that he knows nothing about to justify his ego and agenda. Clearly, most are off balance. IMO, Windsor contributed to John/Don Acree's death by validating Acree's paranoia.
WFAA (ABC/Dallas) reported last night that year to date the Dallas PD has handled 6,500 incidents involving mentally ill people. Three innocent people have been killed within the last few weeks by mentally ill people or people drugged up with meth and PCP.
Forget about LE and judicial reform. IMO, we need to work on our mental health issues. If the family of a whacko can't do anything about it, WTF are the police supposed to do about it?
Don Acree. A very sad, yet excellent example of Windsor inciting the mentally ill. Read on Acree's Facebook page for a chilling glimpse into his paranoia prior to him drawing a gun on officers serving a warrant. Acree was a regular commenter on Windsor's posts and shared Windsor's posts to his own Facebook page often. IMO? Acree's family, the officers involved in Acree's tragic death should seek damages from Windsor for inciting and fueling Acree's paranoia. I believe Windsor was pivotal to Acree's escalating mental demise.
Awww shit! Evelyn? You booger flicking maroon! You obviously have not been reading Windsor's daily dose of woe, aka saga, for over a year! Evelyn! Wtf-ing f*** is wrong with YOU? This is not about YOU or anyone else! Duh! It, the Movie, the Corruption, everything, even the air you breathe, is ALL about Bill Windsor! Gesh! The nerve of some of these LALA idiots! How dare Evelyn!
I agree with Anon 9;24 I blame Windsor for Don Acree death and downward ways ..... if you look Don was taken pictures of a woman in her home and Don acted like he was above the law.....
It is a concerning issue with the numerous Lawless Participants who went on film claiming they were diagnosed with a mental illness. Except, they dismiss that diagnosis as part of "Corruption."
Windsor claimed or eluded yesterday, that being jailed causes mental illness.
Perhaps the bigger issue is that mental illness is a big factor in the people who follow Conspiracy theorists and Anti Government groups. It seems they are the easiest targets to exploit by creepy wanna be leaders and Narcissists.
Rut roh! Windsor's got another one that hasn't been paying attention. What's up with these dissenters? Adele Vessia whens the movie gonna come out I am now homeless put up in a motel because of what they did to me since 2007 More · 18 minutes ago
Umm hmm. Adele Vessia is one of those "Lawless Participants who went on film claiming they were diagnosed with a mental illness".
"The evidence presented at the hearing supports the Family Court's determination that the mother refused to obtain appropriate treatment for her serious mental health problem which impaired her ability..."
I guess in light of that, I'll excuse her for mucking up a Rosa Parks analogy.
Adele Vessia "wasn't that a song years ago?????? And Clara Parks refused to get on the bus well I refuse to get on the bus now..What happened to Lawless America Video"
Yeah, they all seem to be way off in their story telling abilities, recollection of events, and whether or not "Corruption" even exists.
All they have to do, is hang on Windsor's podium and claim something, he'll publish it as if it's the truth, and bam. Another "Corruption" story in Windsor's bag of "irrefutable, undeniable, evidence" data base.
With the amount of mental illness diagnosis among the Lawless, I'd have to say the only thing Windsor has exposed with his "Movie" snippet videos is that the US Mental Health System is failing miserably.
"...they all seem to be way off in their story telling abilities, recollection of events, and whether or not "Corruption" even exists."
Like this guy. His video played automatically after Adele's (Windsor didn't even care enough to post the guy's name). He tried to appeal conviction for aggravated battery on a police officer and resisting arrest (he tried to claim self defense) but the case was dismissed for want of prosecution. He couldn't or didn't provide any detail in his complaint, he only said that he had been a victim of LE harassment and civil rights violation from 1998 - 2001. There were a whole lot of defendants, he couldn't or didn't get them all served and he missed hearings. He also sued the state for unemployment benefits with regard to reduction in hours for his summer teaching job. How did he get a teaching job with a felony conviction?
If Windsor were to have to answer some questions regarding this alleged "Movie" of "Government and Judicial Corruption" he'd be in deep shit IMO.
It takes a few seconds of internet searches to completely shred the "credibility" of the accuser being filmed. Windsor's reckless disregard for anything factual is seen in the simple calls to film.
Real producers/directors screen their participants because it's their reputation on the line, and the potential for being sued. I am amazed that he has all those bias videos on youtube and hasn't been sued yet.
They are not only bias, they are maliciously misleading. He didn't care to vet these stories because to him, it's just a numbers game. He loves putting up false information for self promotion. He lives for the shock factor.
I'd just love to see him have to prove, stand behind, and show that each and every one of those videos is the truth. They have the "Lawless America" logo on them, he uploaded them, they are "His" intellectual property, so...make him prove each and every story is true. If not, make him retract them, issue statements of apology for recklessly airing a story without verifying it's validity, and the biggie, FINE HIS ASS!!
Yup. Windsor said he didn't have time to vet the stories. As is pointed out, it only takes a few seconds to find the background. Seems that if Windsor was more interested in saving the country instead of his own litigious BS, he would have skipped the personal and legal drama to focus on creating something beneficial. It takes a whole lot less time to Google search the background of these people than it does to create a complaint, a motion or response with 971 pages of exhibits.
But, but, but.... Ida! IF Windsor had spent the 3 minutes verifying those filmed and culled out the lying crazies? Windsor's YouTube channel would only have himself yammering stupidity. And? What would Windsor find to fill his days and nights IF he wasn't cranking out frivolity with all his absurd chirpings? Silly silly Ida! Windsor wouldn't be Windsor if he wasn't being an INFAMOUS doofus!
You are so right, P. Silly me. If he had taken time to vet the stories, his "victim" count would fall well below 750. In fact, I've only seen 2 stories Windsor filmed that have legs. In both those cases, Windsor was playing catch up. The legal cases had been resolved in favor of the "victim", with the tortfeasors and criminals punished.
smh...Yup, Ida. Isn't Windsor just on the cutting edge of being a 'journalist'? activist? Pfffffft, he can't even bother to do a GoogleSearch, the same GoogleSearch that he gave howtos on manipulating. What a doofus!
Windsor has asked if 750 people can take back our government. As it turns out, in 2007 this Christian group hit the road while asking the very same question. I found this by googling "750 people." Anything Windsor says or does, you better google it to see who said or did it first.
Did anyone else notice that Diane Marigold went into great detail in her many comments to describe Windsor to a tee? Wow! (Diane's comments can be read in full by continuing to click #more on the comment thread to Windsor's blathering re prison)
Well! It's great to see we didn't miss too much! We've been traveling south for winter and choreographing our holiday routine. To honor our warm winter host? We're putting together a salsa-y, high kick, contagion routine! Prepare yourselves! While you all preparing your turkeys & hams? We'll be fasting so we can fit into our cute skimpy little outfits! Viva! Felize, felize, felize! 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 cha cha cha kick!
Tarantella rhythm.[1] Tarantella is a group of various folk dances characterized by a fast upbeat tempo, usually in 6/8 time (sometimes 18/8 or 4/4), accompanied by tambourines.[2] It is among the most recognized forms of traditional southern Italian music. The specific dance-name varies with every region, for instance tammuriata in Campania, pizzica in the Salento region, Sonu a ballu in Calabria. Tarantella is popular in Southern Italy and Argentina.
ProSe America? Rut roh. Windsor has had his ass handed to him by numerous licensed attorneys in the past couple of years. Now? He's picking a squabble with a ProSe chick. We are going to need to just skip over popcorn and pack samiches, chips, dips, Little Debbies, Gogurts and juice packs. Heck, I'm bringing my sleeping bag and jammies with the feet in them. This is gonna be good! I've never heard of her either, but dang she's got a lot of mutual friends with Windsor and even more friends that Windsor has gone after. #TeamJanice! Whoohoooo!
Of course!!! Tidy up! Sweep the porch, re-fill the coolers, get outta my hammock, drag the lawn chairs up from the pond. Company's coming!! Anybody know Janice? Did anyone send her an invite? I better whoop up a new thread do we can turn the page! Gimme a few....gotta get the herd showered, brushed and all tucked in. I'm so excited! It's been soooooooooo boring for weeks & weeks! Yipppeeeeeeeeeee!
"Bill Windsor hopes the Joeyisalittlekid gang gets a few cases of butthurt cream" Why? Can't you afford it money bags? Maybe you should have asked the federal court to make us pay for your ointment in that 100,000,000 that you'll need gobs of it for.
ReplyDeleteYou should be used to applying such ointment to your large amount of butthurt. No one else has suffered any kind of butthurt, not even going back to the MOM days. That's your forte. In fact, perhaps you should buy stock in it. That'd be the only thing you'd "Win" money from during all your frivolous litigation.
"Bill Windsor-- I received a message from a lady for whom I have great respect saying she found this posting offensive. Hey guys, this is supposed to be kind of funny. Butthurt refers to when people get their feelings hurt. It's a slang term and one that the Joeys are apparently quite familiar with."
ReplyDeleteWhadda douche. Instead of just quietly letting it go, he had to show everyone that he doesn't agree with someone elses opinion. Wait. Oh that's right. That's HIS butthurt. He's the asshole that's SOOO incredibly inflamed he put off their "MOVIE" to go hunt down and sue to try and Soothe that butthurt.
Epic fail # 1,000,000,000,000 for Butthurt Billshit Billy
No one tells Windsor what to do, or that they find HIM offensive. Nope. Not ever.
If the 'lady' was offended, did that mean she needed a definition?
If the 'lady' doesn't get the meaning of butthurt, she prolly has zero clue on 'Joey', and in her defense, there are supposedly at least 700 'Joeys'. Heck, she may know one or two, she might even be one!
Or soon will be because she didn't agree with Bill.
DeleteTell ya what windbag I am definitely not butthurt over anything to do with you. I am in fact #delighted to see you flounder and spin. I know that you will f*** up again and will stalk the wrong person. Once you're convicted of misdemeanors that will ensure you will stop.
DeleteThere was no lady. Maybe voices in Windsor's head, but probably Windsor just having something to post to keep him busy. He's posted things much more offensive. Where was this imaginary lady then? What makes this obvious is that Windsor has great respect for no one except Windsor.
DeleteSee, Bill? You can't make stuff up without our knowing it. I know you'll read this. Remember it.
DeleteIsn't he wife shopping again? His private messages on Facebook are probably honey hunters and not his blathering readers. js
DeleteI know it wasn't Kay-Kay, but maybe Mary thought the dung beetles were after her too? Maybe Bill can suggest a brand of butt-creme with his history of raging-diarrhea. Or better yet, maybe he or one of his lemmings know a real good doctor. Prevention is key :)
DeleteI bet it was Julia aka Marlene but they can used this http://www.antimonkeybutt.com/
DeleteWell she might want to suck it up. Butthurt was officially declared a word this year by Oxford Dictionaries, along with brain fart, butt dial, manspreading, mangry, furbaby and mkay. Bill dropped prison talk to make everyone think he fit in there, but clearly he can't even handle street slang. The other inmates called him Montana? Montana is a slang word for cocaine. Word to the wise Windsor: don't confuse coke for your butt powder.
DeleteAnd while we're at it, let's look at some definitions. Bill wants us to believe that he can hurt us, that we will pay him millions of dollars and go to jail. Bill wants us to believe this is true and be afraid of him. Key words: Bill wants us afraid, but just because he wants it, it doesn't make it true.
If it's true that he can hurt us, then he is claiming fear of him is rational. However, had he and his Fraud obsessed helper ever studied psychology, then they would know that paranoia is understood to be an intense and irrational fear.
Anon 3:46 did you see this from The Princess Bride.... this is more for Bill Windsor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6-Dt1g2E18
DeleteThis one sentence will apply to everything Bill does over the next month's, whatever (could be years) -----> Anything but work on the movie.
ReplyDeleteAnd Anon @3:31pm wins the snarky comment contest for today!
DeleteHAHAHAHAHA Obsessed!!
ReplyDeleteButthurt obsession watch 2015. Now playing at Windsor's FB page.
Everything they now do, say, type, post, email about, and con is about the "Joeys." They are owned by their vindictiveness. Their addiction is real, and consumes every waking moment. All self inflicted, even though they like to claim otherwise. Windsor specifically has brought this all upon himself, by his own actions, yet, he still can't see it.
That is the most hysterical part, and they don't see the real humor in the fact that they are owned by their own obsession.
DeleteShe kinda bitter, too, huh? They're gonna need a lot of that redass ointment.
Wow. So much for lemmings getting the TRUE story out of that one. Case in point: is any one here devastated by MT events? I haven't noticed anyone contemplating life's end, but over it. Nor have I seen anyone here express the belief that Windsor will spend any time in jail (hoping he will, is a whole other matter), much less the rest of his life. She just makes sh*t up as she goes. All that talk about spending the rest of his life in prison came from Windsor. Which I suspect was vain attempt to garner lemming attention and sympathy.
DeleteIt's hilarious that she is so obsessed with JIALK and this blog that she resorted to hijacking Windsor's blog in an attempt to continue antagonizing this blog's participants. I know Petunia well enough to know that if she had made any attempt to curb her anti-social, narcissistic, ignorant thread hijacking attacks on people, Petunia wouldn't have banned her from commenting here.
I sort of enjoyed her spin outs, if she could've controlled herself, she's a comment thread hoe! Good grief, take a seat and let someone else have a turn.
DeleteAnd, yeah, she's bitter, she so wanted to be a cool kid & she had been eyeing my pompoms for a hot minute!
Just like the last article Windsor put up that she wrote, face plant. Crickets and cobwebs. ZZzZZ
DeleteIt's her history. Can't get any interest anywhere. She and Whiney Windbag get such a kick out of posting all things "Joey" but none of the danglers understand, let alone care. Occasionally TickyD tries to join in, but she's a broken record, and only knows by and thru and nothing new.
I just can't stop laughing at how they think they are getting us to quake in our boots, or paranoia's reigning supreme here, or any of the other idiotic stuff shim (she and him) says when it's eating them alive. HAHAHA
Giggle snicker snort. Fffttt Ffttttt.
Still crickets. Darn it! Those people don't even do her the courtesy of commenting. It's as if she is dead to them.
DeleteIt's too bad she couldn't learn to play well with others. At least over here she could engage conversation. If we are anything but smart, what does that make the lemmings? She must miss us bad.
I'm tossing the bs flag on bill "butthurt" windsors bullshit posts and Susan the genii watcher. Oh boy she has the truth. Truth is the fbi contacted me about Billy and his michigan militia ties. When your recording yourself calling for Grand juries and giving Congress members letters to do something or be tried for treason and face the death penalty that's serious stuff then to have a list of who did not reply is first on the list. Windsor the whack job he is landed himself on the radar of the fbi several years before I knew of him. If anyone wants the truth they can contact me. I'll tell you on a radio show no sweat.
ReplyDeleteOh! Wow! I didn't know the FBI had chatted with you about Doofus Windsor. Dang, he might should find his stfu with his assistant. They could maybe moderate each other? Nah.
DeleteOf course they have to spin everything their way. They're Narcissists. They have to blame others in order to lift themselves up. Lies, upon lies, upon lies. All court documented now, which they then excuse as "Court Corruption."
DeleteIt's laughable. The fact that "It" had to find a nick name that differed from Windsor's nick name of Joeys, says her own obsession is more important that Windsors. Just like her belief of how GRIP should have been run. She got butthurt and left, tried to gather others under her little umbrella and failed. (cause, you know, she's just a pitty party of one anyway) all the while claiming SHE knew he'd fail, that he was dangerous, lied to everyone, yada, yada, yada. You know, pretty much like everything she now claims we made up.
Whatever. Just laugh at how moronic they are. We all know the truth and most importantly the COURTS know the truth. All Windsor and his trolls have is a dot con somewhere that HE made or one of his trolls with their lying, billshit spins.
Yup, Anon@6:32
DeleteShe's even more butthurt than Windsor when it comes to the "Joeys" - she just can't stand being rejected and tossed out of here on her pointy witch ass. Plus, this is great diversion from the fact that Blubbery Billy is still bumbling around with that clumsy GPS bracelet while in total panic mode about his upcoming trial in January. But, she and he dare not let the 5 lemmings know how butthurt they both are, despite their attempts at claiming a slam-dunk victory in Mt . the old fat dude is still a accused criminal and on his way to trial. I find both of them extremely humorous with the false bravado faces they're putting on for the 5 lemmings left. Take off the masks, Fat Boy and Pointy Ass, Halloween is over !!
Sniff, sniff...smealls like desperation over in LaLa land.
DeleteOh noooo, don't want the lemmings reading anything that's not "Windsor approved Billshit."
Look, troll bitch, IF Windsor cared one iota about the Lemmings straying off, he should have curbed his butthurt and finished the movie. That right there, was goal #1 to them. We all know, even YOU know that movie was never getting made. (got the screenshot to prove it)
So, why worry? Why are you so desparate to keep them believing the lies? Hummm? The one's with the functioning brain cells already left and went elsewhere else. Sure, they check in, give Whiney a pat on the back, toss a hail mary his way, and go back to where they were.
What about the charges they were going to file under Windsor's leadership? April or May was it? Right after DC? Chicken little Windsor tucked his tail right back up his butt didn't he, when his buddy got arrested. Then when the FBI contacted him, his ass puckered like no other. Probably didn't shit for a week.
Why keep saying nothing said over here is the truth? Why does it matter? Could it be all those court documents showing how neither Windsor nor the idiot "expert ghost yacker" knows diddly about law and couldn't argue their out of a paper bag with an flashing lights at the open end. That the things being discussed here make more sense, AND they can read it themselves?
Just losers going nowhere, looking for any avenue they can find to file some other frivolous something. We know. We got it. It's the lemmings who have to learn on their own, just like all the others who left.
Maybe she's just feeding his ego. Witches are known for fattening up their prey before they eat them. They must have a karmic connection. Desperation forces the misogynist to seek help from a woman who hates him.
DeleteOnce again.
DeleteThis is a flash back to when the brownnose troll was calling Windsor out on his lies. While her support has turned back towards Windsor, due to her very own desperation and vindictiveness, I'd question whether or not she was the "Liar" or as Windsor claims "Hater" or if it was/is/always will be Windsor. If he lied about one case for attention, he lies about them all!!
So, which is it? Lets show the lemmings the real thoughts of long time asskisser of a GRIP/Lawless supporter LONG before the "MOVIE" scam, which is really why the "Movie" participants are now following him.
What has he done for you? Other than claim he's helping you? Why now, are they back together? WAKE UP!!
WHOA! That's her busting Windsor's lies! Hahaha!
DeleteBut, now, she is sidled up with him? Hahaha!
Windsor better real wary of her.
Where's the continuation? What did she say next? We're going need more popcorn! Hahaha!
Giggle snicker snort! Whoa? That's a 'giddy up' if I ever saw one!
Here is part 2, but she edited it in April of this year. Why? What did she delete, alter, change, and or hide? Is she fearing "Willy" retaliation? There were TONS of "Willy" trashing posts on her "Forum," but just recently, she slithered over there, and locked it down.
DeleteIt's so funny that Windsor now relies on her "Expert legal knowledge" just because she's pretending to be helping him, and he's such a vindictive prick he can't see she's getting even with him now. But, both are con artists IMO, and are playing each other.
I also see now, how she acknowledged Windsor's clear lies and deceptions yet now supports his new lies and deceptions--and tries to spin the same web of lies he sells. She has zero character, or credibility.
Back to GRIP.
DeleteAs much interest as she has shown in GRIP, I really believe it was her idea and that Windsor swiped it. If that is true? No mystery why she is bitter and vengeful. Was the Movie her idea, too? I'd wage it was (she'd have finished it, had she worked on it).
As much as her yammering is tiresome, those LA followers would have be wise to have paid attention to what she was trying to tell them. Her not having any 'people skills' and being so condescending is why the LA followers (or anyone else) didn't pay any attentions to her then, or now.
After all the venom and knowing what kind of monster he is, why would she want to involve herself or anyone with him? She is a woman without conscious and her money well is drying up. She's helping him and willing to look the other way if he will pay her to be in control.
DeleteThe joke's on all of you criminal Joeys.
ReplyDeleteJust look at the enormous popularity of Snoonzan's update...
Ha! Take that, you bunch of hoodlums!
Hey, it's probably been read by six or eight people. All of them from here and because we think she's hilarious.
DeleteHa ha ... Maybe Windbag does know she's full of crap!
DeleteNot A Attorney Witch - None of these charges will ever go to trial. Haynes is dismissing them in stages for a reason. But they are all going to be dismissed before trial. And I am open to taking bets on that. Any takers?
Bill Windsor - From your fingertips to God's ears.
They both are full of crap. Both overly suspicious of everyone, both play people for their own agenda. Just watch. She'll be brownnosing extra hard now, and he'll be attempting to act like there's nothing wrong, but the fact that he is using her, to sway the lemmings to his side? After she called him out? Clearly saw what a deceptive liar he was? And now she's lying to them too? They should all feel played right now. Hard.
DeleteShe's really so insignificant, even the lemmings don't think she's worth paying attention to. Just a clown on the side of Windsor's circus.
DeleteHer ego hurts. We won't play with her and none of the men she's gone to bat for have won their games. The Lemmings don't care who she is, and can rightfully ask her to explain he inactivity. Come to find out she can't get what she wants by going it alone. She needs the power of a group, but no one wants to follow her.
DeleteWindsor said his bond was as high as $4 million at one point. Did anybody here find independent support that claim? Windsor said he filed a brief in Idaho. I was looking for the case and the brief. All I found were 2 criminal cases, bond was $1 million for each charge.
I never found one thing that supported his 4 million claim. Not one. I also don't see where ID is even requesting anything from him. He's been denied there several times. Perhaps they will be the next state to label him Vexatious. They really should. Since he can't seem to take the denials, dismissals, and general GTFO orders, the next step is the big 'V." ID had that awesome "Vexatious Litigant" data base.
DeleteI'm also not understanding how he believes they wrongfully arrested him in ID, when that was a case of "Fugitive from Justice." That warrant was out of TX for failing to appear. But, just like all things Windsor spins, and the lies he sells, his side of this warped story will only be proven as such, when they finally kick his ass to the curb and we can post it. (Of course, this is where the "Corruption" whining starts because Vexi's and actual Law's don't get along)
Thanks, Ninja.
DeleteI don't get how he claims wrongful arrest either. ID has 2 cases, so I was assuming he was arrested on warrants, 1 each, out of MT & TX. He bragged that he ESCAPED from McCollum Detention Center, then left TX to return to MT. But clearly he did not turn himself in to MT authorities.
I don't either, it's fairly simple, if you don't show up for a bond hearing or turn yourself in when a warrant is issued (showing up would have resulted in no warrant), an arrest is imminent.
DeleteGingerSnap summed it up a week or so ago:
He (Windsor) turned what amounted to a slap on the wrist into over 130 days in jail and a felony bond jumping charge. He spent over a month on the run as a fugitive before being caught in Ada, Idaho and returned to Missoula, Montana where he is still waiting to stand trail.
Windsor blew an easy fixable situation, proverbial slap on his wrist, into his now INFAMOUS SAGA. sigh and eyeroll
Exactly. Everything he posts is for drama and hype and done maliciously, willfully, and intentionally. Yet, when called out on it, that's when the hollering and whining of "Corruption" kicks in.
DeleteHe's a jackass. It's so obvious how he plays these games now trying to build cases of corruption, thus buying up all the domain names of those Government officials who have to mop up his messes. It is intentional 'set ups' to appear like he's being targeted, when it's simple. HE creates these situations himself for publicity, because in his pea brain when he hits "Send" or "Publish" he gets some kind of warped rush.
Thinking out loud, isn't this similar? http://www.rawstory.com/2015/07/oregon-bakers-werent-fined-over-cake-they-were-punished-for-sharing-lesbian-couples-home-address/
ReplyDeleteBill is publishing people's addresses, personal info etc in some cases correct? Just a thought.
IMO, Windsor crossed a more criminal line. Not only did he post names, addresses and other personal info about people he claims defamed him, he physically stalked those people, set up web sites to defame them and incited others to harass them. As I've pointed out before (probably ad nauseam) Joey Dauben was prosecuted by Patrick Wilson and convicted for doing something very similar.
Deleteoh billy they denied you once in sd federal court now your asking them again. SMH. you hurt your butt there once, i guess you should get your preperation H out cause i am sure they will butthurt you again. you should c all 1-800-but-hurt
ReplyDeleteThis is SD's problem in part, with allowing non residents access to possession of drivers licenses and PO Boxes to "Claim" residency. Sov Cit's exploit the loopholes in states that don't care if you're actually living there or not. They're all good with some random vagabonds simply parking in a PO Box.
DeleteHe wants to claim "Jurisdiction in SD is proper" because he's technically a "resident" but his other lawsuits prove that no one else is. How can Windsor claim Jurisdiction is proper in all those other states, using every excuse imaginable when he's sending out service to states that don't have Jurisdiction over non residents, yet appealing that they do?
One way Windsor. Always and forever. He claims (when he doesn't like a ruling) that they don't have Jurisdiction over him, and in the same breath will argue they do to others who have valid support of non Jurisdiction. It's a vicious circle of fraud upon the courts, in each and every state--and that's just on the "Jurisdiction issue." Lets not even get into his numbered frivolous claims he can't prove.
Yes, and as loudly and vehemtly as Windsor claims he is NOT vextacious (filing briefs over the 20 page limit and attaching 970 pages plus of exhibits), Windsor screams he is not a Sovereign Citizen. Windsor's fraud upon numerous states simultaneously is a proven Sovereign Citizen trick. Windsor's label abbreviations are getting long: VL PS SC LPF
DeleteYou forgot one. P O S
DeleteOops. I consider that POS as a given. VL PS SC LPF POS
DeleteThank you for adding that.
LOL. I about spewed all over my computer screen when I went to download the brief from PACER - WTF? 971 pages???? I did not pay for that. I figured we've read it all before.
DeleteOh yeah, we've read his vexi tale umpteen times, saving trees is crucial, good thing you didn't print that! Whew!
DeleteHAHAHA "Vexi Tales" (c) that!!
DeleteSounds like a new idea for a "Movie" to me...bahahahaha
Instead of "Once Upon A Time"
Deleteit's all
"Comes Now, William M. Windsor "
second, third and subsequent verses same as the first
no seriously, google it
Did you see this from The Princess Bride.... this is more for Bill Windsor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6-Dt1g2E18
DeleteYou know, with the blurring of state and federal law, it is a wonder that Homeland Security/FBI etal. don't force SD and other states to crack down on stuff like this. New immigrants will be denied the chance to vote as lawmakers err on the side of caution, meanwhile in how many states could Bill claim he's authorized to vote?
DeleteYeah, and then there's the whole fugitive status. Windsor has no permanent residence, so he's basically a ghost if LE were to go look for him. Say for service? (not counting the anklet now)
DeleteSay he got into a fender bender, and it was a hit and run. Some good citizen sees him fleeing the scene. His registration for the car and his drivers license won't help anyone find him to sue him. There are so many reasons SD and other states that allow this are creating issues for law abiding citizens.
Windsor loves to launch his frivolous lawsuits using that SD PO Box as his address, but turn about isn't fair play. He avoided and evaded service using this same game a while back.
You know when you are watching a ball game, with no real interest in the winner, you are watching just to see if it's going to be a good game? Then one side starts to get slaughtered and you sort of start rooting for the under dog to put some points on the board?
ReplyDeleteThat's how I felt when I saw that there was a 'like' under the GENII post.
Cruz Gomez likes this.
I was betting on Glen. Go figure.
DeleteSpeaking of "Embracing the Suck" ... seems Windsor already has with his Witchy non-attorney pal.
ReplyDelete"A succubus is a female demon that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. The male counterpart is the incubus. Religious traditions hold that repeated sexual activity with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death."
Yeah, in his dreams. Did anyone see the lawsuit this week between the witch and warlock? The witch won. Bill might want to consider the true history of the dark woman and shed her, not bed her.
DeleteSeems as though the euphoric mood on Windsor's Facebook page has dissipated rather abruptly. Is that an example of #butthurt? Or just reality sinking in all the way?
DeletePity Party set up. The Steele woman fell for it.
DeleteJust another way to keep the "Corruption is rampant" agenda going. Gotta get the millions for the revolution. He's still on that mission, hidden behind the all the set ups and scams. Windsor needs that "Landmark case" for notoriety. Even if that means, paying for a "Press Release" full of his lies. Thought he said a few months ago, that there was going to be another press release. What happened to it? Did PRNewswire deny him? Based on their last blunder of his? Or just another empty promise of his?
"Mary Deneen-- Also, I believe the MT government is prosecuting Bill "vindictively" because he argued his way out of Jail with a $4.1 M bail."
ReplyDeleteJust ONCE I'd like to see MaryD prove this comment. Not simply repeat what she's read, actually prove it.
How did Windsor argue out of that exactly Mary?
Show proof that his bail was 4.1 million. Where is the court document stating this amount?
Now prove that MT is prosecuting Windsor for that, and not on the charges HE VIOLATED. Did MT change the charges after his arrest in ID? No. No they didn't. The charges stayed the same, so HOW on EART can you prove anything you just said?
Come on....Splain. Actual, real, documentation.
Ok, let me help you out a bit MaryD. because I feel so bad for you, that you only repeat what you're told or what you read, and not because you have any merit to anything you utter. Much like all your other repetitive spew about by and thru crap. Hence most likely why you allege you were diagnosed with Munchausen's.
DeleteFrom the ID website regarding Windsor's arrest. Since there were two case numbers, it is possible that this amount would be doubled, but there is no proof of that since they are identical in filings. But even then, it's still only 2 million.
02/27/2015 Motion to Increase Bond
03/05/2015 Motion To Increase Bond/Granted
03/05/2015 BOND SET: at 1000000.00 - (I19-4513 Fugitive from Justice)
Do you understand now, why Windsor loves people like you? Because you keep spreading out his lies. Here's the link. Go look for yourself. But girl? Stop spreading around Windsor's lies. Stop being so gullible.
Yay! Bravo!
Indeed. I cannot post my appreciation there, so I'll do it here. Excellent writing (no surprise, GS is a wonderful writer) and superb points made. Well done x one million.
DeleteOk. I can't tell if this idiot is delusional, unable to read anything she didn't write, fact blind, or just an outright liar.
ReplyDelete"He hasn't, but he will, rule on the most important defense, which is whether a 24 day TOP can be valid at all."
Am I missing something?
Appears to me that she just might be butthurt her brief was shot down and she was proven once again to have no real legal knowledge.
DeleteYou're missing nothing, RCIII. The judge ruled on that succinctly and even included a WTF or two.
DeleteThat's the only control she has over him: telling him what he wants to hear even if he doesn't believe her. Two-bit fortune tellers are nothing new. Can she predict or control the courts? Her own history says no.
DeleteBless her heart.
DeleteOh yeah Anon@4:17, she is soooo Butthurt and very embarrassed about her brief being shot down and knowing Windsor and the lemmings are now snickering about her behind her back.
DeleteIt is also very obviously talking down to the lemmings. Even they are capable of picking up on that. She might have them rooting against her in short order.
DeletePoor ignorant troll. Totally unable to comprehend plain English when it points out she's an idiot.
DeleteShe's so insignificant that I can believe I wasted my time pointing out her stupidity. I won't mention her again.
DeleteOoooooooo yeah! That is complete and total butthurt. She is hot!
DeleteThat's hilarious!
I'm looking at the Order. It is very plainly worded.
#absurd #chirping
Bhahahaha OMG!! She's spinning! Over there talking to herself and answering.
DeleteNo Snoozer the loser, you need to learn how to read AND comprehend. What an IDIOT she is. No wonder she can't win any of her cases either. I think she's really irked that she was called the "Chirpper" in that filing. Another frivolous defense by another vexatious POS. Bahahahaha Slam dunk? Not for you!
I also find it hilarious she is addressing a hater on Windsor's page, like the other lemmings even have a clue what she's talking about. Spinnnnnnnnnnnn
"It's a very different kind of atmosphere here...it's peaceful."
DeleteI'm sure it is more peaceful for her. Everyone over there either doesn't care about the subject or is brain dead. Nobody is going to point out her errors in fact.
RC3 has a #fan!
DeleteLOL Look at that huge Hypocrite Hood she's wearing. hahahaha
DeleteSlither, slither, slither....stay outta the daylight now...snooze
She's already hanging on the gate this morning.
I really have more important things to worry about this morning than my newest obsessed fan. Like what flavor pop tart I'll be having. Wait! Do I hear something chirping?
DeleteYeah. So peaceful she keeps trying to dream up ways to get them under her blog umbrella. If peace was what she wanted, she wouldn't be obsessed with picking fights. Then again, this is the ghost lady quite at home in graveyards. It's live people she can't stand.
DeleteLive people can't stand HER! The ghosts are trapped with her. Cruel.
DeleteLMAO. The ghosts are trapped.
DeleteWindsor, if you had put 1/10th the energy into finishing the film you put into lawsuits that won't help the people you filmed one bit, you could have submitted it to Sundance before the deadline. You'll never submit it because you'll never finish it. You're an amateur at every single thing you do. Not even that. You're not remotely competent at anything. Utter failure.
ReplyDeleteWindsor filed a discovery request for documents from Sundance on Jan 30, 2014. What a brilliant idea! I'm sure Sundance is looking forward to working with Windsor as a contestant (not).
ReplyDeleteWait. He didn't have a movie. What was he doing? That's ridiculous.
DeleteThose three fellas got convicted, Bill. So far, you have not been. Who, exactly, is Teflon coated?
Windsor's #shoulda list is infinite.
DeleteHe shoulda finished the "movie" and not played stalking across the US. He shoulda just been honest with his MOM scam and not tried to turn an alleged verbal agreement between a non owner into a multi year frivolous suit. He shoulda "retired" being a pansy-ass mama's boy who bullies his way through life in general. Indeed Windsor's #shoulda list is infinite.
DeleteKey word above? #HONEST
DeleteWindsor's #shoulda list is infinite because he is DIShonest. IFINTEly.
I wonder if he's trying to get help from his old college buddies, but they grew up. Remember the donation he made a year or two ago? Too good to actually go to law school, couldn't make it in Hollyweird, flunked at his business, and now he thinks things would have just been ok if he had gone into sports instead? Whatever.
DeleteRut roh:/
ReplyDeleteWindsor must have gotten his copies of UofMT's recent filings. He's back to bashing the university. Glancing over Windsor's lengthy essay, quoting some enrollment data? Indicates that UofMT's (another female) attorney had to have 'Bill bitchslapped' Windsor tremendously hard.
Hypocrisy regarding incarcerations? Drug related convictions, (robberies, assaults by drug users)? Those prisoners should not be incarcerated (we, Americans should be funding the costs of their recovery & educating them), but District Attorneys, Judges, Clerks should be incarcerated for performing the duties of their offices.
Twisting. Omitting. Spinning.
Butthurt is reigning supreme in Windsor's world. ouch
Twisting. Omitting. Spinning.
DeleteYup. I figure enrollment might be down because the kids discovered there are great colleges in warmer climates. Calling the UofM the rape capital is completely unfair. This is a big problem on all campuses across the country. Even SMU. Several rapes are reported every year on that campus.
He makes no sense. On one hand, using statistics to trash U of M, he claims it's the rape capital and not to let your children go there. Then, in the next post, he's crying about people being arrested and is bitching about probation. Seems his "Hooker" buddy is back in for a probation violation.
DeleteSo? Which is it? He wants people released from jail, and the government officials and "Joeys" thrown in, but he wants the current residents released. Oh, that's right--he created his "Lawless America" agenda by promoting to people who didn't like their sentences or rulings, or generally being held accountable, and wants to make it a crime of "Treason" to hold people accountable for their crimes.
All laws that go against Windsor's delusional and warped beliefs are hereby VOID, and new laws to support Anti Government take overs are hereby VALID. Once all current Government employees (and anyone who supports them) have been incarcerated for "Treason" and put to death, (cause you know in one way Windsor world there are no appeals) new laws shall be enacted, whereas anyone opposed to Windsor's rule shall be executed on the spot.
Texas Tech has a problem too. Go figure. TTU news wrote an article titled "Surviving Rape At Texas Tech". They have a rating of C- for crime.
http://www.collegefactual.com/colleges/texas-tech-university/student-life/crime/# (LMAO, at city rating F+. I'd have to agree with that rating. Lubbock really isn't much fun, harsh weather, not pretty and smells of sulfur and gas)
Hence the name change to Windsor. A royal family and now Bill wants his turn at being King William.
DeleteWindsor posted "Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males. To be safe, be an old, white woman."
DeleteEven old white women aren't safe if they break the law and do something stupid. I heard a story from a cop this week that still cracks me up when I think of it:
Cop was patrolling normally, around 11 PM. Coming from the opposite direction, was an older woman (50's) walking down the middle of the road, waving down the cop. The cop pulls along side her and the woman tries to get into the squad car. She manages to get her purse in the car before the cop stops her. Then the cop asks what's the problem.
The woman, with speech slurred and other signs of inebriation, says she had been at a party. She said when she left the party, another car came out of nowhere and hit her car. The cop says "where's your car?" The woman says it's 2 or 3 miles down the road. Then cop notices a car parked in the middle of the opposing lane about 100 yards past the woman. The cop says "Is that your car right there?". The woman says she doesn't know, could be. They go to the car.
The cop notices one side of the car has been crashed, it appears to have side swiped something made of concrete. The woman couldn't give any details as to how the car was damaged or what she hit. In the process of running her mouth, she tells the cop she smokes weed.
Turns out, the car had run out of gas. Because the cop did not see the woman driving, no DUI, but woman was going to jail for public intoxication. During the arrest, the cop asks the woman if she had any contraband and informs the woman that if she has anything illegal to disclose it because it would be a felony charge if contraband makes it into the jail.
The woman had weed in her purse. The same purse she willingly placed into the police car. So, she went to jail for possession of the weed, instead of public intoxication - Class B, instead of class C misdemeanor.
And--there it is. No need for Government. Under the rule of Windsor of course--because this is his "Revolution" though Darlene. You are following his lead.
ReplyDelete"Darlene Monsour-- If done correctly there would be no need of Government the Land would continue to flourish we would no longer be slaves to a societal based biased corruption to the Crowns whom are all padding the hands..We have lived so long in this concrete jungle that we forgot how to live and become Human once again.."
HAHAHA Not quite Windsor!!
ReplyDelete"Diana Marigold-- BTW- You are repeating the Donald's line: America is Broken. Not a good idea."
"Bill Windsor-- Diana, The Donald stole it from me. January 20, 2012:"
Well a quick search and I see someone else used it in 2011. Surely there have been TONS of people before you Windsor. You've never had an original idea in your life!
" Tuesday, 18 October 2011
He's sounding awfully butthurt and bitter about Montana, wonder who slapped his ass, now?
ReplyDeleteMore like which court DID NOT bitchslap Windsor's doofus ass this week. #FridayIsUsuallyTheDay
DeleteA supplemental reporter's record filed has just been filed in one of the cases at the 10th COA. I guess Billy is still trying to play games and the attorneys aren't playing along. Poor Billy.
DeleteThe 10thCoA isn't playing.
DeleteWindsor is in a slump. Marty Prehn is where it's at...
ReplyDeleteWindsor and Prehn are basically one in the same. Windsor just has money. Both are gross, obese, homeless, family-less (by their choice), lying while Facebook pontificating, stalkers.
DeleteSpecial Aagent MongMoose Prehn is at least tall.
DeleteYup. Windsor does have a newer model ride, but Aagent Prehn is taller. Those really are the only differences! Haha!
DeleteBahahahaha Windsor's stealing and posting Marty's idiotic posts, now. Wow he truly has hit rock-bottom.
Marty Prehn 2013 - Chris don't forget to tell others to get off of their couches or off of their asses and go to their windows and raise the windows up and stick their heads out their windows and shout the same thing that they are MAD as HELL and are not going to take it anymore.
Giggle snicker!!! KPat pissed Windsor off by dropping a link in the comments to another 'everyone is corrupt' doofus, Windsor told KPat the other doofus was one his cyberstalkers! #ByeKPat #MartyMovingOnUp
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind that people who file frivolous lawsuits are usually lonely and angry souls with too much spare time and too few friends. It takes a level of desperation and self-loathing to expend the expenses and time it takes to file a frivolous lawsuit. Try to muster some sympathy for this person, for your own good, because it may help you avoid trial. Try to settle out of court––apologize for anything that you might have done wrong, compromise as much as you can without sacrificing your dignity, and try to empathize a little. Sometimes a little kindness goes a long way.
DeleteI stuck my ass out the window and yelled, "I'm not taking Bill Windsor anymore."
DeleteDoes that count?
Yeah, counts twice.
DeleteGo you!
DeleteIt's amazing these people still follow Bill expecting him to fix their lives for them. Bill doesn't know or care that's why he can't teach anyone. It really is time for the lemmings to ask what Bill is really doing for them. "What's in it for me?" Go on, ask him.
As I read this horrific news link from Austin, Texas, I immediately thought of William Michael Windsor. Windsor and his continuous online inciting of #hate, prodding his moronish, mentally unstable supporters with his maliciously, misleading, fabricated tales of 'judicial corruption'. I also thought of Windsor's most recent supporters that he's 'bonded' friendships with while he was incarcerated in Texas, Idaho and Montana detention facilities.
Windsor doesn't care. He'd love to say this person was his friend and filmed by LA. He'd love to take center stage in this story and get all the attention. He wanted the removal of all judges and the death penalty. Secretly he approves of this death. If not then let him come out and speak against violence.
Delete@ 8:16 - sorry, your post wasn't showing when I started writing. Same thing happened, my thoughts turned to Windsor immediately when I heard about the shooting.
DeleteIMO, Windsor and his lemmings should go live somewhere that doesn't have law enforcement or judges. The chances of it being a Windsor lemming that shot the TX judge last night are nil to slim, but this kind of rhetoric is just not OK. Maybe they'd all like Syria or Lybia better. They can build whatever kind of government they want from scratch.
Bill Windsor "Thanks, Diana. The law enforcement officers and judges who do all this horrible stuff like inflicting pain on others. THEY are the ones who have mental health issues."
And then this guy. WTF is he talking about, TX is a 3rd world country?
Thomas Kirby "...Of course with Texas being one of the largest third world countries in the world (about 23 million population), there must be several such inspirations."
"...If flipping the bird at your manager is considered "insubordination," understanding that helps me to understand that people who will beat others for doing it consider them to be guilty of insubordination. That means that they think themselves to be so superior to others that others are their subordinates.
The perceived right to arrest and confine others comes from this source."
Thomas Kirby "This is also why the police will attack people in their own homes, with or without a "legal" warrant, and kill them if they resist those attacks."
I agree with the chances of this incident in Texas being slim to nil a Windsor lemming. Heaven forbid if something similar were to happen to one of the judges Windsor has repeatedly raked across his social media or webpages. I have read some very violent comments numerous times on Windsor's posts in the past two years. Windsor obviously likes the violent tone to those comments or he would delete them, he'll delete other comment for merely disagreeing with him or mentioning someone that has disagreed with him. Windsor incites his supporters, IMO.
DeleteExactly. Windsor incites people that he knows nothing about to justify his ego and agenda. Clearly, most are off balance. IMO, Windsor contributed to John/Don Acree's death by validating Acree's paranoia.
DeleteWFAA (ABC/Dallas) reported last night that year to date the Dallas PD has handled 6,500 incidents involving mentally ill people. Three innocent people have been killed within the last few weeks by mentally ill people or people drugged up with meth and PCP.
Forget about LE and judicial reform. IMO, we need to work on our mental health issues. If the family of a whacko can't do anything about it, WTF are the police supposed to do about it?
Don Acree. A very sad, yet excellent example of Windsor inciting the mentally ill. Read on Acree's Facebook page for a chilling glimpse into his paranoia prior to him drawing a gun on officers serving a warrant.
DeleteAcree was a regular commenter on Windsor's posts and shared Windsor's posts to his own Facebook page often. IMO? Acree's family, the officers involved in Acree's tragic death should seek damages from Windsor for inciting and fueling Acree's paranoia. I believe Windsor was pivotal to Acree's escalating mental demise.
Evelyn Case - "Detroit !!! What about Washington. Is this movie really going to happen with all your own injustice?"
DeleteAwww shit! Evelyn? You booger flicking maroon! You obviously have not been reading Windsor's daily dose of woe, aka saga, for over a year! Evelyn! Wtf-ing f*** is wrong with YOU? This is not about YOU or anyone else! Duh! It, the Movie, the Corruption, everything, even the air you breathe, is ALL about Bill Windsor! Gesh! The nerve of some of these LALA idiots! How dare Evelyn!
DeleteI agree with Anon 9;24 I blame Windsor for Don Acree death and downward ways ..... if you look Don was taken pictures of a woman in her home and Don acted like he was above the law.....
DeleteHa, IKR Petunia !!!! Happy Saturday !
DeleteIt is a concerning issue with the numerous Lawless Participants who went on film claiming they were diagnosed with a mental illness. Except, they dismiss that diagnosis as part of "Corruption."
DeleteWindsor claimed or eluded yesterday, that being jailed causes mental illness.
Perhaps the bigger issue is that mental illness is a big factor in the people who follow Conspiracy theorists and Anti Government groups. It seems they are the easiest targets to exploit by creepy wanna be leaders and Narcissists.
Rut roh!
DeleteWindsor's got another one that hasn't been paying attention. What's up with these dissenters?
Adele Vessia
whens the movie gonna come out I am now homeless put up in a motel because of what they did to me since 2007
More · 18 minutes ago
She's waiting for the fame and fortune that's sure to come when you're a star in a blockbuster movie!
DeleteUmm hmm. Adele Vessia is one of those "Lawless Participants who went on film claiming they were diagnosed with a mental illness".
Delete"The evidence presented at the hearing supports the Family Court's determination that the mother refused to obtain appropriate treatment for her serious mental health problem which impaired her ability..."
I guess in light of that, I'll excuse her for mucking up a Rosa Parks analogy.
Adele Vessia "wasn't that a song years ago?????? And Clara Parks refused to get on the bus well I refuse to get on the bus now..What happened to Lawless America Video"
Wowser. Adele is dressed for her 15 minutes of fame and fortune. Even I couldn't quit looking at her bosom.
Get ON the bus? ON?
Delete*fainted* ^ ^ ^ ^ hoofs up*
Yeah, they all seem to be way off in their story telling abilities, recollection of events, and whether or not "Corruption" even exists.
DeleteAll they have to do, is hang on Windsor's podium and claim something, he'll publish it as if it's the truth, and bam. Another "Corruption" story in Windsor's bag of "irrefutable, undeniable, evidence" data base.
With the amount of mental illness diagnosis among the Lawless, I'd have to say the only thing Windsor has exposed with his "Movie" snippet videos is that the US Mental Health System is failing miserably.
"...they all seem to be way off in their story telling abilities, recollection of events, and whether or not "Corruption" even exists."
DeleteLike this guy. His video played automatically after Adele's (Windsor didn't even care enough to post the guy's name). He tried to appeal conviction for aggravated battery on a police officer and resisting arrest (he tried to claim self defense) but the case was dismissed for want of prosecution. He couldn't or didn't provide any detail in his complaint, he only said that he had been a victim of LE harassment and civil rights violation from 1998 - 2001. There were a whole lot of defendants, he couldn't or didn't get them all served and he missed hearings. He also sued the state for unemployment benefits with regard to reduction in hours for his summer teaching job. How did he get a teaching job with a felony conviction?
He's a typical Windsor following/supporting brainiac. smh
DeleteIf Windsor were to have to answer some questions regarding this alleged "Movie" of "Government and Judicial Corruption" he'd be in deep shit IMO.
DeleteIt takes a few seconds of internet searches to completely shred the "credibility" of the accuser being filmed. Windsor's reckless disregard for anything factual is seen in the simple calls to film.
Real producers/directors screen their participants because it's their reputation on the line, and the potential for being sued. I am amazed that he has all those bias videos on youtube and hasn't been sued yet.
They are not only bias, they are maliciously misleading. He didn't care to vet these stories because to him, it's just a numbers game. He loves putting up false information for self promotion. He lives for the shock factor.
I'd just love to see him have to prove, stand behind, and show that each and every one of those videos is the truth. They have the "Lawless America" logo on them, he uploaded them, they are "His" intellectual property, so...make him prove each and every story is true. If not, make him retract them, issue statements of apology for recklessly airing a story without verifying it's validity, and the biggie, FINE HIS ASS!!
Yup. Windsor said he didn't have time to vet the stories. As is pointed out, it only takes a few seconds to find the background. Seems that if Windsor was more interested in saving the country instead of his own litigious BS, he would have skipped the personal and legal drama to focus on creating something beneficial. It takes a whole lot less time to Google search the background of these people than it does to create a complaint, a motion or response with 971 pages of exhibits.
DeleteBut, but, but.... Ida! IF Windsor had spent the 3 minutes verifying those filmed and culled out the lying crazies? Windsor's YouTube channel would only have himself yammering stupidity. And? What would Windsor find to fill his days and nights IF he wasn't cranking out frivolity with all his absurd chirpings?
DeleteSilly silly Ida! Windsor wouldn't be Windsor if he wasn't being an INFAMOUS doofus!
You are so right, P. Silly me. If he had taken time to vet the stories, his "victim" count would fall well below 750. In fact, I've only seen 2 stories Windsor filmed that have legs. In both those cases, Windsor was playing catch up. The legal cases had been resolved in favor of the "victim", with the tortfeasors and criminals punished.
Deletesmh...Yup, Ida. Isn't Windsor just on the cutting edge of being a 'journalist'? activist? Pfffffft, he can't even bother to do a GoogleSearch, the same GoogleSearch that he gave howtos on manipulating. What a doofus!
DeleteWindsor has asked if 750 people can take back our government. As it turns out, in 2007 this Christian group hit the road while asking the very same question. I found this by googling "750 people." Anything Windsor says or does, you better google it to see who said or did it first.
That's scary! A gaggle of religious Windsor's on a quest! 2008? They must've fizzled.
Delete"WHO SAID IT, DID IT, TRIED IT, FIRST" the newest game in outing Windfart as a Pathological liar, scamster, huckster, fraudster, hijacker!!
Game on! #TeamNFoBW
DeleteOh lookie, Billy's pretending he's in Idaho on his last post, lol.
DeleteBill W shared a video
12 hrs · Meridian, ID ·
GingerSnap has done a #BoldOver article! It is HILARIOUS!
ReplyDeleteZip over and get some giggle snicker snorts!
℗ ♛ ❥
Did anyone else notice that Diane Marigold went into great detail in her many comments to describe Windsor to a tee? Wow! (Diane's comments can be read in full by continuing to click #more on the comment thread to Windsor's blathering re prison)
ReplyDeleteWell! It's great to see we didn't miss too much!
ReplyDeleteWe've been traveling south for winter and choreographing our holiday routine. To honor our warm winter host? We're putting together a salsa-y, high kick, contagion routine! Prepare yourselves! While you all preparing your turkeys & hams? We'll be fasting so we can fit into our cute skimpy little outfits! Viva! Felize, felize, felize!
1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 cha cha cha kick!
Funny you should say that. I could sum this up, but it's just too funny. You have to read it for yourself. Put down your beverage first:
Delete❥ those little tail shakers!
Tarantella rhythm.[1]
Tarantella is a group of various folk dances characterized by a fast upbeat tempo, usually in 6/8 time (sometimes 18/8 or 4/4), accompanied by tambourines.[2] It is among the most recognized forms of traditional southern Italian music. The specific dance-name varies with every region, for instance tammuriata in Campania, pizzica in the Salento region, Sonu a ballu in Calabria. Tarantella is popular in Southern Italy and Argentina.
Bill Windsor
ReplyDeleteJust now · Meridian, ID ·
749 of my friends are friends with Janice Wolk Grendaier. She is NO FRIEND OF MINE. She supports my cyberstalkers.
Uh oh. Guess Bill should get busy unfriending people. Gonna be a long night.
DeleteI never heard of Janice. What'd she do? Breathe?
Delete749? That's a lot.
This is like Romper Room with that mirror. But Bill, she's friends with Crystal, and George, and Howard, and Marty and Brandy Bee, Vic and Glen.
DeleteI think the bumbling baboon misspelled her name, it " Grenadier "
DeleteProSe America? Rut roh. Windsor has had his ass handed to him by numerous licensed attorneys in the past couple of years. Now? He's picking a squabble with a ProSe chick. We are going to need to just skip over popcorn and pack samiches, chips, dips, Little Debbies, Gogurts and juice packs. Heck, I'm bringing my sleeping bag and jammies with the feet in them.
DeleteThis is gonna be good! I've never heard of her either, but dang she's got a lot of mutual friends with Windsor and even more friends that Windsor has gone after.
#TeamJanice! Whoohoooo!
Yes, Go Janice, can we invite her to the pasture, Miss P for a "Meet & Greet" ?
DeleteOf course!!!
DeleteTidy up! Sweep the porch, re-fill the coolers, get outta my hammock, drag the lawn chairs up from the pond. Company's coming!!
Anybody know Janice? Did anyone send her an invite?
I better whoop up a new thread do we can turn the page! Gimme a few....gotta get the herd showered, brushed and all tucked in.
I'm so excited! It's been soooooooooo boring for weeks & weeks!
Another one from Windsors Original GRIP days is Jettisoned.
ReplyDeleteI'm tired of scrolling, let's turn the page>>>>>