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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

South Dakota, Windsor's State of 'Residence' Is Speedy With a #DENIED Ruling

Filed on November 2,2015
Denied on November 9, 2015


  1. Damn, Windbag got spanked again and Lol'ing@ "Some of the Defendants in the verified petition include ...
    Spammy, Tinyfeetnhands, etc "

    1. Dontchya know there was some giggle snorting from whoever did the photocopies and correlating? "Anita P Ness" was another doozy.
      Windsor just can't get it through his fat head that this snit is never gonna fly. Doofus.

    2. You know it, Miss Petunia and probably calling co-workers over to giggle and snort at this Goofy Windsor guy's crazy motion. Ha ha ha !!

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, in Windsor's opinion that would be corruption. The judge doesn't address all points raised in the complaint, with a clear explanation, with citations to determining facts and statutes.

      IMO, the order is clear and expeditious.

      I was listening to the video Windsor posted "Children and Family Court Legislation proposed to U.S. Congress and State Legislatures". At about 29 minutes in he talks about his proposal for judicial procedure. He says all that ^^^.

      I wanted to hear his proposals for family courts. He didn't spend much time on that issue, only a couple of minutes near the start. It occurred to me that he hasn't done much since he recorded the video to affect the changes. It doesn't appear that he plans to do anything either. He thinks the girls can do it themselves, all they have to do is join together!

      Bill Windsor "If all the mothers would join together, they could fix this. I recommend PMA - Protective Mothers Alliance."

    2. I dunno about the Mommies, but I personally would rather spend 24 hours listening to MunchenMaryD prattle about Lyme's & all her by & thru than have the groups join together under Janice Levinson! Wtf? That wench is evil!

    3. That's why he supports her. She is THE only one of the family court advocates that fell for his shit, and the reason is, because she used him to trash all the others.

      While they stayed solid, Janice tanked Lundy's reputation, (not that I think it was that great to begin with) and he's to stupid to know it. All he really seems to care about is selling books and letting everyone else to the advocacy work.

    4. PMA is run by another con artist Janice Levinson..... You have to paid her money to be her friend on facebook, Lundy knows she is hurting the movement.... Lundy new facebook page said nothing about PMA and most people know if you do not worship her, she will throw a fit and start a blog about you too.... remember the wolf you can see she will give your personal info to Bill

    5. What cow c*nt.
      Levinson is really 'protective', huh?

    6. Vic is so _______. uh, what's the word? High, maybe?

      Vic Fedorov
      This system of irresponsible judges should be stopped today. Each day hundreds of them do and practice evil. Anyone in charge can not allow it. There Is another reality that lets it go on another day. Lies are darkness and what is true is light.

  3. Frank Lee BillsadickNovember 10, 2015 at 5:23 PM

    BAHAHAHAHA!! Gotta love the speedy smackdowns. Saves the taxpayers. Good for South Dakota.

    Vexatious Windsor and his frivolous suits. No, he's not vexatious at all. Just because he keeps filing over and over and over, and refuses to accept denials--it's his "right" right? Oh wait, that was already discussed in another ruling recently--suing is not an absolute right, and he's abused it, therefore he is VEXATIOUS.

    Learn it, know it, brand it on your forehead Windsor. You're an abusive, pathetic, vindictive, harassing, menacing, tyrannical dictator.

    1. A 1 page - no forests were harmed - smack down. Bowing to the US District Court of SD :)

    2. He wastes water too, cause water is needed to make paper. Let's not get into ink or electricity to printers.
      Tree species are different in bark texture, and paper content/thickness varies but estimate roughly 17-24 trees for every 1 ton (400 reams/40 standard office boxes) of non-recycled office paper. So Bill has x many years of litigation and y number of lawsuits. It's probably impossible to find an average of the paper used for lawsuits because they are all unique, however, Bill would deviate from that hypothetical average by probably hundreds of percents. For all the junk he sends people, there is still more junk he claims to have sent, but never actually did. Who can guess how many rat holes he has with paper, reece's wrappers and other vexi droppings strewn from ceiling to floor. And don't forget that each of his frivolous cases were met by court personnel and respondents whose use of paper was only necessitated by his vexiness in the first place.

  4. Too funny! Reading that order, I can almost see the judge look at the clerk and say "Am I being punked? This is a joke, right?". Then, upon finding out it is not a joke, shaking his head, trying to maintain judicial dignity, while fighting the urge to send Windsor a copy of the Butthurt form.

    Oh, and look, the order is signed. I T I S N O T V O I D!

    1. I was thinking the judge was like "again? really? duh, DENIED! Get this trash out of here!"

    2. Good catch. They called it frivolous. That includes the whole thing, and not just part of it. That they felt the need to include the names in this very short and to the point document is telling.

    3. List of terms Judges have given to Windsor's recent filings in various courts:
      without merit
      without merit
      lacking findings of facts

      What have I left out?

    4. Fanciful
      And much more!

    5. You need to type that list up and mail it to their firm:

      Windsor, Cox & Snooze, PC
      Somewhere, SD.

    6. Eh, they all read here several times a day, they'll see it, (probably already have) besides that, I think there a few more terms Anon forgot. Looking through the Orders/Rulings/Opinions again, now.

  5. Wondering if Windsor's legal experts assisted in this filing?

  6. I'm seeing a website in that judge's future...

    1. Oh yeah, Spam, without a doubt. Step1 would've been buying the domain name a year or more ago, next is the hate .com dedicated to this judge. The Windsor way.

    2. How does Windsor come up with these? A net? A magnet that attracts their foil helmets?
      The Back40 crew is putting together the facts outlining the circumstances of some of these more frequent commenters to Windsor's Facebook page.
      Doozies! Whopper stopper doozies!

  7. This is apropos of absolutely nothing, but when I found these tabs for Windsor's military uniform (for his honorable service in the armed forces), I just couldn't resist.

    We are #delighted the butt hurts are coming more swiftly!

    1. Just the use of the word #Delighted, is delightful!


  9. Did some reading on the Baskin woman Windsor posted about. What a hot mess.
    I'm curious, why is Windsor revisiting all these previous topics, like the Mommie's? If he has that much free time, why can't he slap that movie together?

  10. For Windsor to repeat his history, is for Windsor to repeat his endless failures.

    1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorNovember 11, 2015 at 9:04 PM

      He will never admit he's a failure even though he's proved it repeatidly. I think he's go a whole new group of lemming followers to impress, so they don't know his failure history. It won't take long this time for them to figure it out.

      Plus, the majority of them have already been covered by some real media outlet somewhere, so it's basically him sweeping up the elephant crap at the end of the circus now.

      He's useless. I'm still waiting on the huge write up about that sweet little old grandma who's trying to save her grandson from a big, bad, "Corrupt" adoption system. How's that going Windsor?

    2. About that sweet little old grandma: The mother(s) of the kid she claims to be her grandson were on the Dr. Phil Show, with a DNA test. The grandma was supposed to be on too, but she was a no show. She claimed that the DNA test was a fraud, the adoptive mother substituted a different kid for the test.

    3. Wow. How horrible for those people to still be terrorized by this "Sweet little ol' grandma."

      Windsor is a pot stirring scumbag. Of course this Kline bitch would go to a "Media" source like Lawless that has ZERO credibility to continue disseminating lies after lies.


      While he's sitting there with his "Proposed Legislation" for family court reform, contradicting each and every story he's filmed allowing hearsay to simply slander, defame, falsely accuse, to sway the viewers, much like a "jury," it shows that he's the corrupt one. Hiding behind his false allegations towards those "Elected officials" he dedicated his life exposing. Lie, after Lie after Lie. Every story gets more and more disgusting and warped.

      Windsor? You sir are a reckless, dangerous, pathologically Narcissistic con man, who really should be charged with slander, defamation and harassment (and a myriad of other "crimes") for every video aired, every un vetted story written, every domain name purchased. You're a domestic terrorist using the WWW (and the courts) as your weapon.

    4. Ninja that was perfect

    5. The sad part to me is, these people actually believe he's going to do something.

      Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria
      I LIKE THE WAY, YOUR DOING A GOOD JOB, Mr. bzill Windsor, AMEN..

    6. When you attempt to "weaponize" an army of mentally and emotionally unbalanced idiots, what do you have at the end of the day?

      He'd be better off recruiting the ticks.

      Those damn ticks...

    7. Watch it Spamanon. We are everywhere.

    8. Speaking of, where's the tick infested nutcase/thread killer been?

    9. Spam? I dunno. MunchenMaryD has been off the grid nearly a week. Ya think Windsor even notices? Any of her comrades? Seriously, this is odd, she's never disappeared from comment thread slaying for this long.

    10. Maybe the Lyme disease ticks finally made it to MT and carried Mary D. off. It is odd. I don't recall that she's been MIA this long before.

      Right on, Ninja. That was perfect.

      "Weaponizing" his followers - that's not a word I would have thought of, but it sums up exactly what Windsor has been doing since early 2012.

  11. Look like Bill trying to get new people ........ playing both side of the fence in PM and MRA wars ..... I wonder how many people on the PM side would support him if they knew, how he scream all over the web that he wanted to help a man that try to kill his 6 week old baby get custody, just because the mother called him out for his cons

    1. Hi! Will Hindsore here hoping you will join my quest to end judicial corruption. Look for my facebook group- Seriously Ticked United In Denial. We at S.T.U.P.I.D. will not rest until we get tired, or find something else to get angry about...

    2. we could lend support with choreographed dancing, @Hindsore. That is if you're making any videos. We can make intros to videos #jump right at viewers, and we already have an avid fan base.
      All requests for performances must be approved by P first.

      "Back to the line, girls! 1,2,3 Cha! 2,2,3 Cha! 3 2,3 Cha! Kick!"

  12. I just read Windsor's new rules for family court. Most of what he posted ticked me off. He has absolutely no clue what he's talking about, just repeating ideas he's collected from other people. The new rules conflict with his support of some the lemmings.

    This one made me laugh: "5. It shall be a child's right to be raised by his parent(s), free from government intrusion.." Just about all the women he's attempting to "weaponize" have government intrusion because either she or baby daddy asked for it.

  13. P and your Crew!
    Sending y'all the latest BillBitchSlap from the Texas Tenth CoA!

  14. Newest BitchSlap to Windsor is published!
    Thanks SFW!

    giggle snicker snorting!

    Turn the page>>>>>>>
