
Then? Windsor threatens that appeal thing. Again.
So? Judge Haynes volleys one off to the SCofMT.
Go ahead. Get your giggle on!
We'd wondered for years where that one judge that would get enough of Windsor's goofy, frivolous, Vexi, ProSe Baby BillSchit.
Hello Judge Haynes!
This is outstanding. It perfectly shows that they know the games he is and has been playing to obstruct each and every hearing, avoidance of obtaining evidence and just dick with the courts for fun.
ReplyDeleteAs Susan has claimed numerous times, it's all just a big game to Windsor. Well, lets hope that this game that HE created doesn't end so well for him. He should have to pay back the state of Montana for all of this, as it was HIS actions solely that have created several years long Vexatious, Frivolous, Meritless filings, appeals and abuses upon the courts.
I believe the Vexatious label he was given, along with the injunction and request to pay a bond should come into play now. It was all upheld the only part that was left in question was the amount of the bond, and I think his actions since this order was upheld should prove that amount requested originally was way too low.
This is not the first notable "Obstruction" action by Windsor either. He should have been charged with obstruction when he tampered with the evidence and changed the title of the video. He's getting desparate now. His whiney plea writ shows that he's out of options for his defenses and he's running out of time. He's grasping all the most moronic things to get out of this trial that HE HIMSELF CREATED.
His lies are also being documented quite nicely now as this request by Larson contradicts all of Windsor's tales of woe he's fed the lemmings. It's probably a good thing he was in a facebook time out. That's a pretty big piece of crow to stuff down his face.
AHHHHHH It's all VOID!! I don't like it, they aren't buying my Billshit. Void, Void, VOID damnit!!
I hope Montana is fed up enough to charge him with obstruction and contempt.
Bet that chafes the old calluses...
ReplyDeleteCankles probably throbbing just reading it. Over and over and over:)
DeleteHa @ "Throbbing Cankles"
Delete<3 Judge Haynes <3
ReplyDeleteI'm just anxious for Scunt's crypt to creak open this evening.
ReplyDeleteHer verbose venom should be off the charts. She'll armchair from her hovel in the glow of a screen, just seething. Gives me a warm fuzzy.
Should be epic, eh - can't wait :)
DeleteJudge Haynes, I applaud you, sir. For standing up to this vexatious bully - showing this narcissistic, pathetic, whining child his place - and that rules and laws really DO apply to him.
DeleteP.S. I can't wait to see what excuse Windsor will give his followers this time. (Not like they're paying him much mind, anyway .... still no mention of him on the Lawless America Facebook page. LMAO) He won't even post these documents once he gets them, just like all the other rulings and court documents that DON'T go in his favor.
Well once his friend fetches it from his South Dakota PO Box and forwards it to him, I forsee his depends riding all the way up into the unknown. Perhaps they'll suck up there so far, so fast, it will cause a spontaneous upheaval, knocking him off his feet, where he will slip on air this time, landing on the other side of his bulbous head. Fracturing the other side of the skull, becoming deaf in the other ear, and needing emergency surgery at any elected time he deems fit to get out of a hearing.
ReplyDeleteROTF. ^^^ Too funny. Emergency surgery at any elected time.
Delete19 days.
DeleteHe susan or whatever your real name might be. Your boy billy seriously got told how reality is. LMAO
ReplyDeleteAhh. I get it. Maybe. I was leaning toward mental deficiency as the reason for Windsor's most recent MT filings. But after reading MT Code 46-13-401, I decided he's just jacking up the next step in the process.
ReplyDeleteWindsor "deprived" the lower courts of "jurisdiction to hold each of the evidentiary hearings that were set. Windsor's actions of his serial filings of appeals caused the evidentiary hearings to be vacated...". But it worked for Windsor. He twisted all that to claim and present the appearance that he was denied a hearing and due process.
Is he doing the same thing with the trial? If a misdemeanor charge does not go to trial within 6 months, the charge is dismissed with prejudice. If this is Windsor's strategy, it will be another epic fail - key words are "if a defendant whose trial has not been postponed upon the defendant's motion".
You know Windsor's history of only reading the part of the law that fits his current needs. He just pretends the rest isn't there. That's exactly what he's doing now.
DeleteExactly. He and his legal eagle only pick and choose certain words the "And"/ "OR" part completely escape their vexatious minds.
DeleteWindsor: "I did not "Remove" blah, blah-- please disregard the other words, in the sentence of that statute because I said so."
When he bitched about not having a "Speedy Trial" in the beginning of this it was apparent that the standard stall tactics was his strategy, so while desperately hunting for things that would put a trial off--the trial he BEGGED for when he KNEW he was violating a VALID restraining order by the memorialized screenshot floating around admitting he did this for media attention--he must have found these portions of statutes that he can't, won't, or doesn't want to interpret correctly.
Bouya !!!
Billy's latest lump of coal:
How much money did Scunt put down on the bet there would be no trial?
DeleteI still don't think they're be a trial. I'm betting he's going to skip it.
DeleteGiven Windsor's history, I'd bet a continuance is not what will happen if he fails to appear. Look at all the choices Judge Haynes has if Windsor bonks his head again, needs emergency elective surgery or leaves the country:
Delete(2) If the defendant's counsel is not authorized to act on the defendant's behalf as provided in subsection (1) or if the defendant is not represented by counsel, the court, in its discretion, may do one or more of the following:
(a) order a continuance;
(b) order bail forfeited;
(c) issue an arrest warrant; or
(d) proceed with the trial after finding that the defendant had knowledge of the trial date and is voluntarily absent.
Uh? Is this where wagers are placed? What all are we betting on? And what is the minimum bet?
DeleteI'm willing to go a $1 that there's some gravel in Windsor's travel.
Wouldn't that just be an awesome gift to all of America IF he just left? Syria seems such a perfect destination for him. I'd be waving at BillBitch. #Toboyta
LOL I bet if he read that statute, he saw "A" and nothing more. "OR" seems to be a big hurdle for a Vexi to grasp.
DeleteThe trial will be held now because of Windsor's history of frivolous stalls and delays already. Whether he's there or not is not even an issue at this point. Scunt said there would not be a trial, and the order states there will be. So, there will.
Windsor's denied the courts the ability to do their job, and there isn't any other games he can pull that will erase the documented history of the "Vexatious" filer.
I am sure he's looked up statutes for bolting, and has weighed his options. Since he maintains a semantics riddled mind, I am sure he's found several loopholes he will attempt to use to his advantage like he did excusing his exit from TX. Forget that he's clearly in violation there--he'll appeal that for years, just as he appeals everything to stall.
Main points I see? He got them to cut off the baby monitor. Filed frivolous crap they had to address giving him time to gather fanny pack cash--because he sure isn't paying filing fees with it. My guess is, he's feverishly emailing and calling the faithful Lawless Revolutionaries for back up. Who's got a spare room? Extra car? Or did he purchase a new one that's waiting for him in someone's garage? Been plenty of little behind the scene "helpers" he calls "employees" in the past...so, the pressures on.
I can hear the song "Should I stay or should I go now..." running through his pea-brain.
The ProSeBaby monitor? They don't give a shit where he is. Begged him to GFTO, he didn't want to then. His whiny tune changes as often as his lies.
DeleteFor real, would Syria take him? We could start a GoFundHim
ReplyDeleteHow many days now? 17? 18?
Televised too, huh? Snort!!!
I agree with the Anon above: it's emergency elective surgery time. Just hope for Billy's sake his hernia looks like John Hurt's chestal alien.
ReplyDeleteIa like the time he claimed to hit his head in a snow stoem in twxas in 70 degree weather?
DeleteIsn't Billy's Facebook Time-Out about to expire?
ReplyDeleteI look forward to him posting these latest court doc's and Scunt assuring him and the lemmings (if there are any left)
... that there will be no trial. Lol
Surely it will be another epic Windsortale. Something like;
DeleteHello folks, back from my time out just in time to tell you all about the greatest injustice ever. I just received the most corrupt ruling yet. It's a landmark injustice I tell you. One surely the SCOTUS will agree to. I have media on standby, and I am writing another...er, uh, I "hear" there will be another article posted on PRNewswire stating that the "Constitution is Void" now. Please come to my trial...no wait...don't. There won't be one. Scunt has declared there won't be one, so it must be true. Instead, does anyone have any more free air miles they can "donate" to my "business?" I promise the "Movie" is still at the forefront of my mind...I just need to go fetch my "files" from those "out of the country" people holding them for me.
He's back, billshitting...
DeleteSeems the Vexi games aren't working out so well for Windsor. How does he expect to pull off his "I'm broke and can't pay the filing fee" in once case, but pay the filing fee in the other?
ReplyDeleteWhatever the case, his games of "trust me, because I said so" aren't enough now. His request to file without paying the filing fee was denied.
Next up was the attempt to respond to Judge Hayes' request for direction, which the Judge filed with the court on the 17th and sent for emergency ruling. I am thinking "Scunt" had her hand in this as there was a "Chirping" ruBUTTle to the previous order. Now if that isn't some major personal butthurt, then Windsor is acting more and more like a girl every day. Not only was that response late, and MOOt, it's full of completely irrelevant drivel in regards to the duties of the jury. Guessing her need to "school" the blog on why there isn't going to be a trial as she proclaimed on the other blog, is her refusal to "own her shit," and eat crow by helping Windsor try one more time to get the trial put off. Also stinks with the laughable reasons why the jury can't possibly make a ruling like she'd try to come up with because she's such an idiot. Read it. You'll all be Uh, WTFing too? Laugh at the absurdity of this MOOt filing. Spinning? Both Windsor and his legal beagle? Hard core!! IMO
Search "Windsor" in active cases, then check both cases for your Monday gigglefest.
DeleteI agree, Scunt's verbiage is all over that recent Windsor chirping to the SCofMT. She's going to keep on trying to "school" the courts and some strangers on blogs until her Willy actually ends up jail. With friends like her? Windsor has no enemies.
DeleteBut of course she has to school the jury. She won't be there to do that in person.
DeleteActing like a girl? Pfffft. Girls are awesome. Windsor is not.
DeleteWhiny bitch. (gender irrelevant)
Whiney bitch works.
DeleteNinja was right. I read it and was WTFing?, too.
Windsor starts out with this: "It is not true, in fact nothing could be farther from the truth, that Windsor filed the current Petition to disrupt or delay the trial."
Then he ends with this: "For all of the reasons
stated above, Windsor hopes this Court will consider his Petition and stay the trial."
This is why I hate Bill Windsor.... I just read his post on LA page from Cruz, it is very sad because this is how he victim harvest people and do not care about them. Kaiser Permanente has a long history of patient dumping especially to patients with mental health issues over the years has faced civil and criminal charges for patient dumping but Bill Windsor does not help Cruz find a lawyer or try to get him to focus. Bill Windsor keep him stir up with his mental Health issues, talking about a delusion of murder for his fake spin to support his lies about B.S in Montana... This is why people like Cruz never will see justice because we can all agree he has mental health issues and his delusions hurt his credit ability. Which Bill Windsor feed off of and used to con more people.
ReplyDeleteThat picture windbag posted of that kid pointing a big gun at me made me skert. I thing he's trying to kilt me! I want a re straining order against kids wit bob guns! NOW!
Windsor finally stated the trial of the century won't be televised. But ya gotta dig for it.
ReplyDelete"If you are anywhere near Missoula Montana or have friends or relatives who are, please try to get them to come to the trial. 9:30 am at the Missoula County Courthouse in Missoula Montana on January 5, 2016.
The trial will be filmed for a TV show, but it will not be broadcast live."
It's not going to be filmed, televised, or recorded in any way. Read rule 29 of the Missoula county courts.
DeleteSo Scunt translated the fine print of who could film in the courtroom for the Doofus. Bless her little shriveled black heart. She's bound to get so weary of dragging her Willy by the nose to irrelevant ish, while attempting to school those with actual legal degrees, experience, licenses and actually working in the field.
DeleteGesh, Windsor, after all this time, you should know the drill. Run wtfever by Scunt, let her put her expertise >eyeroll< on it, edit it, THEN you can Facebook it or file it.
Willy? There's a reason Scunt is so bitter. You're not helping her help you. Doh! #PlayDoh Just unass the money and fly her out to Montana. Seriously, this is a facepalmer. Be like Nike and just do it already! Put that $700 in your savings account to real entertainment uh legal use!
LOL it's still a lie. He can't tape it either. At least not on the up and up. He's not licensed nor does he fall under the provisions for filming. Unless he's got his fellow lemmings posed through the courtroom with hidden cameras, still not gonna happen. Why does he lie? Deceive? Play head games? Why? Because he is William Drama King Windsor. Man who is incapable of telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When called to swear to it? That will be a lie too.
DeleteOh, Windsor will try to record it, have no doubt. His spy pen, his iPhone, something. He canNOT, will NOT follow the law, much less the rules.
DeleteYou're using "man" generously. That's nice, Anon. Merry Christmas (or whatever makes you happy) & may you & yours have Happy New Year!
DeleteYou are correct Miss P. I shall amend my "Man" term and replace with "Menace." Much better.
DeleteHappy/Merry Holidays/New Year back at 'cha
We sure hope he does try to record it via some spy device. http://leg.mt.gov/bills/mca/45/8/45-8-213.htm
DeleteI would hope they would put him back into county prisoner clothing for the trial. That way they could search him for recording devices.
DeleteAnother WTF post from none other than Marty Prehn. That's P.R.E.H.N. for the media.
ReplyDelete"Marty Prehn-- Bill Windsor. I have proof that you can subpoena the log records of the Joey blog and the Marty Prehn Chronicles blog as a print out was posted that shows the information that you need. Of course she deleted their information when they post but it proves that their identities are available. I will send you the screen shot of what they posted."
Ok, this is just one more (I know...everything he posts is moronic and untrue, but this one takes the cake)attempt to make himself relevant while tossing out some kind of--IDK is that a threat, attempt to scare anyone--type thing. This comment right here, is the PROOF of just how full of shit Marty really is. Does he really think he's fooling anyone anymore? Does he really believe if he just types this kind of stuff it's going to make anyone "afraid" of anything? Because that's all his comments and post are. Attempts to cause fear, except he's WAAAAAYYYYY off in the actuality of what is going on in Windsor's trial. Completely irrelevant what he posted, and that makes Windsor look even more like a fricken joke--since Marty is his biggest (size wise too) supporter. Post nonsense and pretend it's relevant. ***Major eye roll*** for the Mongloser.
Swing and another miss. Denny would be so proud.
There's some epic hilarious over at CoM blog.
DeleteThe screen shot showing the big views of the Special Aagent MongMoose refreshing the page a dozen times in an hour ½, his reference to BigVexi? Über giggle snicker!
Just one of Windsor's devout supporters, Marty Prehn. *shudder*
Merry Christmas.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVOPRCnc8r4
ReplyDeleteFrom my herd to all of yours, Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI ❥ your guts!
℗ ❥ ♛
Merry Christmas Eve Everybody!
ReplyDeleteWindsor--"Make the most of this special day regardless of the hand you have been dealt"
ReplyDeleteThis sentence is the epitome of a Narcissist. Blame. The hand you've been dealt? How about the hand you chose? Everyone has choices to make in life, and the difference is learning what choices YOU made, that weren't the right ones, learning, growing, and not making them again. Windsor? He'll never learn. He'll never grow, and he certainly will never understand the meaning of life.
Mr. Money bags, tantrum throwing, Narcissist, believes the only important things in life are status. What you have and where you are. A truly wonderful person is the one who keeps getting back up and trying. One who realizes their choices ultimately created their "hand" in life. Do you reach out that hand to help others up, or do you use it to push them down in the hopes it lifts you up? Windsor? We all know what he does with his hands. Pounds them on the heads of anyone who doesn't bow down to "hand" him his demands. SMH. What a pathetic man.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy Festivids for the rest of us. To know how to live life and be happy in each moment is a gift you all possess. Thank you all for being you!
OMG, someone sent me a photo of Billy bouncing down the streets of Missoula, today.Lol, Merry Christmas
Good morning all!
ReplyDeleteMy herd is thoroughly enjoying being together, we've giggled, cooked, eaten, played board games, card games, ball games...mostly we giggled, a lot!
As they're all sleeping this morning, I'm reminded how precious my growing herd is, not only to me, but to each other.
Thank you all for the cards, messages, gifts delivered and mostly the ❥ you share!
I hope each of you are enjoying your families, framilies and moments with those you love!
Stay safe, warm, happy and keep you feeties dry!
Turn the page for a glimpse of how not to spend any holidays>>>
℗ ♛ ❥