Does anyone have the mandate issued (11/23/15) from the 10th COA? Apparently, the case against the Joeyisalittlekid defendants was dismissed with sanctions applied.
Oh yeah, I have it. All files to be disposed, destroyed in less than 60 days. That's a wrap. Lemme see if I get you a link. Or didn't we put it in the comment on last post? So last week's BillBitchSlap... :) snort
Whoever has the keys to Windsor's page thinks s/he might get blocked on FB. Good. Last thing this country needs right now is more of the crap and cop hatred s/he is spreading.
"Facebook might be setting me up to block me. Today I have been posting on pages of sites where I have been given explicit permission to post messages, on a page that I was assigned to manage and on Friend pages. Once I paste the message but before the message is Posted I have been receiving the following message which I believe comes from FB: "You do not have the necessary permission for the specified Page to perform the requested action."
It's always a set up. It couldn't possibly be an automated system. It's amazing these people are trusted around elevators or escalators or toasters or any other complicated piece of machinery.
I don't know why Facebook hasn't shut down all the Lawless America pages. All they do is flame hatred and Anti government rhetoric. It's disgusting. Windsor is disgusting for setting this crap up, and Facebook is disgusting for allowing it.
This is for Judith Peco and Lynda Barnett. I'm pretty sure Windsor's FB minion won't post anything favorable to LE. Maybe those Wonderlic tests they are talking about are meant to weed out cops like Chicago's Van Dyke in favor of cops like this one - he will damn sure take a bullet before the innocent bystanders.
Let me get this straight. FB boots Windsor for 30 days and he expects to be able to hand stuff to other people to post for him? Evidently FB aren't idiots. Good. That's actually reassuring.
I foresee a Facebook tightening their Community Standards. Windsor's favorite weapon may not be as accessible to his ranting attacks when his 30 day suspension ends.
That's only because Windsor is lobbing vexi volleys at South Dakota. He's whining in Montana too, just sloppier (I know, that's tricky) than usual. It's Windsor, it's doable.
In another outrageous order, Judge James A. Haynes has ordered that the man who attempted to murder Bill Windsor may carry a concealed handgun in the Missoula County Courthouse.
And he may carry a handgun in the presence of unarmed, unprotected Bill Windsor...
At Bill Windsor's criminal trial on January 5 - 6, 2016 at the Missoula County Courthouse, Sean Boushie and his wife, Wynette Boushie, may both be carrying handguns.
There are no metal detectors in the Missoula County Courthouse, and there is no security screening whatsoever. No guards to pass by, nothing. There has been a bailiff in the courtroom just once -- at the last hearing where Bill Windsor had filed a motion seeking security, which Judge James A. Haynes denied.
At a hearing on November 20, 2015, Judge James A. Haynes told Bill Windsor that he didn't see a problem with Sean Boushie carrying a concealed handgun in the courthouse. This is the same judge who Bill Windsor asked for a temporary order of protection against after he attempted to murder him as he drove from Butte to Missoula Montana and sent an email admitting it. Judge James A. Haynes denied that temporary order of protection saying Bill Windsor did not qualify because Sean Boushie had not been convicted.
Now it appears that Bill Windsor will have to be murdered in the courtroom before anyone will stop Sean Boushie from terrorizing Bill Windsor.
Not only did Judge James A. Haynes deny Bill Windsor's petition for a temporary order of protection, but he endorsed the actions of Sean Boushie.
Meanwhile, one of Bill Windsor's bond restrictions on his emailing and filming a documentary criminal charges is that he may not possess a firearm.
Bill Windsor's criminal trial is January 5-6, 2016 at the Missoula County Courthouse in Missoula Montana. There will be giant blow-ups of key exhibits, a video or two, some audio recordings, and witnesses who also received threats from Sean Boushie, one of the villains in the case. Bill hopes to have six (6) other victims there to testify. He plans to call the judge and the prosecutor as witnesses. That should be fun. There will be autographed full-color Wanted Posters for all who attend, so please come. When Lawless America...The Movie gets nominated for an Academy Award, the autographed Wanted posters should be worth some money.
Guests will be staying at the Staybridge Suites. Use my name when you make your reservations, and ask for the fourth floor so you can have Amber as your housekeeper.
Bill Windsor will do a special filming after the trial in Missoula. He wants to try to get as many victims as possible to come to the trial. Then he will film a group session followed by filming of individual stories. So, if you are in Montana or have friends there, please ask them to participate.
Bill Windsor has been suspended from Facebook for 30 days for publishing something that he didn't publish. So, for all the news, come here.
Honestly? Karmicly speaking? Windsor should find himself in a spot being targeted by ISIS or other terrorist extremist. Perhaps THEN he'd know the meaning of "Terrorists" and "Fear." When his fat useless ass is fixing to be picked off I think the thoughts would flood through his head about wishing there was LE around to save him, or stronger laws to protect the public from hate flaming, revenge seeking extremists. You know, the more hard core version of himself and his Sov Cit shit's? Perhaps a fleeting moment of regret would pop in about how shitty he's been to all those who could protect him? How he lied repeatedly to get hatred flinging at everyone in an authority position? Not long mind you, because he's a Narcissist, and it would be all about him in his head, how could he possibly go out in a Martyr type style, but there wouldn't be enough time for his "climax."
While he's sitting there typing up some lame, lying, hatred flaming billshit, hoping one of his mental loonies will act on his behalf? Karma just may be loading a huge bus headed is his direction!! You reap what you sow Windsor, and you've sown for far too long!!
It really sounds like Windsor is trying to justify an offensive of some sort. "Get him before he gets me" scenario, or at least to get one of the crazy lemmings to do something crazy for him. Ya know, like walk onto a crowded college campus wearing a bullet proof vest and slinging threats.
Ummmm? Lemme think... there's this radical SovCit that travels from state to state across the southern states filming himself stalking numerous people. Then this same radical SovCit fukwit goes all the way across the nation not just once, to Montana, several times, to stalk (and film himself proudly) the Even publicizing his gun, how he nicknamed it the Judge. Nope. I can't think of one reason why the Boushies or anyone else that has been Windsor's target would NOT be armed, especially when knowing they're going to be in close proximity to him. Boohoo Bill bitch. It's all about those Constitutional Rights.
So SB is going to murder him in front of a film crew on national tv? No, that is how Bill the attention seeker wants to die. If a government spy wanted to kill Bill they might hide in the laundry cart or send a prostitute with toxic lipstick. Sorry, Bill you just aren't that important.
Windsor just keeps giving the prosecution more to work with. This is a replay of the fake car explosion. Once again Bill wants to be the center of attention in a violent action. Once again he shows no regard for no one else's life but his own. His imagination didn't have him stop to check if the fake driver was injured. Here he doesn't care if the jury or his lemmings are also injured by an imaginary gun man. O maybe he's just having trouble getting any of the lemmings to come with him so he wants to make them mad enough to go as his "protectors."
LOL, billy is thinking he will have witnesses? To what? It matters not if he tries to bring displays or blowups or freaks, the trial has nothing to do with fears of Boushie LMAO...the trial is about you Billy, you breaking the rules as usual. The same rules you would want enforced if the tables were turned.
He is probably still sitting on the floor of his bathroom taking pictures he can no longer post LOL
Exactly, Anon 5:10, and it reminds me of a great quote from TS Eliot:
Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm, but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.
Such a strange sentence: "Bill Windsor will have to be murdered..." Normally the phase is, "You'll have to kill me first." And Bill has indicated he'd rather die than give up his stalking. But rather than say die, it uses the word murder for effect. And it's kinda like subliminal advertising: "Bill Windsor will have to be murdered." Bill must die. "....before anyone will believe." What happened to his massive pile of evidence? So now he is indicating that his cause is only believable upon his own death. Who wants Bill dead? He does.
Seriously? He tries soooooo hard just to be relevant. The nation's attention is focused on real victims, real people that were murdered. What's he do? Windsor cranks out another "look at me, pay attention to me" liarrhea spew. im really somewhat surprised he didn't spin how he had announced was going to be in Cali, so Tuesday's massacre was probably really meant for him. January 7, 2016? What will Windsor whine and pine about? His "trial of the century" will be over. Oh, the possibilities...
Bill has sued for damages alleging a loss of business profits and alleged threats to his family. Is there hope for Alcatraz Media and the other Windsor Companies? I talked to an executive coach who gave me this stat: only about 30% of first generation family businesses are passed on to the second generation and only about 12-15% are passed on to the third. To survive a family business must face all the problems of any other start-up AND all the chronic family dysfunctions which affect said business. Problems coaches may see include lack of communication, an older parent dilly-dallying rather than handing over control and threats of lawsuits.
Dilly dallying? Would that be similar to the parent going on a multi-state stalking and litigation tour? While supposedly filming a documentary and being an advocate for people suffering from corruption? Or would it be the parent roaming around the nation evading arrest warrants, then bouncing from jail to jail, wasting a year? Or neither, no CEOs or successful business owners do stupid, creepy stalking shit like Windsor. Lost revenue my furry ass.
"On December 3, 2015, Judge James A. Haynes scribbled an "order" in the upper right hand corner of the Motion. It says: "Defendant Windsor consistently extracts snippets of the law convenient to his arguments, and overlooks the rest. He has done so again, ignoring 45-1-206(3) MCA and State v. Moga, 1999 MT 283, 297 Mont. 1, 989 P.2d 856. This 'motion' may be filed, and this Order Denying Windsor's Motion to Dismiss is Final and requires no further briefing."
Pffft. The "legal expert" must have over looked this part of the MT code, 45-1-206.
The period of limitation does not run during:
any period in which the offender is not usually and publicly resident in the state or is beyond the jurisdiction of the state
Aside from that, the dates of Windsor's offenses are:
December 30, 2013 February 6, 2014 May 4, 2014 July 4, 2014 October 2, 2014
Where did the "legal expert" get the idea that the state's filing on 10/2/14 is outside the statute? If they are using the date of the TOP, I believe that is absolutely incorrect. Windsor ignored the initial court order, then appealed it and appealed it and appealed it. Windsor obstructed the original filing. I believe all that appeal time is not counted as any part of the statute of limitation.
Ironic, that statute of limitations thing. Windsor claims the state is corrupt for filing charges against him after the statute ran. But, he doesn't seem to care about the statute of limitation on defamation. His latest argument in SD is that he is suing pseudo names to preserve the statute of limitations (until he can learn legal names) but the statute ran before he filed the first complaint.
Y'all read the latest BillSchit Butthurt? It's another Windsor slam dunk! Very comedic. Has 'legal expert' all over it. Excerpt:
" Bill Windsor cited four relevant statutes while Judge James A. Haynes cited a statute on tolling that has no relevance whatsoever to this matter. He further demeans Bill Windsor by putting the word "motion" in quotes so as to mock it. The motion is perfect -- short, sweet, totally in compliance with the Montana Rules of Civil Procedure and the District Court Rules and the Local Rules, and a slam dunk winner."
Still not a problem for Bill. The judge is going to declare the TOP void any day now. I didn't think it was going to happen but, the "legal expert" encouraged me to read an order again to see what I missed. How I missed it the first couple of times I read it is beyond me. It's right there in black and white. Pffftt. All the orders I've read scream "you're an incompetent moron who needs to get some real legal advice and stop listening to that uneducated novice."
Here's Otter's Delta House Defense (Animal House (1978):
[Y]ou can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth...the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!
Now Windsor's Montana variation:
You can't hold me responsible for my behavior because I am trying to expose corruption--especially judicial corruption--at every level. For if you do, shouldn't we blame the entire judicial system for this trial? The fact I'm on trial proves the system is corrupt, and I'm going to do everything in my power to expose that fact."
I agree the system is corrupt in that it hasn't stopped Windsor from going on and on and on, but that's not the type of corruption Windsor is claiming. What Windsor has proved, albeit accidentally, is that the courts care nothing for the average Joe, or in this case, Joey--they protect only themselves (note Thrash's order protected only judges and courts by making Windsor post a bond). Indeed, they have repeatedly allowed Windsor the freedom to game the system and defraud the court; and this is reprehensible, IMO.
What if Windsor had to pay ALL of his court debt before being allowed to file, and further, what if he had to post $50K for each named defendant?
I wouldn't say that makes them corrupt. Weak, yes. Now that the weakness has been identified, it's time to stop this madness. I bet if his lemmings actually believed him enough to follow his actions to a tee they would have cracked down on this, but for now he is still a lone nut in some ways.
Yeah, I don't think it's really fair to criticize Judge Trash. At the time Judge Thrash declared Windsor vexatious, Windsor was suing only officers of the courts. Windsor wasn't suing the average Joe/Joey. I'm not sure anyone could have anticipated what Windsor has become. IMO, Judge Thrash did everything within his knowledge and power to shut Windsor down.
IF Windsor goes through with this misdemeanor trial, I have a feeling that -- in addition to trying to pull "The Trial of the Century" song and dance -- he'll try to bait one or both Boushies into doing something to him. Or, he'll "encourage" any nutty followers that show up to do it. (That might be a small crowd, though -- most of his remaining followers are just treading water, trying to pay bills and feed themselves and family.)
I hope the Boushies practice self-control before this trial happens - IF it happens. If Windsor keeps getting the smackdown from Judge Haynes (and rightfully so), he might just decide to sneak out of Montana in the middle of the night on January 4.
BTW, Montana law doesn't specifically prohibit firearms from courthouses, except the federal ones.
I believe IF Mr. or Mrs. Boushie were ever going to have caused Windsor any harm? They've had plenty of opportunities already and they have not. The first example of how unprovocable the Boushie's have been that comes to my mind? Several years ago, the Boushie's were expecting Windsor's stalking and they erected a mocking billboard of Windsor at the gate to their property. If I recall correctly, Windsor was depicted on the sign wearing a pink tutu. I just remember the billboard showcased Windsor's femininity and lack of ferocity. It was hilarious. Windsor creeps out to their rural home on a stalking mission and is greeted with a billboard reminding him what a wuss he really is. The Boushies don't seem to me to be easily shaken by Windsor and seem to have a sense of humor. I very seriously doubt there'll be a stampede of court watchers, Windsor supporters for the misdemeanor trial of the century. Windsor will wobbly waddle into the courthouse just as he does everything, alone, being snickered at his absurdity.
Yes, the ONE sign on the Boushies private property was funny, but Windsor countered by putting up dozens of wanted posters (for info on Sean Boushie) around the U. of MT campus.
With all due respect to the poster above, I disagree with Anon 9:33. If "watering down" a drink by a bartender can be said to be corrupt, then "watering down" the law by a judge can be a form of corruption too.
Shakespeare expressed this idea perfectly:
We must not make a scarecrow of the law, Setting it up to fear the birds of prey, And let it keep one shape, till custom make it Their perch and not their terror.
I'm trying to figure out if Anon @ 11:07 believes the courts have "watered down the law". I respectfully disagree if that is the case and with comments @ 9:33. As much as we'd all love it if Windsor's forests of paper never see the inside of another court room, under the laws of this country Windsor cannot be denied access to the courts. IMO, the judges appear to be ruling accordingly and within their power to protect others from Windsor.
Windsor has been declared vexatious in MT, the courts have the power to require a bond in order for the case to proceed. If he does file another case without merit in MT and the court does not set a meaningful bond, IMO, that would be weak.
Corrupt to water down a drink? Ok. Yes, the courts should not allow Windsor to do what he is doing, but that brings us back around to VL being a label and not a punitive term. What's down is done. Moving forward, there are enough ideas on this page alone to correct the deficiency in the courts that allow Windsor to behave this way. Wouldn't that conversation be more useful than making Thrash responsible for Windsor's actions?
Vexatious litigant is a punitive term. Without that label, Windsor would not need approval to file a complaint. Without that label the courts would have no basis to require security (bond). In the TX case, Judge Carroll required Windsor maintain a bond balance of $1,000. Clearly, that amount was not prohibitive. But the TX bond was set in consideration of the federal declaration and what was known about Windsor at the time (he had no history in TX). The term is also punitive in that once judgement is made in favor of the defendant, the defendant has a right to file a complaint against Windsor for malicious prosecution.
I believe that if Windsor were to file another complaint, the process could be much different for Windsor. With the history Windsor has now, the defendants only need to move the court for sanctions at the beginning of the process. It's a "slam dunk" for Boushie if Windsor files against him again. MT declared Windsor vexatious and there is no limit to the bond amount.
We all remember his fondness of cats. How that poor little pussy had to listen to his weekly talkshit radio program, meowing pitifully in the background. Maybe he can take a kitty with him to his misdemeanor trial of the century, or did Babs custody of the cat or the divorce?
Dammit. About the time I quit fretting over BooKitty Windsor! That poor cat trapped in the basement with Windsor, forced to listen to his rhetoric all those years. Omggggggg!!! #SaveTheKitties
Again, the nitwit Windsor put in charge of his FB page either doesn't read what she posts. Or, maybe she has a problem with reading comprehension. Whatever. She blames the government and politicians for delaying the trials for the 9/11 terrorists and costing the tax payers money. The article says "Their case is moving at a snail's pace, slowed by numerous defense motions and allegations of government misconduct...".
Just like Windsor. Delaying the inevitable, resulting in unnecessary expense for the tax payers.
Read an article on slate today on how the Marriott chain is doing away with desks. I giggled and snorted thinking maybe the reason is to cut down on the stench crim the vexies lair and his elaborate "filing" system. Just in case you're reading this wee Willie a huge resounding fuck you from your #1 haters. We are #delighted to see you are getting what's coming to you. #GetEmMontana #GetEmTexas #Sanctions
From reading Lawless America's Facebook page, it is apparent that it is Cruz Gomez that has most recently been the posting admin. The latest status update diss approves of Trump's latest campaign rant and Cruz's personal recollection of the discrimination Mexican-Americans suffered for decades despite their loyalty and service to the US. Sadly, 2 comments in and Cruz's attempt to dissuade further discrimination proves futile:
David Tolassi Pearl Harbor, South Central LA, World Trade center--Don't sound banned to me!!! Maybe, JUST MAYBE, Trump has an idea?! Like · Reply · More · 5 hours ago
*Cruz's Facebook page's posts are the same that have been posted to LA's. Cruz? You tried. Despite pointing out your family's sacrifices, their service to our nation in WWII, David prefers Trump. IMO Windsor has great envy for Trump. Tread carefully Cruz, you're poking close to the narcissistic ego of Windsor, he'll be repo-ing the passcode and posting privileges soon and gifting them back to the likes of Scunt. Only true Windsor ass lickers can properly keep the LA Facebook page's focus on Windsor's insignificance to current events.
LMAO Windsor's latest website screed: "Where's Bill? Where's Bill Windsor? Is he in prison? Is he dead?
Rumors are flying. Why hasn't William Michael Windsor posted anything lately? Is it true that he has been arrested? Is it true that he is being held in an undisclosed location as a political prisoner?
He's alive. He's free. Just has his head down kickin' a$$ and takin' names...
Bill Windsor has been finalizing some of his criminal court responsibilities and filings. And, he has been working diligently on a Petition for Supervisory Writ that will be filed with the Montana Supreme Court on Friday. William M. Windsor is asking the Montana Supreme Court to declare that a few dozen things that Judge James A. Haynes has done or hasn't done are unConstitutional."
Poor Windsor. According to the Lawless America page on FB, his "followers" aren't even discussing him. Not a single one of them has mentioned him since he went on FB timeout! The latest posts are about living wills and medical directives; "Sick of the Slant - A Fair News Day;" and International Anti-Corruption Day. See it for yourself:
Poor, poor Windsor. Trying SO hard to be relevant ... but slipping further and further into obscurity. LMAOROTF
I saw that. Pffffft! Windsor is realizing that no one cares, literally no one. What a desperate "look at me! pay attention to me!" ploy. Everything is so much more pleasant each day for everyone, even his 'followers/supporters' without Windsor's rhetoric. Happy Friday to all!
The "statement of facts" is all about the denial of Windsor's motions. The statement includes nothing about how Windsor is responsible for delaying the process and extending the TOP. He also fails to mention that most of the 10 months he spent in jail was a result of his "escape" from the Ellis Co jail without signing the PR bond. Then he went on the run, taunting the Ellis Co DA as a "wanted man".
I'm not sure I'd be laughing if I were the judge that had to go back to find all the facts as necessary to address that convoluted claim.
I'm still giggle snorting over "televised". As in the same context as "movie". Big Vexi makes it seem as though he was tethered to a tree outside the courthouse! Seriously, has he completely forgotten his constant lying and bitching about the "hardships" he was "forced" to endure to travel 18 hours or more to attend hearings? The suggested answers? Those are just freaking hilarious. For all Windsor's happy puffery less than a month ago? He's certainly lost "that winning feeling" quickly. It's freaking misdemeanor court. He insisted on going to court with a jury trial!
TELEVISED! <giggle snickering! Hoofs up ^^ ^^! ROTFL Just when I think the tankass, shakey, psoriasis flaking buffoon cannot possibly beg anymore for even a glimpse of any kind of attention? He whoops out more pitiful absurdity! I really do wish it would be televised! That? Would be years' worth of comedy. I bust out laughing just envisioning him hurriedly shuffling into the courtroom dragging his wheelie cart, toting crates, in his navy blazer & wrinkled khakis, little loafers sliding on the hard wood floors. snort!!!! That's before he ever utters any of BillSchittery!
And Windsor math is in play again. On 12/10 he posted this: "...that a temporary order of protection can properly restrain a Respondent for 546 days..."
On 12/12 he posted this: "Judge James A. Haynes has him restricted by the terms of an Ex Parte Temporary Order of Protection for over 840 days and counting"
Here's my next question: If Windsor has had no order stopping him from prancing all over the University of Montana's campus since February of 2015, why hasn't he hauled his tankass over there? If it was that important to Windsor to skulk around a college campus, with 18-22 year olds, he's had 10 months, why hasn't he posted up on campus? Repeat. What a doofus.
HAHAHAHA there are only two options in the demented vexi mind. Couldn't possibly be a third, which is Stalkers and harassers are barred from continuing their stalking harassing actions as a Constitutional right for the victim to be protected from these actions.
1. Either the two statutes in question have been misinterpreted by the courts, or the statutes are unconstitutional.
Wear that Asshat proudly Billshit!! You sir are an Assclown, and rightfully deserve that asshat crown.
Geezer really should seek a long term treatment facility for his vexi addiction. Daaaaaayum. Just when I think he can't possibly get any goofier? He does.
So he wants to proceed in the appeal without payment? Claiming he's only receiving 2K a month in social security? He should have to prove that shit because that is a lie. A man who could bail out several inmates in the last year, roam around several states, fork out CASH for a new vehicle? On 2K a month? Hogwash. I'd hope that little filing right there will open up his finances with production of documents to prove that filing as a "Duly sworn affidavit".
Billshit has gone too far for too long without being held accountable for his bogus filings and court games.
Yeah, about that. He claims he can't pay for the appeal which is about 100$ but then turns around and files against Larson and pays the 100$ filing fee for it. Nice hu? Boo fricken hoo.
Oh and then he claims on one document he's stuck in Montana but in the other document it's notarized in fricken Idaho. Both within a day or two of each other.
If the courts pulled the recent documents filed in all the courts and compared them, they'd have a good case of perjury and could sanction him.
ReplyDeleteLMAO Joeys...joeys everywhere for the Vexatious idiots. They can't handle being called out, therefore everyone other than a Vexi is a Joey. HAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteYep, perfect! Best laugh I've had all day...
ReplyDeleteA great way to end a work day. You guys rock!
DeleteDoes anyone have the mandate issued (11/23/15) from the 10th COA?
ReplyDeleteApparently, the case against the Joeyisalittlekid defendants was dismissed with sanctions applied.
Oh yeah, I have it. All files to be disposed, destroyed in less than 60 days. That's a wrap.
DeleteLemme see if I get you a link. Or didn't we put it in the comment on last post? So last week's BillBitchSlap... :) snort
It sure is boring when people get thrown off Facebook.
ReplyDeleteHow many times did he go to fudruckers today ya think?
Whoever has the keys to Windsor's page thinks s/he might get blocked on FB. Good. Last thing this country needs right now is more of the crap and cop hatred s/he is spreading.
ReplyDelete"Facebook might be setting me up to block me. Today I have been posting on pages of sites where I have been given explicit permission to post messages, on a page that I was assigned to manage and on Friend pages. Once I paste the message but before the message is Posted I have been receiving the following message which I believe comes from FB: "You do not have the necessary permission for the specified Page to perform the requested action."
It's always a set up. It couldn't possibly be an automated system. It's amazing these people are trusted around elevators or escalators or toasters or any other complicated piece of machinery.
DeleteI don't know why Facebook hasn't shut down all the Lawless America pages. All they do is flame hatred and Anti government rhetoric. It's disgusting. Windsor is disgusting for setting this crap up, and Facebook is disgusting for allowing it.
DeleteThis is for Judith Peco and Lynda Barnett. I'm pretty sure Windsor's FB minion won't post anything favorable to LE. Maybe those Wonderlic tests they are talking about are meant to weed out cops like Chicago's Van Dyke in favor of cops like this one - he will damn sure take a bullet before the innocent bystanders.
IMHO Cruz has the key's to LA's Facebook page.
DeletePoor Cruz.
Let me get this straight. FB boots Windsor for 30 days and he expects to be able to hand stuff to other people to post for him? Evidently FB aren't idiots. Good. That's actually reassuring.
ReplyDeleteI foresee a Facebook tightening their Community Standards.
DeleteWindsor's favorite weapon may not be as accessible to his ranting attacks when his 30 day suspension ends.
Bill Windsor's Trial Preparation Filing System is destined to be maybe the last thing he ever posts.
ReplyDeleteNothing since the 27th. Hope Bill isn't planning anything illegal!
That's only because Windsor is lobbing vexi volleys at South Dakota.
DeleteHe's whining in Montana too, just sloppier (I know, that's tricky) than usual. It's Windsor, it's doable.
OMG!!!! What a freaking mental waco doodle DRAMA QUEEN!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows that it is not legal to carry a concealed weapon in the courthouse, it is a state owned building.
"Now it appears that Bill Windsor will have to be murdered in the courtroom before anyone will stop Sean Boushie from terrorizing Bill Windsor."
Our nation grieves. Windsor? Not so much.
DeleteIn another outrageous order, Judge James A. Haynes has ordered that the man who attempted to murder Bill Windsor may carry a concealed handgun in the Missoula County Courthouse.
And he may carry a handgun in the presence of unarmed, unprotected Bill Windsor...
At Bill Windsor's criminal trial on January 5 - 6, 2016 at the Missoula County Courthouse, Sean Boushie and his wife, Wynette Boushie, may both be carrying handguns.
There are no metal detectors in the Missoula County Courthouse, and there is no security screening whatsoever. No guards to pass by, nothing. There has been a bailiff in the courtroom just once -- at the last hearing where Bill Windsor had filed a motion seeking security, which Judge James A. Haynes denied.
At a hearing on November 20, 2015, Judge James A. Haynes told Bill Windsor that he didn't see a problem with Sean Boushie carrying a concealed handgun in the courthouse. This is the same judge who Bill Windsor asked for a temporary order of protection against after he attempted to murder him as he drove from Butte to Missoula Montana and sent an email admitting it. Judge James A. Haynes denied that temporary order of protection saying Bill Windsor did not qualify because Sean Boushie had not been convicted.
Now it appears that Bill Windsor will have to be murdered in the courtroom before anyone will stop Sean Boushie from terrorizing Bill Windsor.
Not only did Judge James A. Haynes deny Bill Windsor's petition for a temporary order of protection, but he endorsed the actions of Sean Boushie.
Meanwhile, one of Bill Windsor's bond restrictions on his emailing and filming a documentary criminal charges is that he may not possess a firearm.
Bill Windsor's criminal trial is January 5-6, 2016 at the Missoula County Courthouse in Missoula Montana. There will be giant blow-ups of key exhibits, a video or two, some audio recordings, and witnesses who also received threats from Sean Boushie, one of the villains in the case. Bill hopes to have six (6) other victims there to testify. He plans to call the judge and the prosecutor as witnesses. That should be fun. There will be autographed full-color Wanted Posters for all who attend, so please come. When Lawless America...The Movie gets nominated for an Academy Award, the autographed Wanted posters should be worth some money.
Guests will be staying at the Staybridge Suites. Use my name when you make your reservations, and ask for the fourth floor so you can have Amber as your housekeeper.
Bill Windsor will do a special filming after the trial in Missoula. He wants to try to get as many victims as possible to come to the trial. Then he will film a group session followed by filming of individual stories. So, if you are in Montana or have friends there, please ask them to participate.
Bill Windsor has been suspended from Facebook for 30 days for publishing something that he didn't publish. So, for all the news, come here.
Honestly? Karmicly speaking? Windsor should find himself in a spot being targeted by ISIS or other terrorist extremist. Perhaps THEN he'd know the meaning of "Terrorists" and "Fear." When his fat useless ass is fixing to be picked off I think the thoughts would flood through his head about wishing there was LE around to save him, or stronger laws to protect the public from hate flaming, revenge seeking extremists. You know, the more hard core version of himself and his Sov Cit shit's? Perhaps a fleeting moment of regret would pop in about how shitty he's been to all those who could protect him? How he lied repeatedly to get hatred flinging at everyone in an authority position? Not long mind you, because he's a Narcissist, and it would be all about him in his head, how could he possibly go out in a Martyr type style, but there wouldn't be enough time for his "climax."
DeleteWhile he's sitting there typing up some lame, lying, hatred flaming billshit, hoping one of his mental loonies will act on his behalf? Karma just may be loading a huge bus headed is his direction!! You reap what you sow Windsor, and you've sown for far too long!!
It really sounds like Windsor is trying to justify an offensive of some sort. "Get him before he gets me" scenario, or at least to get one of the crazy lemmings to do something crazy for him. Ya know, like walk onto a crowded college campus wearing a bullet proof vest and slinging threats.
DeleteAh yes. There's Bill's excuse for not attending the trial of the century. Not saying he's going to take that out. Just that he will have it ready.
DeleteUmmmm? Lemme think... there's this radical SovCit that travels from state to state across the southern states filming himself stalking numerous people. Then this same radical SovCit fukwit goes all the way across the nation not just once, to Montana, several times, to stalk (and film himself proudly) the Even publicizing his gun, how he nicknamed it the Judge.
DeleteNope. I can't think of one reason why the Boushies or anyone else that has been Windsor's target would NOT be armed, especially when knowing they're going to be in close proximity to him.
Boohoo Bill bitch. It's all about those Constitutional Rights.
So SB is going to murder him in front of a film crew on national tv? No, that is how Bill the attention seeker wants to die. If a government spy wanted to kill Bill they might hide in the laundry cart or send a prostitute with toxic lipstick. Sorry, Bill you just aren't that important.
DeleteWindsor just keeps giving the prosecution more to work with. This is a replay of the fake car explosion. Once again Bill wants to be the center of attention in a violent action. Once again he shows no regard for no one else's life but his own. His imagination didn't have him stop to check if the fake driver was injured. Here he doesn't care if the jury or his lemmings are also injured by an imaginary gun man. O maybe he's just having trouble getting any of the lemmings to come with him so he wants to make them mad enough to go as his "protectors."
DeleteLOL, billy is thinking he will have witnesses? To what? It matters not if he tries to bring displays or blowups or freaks, the trial has nothing to do with fears of Boushie LMAO...the trial is about you Billy, you breaking the rules as usual. The same rules you would want enforced if the tables were turned.
DeleteHe is probably still sitting on the floor of his bathroom taking pictures he can no longer post LOL
Rubbing his life threatening ankle calluses...
DeleteSorry, Bill you just aren't that important.
DeleteExactly, Anon 5:10, and it reminds me of a great quote from TS Eliot:
Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm, but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.
Such a strange sentence: "Bill Windsor will have to be murdered..." Normally the phase is, "You'll have to kill me first." And Bill has indicated he'd rather die than give up his stalking. But rather than say die, it uses the word murder for effect. And it's kinda like subliminal advertising: "Bill Windsor will have to be murdered." Bill must die. "....before anyone will believe." What happened to his massive pile of evidence? So now he is indicating that his cause is only believable upon his own death. Who wants Bill dead? He does.
ReplyDeleteSeriously? He tries soooooo hard just to be relevant. The nation's attention is focused on real victims, real people that were murdered. What's he do? Windsor cranks out another "look at me, pay attention to me" liarrhea spew.
Deleteim really somewhat surprised he didn't spin how he had announced was going to be in Cali, so Tuesday's massacre was probably really meant for him.
January 7, 2016? What will Windsor whine and pine about? His "trial of the century" will be over. Oh, the possibilities...
Bill has sued for damages alleging a loss of business profits and alleged threats to his family. Is there hope for Alcatraz Media and the other Windsor Companies?
ReplyDeleteI talked to an executive coach who gave me this stat: only about 30% of first generation family businesses are passed on to the second generation and only about 12-15% are passed on to the third. To survive a family business must face all the problems of any other start-up AND all the chronic family dysfunctions which affect said business. Problems coaches may see include lack of communication, an older parent dilly-dallying rather than handing over control and threats of lawsuits.
Dilly dallying? Would that be similar to the parent going on a multi-state stalking and litigation tour? While supposedly filming a documentary and being an advocate for people suffering from corruption? Or would it be the parent roaming around the nation evading arrest warrants, then bouncing from jail to jail, wasting a year? Or neither, no CEOs or successful business owners do stupid, creepy stalking shit like Windsor. Lost revenue my furry ass.
DeleteLooks like Willy got "slam dunked" again.
ReplyDelete"On December 3, 2015, Judge James A. Haynes scribbled an "order" in the upper right hand corner of the Motion. It says: "Defendant Windsor consistently extracts snippets of the law convenient to his arguments, and overlooks the rest. He has done so again, ignoring 45-1-206(3) MCA and State v. Moga, 1999 MT 283, 297 Mont. 1, 989 P.2d 856. This 'motion' may be filed, and this Order Denying Windsor's Motion to Dismiss is Final and requires no further briefing."
Looks like Willy is getting more top notch ideas from his "legal expert". She should change her title to "legal idiot".
DeleteROTHFLMAO ^^ ^^ hoofs up giggle snorting!
Pffft. The "legal expert" must have over looked this part of the MT code, 45-1-206.
DeleteThe period of limitation does not run during:
any period in which the offender is not usually and publicly resident in the state or is beyond the jurisdiction of the state
Aside from that, the dates of Windsor's offenses are:
December 30, 2013
February 6, 2014
May 4, 2014
July 4, 2014
October 2, 2014
Where did the "legal expert" get the idea that the state's filing on 10/2/14 is outside the statute? If they are using the date of the TOP, I believe that is absolutely incorrect. Windsor ignored the initial court order, then appealed it and appealed it and appealed it. Windsor obstructed the original filing. I believe all that appeal time is not counted as any part of the statute of limitation.
Well doh, Ida! Off the internet! On VexiSovCitzFormorons .con.
DeleteC'mon e'rybody knows this.
Yeah, that was a stupid question. Silly me.
DeleteIronic, that statute of limitations thing. Windsor claims the state is corrupt for filing charges against him after the statute ran. But, he doesn't seem to care about the statute of limitation on defamation. His latest argument in SD is that he is suing pseudo names to preserve the statute of limitations (until he can learn legal names) but the statute ran before he filed the first complaint.
Learn? Windsor? That's pretty funny. Good one Ida.
DeleteY'all read the latest BillSchit Butthurt? It's another Windsor slam dunk!
ReplyDeleteVery comedic. Has 'legal expert' all over it.
" Bill Windsor cited four relevant statutes while Judge James A. Haynes cited a statute on tolling that has no relevance whatsoever to this matter. He further demeans Bill Windsor by putting the word "motion" in quotes so as to mock it. The motion is perfect -- short, sweet, totally in compliance with the Montana Rules of Civil Procedure and the District Court Rules and the Local Rules, and a slam dunk winner."
Still not a problem for Bill. The judge is going to declare the TOP void any day now. I didn't think it was going to happen but, the "legal expert" encouraged me to read an order again to see what I missed. How I missed it the first couple of times I read it is beyond me. It's right there in black and white. Pffftt. All the orders I've read scream "you're an incompetent moron who needs to get some real legal advice and stop listening to that uneducated novice."
DeleteYes. Scunt was once promised a "slam dunk" in one of her personal cases as well. That case was also slam dunked into the trash bin.
DeletePerfect "motion"? Compliance with civil procedure? Uh, isn't this a criminal matter and not civil? Just curious. I ever claimed to be a legal expert.
DeleteHere's Otter's Delta House Defense (Animal House (1978):
ReplyDelete[Y]ou can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth...the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!
Now Windsor's Montana variation:
You can't hold me responsible for my behavior because I am trying to expose corruption--especially judicial corruption--at every level. For if you do, shouldn't we blame the entire judicial system for this trial? The fact I'm on trial proves the system is corrupt, and I'm going to do everything in my power to expose that fact."
That is true though. He shouldn't be on trial. He should have been stopped a long, long, long time ago.
DeleteI agree the system is corrupt in that it hasn't stopped Windsor from going on and on and on, but that's not the type of corruption Windsor is claiming. What Windsor has proved, albeit accidentally, is that the courts care nothing for the average Joe, or in this case, Joey--they protect only themselves (note Thrash's order protected only judges and courts by making Windsor post a bond). Indeed, they have repeatedly allowed Windsor the freedom to game the system and defraud the court; and this is reprehensible, IMO.
DeleteWhat if Windsor had to pay ALL of his court debt before being allowed to file, and further, what if he had to post $50K for each named defendant?
I wouldn't say that makes them corrupt. Weak, yes. Now that the weakness has been identified, it's time to stop this madness. I bet if his lemmings actually believed him enough to follow his actions to a tee they would have cracked down on this, but for now he is still a lone nut in some ways.
DeleteYeah, I don't think it's really fair to criticize Judge Trash. At the time Judge Thrash declared Windsor vexatious, Windsor was suing only officers of the courts. Windsor wasn't suing the average Joe/Joey. I'm not sure anyone could have anticipated what Windsor has become. IMO, Judge Thrash did everything within his knowledge and power to shut Windsor down.
DeleteIF Windsor goes through with this misdemeanor trial, I have a feeling that -- in addition to trying to pull "The Trial of the Century" song and dance -- he'll try to bait one or both Boushies into doing something to him. Or, he'll "encourage" any nutty followers that show up to do it. (That might be a small crowd, though -- most of his remaining followers are just treading water, trying to pay bills and feed themselves and family.)
ReplyDeleteI hope the Boushies practice self-control before this trial happens - IF it happens. If Windsor keeps getting the smackdown from Judge Haynes (and rightfully so), he might just decide to sneak out of Montana in the middle of the night on January 4.
BTW, Montana law doesn't specifically prohibit firearms from courthouses, except the federal ones.
I believe IF Mr. or Mrs. Boushie were ever going to have caused Windsor any harm? They've had plenty of opportunities already and they have not. The first example of how unprovocable the Boushie's have been that comes to my mind? Several years ago, the Boushie's were expecting Windsor's stalking and they erected a mocking billboard of Windsor at the gate to their property. If I recall correctly, Windsor was depicted on the sign wearing a pink tutu. I just remember the billboard showcased Windsor's femininity and lack of ferocity. It was hilarious. Windsor creeps out to their rural home on a stalking mission and is greeted with a billboard reminding him what a wuss he really is. The Boushies don't seem to me to be easily shaken by Windsor and seem to have a sense of humor.
DeleteI very seriously doubt there'll be a stampede of court watchers, Windsor supporters for the misdemeanor trial of the century. Windsor will wobbly waddle into the courthouse just as he does everything, alone, being snickered at his absurdity.
Sorry! My new device likes apostrophes. ' ' ' ' giggle!
DeleteTo anon, 10:04. Yes it does. There is a notice right on the door.
DeleteYes, the ONE sign on the Boushies private property was funny, but Windsor countered by putting up dozens of wanted posters (for info on Sean Boushie) around the U. of MT campus.
DeleteWith all due respect to the poster above, I disagree with Anon 9:33. If "watering down" a drink by a bartender can be said to be corrupt, then "watering down" the law by a judge can be a form of corruption too.
Shakespeare expressed this idea perfectly:
We must not make a scarecrow of the law,
Setting it up to fear the birds of prey,
And let it keep one shape, till custom make it
Their perch and not their terror.
Measure for Measure
I'm trying to figure out if Anon @ 11:07 believes the courts have "watered down the law". I respectfully disagree if that is the case and with comments @ 9:33. As much as we'd all love it if Windsor's forests of paper never see the inside of another court room, under the laws of this country Windsor cannot be denied access to the courts. IMO, the judges appear to be ruling accordingly and within their power to protect others from Windsor.
DeleteWindsor has been declared vexatious in MT, the courts have the power to require a bond in order for the case to proceed. If he does file another case without merit in MT and the court does not set a meaningful bond, IMO, that would be weak.
Corrupt to water down a drink? Ok. Yes, the courts should not allow Windsor to do what he is doing, but that brings us back around to VL being a label and not a punitive term. What's down is done. Moving forward, there are enough ideas on this page alone to correct the deficiency in the courts that allow Windsor to behave this way. Wouldn't that conversation be more useful than making Thrash responsible for Windsor's actions?
DeleteVexatious litigant is a punitive term. Without that label, Windsor would not need approval to file a complaint. Without that label the courts would have no basis to require security (bond). In the TX case, Judge Carroll required Windsor maintain a bond balance of $1,000. Clearly, that amount was not prohibitive. But the TX bond was set in consideration of the federal declaration and what was known about Windsor at the time (he had no history in TX). The term is also punitive in that once judgement is made in favor of the defendant, the defendant has a right to file a complaint against Windsor for malicious prosecution.
DeleteI believe that if Windsor were to file another complaint, the process could be much different for Windsor. With the history Windsor has now, the defendants only need to move the court for sanctions at the beginning of the process. It's a "slam dunk" for Boushie if Windsor files against him again. MT declared Windsor vexatious and there is no limit to the bond amount.
I hope that is exactly what transpires.
DeleteWe all remember his fondness of cats. How that poor little pussy had to listen to his weekly talkshit radio program, meowing pitifully in the background. Maybe he can take a kitty with him to his misdemeanor trial of the century, or did Babs custody of the cat or the divorce?
Dammit. About the time I quit fretting over BooKitty Windsor!
DeleteThat poor cat trapped in the basement with Windsor, forced to listen to his rhetoric all those years. Omggggggg!!!
Again, the nitwit Windsor put in charge of his FB page either doesn't read what she posts. Or, maybe she has a problem with reading comprehension. Whatever. She blames the government and politicians for delaying the trials for the 9/11 terrorists and costing the tax payers money. The article says "Their case is moving at a snail's pace, slowed by numerous defense motions and allegations of government misconduct...".
ReplyDeleteJust like Windsor. Delaying the inevitable, resulting in unnecessary expense for the tax payers.
Are they getting legal advice from the same person as Windsor?
DeleteRead an article on slate today on how the Marriott chain is doing away with desks. I giggled and snorted thinking maybe the reason is to cut down on the stench crim the vexies lair and his elaborate "filing" system.
ReplyDeleteJust in case you're reading this wee Willie a huge resounding fuck you from your #1 haters. We are #delighted to see you are getting what's coming to you. #GetEmMontana #GetEmTexas #Sanctions
From reading Lawless America's Facebook page, it is apparent that it is Cruz Gomez that has most recently been the posting admin.
ReplyDeleteThe latest status update diss approves of Trump's latest campaign rant and Cruz's personal recollection of the discrimination Mexican-Americans suffered for decades despite their loyalty and service to the US. Sadly, 2 comments in and Cruz's attempt to dissuade further discrimination proves futile:
David Tolassi
Pearl Harbor, South Central LA, World Trade center--Don't sound banned to me!!! Maybe, JUST MAYBE, Trump has an idea?!
Like · Reply · More · 5 hours ago
*Cruz's Facebook page's posts are the same that have been posted to LA's.
Cruz? You tried. Despite pointing out your family's sacrifices, their service to our nation in WWII, David prefers Trump.
IMO Windsor has great envy for Trump. Tread carefully Cruz, you're poking close to the narcissistic ego of Windsor, he'll be repo-ing the passcode and posting privileges soon and gifting them back to the likes of Scunt. Only true Windsor ass lickers can properly keep the LA Facebook page's focus on Windsor's insignificance to current events.
LMAO Windsor's latest website screed:
ReplyDelete"Where's Bill? Where's Bill Windsor? Is he in prison? Is he dead?
Rumors are flying. Why hasn't William Michael Windsor posted anything lately? Is it true that he has been arrested? Is it true that he is being held in an undisclosed location as a political prisoner?
He's alive. He's free. Just has his head down kickin' a$$ and takin' names...
Bill Windsor has been finalizing some of his criminal court responsibilities and filings. And, he has been working diligently on a Petition for Supervisory Writ that will be filed with the Montana Supreme Court on Friday. William M. Windsor is asking the Montana Supreme Court to declare that a few dozen things that Judge James A. Haynes has done or hasn't done are unConstitutional."
Poor Windsor. According to the Lawless America page on FB, his "followers" aren't even discussing him. Not a single one of them has mentioned him since he went on FB timeout! The latest posts are about living wills and medical directives; "Sick of the Slant - A Fair News Day;" and International Anti-Corruption Day. See it for yourself:
Poor, poor Windsor. Trying SO hard to be relevant ... but slipping further and further into obscurity. LMAOROTF
I saw that. Pffffft! Windsor is realizing that no one cares, literally no one. What a desperate "look at me! pay attention to me!" ploy.
DeleteEverything is so much more pleasant each day for everyone, even his 'followers/supporters' without Windsor's rhetoric.
Happy Friday to all!
℗ ♛ ❥
"Kicking ass and taking names?" Uh not so much, it's more like this...
More windsor conspiracy appears up in the misconduct filing. I am sure they will get a good laugh also.
ReplyDeleteThe "statement of facts" is all about the denial of Windsor's motions. The statement includes nothing about how Windsor is responsible for delaying the process and extending the TOP. He also fails to mention that most of the 10 months he spent in jail was a result of his "escape" from the Ellis Co jail without signing the PR bond. Then he went on the run, taunting the Ellis Co DA as a "wanted man".
DeleteI'm not sure I'd be laughing if I were the judge that had to go back to find all the facts as necessary to address that convoluted claim.
I'm still giggle snorting over "televised". As in the same context as "movie".
DeleteBig Vexi makes it seem as though he was tethered to a tree outside the courthouse! Seriously, has he completely forgotten his constant lying and bitching about the "hardships" he was "forced" to endure to travel 18 hours or more to attend hearings?
The suggested answers? Those are just freaking hilarious.
For all Windsor's happy puffery less than a month ago? He's certainly lost "that winning feeling" quickly. It's freaking misdemeanor court. He insisted on going to court with a jury trial!
TELEVISED! <giggle snickering! Hoofs up ^^ ^^! ROTFL Just when I think the tankass, shakey, psoriasis flaking buffoon cannot possibly beg anymore for even a glimpse of any kind of attention? He whoops out more pitiful absurdity!
I really do wish it would be televised! That? Would be years' worth of comedy. I bust out laughing just envisioning him hurriedly shuffling into the courtroom dragging his wheelie cart, toting crates, in his navy blazer & wrinkled khakis, little loafers sliding on the hard wood floors. snort!!!! That's before he ever utters any of BillSchittery!
And Windsor math is in play again. On 12/10 he posted this: "...that a temporary order of protection can properly restrain a Respondent for 546 days..."
DeleteOn 12/12 he posted this: "Judge James A. Haynes has him restricted by the terms of an Ex Parte Temporary Order of Protection for over 840 days and counting"
Delete*fell over giggling again* ^ ^ ^ ^ giggle snickering at BillSchit math!*
Morning. Heres some comedy for the day!!
Well, snap! That? Is just damned goofy.
DeleteFor a vexi serial filer, how could anyone not be surprised?
What a doofus.
Here's my next question: If Windsor has had no order stopping him from prancing all over the University of Montana's campus since February of 2015, why hasn't he hauled his tankass over there? If it was that important to Windsor to skulk around a college campus, with 18-22 year olds, he's had 10 months, why hasn't he posted up on campus?
DeleteRepeat. What a doofus.
He writes very well indeed for a man so sick that he feels he may not make it through the trial. Rolling my eyes so hard at that.
DeleteHAHAHAHA there are only two options in the demented vexi mind. Couldn't possibly be a third, which is Stalkers and harassers are barred from continuing their stalking harassing actions as a Constitutional right for the victim to be protected from these actions.
Delete1. Either the two statutes in question have been misinterpreted by the courts, or the statutes are unconstitutional.
Wear that Asshat proudly Billshit!! You sir are an Assclown, and rightfully deserve that asshat crown.
What an absolute idiot!!
ReplyDeleteRemind you of anyone?
This is great :)
Here we go again... Civil case #28 against Booshay.
Geezer really should seek a long term treatment facility for his vexi addiction. Daaaaaayum.
DeleteJust when I think he can't possibly get any goofier? He does.
So he wants to proceed in the appeal without payment? Claiming he's only receiving 2K a month in social security? He should have to prove that shit because that is a lie. A man who could bail out several inmates in the last year, roam around several states, fork out CASH for a new vehicle? On 2K a month? Hogwash. I'd hope that little filing right there will open up his finances with production of documents to prove that filing as a "Duly sworn affidavit".
DeleteBillshit has gone too far for too long without being held accountable for his bogus filings and court games.
Yeah, about that.
DeleteHe claims he can't pay for the appeal which is about 100$ but then turns around and files against Larson and pays the 100$ filing fee for it. Nice hu? Boo fricken hoo.
Oh and then he claims on one document he's stuck in Montana but in the other document it's notarized in fricken Idaho. Both within a day or two of each other.
If the courts pulled the recent documents filed in all the courts and compared them, they'd have a good case of perjury and could sanction him.
Forget "all things Windsor" for a moment and have a laugh; this video is from a Conan O'Brien show a few years back--hysterical!
ReplyDeleteLate Night 'Triumph at the Star Wars Premier!
Turn the page!!!!!