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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Oh, THE Irony! A Picture IS Worth A 1,000 Words

What's left to say?  Windsor says it all with his Facebook cover photo placement!  

Well....then there's this:

Windsor had a bad day.  #Denied again! 

Collective Awwwww!  

Ok, go ahead, giggle!  It is funny! 


  1. Is that a picture of Bryan Windsor? Bill looks like he's just a piece of nose debris someone sneezed up. He is a childish man with nothing left to give the world except one temper tantrum after another. Thanks for the laugh before i go to that place Bill never heard of---work!

    1. Resemblance to Bryan? Or did you mean Ryan? I thought it was another decades old photo of a young Bill Windsor.

    2. Yeah Ryan....lols thanks.

    3. Mystery solved: it's penis envy.

  2. The views for his dot com site must be down. He's trying really hard to get people to go to it. You can almost hear his ego taking a hit right now...

    Oh, please, go see this on my page...go read this on my page...someone? Anyone? Please just go visit my dot com page!!

    1. Duh. The lunar tuners don't click links. Everyone knows this, why can't Windsor get it?
      They're already on his Facebook page whee they can comment. Why would they bother? #ScrollingBye

  3. So I'm looking at the TX 10th appellate court cases, and wondering why Windsor is so mad. In one appeal, the one he lied about being a "new" appeal, that was dismissed because they viewed it as attempting to file it, to get around the others that weren't going his way--yet he wrote to them and said "No, that was not my intention..." but he files for a re-hearing? On what? He said it was misfiled, so why is he asking for a re-hearing? Either he made a mistake by filing it, and would accept their ruling, or he lied, and is begging them to let that one keep going, like they're stupid? Come on Windsor! You're a frivolous, vexatious man, who's own filings contradict each other.

    Second, in the other appeals, where the brief he filed was premature and rightfully denied? He didn't follow the proper court procedures, yet he is asking them to just forget it, and let the Brief stand? WTF? Really? If one of the defendants tried this can you just hear him? OBJECT!! It's Untimely!! It's against Court Procedures!! How dare they!! And they're the "Pricks?" SMDH

    #DENIED!! And rightfully so!

  4. AH, the "Undercover Aagent" Marty Prehn, hard at work for Windsor--

    "Marty Prehn-- Bill Windsor please add the name of Helen Childers to your list of a anonymous contributors. She is from Hawaii. Maui I believe."

    "Bill Windsor-- She's a Joey?"

    "Marty Prehn-- A late edition Joey and she has expressed her dislike of you."

    "Bill Windsor-- I've never heard of her. Can you send me anything she has posted by email that is defamatory? If she has defamed me, I will add her to the lawsuit. Thanks."

    Did Marty get the reward money? Lets see, how many names now has Marty maliciously handed Windsor? While the "Reward" money increased from 1K, to 5K, to 10K? Does it matter if they are real names? Does it matter if they've even said anything meanie about Windsor? Does it even matter if they even know who the hell Windsor is? No. It doesn't. And the hearing in TX proved it. While Windsor was asked to release people who knew nothing about him, he still could NOT admit he was WRONG!!

    Note to anyone--Windsor shall not be mocked, he shall not be proven wrong, he shall never be ruled against. Period. The Narcissist has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he will continue to be a menace, with malice, until his dying days! (I believe he claimed it was not a threat--it was a promise)

    1. That's just another example of Marty trying to use Windsor to go after someone he's mad at. Marty is to incompetent to fight his own battles. He needs his daddy Willy to come save him. It's been pointed out here many times


  5. Does this sound familiar to anyone??

  6. Isn't that #HulaHelen that stuck by Prehn & financed him & assisted him in his hate campaign against his own family?
    I'd very much like to read the communications between this Helen woman in Hawaii & Prehn.
    A Joey? Wtf is a Joey? Windsor slings that label around. I am a #Snap. Always was, always will be. #SnapsYo!

    Windsor laps up everything anyone feeds him, including Prehn. #UponInformationAndBelief. Doofus

    ℗ ♛

    1. Maybe Marty is mad because she's not sending him money any more. Maybe Marty is mad because Helen can possibly turn him in for "donation" fraud? Who knows what the reasons are, but I'd sure like to know her version of the fall out.

      Much like Windsor's wrath? It's once someone has the evidence to prove some kind of wrongdoing by these predators, they instantaneously become the targets.

    2. I have extended an invitation to Ms Childers to share here, on the Back40, & at #CoM, to use the comments for anything she has to say regarding Prehn.
      Now, we wait.

    3. "There are a lot of pricks in Texas, " he said, ironically, while wearing his cowboy hat, neckerchief, and crotchless chaps.

    4. Yeah, WTF is a "Joey"? Every time Bill writes that word I think of the little box in my bed room linked to the Dish TV Hopper in my living room. Or, the little black cat I rescued a bunch of years ago & named Joey.

  7. Bill, you are ordered to go to jail. Don't pass gas, don't collect donations. Just go. Oh come on, it's not like it's the end of the world. Oh no wait, maybe it is:

  8. I see windsor is gearing up Round America LLC again. Only a few key issues. ZZ LLC or otherwise known as ZZ Tours is a DBA of Round America. Which means that Willy and Babs have been in business together since after the divorce. Actually investigators have come back with information that Round America has operated selling tour packages without a license in the State of Georgia. How Crazy is that and all in concert with that great company Reserve 123. I wonder if the Better Business Bureau and Rip Off Report knows all about that.

    1. Interesting. Georgia's Sect. of State's web site knows nothing of Round America LLC (nor does Delaware's).

    2. Frank Lee BillsadickAugust 7, 2015 at 9:22 PM

      This is Windsor's explanation of the 'blackout'

      "Bill Windsor-- The website was established in 2003. The site was jam-packed with content and was, at one time, ranked in the top 100,000 of the bazillions of websites on the Internet. Then the web hosting company had problems, and the sight went dark. I was busy trying to help save America, and I had no time to work on it. The site was one of the causalties of the Lawless America project. I am now rebuilding the website taking a few hours lae every night when I should be asleep. It will take a while, but it will be truly special when done. Thank you for clicking the LIKE Button."

      Ok, here is my opinion of what actually made the "site go dark."
      How about the fact that in 2010, while Windsor was at the helm, the Maid of the Mist lawsuit was going wonky. Windsor did a fast shift in the GA Secretary of State filing to the one and only Barbara Windsor aka Billshit hider, and poof, the "site goes dark." Even after the divorce it stayed in Barbara's name as "Title--President" until April 2014. Now why would a guy, who's so upfront and honest keep jockeying around all these ticket companies, registering some, but not all, putting some in Delaware, (like Lawless America Association) as well as Ryan having Alcatraz registered in Delaware? Is that because Delaware is stupid and allows people to do whatever they want? That they couldn't care less if what you report to the IRS is even legit?

      But, the main point is that they all funnel into one company. Ryan's precious Alcatraz, Barbara's ZZ and Windsor's Round America. That in a nut shell, is the Windsor family wheel of fortune. Don't let him kid you--Round America was always up and running--in one form or another, and all the Windsor's are and have been working together, regardless of the spew from Bill.

    3. They are. Huh. They have not advertised since 2013 as Alcatraz Media or Reserve 123, and have really just used their cites already published like spiderwebs. It is incriminating that the whole family stepped back from the limelight at once. We put up too much information about Alcatraz Media being a scam so they opted to switch gears.

    4. Can someone list other names they have used? Please. Thank you.

    5. Round America LLC does show up on the Georgia Secretary of State website. It does not in Delaware. While the names of the "President" have changed from Bill to Barbara (around the MOM suit) they are now back with Bill as of April '14.

      It would be a full time job trying to track the jockeying of ticket companies, websites, and states they're registered in, or not, their "CEO's" etc because they have so many.

      For instance, ZZ LLC had a second name, ZZ Tours then folded. (Also both names show up on the GA Secretary of state website.)

      Here is the standard complaint for a Windsor ticket company, and the general response. I wish they didn't xxx out the name of the ticket company the second charge went to. I suspect it was to another Windsor company since they're all tied together.

      Complaint I purchased advance tickets to ******** ***** for Saturday February 7 (Order ID#: XXXXXXX)but after one day of travel my wife became seriously ill so we have do return home and cancel our vacation. When I got home I started to ask for refunds for all my advance tickets. After review of the ticket purchase of these ******** tickets I noticed I had two charges for the tour. One was from something called ******** ***** for $56.50 and a second charge for $26.95 from ZZ Tours, LLC. ******** Tours was nice enough to understand the circumstance and refunded the full %56.50. Unfortunately, ZZ Tours has denied a refund. This seems extremely unfair and just plain dishonest. I have emailed ZZ Tours and called them directly and have been told there is no exceptions, NO REFUNDS. This was a circumstance that could not be help, in fact my wife is still ill and we don't know what is causing the problem. She is undergoing medical testing to find out what's going on. If we could have continued our vacation we could have and never had to ask for a refund. I know this happened in California but the address I found for ZZ Tours, LLC is in Georgia, so I hope this complaint will get to the proper individuals. Thank you in advance for your support and attention to this correspondence. If you have any further questions or comments please feel free to contact me at. Product_Or_Service: Tour Order_Number: XXXXXXX Desired Settlement We feel a full refund of the $26.95 is required by ZZ Tours, LLC.

      Business Response Dear BBB,I have read this customer's complaint and I am very sorry for the illness that his wife is experiencing. I would like to point out; however, that the terms of our website state that there are no refunds for our booking and processing fees. We are a booking service and we provided the work that the customer asked of us. We provided the E-Ticket - whether or not it was used is not an issue. I am sorry that the customer is unhappy with our service, but we DID provide the service - and it cost $26.95.I hope that his wife will improve. Thank you,

      See more at:

    6. Also interesting, while all these other Windsor companies were/are running in GA, one of the main ones, Reserve 123 shows "Flawed/Deficient" on the GA Secretary of State Website. But, that company has been running the entire time, and even has a Facebook page.

    7. My previous post to the one at 7:22 disappeared. And I'm not typing it all up again.
      Round America and others are on the GA secretary of state website. The Windsors have too many ticket sales sites to keep track of, and they change their names by adding or changing something.

    8. Anon 7:27, yes, Round America is a Georgia LLC. The other Anon must have been looking on the former Soviet Union site.

    9. I don't know how any comment made would have disappeared.
      I haven't spent enough time piddling with the Blogger Dashboard features to even set the correct time. No one is deleting comments, don't know how.
      Apologies if the Google spam bucket is snatching comments. I'll take a look at he Dashboard settings again tonight & try to find any comments that disappeared & set the time. Watching my herd play in the water this afternoon.

      ℗ ❥ ♛

    10. Please note that after a call to a Google Blogger Guru, the time is now correct & 3 comments that were in the spam bucket are now published.
      Thank you guru!
      Sorry for any inconveniences to commenters, there doesn't seem to be any specific reason some get kicked to spam.

      ℗ ♛

  9. "Round America provides information and photos about sights that many travelers would miss. We work diligently to capture GPS coordinates to make it easier"
    ROFLMBO! So much material so little time before life in prison.

    1. We work diligently to capture GPS coordinates to make it easier.

      Windsor is known as the father of Vexatious Geocaching. You find a geocach somewhere in America; when you open it, it contains a notarized parchment which reads, "YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED."

    2. That? Is funny! Have a beer! Take my floatie!

    3. Purchase the Windsor Special: a nationwide tour of big houses! Or take our magical mystery medical ailment tour! Not fond of Congress? With our DC tour you can actually miss meeting anyone important. You will be the envy of our friends. But wait, act now and we'll send you reams of paper for no reason at all.

  10. Busy, busy, busy...

    " Bill Windsor
    Can you even believe that Selena Gomez pretended to be another beautiful young girl who sent me a Friend Request? AMAZING! I picked one of my 400 gorgeous young girl Facebook Friend Requests and accepted it. And it turned out to be Selena Gomez.
    Edited · 2 · More · 28 minutes ago
    Bill Windsor
    And were you aware that Taylor Swift was so taken with my "Dear Taylor" letter that she even set up a Facebook Page in MY name using her photo? Wow! I am some lucky guy to have all these women after me. She seems to have taken the page down now. I hope I won't be in one of her songs.
    Edited · More · 10 minutes ago"

    1. Can't find a woman his own age so he has to obsess over children and celebrities. No wonder he can't see his grandchildren. Must suck to be Babs and watch an infantile husband go after anything with a heart beat. Much of this is probably directed towards her. A 60 year needing to prove to the masses something that isn't true: he is neither a man nor is he desirable.

    2. So the presidential race has kicked into high gear. We can all agree there are a few clowns in the race, but I love when the lemmings like Cruz talk about wanna be's. And where is Lawless America candidate? In a hotel wearing a gps tracker and talking aabout large breasted women. In all ways- completely useless.

    3. Woah! I thought y'all were being snarky sarcastic! Windsor really is posting that shit! Just when I think he can't get any further into absurdity? Windsor goes beyond. And? MunchenMary? Lapping it up, begging for a head pat. She's gonna burn up her little KindleFireHD!
      We just thought he was spinning in the past... Taylor Swift? Selena Gomez? giggle snicker snort hiccup!

    4. The guy spends about 15 hours a day on Facebook with totally mindless garbage, yet needs adjournments/delays ad nauseum for his pro se defense.

      And then there's that pesky movie. And books. And travel websites. And dizzy spells...

      Busy, busy, busy.

    5. Seven weeks to finish a movie and three books, and finish law school.

  11. Whew! I'm exhausted!
    Thanks @Spammy for reminding me of all the Intel Prehn provides to Windsor. It's gotta be legit, riiiiiiight?
    I couldn't keep all the blathering straight on the tips that the Special Aagent provides.... WoW
    Use the way back feature & re-read this:

    Windsor's people are definitely cross pollinators of the People Of WalMart! All doubt has been removed. Stir in Windsor's 'upon information & belief & viola!

    ℗ ♛

    1. Just went to Bill Windsor's Facebook page.
      Is there any topic, any post, any comment thread that MaryD does NOT like and then comment on? Every single post, she commented numerous times and always made whatever the topic all about her!

    2. That's her munchie disorder. Read up on it, it's quite interesting. Then, go back and see how she adapts, and becomes that issue in some way, shape of form. Whatever gets the attention, is what she is/has/is going through.

      Then read this one that explains about the shit she did to her kids.


    Once again, how to make it about himself...How far removed from life is he to just now be noticing? SMH! Clueless party of Bill?
    Even though he's been scouring the internet, looking through other people posts to see what gets attention--he's still failing to get comments on his reposts. Then he says this;

    "Bill Windsor-- There are so many people sending me messages asking for help that I am goingto schedule a TalkShow Show so we can try to help as many as possible."

    Again, what the hell has he ever done to "help" anyone? Nothing. For 3 years now, he's been "gathering" stories, pretending to listen, pretending he will help, yet, it's always some excuse as to why he can't.

    Then when the stories, likes, and lies aren't enough to truly get attention he says stuff like this;


    Please stay tuned for the latest report on his criminal trial. There have been several significant developments.

    Details tomorrow."

    Needing the attention grabbing hook--hey, notice me, notice me--I have some news!! But all in all, he's still failing to really catch on, that while many people came to him because the other groups they were involved in thought he'd actually help, but realized he wouldn't, they have cut ties and continued doing what they were doing prior to Windsor's ego interruption trip.

    The followers are tired of useless empty promises Windsor. You proved to be yet another selfish, self-centered blow hard, who took advantage of people in a desperate state of mind, took their money, let them promote you, and lied to them repeatedly. The crickets on your FB and dot com that are growing louder and louder no matter what you post? Yeah, that'd be your own doing. Unfortunately for you? All your tantrum throwing proved that the "haters" were right all along. You were never going to help anyone.

    (Note: if you were actually attempting to "help" you'd have followed through after DC with your filing charges against the corrupt ones, the main reason those people went to DC, "putting them all on notice," right? That if they didn't investigate, that would be the next step? --that was long before you started your nationwide civil suits. But that was just another ploy wasn't it. You never intended to do it right?)

    1. You're all wrong. Windsor, his health, social life and lawsuits are all that matters.


    2. Yup, Spam, as always, spin it to all about him. MunchenMary follows her leader. #AttentionSeekingHoes

  13. Holy Crap!! Munchie is melting down! I shall spare the gory detailed ramblings of "Blatant LIES and Fabrications" by and thru Munchausens and TickyD.

    Munchie? If you were denied all this medical care how on earth are you still alive? I mean, since you keep saying you "almost died" in quotes? What does that even mean? Either you really almost died, no quotes needed, or you are simply being a Windsor and trying to sound dramatic. If I was repeating what you said, I would use the quotes to quote you. So who are you quoting exactly and why? And since you're still breathing, you must have gotten medical care at some point if it was SO bad and all--so claiming you were denied necessary medical care etc would be another lie right?

  14. In other news, I am having a marvelous summer!! How is everyone? Enjoy the summer and look forward to the fall. Petunia, thank you for carrying on the club.

  15. Um, Mary (if you read this blog)? All this rambling about Lyme Disease and almost dying and being deprived of your marriage/material goods/money/etc. etc. is moot. It's over. It's done. Your kids are not minors anymore, and want nothing to do with you; the statute of limitations has run out, so you can't sue about it, either. Get over it and move on. No one cares at this point - not even Windsor. Besides, you'll never marry Windsor or get anything from him, so get that idea out of your head, too.

    Your story's old and boring - like you.

    P.S. Yes, thanks, Petunia, for hosting us while GS is on hiatus! (raising a Mike's Hard Lemonade in salute)

    1. Hey, least I could do! I sure do be missing the clubhouse:/
      The Back40 is ok... But....sniff sniff....I'm homesick.
      There's just no substituting for the best!

      Big waving!

    2. And? Yeah, MunchenMary is refreshing this blog page umpteen times a day. She's reading it all, so is Windsor & numerous others. That part of the dashboard controls? I figured out real quick.
      Y'all wave to them, too!

      ℗ ♛

    3. Waving back @Petunia &also thanking you for hosting in your Back40 while GS is on hiatus ... cheers !!!

  16. Busy, busy, busy...

    "Catherine Gibson
    What is the news? I have been checking today for the update.
    More · 3 hours ago
    Bill Windsor
    I've gotten bogged down with a legal filing deadline. I'll still try to get it posted tonight. Sorry!
    More · 2 hours ago"

    Facebook crap is exhausting...

    1. LOL!! FB, checking this blog, surfing the internet looking for all the big, bad, mean people who talk about Windsor's umpteen failures? Yeah, that would be exhausting.

      Along with all the frivolous papers the courts will surely bogged down with next week, how does he manage to sleep?

    2. Still hoping to attain "malcontent critical mass" and have an outpouring of support to rescue him from the corrupt prosecutor.

      Good luck with all that, Clarence Darrow...

    3. I thought Snoozie had it all figured out. Between her and Windsor's filings, the sheer mass of utter idiocy is mindboggling. I expect sanctions any time now, they are THAT stupid! Waste of time, lacking merit as usual, but more so now that she stuck her nobby nose into it. I'd swear she's doing it on purpose to sink him, but she'll say she's not, the courts are just "corrupt."

    4. What filing are you giving me credit for now?

    5. Susan didn't file anything for Bill. Windsor is way to arrogant to let anyone file something on his behalf. Not to mention the joy he gets out of making those filings. It just didn't happen.

  17. If you had any sense whatsoever, Windsor, you'd take that misdemeanor deal, and fast. But you've not a faint glimmer of sense, so you're going to risk everything on your ability to make a jury of people you've insulted and belittled numerous times... like you. Those folks on that jury are going to see an egotistical con man. They're going to bend over backwards to believe everything the prosecution says about you. You have the chance to make this all go away with just a few more days in a jail you say you like. You're going to blow that chance. I can tell by your reply to the prosecutor that you think you've got the upper hand here. That's an illusion. You're up against an experienced prosecutor who's being paid to use every courtroom trick she knows to win against you. You are badly outclassed. By the end of the first day in front of that jury, you'll figure I'm right about that. Any deal you can make at that point won't be half as good as the one you're being offered this week. You should take the deal and call it a victory and a vindication. End of business Friday, any hope for those evaporates.

  18. {T]he idea of saying I committed a crime when I didn't would be forcing me to lie, and I don't do that.

    What does this mean? That he can't say he committed a crime, or that no one can force him to lie?
    That's right, Billy, no one can force you to lie--you do such a great job of that naturally--
    every time you open your gargantuan PIEHOLE!

    1. I think Windsor should definitely just go on to trial.
      Forget reducing to misdemeanors & dismissing anything, fight it Windsor! Show that Clark prosecutor how Vexo you are!

    2. Vexo Vexi Vex-whatever. Just go to trial!!

    3. VENI, VIDI, VICI (I came, I saw, I conquered) ~ Caesar

      VENI, EGI, PERDIDI (I came, I sued, I lost) ~ Windsor

    4. Huh?

      "Mary Deneen There is an unconstitutional Gag Order denying me freedom of speech and the press with Crystal Cox and Bill Windsor w criminal penalties that was never served in a criminal case, while they allow a U of MT state employee Sean Boushie stalk, harass, intimidate and threaten me with use of Big Knife Icons; and, stalk, harass, intimidate and threaten Crystal Cox w Big Knife and Glock Gun Icons and death threats; and, stalk, harass, intimidate and threaten Bill Windsor with Big Knife and Glock Gun Icons and death threats."

    5. Wow! That post went right by and though me.

    6. A gag order? Really? So then her testimony on youtube is one count of violation, and then there are the thousands of posts on Windsor's FB page that would compound the charge/violation just like Vexi boy's and at 3 it becomes a felony.

      Toodaloo MaryD!!

    7. Yup, Mary is really ticked off on the LA's Facebook page. Her and KPat's comments are hilarious.

    8. Dear LE and Prosecutors, I am very disappointed that you offered Bill any deals. Don' you get it? Wasn't haven't your name, family and coworkers attacked enough? This guy is not going away and he is not going to admit to his wrongs. Put him away where he belongs.

    9. I bet Windsor will agree to any deal they offer him because he's shady as fuck, he'll never win a jury over, and they will find him guilty.

      He'll take the deal, with his fingers crossed and immeditally turn around and file appeals, after appeals, after appeals AND he will violate it and he'll tell them that they cant re arrest him when he violates it because it's being appealed.

      The MOM case proved Windsor lies when he makes agreement.

    10. I thought for a second he'd take the deal, too !!!!
      Until I realized he's afraid to take the mental exam that is part of the deal - because he knows they'll find him NUTS and according to Muchie Mary they will immediately put him into the Montana State Mental hospital like they did her.. I say he "Runs"

    11. See, if he was innocent, he wouldn't be desperately trying every trick in the book to get out of the trial. He claims he put in for a motion to dismiss for lack of Jurisdiction. Clearly the idiots in Camp Vexi this summer are morons all seasons around. The victim is the one who's residence matters, not the perp. Windsor is the perp. Doesn't make a shit bit of difference where he allegedly was, it was where Mr. Boushie was at the time of the alleged crime. Now how on earth is Vexi Camp going to get around that law? And why would he keep trying to, if he's innocent? Motion to recuse, lack of Jurisdiction, Writ of heck-who-cares-at this point-ious, and all the other frivolous wastes of time he files.

      I still think he'll take the deal. He's screwed, and he knows it.

      Lets ask again-- for what company was the alleged stalking/filming for again? That's linked to the Vexi civil suits across America? With Business Losses, and Trademark Violations? Asking for damages in the multi-millions of dollars?

      Yeah--that'd be FRAUD UPON THE COURTS-- ALL OF THEM!! From CA, MT, SD, KS, MO, and TX. Did I miss any? Seeing to bilk multi-millions for companies that were never legitimate, registered, IRS paying companies. SMDH! This little criminal case in MT should be nothing compared to the shit storm that should be raining down upon the Windsor Family Fraudsters.

    12. Ah...poor Billy. You think he's hoping Munch Mary is strong enough to throw a water fountain through a plate glass window?

    13. It has to be...either to stop the madness now or to prove to the jury that he deserves the larger penalty because he would not quit after the lower penalty was argued. At this point if they don't have enough to throw the whole family behind bars its because they did not listen to us and did not investigate as they have seen enough to illicit concern. I thought maybe that was why they put of the trial for so long. Yeah, if he agrees he'll turn around and say they forced him to, and he won't agree to the mental exam.

    14. So that was his big news? That he was refusing to cooperate with the court once again?

    15. HAHAHAHAHA!! Douche bag says he said "NO" to the plea.

      There ya go!! You show 'em. Thanks for playin' Windfart!! Bahahaha

  19. "AnonymousAugust 10, 2015 at 4:55 PM
    Dear LE and Prosecutors, I am very disappointed that you offered Bill any deals. Don' you get it? Wasn't haven't your name, family and coworkers attacked enough? This guy is not going away and he is not going to admit to his wrongs. Put him away where he belongs."


  20. Anon @7:10? Can I use your comment?
    I luff it!

    ℗ ♛

  21. Bill Windsor-- I like New Hampshire. I plan to argue jury nullification, and they are going to try to stop me.

    Hahaha, glad to see his understanding of "Law" is, well, you know...Magoo! Windsor, Mr. Pro Se "I can do what I want because I'm pro se"--no you can't. You will be held to the same rules and standards of an attorney. You will not get to turn this trial into Windsor's circus, and your plan for Jury Nullification won't work. You broke the law. Just because you don't like the law, isn't a sufficient reason to argue nullification. It's also not a defense. Idiot!

  22. Migrate>>>>>

    ℗ ❥ ♛
