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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ninja Wins Internet Award! Well Stated!

  1. As for BillyBub and the other idiots still waiting for the "Movie" here's a little sample of how Windsor works in the courts, that you never know about...

    "1. Statement-Of-Facts. (yeah right) 
    Appellant maintains a website that he has treated as an online magazine, (not blog? Really? now you're claiming its a blog. Hum) has hosted an online conference call, (just one?) and has been producing and directing a documentary film about injustices of various types. Appellant has approximately 1200 videos converted (converted? You claimed on youtube they were unedited) for display from special takes (Special takes? Some of those are over an hour long) that were filmed as part of his work in producing a documentary film. These takes are currently published on his Youtube channel. The videos on Youtube are not the footage that will be used in the movie, but they do provide a glimpse at some of the movie content."

    Ok, so here's a test for the lemmings. Go to your youtube video (Windsor will appreciate the viewing money--the IRS should check that out BTW on his tax forms) and watch your video. Is that THE entire video you shot? Is there any other footage of your sniveling that was left out? Windsor claimed he didn't have time to edit those videos, and just loaded them on there. How come none of you are on the "Trailer?" Is that a generic trailer that Naomi swiped from some other group, to be used by anyone putting together clips for some type of advertisement? I'd venture to guess there aren't any other "Clips" and almost everything he shot is on that youtube channel. (at least the corruption shots)  

    Now, where is the license for any Production company? Where are Windsor's director's credentials? Where is his Press Pass? And what Media is he affiliated with? Holding a $45.00 piece of paper that says "Press" on it doesn't qualify as a legitimate title. Also, it would hold Windsor to a higher standard in reporting truth, not just "Upon information and Belief" which real media gets sued over all the time when they don't vet their sources, and put out false information etc. 

    Windsor--you have been running a scam! It's high time your conning ways land you in major hot water, and not just about TOP violations. You have committed Fraud upon the courts across the US. You do not, nor have you ever held a Trademark for "Lawless America" which you also falsified on the Trademark application as an LLC knowing DAMN well you weren't. Oh--and if you're going to try and throw your "attorney" under the bus and blame--think about this...He was going off of what YOU TOLD HIM!! 

    Everything I have thought about you, your POS demeanor, the way you abuse people on a daily basis, the way you play the courts by bogging them down, filing shit in the wrong court ON PURPOSE, all points me right back to my initial opinion of you. You are a con, you are/were running a scam, and you are a loathsome POS!!

    *TaDa* Thank you Ninja! 


  1. Touche!!

    LMAO: "Is there any other footage of your sniveling that was left out?"

    1. What happened to the footage from the hot tub or all those kissy-kissy and lap photos? What about Bill sorting through any evidence supplied by any of the participants before filming them? What about those in-person or internet meetings between Cox, Snusan, Bill and et al? What happened in the hotel the night Schied admits to holding Bill's hair while Bill puked? What about Wendy and Ryan's involvement?

    2. Haven't ever heard or read about most of what's mentioned above.
      Wow. If you have it? Post up. Otherwise? It's the same as Windsor's "upon information and belief" crap.

    3. Whoop, whoop, whoop!!!! Hey Windsor: that's the sound of Ninja kicking yer ass!!!!!!!

    4. *~Blows whistle~*
      All y'all in pond? Hammocks? Slip n sliders? Listen up!

      Anon at 2:04pm? You got access to what you're insinuating? Bring it. You don't? Take a seat and find your PTFD.
      I totally agree with the Anon at 3:07pm. Don't be slinging shitty innuendo. Windsor provides enough easily documented by his own self dumb shit.
      Post it on up or you are doing the BillSchit shuffle. That? Ain't right. We're way better than that.

      *~Blows whistle~* resume frolicking. There's a frisbee in grill, by the way, hope that isn't supposed to be supper. Who's day is it to be grill master? I starved!


      ℗ ♛ ❥

    5. @3:07 Exactly. There is no footage of any of that.

  2. Why thank you!

    There is only so much Billshit one can take. How many questions has he ever answered? Without deflecting? Without lying? Without blaming?

    How many times/dates did he promise the movie would be released? All prior to any sidestepping civil suits I believe. Why didn't he finish it back then? Who or what was stopping him? Cause the main excuse was "Hater" interference., but that was long past the original "it will be released on_____ dates. That was more Billshit. He claimed it would be shown at Sundance, but he violated their terms.

    He has told so many lies that he's never been held accountable for, it's unbelievable. But, he'll just take all those lies, waddle into a courthouse near you, and file a frivolous suit without getting leave, without merit, and lock you in for years. That to me is the epitome of the "evil and corruption" he says he is fighting against. Nope. I say he never cared one bit about exposing 'Corruption' I think all he cares about is getting even. The "Corruption" gig is just an excuse to keep a few people interested in supporting him.

    1. Bravo! Standing O! Wild applause!
      Thank you Ninj~ Luffs your guts real hard ❥

    2. He knows Sundance would have laughed their ass off and categorized it as a comedy...

  3. Is Windsor just always backasswards?

    Backwards Bill--"Appearances can be deceiving, and sometimes we don't see the trees for the forest"

    1. Derrrrr. This from a tree slayer, paper wasting, Vexi dipshit!

      It might be a bit late for of those aha epiphanies.
      Eye roll!

      Yawn! :~0 Nap time for those of us with no worries!

  4. Whiney Windsor...."We have automatic Tweeting applications on various websites that send a Tweet when something is posted. This video was posted on August 23, 2013. I was recovering from a fractured skull on December 30, 2013, and the YouTube account will show that nothing was posted by me on that date and any time before or after that."

    What the hell is he yacking about? The fact that he has been mad dog deleting and editing stuff will never work as a defense now. Dude!! Everyone has screenshots to prove you're lying right now. Editing won't save you, neither will deleting stuff. In-fact, that is tampering with Evidence, and that is another FELONY!! HAHAHAH
    Spin Windsor Spin. I hope everything you altered ads up to several more counts of Felony charges!! Boom. Smart guy? Not so much. Techie helpers helping you hide and suppress evidence, now they're just as guilty and can also be charged.

    1. What happened to his "the TRO had expired" defense? He going in a different direction now? I thought he should have stuck with his original "that was a different Bil Windsor, it's a common name" defense. I thought that would surely work!

    2. Uh? Didn't he link his Facebook with his Twitter? So whatever he blabbed about via Facebook posted link on Twitter? That's not auto-Tweeting.
      Was that thwacked out Mommie auto Tweeting too? She was also using that Twitter account for years before Windsor took it back. Those were some doozies. None of hers ever mentioned Mr Boushie or anything about anyone but herself.
      Auto-Tweeting? Really? Now? No. Spin again.

    3. Yeah, he's all kinds of shady. One of the Lawless pages now has been completely wiped clean from anything between Aug 2013 to July 6, 2015. Really? He just zipped on over and deleted everything? Like that's gonna work? Gawd he is even more stupid than I thought.

    4. Ah, interesting. He's either gone to all the state pages and wiped them too, or he sent out one of his famous SOS's to read and delete upon reading, with instructions to delete anything that says Sean Boushie after August 2013. Now why oh why do the Facebook pages I've searched go from the "Sting" and jump a few months? Some a few years?

      sniff, sniff, smells like hot, steamy Billshit in Lawless America today.

    5. It changes nothing. We have the screenshots and other evidence. I love watching him scramble to delete all info from all accounts after claiming he would rather die in jail first. So satisfying to watch him delete it himself little by little. :)

    6. He must've forgotten Julia Schwartz. Another badass female attorney, reps for Facebook. Merely a phone call away for any prosecutor.

    7. This is how google remembers the phrase "Bill Windsor is banned from the University of Montana and Sean Boushie":

      As for the Youtube video - he has indeed edited the description and the title, but prior to doing that, a commenter quoted the entire pre-edited description & title in the comments, which clearly included SB's full name:

      As for the FB post - even though he edited the video's description & title, FB retained the original l title:

      So as usual, he can try to spin facts into something else, but the internet keeps getting in his way.

    8. It's so ironic. His weapon of choice to harass people will be the same weapon that proves his guilt.

  5. As someone else said, Windsor's getting desperate .... and he's terrified. Once that trial begins, Jennifer Clark will toast his butt. And he knows it. THAT is what he's really afraid of -- getting whupped in court, yet again, and by a woman to boot (no pun intended).

    After all this Internet bad-assery, frivolous court motions and general foolishness, this trial will show that Windsor is a poorly-dressed, stumbling, bumbling, shaky old man who -- for all his education and wealth -- has no original ideas, can't control his emotions, and isn't that bright. He's no great shakes of a writer, either, and he's certainly no legal expert. Windsor's (figuratively) crapping his pants at the thought of being exposed as such; narcissists like him can't handle that.

    Any reasonable person who was sure of his innocence would have gladly begun that trial on time, with organized evidence and the best lawyer they could afford. They would not have done all of these silly stall attempts (especially this latest one), trying to smear anyone and everyone on the prosecution's team, screaming about corruption when things didn't go their way, etc. etc.

    I'm looking forward to Windsor being exposed. I wonder if it'll take a couple of hours or one full day before he has a meltdown.

    1. The before/after on the Windsor meltdown is lunch break the first day. I've got $20 on before.

    2. He's melting down now. He probably won't make it to trial. He'll check himself in somewhere for a break down, that "emergency blubber surgery" (that wasn't an emergency) or some other Windsor type hyped up issue.

      The kicker of the whole thing is that had Windsor not flaunted the "Sting" in the first place, or been so taunting with his "The TOP was dare they tell me what to do...I think I'll try to violate it for Media coverage..." and all the other excuses he's used over the past 2 years, he probably wouldn't be in this mess. But no. Windsor is blinded by his rage. He has no control what-so-ever over that rage, and when he gets going, like he probably is now, he's capable of anything.

      Not to mention, all those people who also shared the court documents like Cox, with Boushie's name. He wasn't charged with that, but he should have been. Those suits were all filed after the TOP was issued. Windsor had no cares in the world for who got them, where they posted them, including himself. It's that arrogance, ego and rage that gets him every time.

      Stomp, stomp, stomp. Pound fist on desk, turn bright red, adrenalin racing uncontrollably, causing even more tremors, swearing up a storm, typing up some moronic article, buying up more domain names...the obsession is overwhelming, the rage is spinning. Damn those people!! I'll get them all! Whoopse, Delete, delete, delete, lie, lie, lie...shit it didn't work, bye, bye, bye!

    3. In a fit of desperation, Windbag checks himself into a mental hospital knowing that he can't be forced to go anywhere and hoping that HIPPA will prevent them from telling the courts. Wouldn't that be rich?

    4. Huh?
      " My understanding is that the Missoula County Attorney would dismiss the charges when the federal charges are filed"
      August 18 at 12:16pm

    5. Pretty sure his "Understanding" of life in general is askew. Since basically everything out of his peabrain is "upon information and belief" he is pretty cloudy on reality.

      I also like his "Thank you's" to two people for their "help" in his trial excuses. It's pretty funny to me, that he gets help from people who are just as stupid as he is, when it comes to dealing with court issues. Aren't they all in the same sinking boat? Losers that never learn? Wonder if their "help" was Saturday Scrubbing, or some new trick he'll try to pull next.

  6. I believe that Windsors Computer and all the rest of his 4 phones should have been stuck in an evidence locker for them to check over. The Missoula Sheriff made a huge mistake letting windsor keep it all. Along with the Judges bad ideas to let him go wherever and use the internet.

    I would also make him strip search and have a cavity search for hidden recording devices. Personally, it's a disgrace the justice system that Windsor is even doing what he has. He girlfriend Cox and him can complain about freedom of speech all they want. If anyone trampled on rights it was Windsor and his wanting to stop people from telling people that his crazy Idea of Grand Juries and more since 2012 with Cox in tow is really a delusional pipe Dream. America works with the system set in place not off old British Common Law.

    Get a GRIP!

    1. "He girlfriend Cox and him can complain about freedom of speech ..."


    2. Leave it alone. He'll be strip searched often enough very soon. And Cox's gender doesn't matter except that it's interesting that she seems to have the bigger balls but he still wears the pants in this relationship. He's got something on her, and she has what everyone else has on him plus personal knowledge apparently. Wait and see how that develops for them.

    3. It's going to get real fugly. Cox will make Windsor's life even more miserable. She documents everything and records. Windsor better be scared of her, real scared.



    Can you spell s-c-u-m-b-a-g-s?

    Yep, everyone can. It's spelled WINDSCUM! The fatass internet whore who's been deleting evidence since he was released. Who's put out emails calls for help to his sleuths. You're not fooling anyone Windscum. Not any more! Your lemmings read here regularly and can see all the real evidence you never post. All you've got, and all you've ever had is Your scummy articles claiming it's everyone else. Nope. It's you. You are the epitome of SCUM!!

    1. What he deletes matters not. There are screenshots for each post on his Facebook pages including all the comments, YouTubes, .com, Talkshoes were recorded and chat logs have been screenshot, as well. Those have all been put in chronological order, each and everyday for several years.
      As stated above, each social media account history of Windsor's can easily be subpoenaed.
      As usual, Windsor is wasting more precious time. He's wasted a lifetime away, why would now be any different? No new tricks to pull, technology moves much faster than Windsor.

    2. Well...You Windscum, you Losescum...

  8. Hahahahahahaha. Spin again, Windsor.

    Windsor says the most likely suspect for setting him up for the Tweet TPO violation is Boushie, but could be Fleming or Gingersnap. He says his original post on 8/23/13 said this:

    "Bill Windsor is banned from the University of Montana and Sushie-Land. Corruption at its finest.

    Folks, the TV show has a new ending. Talk about something that could not have been scripted better. It's so perfect that if you saw it in a dramatic show, you would shake your head and say, I knew that was coming.

    As I quietly filmed in front of the University Center right smack dab in the middle of campus, these two gendarmes strolled up and served ME with a Temporary Order of Protection for Sushie.

    That's right, every single law enforcement agency and judge in Missoula and Ravalli County has denied my massive evidence in my requests for protective orders against Sushie, but he lies his ass off and gets one against me.

    Now this is great because I got the entire episode on film, AND I get to have a hearing with the criminal and Wynette Boushie.

    I now have to stay 1,500 feet away from Sushie and Wynette Boushie and 1,500 feet away from the University of Montana."

    Right. Then how did Richard Wingert Google share this a year ago?

    " Richard Wingert Shared on Google+ · 1 year ago
    Bill Windsor is banned from the University of Montana and Sean Boushie-Land. Corruption at its finest.

    Folks, the TV show has a new ending. Talk about something that could not have been scripted better. It's so perfect that if you saw it in a dramatic show, you would shake your head and say, I knew that was coming.

    As I quietly filmed in front of the University Center right smack dab in the middle of campus, these two gendarmes strolled up and served ME with a Temporary Order of Protection for Sean Boushie.

    That's right, every single law enforcement agency and judge in Missoula and Ravalli County has denied my massive evidence in my requests for protective orders against Sushie, but he lies his ass off and gets one against me.

    Now this is great because I got the entire episode on film, AND I get to have a hearing with the criminal and Wynette Boushie.

    I now have to stay 1,500 feet away from Sean Boushie and Wynette Boushie and 1,500 feet away from the University of Montana."


      LMAO at guy in blue shirt. Why is he wondering around? Doesn't look silly at all...walking circles around a rock....

      Who is he calling? Boushie?

    2. All I can ever really focus on? After the officers serve him with Order & Billschits them? The "this is the climax to the movie!"

    3. LMAO that's funny. Maybe it was actually Boushie in disguise?
      But another funny is his hands shaking. Watch him try and hold the papers.
      Oh, sure, his "tremor" was caused by the stress of being "illegally incarcerated. Um hum...looks like uncontrollable frustration and anger to me. Maybe the wiring in his brain is shorting out due to all that rage?

      Also, the editing of words now? LMFAO!! DOH!! Dude dune effed up!

    4. LOLOLOL That tremor in his hands is VERY noticeable from 2:07 to about 2:10 in the video. It's also noticeable when Windsor tries handing the dark-haired officer a business card. Neither of the officers appeared very impressed with Windsor.

      If you play the video with the sound off, it's as clear as day that Windsor A) tries too hard to be bright, witty and charming and B) he has none of those qualities. He can't hide the fact that the officers' disinterest was ticking him off big time. His awkwardness and rising temper were funny to watch!!

      And congrats, Ninja, for telling it like it is.

  9. Yaaay Ninja! Respect! Well written, well thought!

  10. I wondering if he read the " Temporary Order of Protection for Sean Boushie" he was served with. Because in my experience with TRO & PP orders most stipulate that not only can't Bill stalk, harass, etc SB but "agents" (friends of his) also can't stalk, harass SB for him, either. Which Mary D and Mister, I mean Miss Cox have totally violated that ... and BW would be held accountable for continued stalking and violating a PPO/TRO if " friends/agents are included in the TRO/PPO . IMHO !!

    1. As the Anon at 4:51am states below? Cut the shit Anon at 2:09am. You ruined your entire point, for me anyway, with that shit.
      I dunno which part some peeps don't get. Lemme dumb it waaaaay down once more: There is enough real BillSchit provided by Windsor and the lunar tuners for fodder. There is absolutely no reason to stoop to below Windsor's level of ignorance in your comments to make your point or share knowledge or information. None. C'mon...really?
      I'd missed the chapters way back when, about Cox, I don't know very much about her or her association with Windsor in the past, other than it hasn't always been smooth. Just from what little I have read, Cox seems to be light years more intelligent than Windsor and far mor outspoken. Her appearance? Her personal life? Pffffffffft © I simply don't care. I've gotten a gander at most of those that comment here, and Honey hush. If what we think? What we know? What some have experienced firsthand, regarding Windsor et al, is gonna be standardized by our appearances? Uh...don't even go there. Now? Go wash your hair and brush your grill.

    2. Thank you, Ms. P and Anon 4:51 AM. I agree, the point being made at 2:09 AM was almost hidden. And, I'm wondering what type of "experience" 2:09 has with protection orders. Would that be with requesting them personally, professionally or having been the subject of several?

      At any rate, I'm looking for Boushie's TOP but haven't found it yet. I did find verbiage in MSC docs that indicate the protective order prohibits Windsor from harassing Boushie directly or indirectly.

      I ran across a police report that is confusing. The date at the top says 11/13/14 but all of the activities referenced occurred on 8/23/13. I'm wondering if this is the basis for claims Windsor returned to MT in the fall/winter of 2014.

      I also found this order, dated 11/14/13 that states "The TOP shall remain in full force and effect until modified, if at all, by
      that Court." So, unless Windsor has an order from Judge Warren that modifies the TOP, it appears to have been in effect when Windsor claims it wasn't.{2E6B68F0-2867-4FB6-A23E-7C09C24C950B}

    3. The TOP was still in effect as of 3/3/15.{6D4C27D6-BACD-4923-96CA-70D45685FE45}

    4. After watching the links above, I clicked this:

      Now remind me again who stalks who? Wow. Drove all the way to Montana & then drives by someone's home, taking photos with a telescopic lense on his camera, then camps out at that person's place of employment! There's one video over an hour long of Windsor watching the parking lot (I'd rather watch paint dry, I skipped over it). All while wearing a flak jacket with taped letters on the back & an antique brown felt cowboy hat that doesn't fit.
      Things that make ya say "duh!" AND then Windsor uploaded it all to YouTube! DUH
      That first linked video? Where the officers serve him with the order? The college student looking young guy? I watched thinking kid had the look like "wtf? I was suppose to meet up with whoever right here, right now! The geezer & the cops are ruining my hook up!" Then wanders around with cell phone stuck to his ear. Yeah kid, the geezer jacked up your day. But, hey! You're on YouTube without your knowledge or consent!
      Windsor's hands shook back then. He's had tremors for a long time. He can't blame that on anyone but himself. He's also had plenty of time to seek medical attention, too. Instead? He lurks, filming college parking lots until cops shoo him off for being creepy. Duh. The flak jacket was bad enough, add the goofy, ill fitting felt hat? Total creeper ensemble.
      Windsor's criminal trial? I'll go $20 the jury is deliberating by lunch, IF it even gets to that point.
      Did I mention #duh? Wow.

    5. I agree. DUH!

      It's funny looking back now, at how giddy he was, thinking his "set up" was proof of anything other than himself, stalking Boushie. Did you catch him shart just a little there, when the Popo pulled up on him? And then he had to cut away, and cut back, acting like they were good buddies after that chit chat? I'd have to say they were probably called to find out why the old man in the bullet proof vest was standing on the campus filming, let him spew, then went back to make a report about him. Also, I noticed the shaky hands too in everyone of those MT videos.

    6. Petunia, Ida and etc .... I washed my hair & apologize for the snitty comment in regard to Ms. Cox, I do think she is a bitch, though ...but bringing her gender/how she looks into it .... was not right. And, Ida- I have a GF who had to go through the PPO process and that's how I knew about "agents-friends" not being allowed to harass or stalk for the subject of a PPO.

    7. @ 4:18 PM - Thank you.

    8. Me too, thank you. Group hug, fist bumps & that cool stuff.
      I get it, what you believe her to be, totally get it. 99.99999999% you're absolutely correct, she's buddies with Windsor, nuff said.

      ℗ ♛ ❥

  11. Cox's standard femininity or lack thereof has absolutely nothing to do with her being a horrible person (she is) and possibly a criminal. There are women with that same setup who are splendid people. It's a cheap joke and insults people who've done nothing wrong, as well as all of our intelligence. Stop it.

  12. Ok, just ONE more piece of "Evidence" to show that Windsor has "Tampered with Evidence" by changing the title of that Youtube video (even though there has already been plenty of proof posted here) Here is the actual shot from Twitter, with the date range from December 1, 2013 to January 1, 2014.

    Windsor? Looks like you got caught once again, in another LIE!!
    You're not credible. You are a liar. AND? You will go as far as you need to, in order to cover your alleged "Criminal activities" with more criminal activities. FRAUD!! TAMPERING WITH EVIDENCE!! Anything else you want to add to the long list of charges you should be facing?

  13. Thanks @Ida and @Ninj! Y'alls nuggets posted are why those that comment here & at the Clubhouse with facts, (minus the dipshits that stoop) are #Snaps. Yo! ~throws dueces~

  14. Just for giggles, lets go back to the "Trailer" Windsor is once again claiming is one of many...but, there's just the one on his page. I'd like to ask Naomi if she put this together herself from scratch--as in actually watching all these tv news stories, or if she just copied them from other youtube pages and stuck them together. Because the Kids for cash outburst take? That has been on tons of other youtubes--not original Windsor.

    "Published on Sep 26, 2012
    Lawless America Movie Trailer by Naomi Chambers"

    "naomi chambers 2 years ago
    I am happy this is one of your top viewed videos. I have another in AVID that I have not edited yet. I like to take my time when I produce something." (wait, I thought Windsor was the producer. Huh)

    "naomi chambers 2 years ago
    Not to shabby if I say so myself."

    "naomi chambers 1 year ago
    It has been awhile now, is the film finished?"

    From 2012 on Lawless America

    Now on Lawless America

    1. LMAO roughly four months into his filming trip, and someone else takes it upon themselves to "Produce" a less than 2 minute clip of news stories that are already on youtube, and Windsor tries to pass that off as THE Lawless America Trailer? Oh man!! Talk about Misrepresentations!! Bahahahahaha

  15. Just an FYI, the spam bucket is gobbling up comments the last coupla days:/. I dunno why, it hadn't done it until recently. If yours doesn't pop up, I'll fish it out, be patient. I have not deleted it. Sorry!

  16. Some of these lemmings consider Windsor a hero. Not even close. You lemmings want some real heroes? Check out these guys -- far poorer than Windsor in terms of money, I'm sure. But they are vastly wealthy when it comes to integrity and self-sacrifice.

    What has Windsor sacrificed for others? What kind of help has he ever offered anyone, aside from empty promises of a movie (that was promised back in 2013) and Congressional testimony (never happened)? Where was his generosity and selflessness at his D.C. event when people were sleeping on the ballroom floor and going hungry because they couldn't afford a room or food? Did he ever offer to help pay Karen's rent when she gave him her last dollars to see him in D.C.?

    Windsor has never sacrificed anything for anyone. It's all about him, and always will be. And if you don't feel the same way, Lord help you (to him).

  17. Oopsie

    1. Hahahaha!! Perfect. Now if they could just scrub the entire internet of all things Windsor and Fam, perhaps some will be spared from their blatant lies, fabrications and malicious misrepresentations.

  18. Windsor asks Jennifer Clark: "Will you agree that the trial date must be postponed while this is investigated?"

    Same guy that said they violated his right to a speedy trial.

    1. Yeah, I'd say that should be a big, fat NO! Same as his answer to the plea. You snooze you lose. AND to top it off, he lied! That appeal wasn't even filed properly yet they agreed to the stay based on his lie.

      He is the kind of shady that will cry about anything and everything. I'd even bet after HIS lie, which created the stay, he will then turn around and say his rights to the speedy trial were violated, therefore the case must be dismissed.

      I still think that the DA will continue to prosecute the violations of the TOP AND the Feds will decide it they will ALSO be charging him. Not one or the other, BOTH!! There are surely enough violations that fall under BOTH Jurisdictions and Windsor trying to make it like it's one or the other is just another smoke screen, dog and pony show that he's so well versed at doing.

      I'd say they need to request the new pre trial hearing this coming week, and perhaps request to move the trial up. His stalls and delays are his own doing, no one else's. Windsor has not shown any respect for the laws before him, and he surely isn't going to start now. Any more graces given to him, he will abuse. Guaranteed.

    2. I think the present stay is just the judge acting with a good bit of prudence. Doesn't want there to be any exploitable holes in the procedure if there's a conviction. As much as we like to think this is a simple case (I'm certainly guilty of that) , it probably isn't.

    3. I agree Anon@555 - I think the judge, prosecutor etc are taking great caution to legally dot every I and cross every T so there wouldn't be any "exploitable holes" for him to dig up.

    4. See, this is probably when he realized HIS "error" in filing, when he falsely put out to his followers the scathing article about the Corrupt ones hiding his filings, when the truth was, he screwed up. Does he retract that lie? Does he tell his followers it was his dumbshit mistake? No, he just slithers over to the courthouse and refiles.

      William M. Windsor

      Case Number:

      August 20, 2015

      Montana District Court

      Missoula Office


    5. At the end of the day, play the insanity card.

      Only trick that'll work.

    6. Do Vexatious assholes get frequent frivolous filer points?
      They must!

  19. I want to know if Windsor's Phone In Motion to Federal in Dallas was denied. If not? Little dust puffs should be flying out from the new Black Jeep Cherokee's back wheels as his dizzy, can't turn his head to the right self treks across the nation. Windsor has been on a #denied roll for a while, sure would be sweet if he's already been denied, on his way & get across Red River and get denied in person and then have to turn right back around to haul his tankass back up North.
    Either way? He got his way and has court appearances from damn near border to border in close to a month's time. A Vexi's dream come true. Maybe while he's en route, the Missoula final pre-trial can be rescheduled for next week or shortly after. Busy busy busy.

    1. If he has time for a Talksnooze, he's got plenty of spare time to drive to wherever. He always claimed he was "too busy, but when time permits...he'd schedule another show," so clearly, he's got plenty of free time on his hands due to all his stalls.

      I remember the article or comment he made about the recusal in the first place for MT, and he basically admitted that it was frivolous, but that he wouldn't have been ready for court without filing that stall tactic.

  20. This might be old news for y'all, but I have to catch up with the fruit loops as family and work allow slack time. I just discovered Windsor had a Talkshoe show in May. I had to take a nap 50 minutes in, but finally got through the whole thing. It got interesting around 1:15 mark.

    Jon Roland is still checking in with Windsor. He had an opinion on Windsor's movie efforts. Forget making a movie and TV show, Roland's idea: Windsor should just post all of the unedited videos he's recorded on youtube so that they will circulate around the internet forever.

    Rebecca from RI is on the air. She is a hoot! Almost as funny as Petunia. She gives Windsor credit for cleaning up the state. Says she and her friends have sent 400 complaints to the FBI.

    Windsor talks about John/Don Acree's death. He starts to call the death a murder, but catches himself. Says he doesn't know the whole story but can't figure out why there weren't more news reports, given all the attention on cop shootings these days.

    NLA must be a great thing because "the Joey's" hate it, but Windsor's out on the CLGJ thing.

  21. I missed the May show. Dang. Prolly a RealHousewives night. Prolly gonna miss the next one, too. I have a chalkboard that needs scratching. There's only so much BillSchit I can take. His voice makes the skin on my spine schlep off. Ugggg.
    You're tough Ida!
    That Rebecca is funny, though. Her comments crack me up. No matter what? She ends with "cheers!" and I really think she means it! Bless her heart.

    1. Ha! I think Rebecca is hilarious!
      Was thinking of doing a BlogTalk Show simultaneously. Anyone interested?

    2. Go for it! A Blog Talk Show is a great idea :)

    3. Been thinking...I'd rather hear the Talkshoe & have a giggle snort fest afterward. I'd like to hear Windsor NOT pontificate all about himself and pay some attention to those that have such hope in him helping them.
      I don't want to intentionally hurt someone that really believes he's going to help them. Windsor has hurt too many in the past with those empty promises, I won't add to that kind misery.
      It's Windsor's spew that interests me.
      Y'all? Agree? No?
      And, I have something I have to attend tomorrow night, it'd have to be later.
      Chime in. I appreciate y'alls input.

    4. Renee's double puke (down below) made a point I hadn't thought about. Windsor is trolling for more clueless and vulnerable victims that genuinely need help and believe Windsor is the answer. I don't want to add to their misery either. I'd rather listen intently to what Windsor spews, then tear it all up into little pieces and make fun of him.

    5. Agree - we'll concentrate on Windsor's spew after the show, eh.

  22. Oh, puke.

    "Bill Windsor
    I spent virtually the entire day emailing or messaging those who have contacted me/us for help. Many hundreds. I really hope some of these folks tune in for a chance to get some kind of help.
    More · 58 minutes ago"

    "Humanitarian Bill". Hilarious.

    1. It's all for show, thinking the prosecutor will be monitoring.

      Ain't gonna work.

    2. 100s? Many 100s? Yeah, ok.
      Giggle snort!! Good one!

    3. How 'bout discussing anyone who you've ever helped?

      Marty get his treble damages? MaryD get tick justice?

      It's easy to start a "crazy club"!

    4. "...get some kind of help"

      Ain't that the truth!

    5. No kidding, puke. I was thinking the same thing, Windsor should talk about just one person he's helped with his non-attorney advice. Convicts who need commissary money don't count.

    6. Double puke to Windsor trolling for more clueless and vulnerable victims..
      I worked PR for Windsor for a few months during his Lawless America Movie scam. During that time, I was in contact with a lot of the victims who Windsor was using just to promote himself. Lots of empty promises to fix things for victims. He re-victimized so many people. So sad and tragic that he is doing this again with another group of people...

  23. More Blustery Billy Spin: The story Windsor posted about the teacher sentenced to 30 days in jail for raping a student is 2 years old. The system did work. The MSC ruled the original sentence illegal, the judge was censured and the teacher was re-sentenced to 10 years in prison and 5 more years suspended.

    1. From the article Windsor posted "Judge Baugh has been on the bench since 1986. He announced on Aug. 21, 2013, that he is running for reelection to oversee cases in Montana’s 13th Judicial District. So far, he is unopposed. If reelected in 2014, he will serve another six-year term."

      But, he decided to retire after the MSC ruling.

    2. Yeah, how about misinformation and flaming hatred by putting out malicious and reckless falsehoods? With his excuses of being "A card carrying member of the Press" but just writing whatever the hell suits his agenda?

      Lawless America was the brain child of a man child, a Narcissist, a belligerent dictator who is incapable of telling the truth. Who wants everyone just believe what he says, regardless of truth. Truth is toxic to Windsor. Causes him to break out in tremors, tantrums and terroristic tirades in court houses, and on the internet.

    3. Those pesky #details #facts and #truth. Windsor, being of the age he is, obviously never listened to Paul Harvey or got #TheRestOfTheStory. Duh.
      Windsor never lets little things like truth get in the way of his "stories", motions, affidavit of facts, sworn testimony, wtfever. The truth and Windsor have never met as far as I can ascertain. Virtual strangers, in the virtual world Windsor resides in, the www.

      Thanks for the rest of the story Ida. You rock! #SnapYo

    4. The lemmings don't read either. This idiot says this:

      "Vincent Schiele-- lets shame her for life on the internet"

      Her who? The only "her" in the story was the victim. The Teacher was a man. The Judge was a man. Gawd these people are all Fucking IDIOTS!!

    5. I saw that and was thinking "what?".
      Typical Lawless window licker.

    6. Whoop, whoop, whoop, Ida Claire!!!!!! You nailed it - or should I say: you nailed Windsor's arse ;)

  24. Time to prepare for and host idiotic talk shows, but doesn't have time to attend his own hearing.

    Well played, Billy.

    1. How to be a Vexatious Litigant 101

      1) File some Billshit
      2) Ignore the response or:
      a) claim it was sent to the wrong address
      b) claim the mail forwarding didn't get there in time
      c) claim it's a denial of his "rights."
      3) Re file more Billshit
      4) Appeal or ask for Reconsideration
      5) Claim "No Jurisdiction" upon "Denials" of anything
      6) Write an article somewhere, then point to that article as "Evidence" and submit with "Sworn Affidavit."
      7) Claim you filed something, somewhere, and write a bitchy email threatening something will be filed somewhere, then file the thing you claimed you did, but you didn't.

      Kick back and watch everyone dance while you hold talkbillshit shows and write completely false, malicious and anti government rants.

    2. Nope, not enough time between 8/21 and MT trial date to drive to Dallas. I understand he may have used the GPS monitor as one of multiple excuses he used to avoid appearance in Dallas. Funny. On the May Talkshoe show Windsor told the lemmings that he can travel any where in the US BECAUSE of the GPS monitor and he signed an extradition waiver.

      At any rate, anticipating that Windsor may have to speed into Dallas, given his dizziness and tremors, I'm staying the heck off of Hwy 287 and I35.

    3. SHHHHHH, I don't think we're supposed to be pointing out his contradictions. It just messes up all those perfectly timed lies in each court, where he uses one to stall the other, and vise versa.

    4. I have friends that took a motorcycle trip to tour WY and SD, They texted me photos from a bar in WY Friday evening at 7:12 PM. I got a text at 4:41 PM yesterday (Sunday), to let me know they were at home, an hour south of Dallas, safe and sound. Windsor had plenty of time to drive from MT to Dallas. I hope the Dallas court has made no special accommodation for that a$$ wipe.

    5. Weren't we supposed to have a new video out? Apparently no one expected for him to actually carry through with that promise, not even the lemmings who aren't missing the video anymore than the alleged movie. I'm betting either they took his camera or Bill just doesn't want us to all see how much his hands are shaking.

    6. He's a one trick pony. He's trying to recreate the SOCK GRIP meeting that started the whole scam. He doesn't give a damn about any of these people. He's just trying to create a following right before he's off to jail. Remember he sent out all kinds of emails just before that meeting too! Like us, he has no faith in his few remaining lemmings to help him or carry on his legacy. This is a desperate act by a man who is out of ideas.

  25. Lemmings. Not. so. bright.

    "Vicky Farmer-Daugherty-- What channel would that be in Va Beach?"
    "Billie Hub-- What channel!"
    "Flordeliza Arrojo Ayson Viloria-- WHAT TIME is THE TALK SHOW in my area @ Seattle, Washington?."
    "Deirdre McNamara-- Online radio?"

    Over 100 episodes, and 3 years later? Derrr, Duhhh, Dee-da-deee.
    I think this guy is the winner. Yep, it's all just that simple!

    Christopher Aldo Porco"

    1. I'm speechless.

      OK, almost speechless. If they can't figure out time zone differences and how to find the Talkshoe show with a link that actually says "click here", why does Windsor want them? At the beginning he had people that could act 1/2 way intelligent. Now it's just loonies and he can't keep them on the path.

      I feel sorry for Mr. Porco. I hope he has learned to screen his clients more carefully. Kevin Canada throws shades of John/Don Acree.

      There should be a new rule for the lemmings, if it happened before 2012, let it go...move on...

    2. "Let it go! Let it go!!"

      Never gonna happen. MunchenMary wouldn't have shit nor shinola to copy & paste.

    3. Being a parent requires some minimal level of intelligence. Just talking about the safety of the children here, not letting them play on a 12th floor balcony, with laundry bags, extension cords and vodka. Of course I've no way of knowing if these lemmings are competent. Just judging from their Facebook comments though (perhaps that's unfair) I'd guess no, they're not competent to supervise small children.

    4. They don't call the Aagent special for nothing...

  26. Windsor: "Bill Windsor is a whistleblower about government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption"

    Wrong. You're a defendant in a criminal trial, Bill. A whistleblower about judicial, and law enforcement corruption would have a job in the system that's intending to incarcerate you. You don't have the resume to be a janitor in that system. You're not the first person who's thrown that word "whistleblower" around inaccurately. You're not even notable for that.

  27. Once you're in prison you can be a whistleblower, Bill. But there, they call them rats. Not recommended.

  28. Windsor: "My greatest hope is that I will be awarded enough money due to defamation by the Joeys "

    How's that working out, by the way? The only money involved so far is owed by you, Bill, to some of those you tried to sue. Lately all you've gotten is denied, denied and denied again. These fantasies of yours are why the authorities want you to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Seems to them you're not operating in a dream world, a Windsor World. That's perfectly acceptable until it affects others. You do affect others. There are victims. There are legal, established victims. You're not legally a victim, Bill. I know that drives you up a wall, but you're not, and your continuing to claim that in your criminal trial will be met with sanctions if you push it too far, which you will. Because that's your entire strategy.

  29. Windsor "Special thanks to three ladies who have been doing sleuth work online for me. They just took it upon themselves to try to help me, and each of them has come up with something outstanding."

    Uh, would those three ladies be helping you scrub the internet too?

    Windsor "Thanks to Janice for sending me the link to the War on Whistleblowers, a full-length documentary available for viewing on YouTube."

    Janice Levinson? Really? This troll is still aiding and abetting your criminal activities while professing to be a Victim Advocate? For people who have been harassed and stalked by a Sick person? Shame, shame!! You are no Whistleblower Windsor and Janice? You and Lundy Bancroft are hypocrites. PMA? Not worth a click now. They support William M Windsor's stalking and harassment. They are discredited as Victim Advocates.

    Windsor "Work on motions to dismiss the criminal charges against me has had me consumed for several days. The charges are ridiculous, and there are a host of reasons why they should be dismissed. "

    More? You already went down this road Windsor and it was a dead end. How much more "Evidence Manufacturing" are you and have you and your sleuths been creating since your release from the MT Jail? Seems you all have been very, very busy lately. Maybe helping to add to the possible Federal Charges that should be coming? SMH.

    1. Windbag has recently been made ware that there are approximately 3,000 other violations of the protective order that he has yet to be charged with, so if these 5 charges, including the infamous "tweet' don't stick,....Well guess what windbag.... Hence the scrubbing of the internet lately. But ya know what, everyone has copies printed the day you posted everything Billy. Including our victim.
      Se ya all tonight on the smell shoe show!!!

    2. Whether or not he has been made aware of other violations, the fact that he blatantly tampered with evidence directly related to one of the current charges, should IMO revoke his bail status immediately. (because everything else just sounds like Blustery Bill at this point) He has admitted to having sleuth help? Who? Charge them too.

      If it has been alerted to the authorities, and they know, it is beyond sloppy to allow him (and all others he gave access on his behalf) to computers to keep tampering. Charges should be flied immediately to my knowledge.

    3. Isn't Levinson that DogBlogging bitch that edits, delete & moderates comments to suit her?
      Sleuth? Uh, that would require some #truth and #facts being allowed to filter through.
      Spin again.
