'Sovereign citizens' plaster courts with bogus legal filings--and some turn to violence
By Lorelei Laird
May 1, 2014, 10:20 am CDT
Illustration by Adam McCauley
The Atta family locked up their Temecula, Calif., home and went on vacation in 2012. While they were gone, Victor Cheng moved in.
Cheng had owned the home before the Attas, but he lost it in foreclosure. Nonetheless, he filed a fraudulent deed with the county recorder’s office, transferred the utilities into his name and even tried to evict the Attas after their return. During his prosecution for burglary, trespassing and filing a false document, he insisted that he was not the person being prosecuted because the indictment spelled his name in all capital letters.
• Cherron Phillips of Chicago was upset that she was barred from the courtroom during her brother’s trial on drug charges. So she filed false $100 billion liens against the property of 12 people involved in the case—including the U.S. attorney and chief judge then serving in the Northern District of Illinois. When she was prosecuted, she insisted on representing herself, called herself River Tali El Bey, then filed numerous documents that the judge called “clotted nonsense.”
• In New Jersey, Ronald Ottaviano’s company offered a debt elimination plan that purported to draw money from a secret bank account maintained by the U.S. Treasury in each citizen’s name. Potential customers were told that these fabricated accounts were set up to allow the government to borrow against each citizen’s earnings, and that individuals who file the right papers can gain access to the accounts. After his own employees turned him in, Ottaviano defended himself against charges of fraud, money laundering and tax evasion. He told the court that he didn’t believe he was subject to U.S. taxes.
What all of these cases have in common is that they are part of a movement of “sovereign citizens,” according to law enforcement officials. Sovereigns—also called “freemen on the land” or “organic citizens”—believe that an illegitimate, usurper federal government has taken over, and that they don’t have to pay taxes, pull over their cars for police or obey any other law they don’t like.
These beliefs may sound silly, but sovereigns can be difficult to laugh off. For one thing, even though they don’t believe they’re subject to laws, they use laws as weapons. The FBI has called sovereigns “paper terrorists” because they so often fight perceived enemies—generally public employees—by filing false liens, false tax documents or spurious lawsuits. These can hurt the victim’s credit, stymie attempts to sell or refinance property, and take years and thousands in legal fees to correct.
Illustration by Adam McCauley
The trouble doesn’t stop there. When involved in any legal matter, from pet licensing to serious criminal charges, sovereigns are known for filing legal-sounding gibberish, usually pro se, learned from other sovereigns who sell lessons in “law” online. Frequently, they cite the Uniform Commercial Code, maritime law and the Bible.
They’re also known for the sheer volume of their filings, which can double the size of a normal docket. This can frustrate and delay courts as they consider the defendant’s competence and otherwise try to minimize disruptions. With many court systems fighting heavy caseloads and budget cuts, these extra headaches are unwelcome.
And though most sovereigns are not violent, there are exceptions. The FBI has declared them to be domestic terrorists because they occasionally get into armed confrontations with law enforcement. A sovereign father and son, Jerry and Joseph Kane, were responsible for the 2010 murders of two West Memphis, Ark., police officers, during what should have been a routine traffic stop. Jerry Kane was a known figure within the sovereign movement, traveling the country to sell ideas on debt elimination and stopping foreclosure. His girlfriend, Donna Lee Wray, later made news by flooding Tampa’s local government with paperwork when they wanted her to get a dog license.
Nor are officers of the court immune, says J.J. MacNab, a Bethesda, Md., insurance analyst and litigation consultant who has tracked the sovereign movement for years.
“In the recent past, it’s mostly been about police officers,” says MacNab, who has chaired several ABA committees as an associate member. “But now we’re looking at judges, county clerks, prosecutors—even public defenders.”
Some sovereigns hold trials in their own “common-law courts,” convicting public officials in absentia and sentencing them to death for “treason.” This can be seen as an indirect threat against those “convicted.”
But the violence can also be direct. Alaskans Lonnie and Karen Vernon, a couple involved in the Alaska militia run by political activist Schaeffer Cox, plotted to kill a federal judge and an IRS officer who handled their tax prosecution. At the behest of his friend Robert Chapman—a sovereign also known as “General Chapman”—sovereign John Ridge Emery III handed a Charlotte County, Fla., traffic judge an envelope he believed contained anthrax.
Sovereign citizens are not considered to be an organized group. According to Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, they’re difficult to count because they lack a leader or a unified ideology. The SPLC roughly estimated that there were 300,000 sovereigns in the U.S. in 2011, with about a third, or 100,000, as hard-core believers, Potok says. He suspects the percentage of hard-core believers has since increased.
“There’s still a fair amount of anecdotal evidence suggesting it is spreading,” Potok says. “It is the single most widespread idea from the radical right.”
According to the SPLC, sovereigns generally believe the legitimate U.S. government has been overthrown and replaced—perhaps during the Civil War or in 1933, when the gold standard for currency was abandoned. Because the country was then broke, the story goes, its leaders set up Treasury accounts in the name of each baby born in the United States, permitting the government to borrow against that person’s future labor. Each account is supposedly organized as a trust or a corporation.
If you can legally separate this “strawman” account from your person, sovereigns believe, you can use the money for your own purposes and put yourself outside the reach of the law. This “redemption” is generally accomplished by filing documents full of nonsense legalese, often based on packages or lessons sold online.
Sovereigns sometimes say they are subject only to “God’s law” or to “common law,” meaning the U.S. legal system as they believe it existed before the conspiracy. They may declare themselves independent nations, join fictional American Indian tribes or attempt to create a replacement government within the sovereign community. Sovereigns believe official government documents with names in all capital letters refer to the strawman, which is why so many deny that they are the person named in court documents. The strawman theory also underlies sovereigns’ reliance on the Uniform Commercial Code, since they see most legal matters as financial transactions. Government employees are in on the scam, they say, which is why they don’t accept sovereign arguments and documents.
The SPLC says early sovereigns were generally white people with racist beliefs—for example, contending that Jews controlled the financial world or that African-Americans could not be sovereigns because their citizenship was granted by the 14th Amendment. Some still hold those beliefs. But in the 21st century, adherents are diverse and not necessarily racist.
“They’re spread over every [demographic]. It could be a 20-year-old black college student. It could be a 66-year-old woman,” says MacNab, who is writing a book about the movement. She says a lot of law enforcement officers “assume that if the person is not a [stereotypical] militia guy, they’re safe. … That’s not true anymore.”
Indeed, sovereigns now include a large contingent of African-Americans, sometimes drawn from black separatist or religious movements. Potok believes as many as half of all sovereigns could be African-American. In Hawaii, sovereign ideas have caught on among some Native Hawaiian activists. And the ideology, MacNab and Potok say, is spreading into other English-speaking countries.
Illustration by Adam McCauley
Part of the reason the ideology has spread is the availability of the Internet, MacNab says. Reports say sovereign ideas are also spread in prisons. Once involved, the SPLC says, new sovereigns are part of a large subculture with an active online community. They frequently learn more sovereign ideas—and the sham legalese they use in court—from websites or hotel seminars selling how-to kits for profit. These are also popular ways for sovereigns to sell bogus methods for fighting taxes, debt or foreclosures. The people peddling these ideas are sometimes prosecuted for fraud or tax evasion.
But, Potok says, “probably the most important driving factor of this particular ideology has been the economy.” He notes that the number of sovereigns has risen dramatically since 2008, when the economy started faltering. In addition to being used to fight foreclosure, sovereign ideas have been used to attempt to steal title to foreclosed properties. With widespread foreclosures and job losses, it’s not hard to see the appeal of an ideology that, as Potok says, “promises you something for nothing.”
Nevertheless, sovereign ideas can create real problems for the legal system. For one thing, even when sovereigns are genuinely trying to participate in a case, they’re often disruptive. Because they believe their own legal system is the only legitimate one—and because they frequently resent authorities they feel are not legitimate—they have trouble cooperating with even the most basic of requirements.
D. Loren Washburn, a former tax prosecutor in Utah, recalls a woman who was subpoenaed to testify in an investigation of her father for tax evasion. (Sovereigns have a lot of overlap with tax defiers, so tax prosecutors are familiar with the ideology.) She declined to answer questions, he says.
“We said, ‘Are you in any way related to him?’ ” recalls Washburn, now a shareholder at Clyde Snow & Sessions in Salt Lake City and a member of the ABA Section of Taxation’s Civil and Criminal Tax Penalties Subcommittee. “She said, ‘They say he’s my father, but there’s never been a paternity test.’ “
The woman was prosecuted for obstruction of justice, but when she got to court, she refused to admit she was the person named in the indictment. The judge jailed her for contempt of court, believing, Washburn says, that an afternoon in jail would convince her to comply. Instead, it took about three months.
“The judge was eager to let her out, but at the same time wasn’t eager to encourage or indulge in any way this crazy fiction of ‘I’m not that person because you spelled my name with [capital] letters,’ ” says Washburn. “And as a result, she stayed in jail for months and months, and she was the mother of five kids. … The calls from her father said, ‘Don’t let them bully you; you’d rather die in jail a martyr to the United States of America than give in to this tyranny.’ Then you’d hear a phone call from her husband saying, ‘Your father’s an idiot.’ “
He adds, “On a personal level, you see a lot of tragedy in it.”
Another form of disruption is the tendency among sovereigns to represent themselves, even when a public defender is available. Though the movement is full of legal gurus selling false ideas about the law for profit, there are few or no licensed attorneys in it. And because sovereigns believe that the government and its laws are illegitimate, they don’t value the help of an attorney.
But without a defense attorney as gatekeeper, no one stops sovereigns from proceeding under their version of the law. In the Cherron Phillips case, Phillips invoked the Uniform Commercial Code and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, saying she was representing the Cherron Phillips estate/trust as a creditor to the United States. She drew a distinction between the “United States of America” and the “United States.”
Ultimately, the judge revoked Phillips’ right to represent herself, saying he was concerned that her “obstructionist” behavior, if permitted in front of a jury, would quickly lead to a mistrial. He said Phillips consistently refused to produce documents that made sense, or defend her documents when pressed. After the case moved to the Southern District of Illinois, the new judge agreed to a competency evaluation. The trial has been tentatively scheduled for June 16.
A defense attorney for the woman in Washburn’s anecdote had also defended Brian David Mitchell, the man who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart from her family’s Salt Lake City home in 2002. Mitchell, charged with the kidnapping after Smart was found nine months later, was diagnosed with mental illness. Washburn says the attorney found the challenges of representing the two defendants very similar.
“The reality is: You have to have a lot of patience and work to create a practical sense in them of what the outcome is,” he says.
To make matters worse, these defendants aren’t generally interested in a plea bargain, says former tax prosecutor Bill Lovett, now managing partner at Collora in Boston.
“They’re waiting for their day in court so they can get up in front of a judge and a jury and make these arguments,” says Lovett, part of the Civil and Criminal Tax Penalties Subcommittee of the Taxation Section. “It takes up a higher percentage of the time to get the case done.”
Illustration by Adam McCauley
And then there’s the volume of their filings.
“I’ve seen sovereign citizens have to buy a new printer because there’s so much paperwork,” says Joseph Rillotta, a former tax prosecutor now with Williams & Connolly in Washington, D.C., and another member of the Taxation Section.
“These are people who are very fond of paperwork,” says Michelle Nijm, assistant general counsel in the office of the Illinois secretary of state. “Even in court these cases drag on. They file nonmeritorious motions,” which can be fought, “but it takes time and it’s expensive.”
Nijm cites a group of attorneys who were targeted by a frivolous UCC filing. After the filer included their Social Security numbers in a public filing, the attorneys had to ask the court to expunge that record. The attorney fees were $20,000.
MacNab says the volume of filings is a “huge problem”—not only because it clogs the courts, but also because fatigued officials sometimes drop the matter. And any small victory is taken as evidence that sovereigns’ extreme legal systems work.
She says the Florida dog license incident involving Donna Lee Wray stands out in her mind. “She refused to pay. They tried to fine her $25, and she hammered the court with paperwork, … something like 65 filings.”
“The county government just gave up, which is unfortunate because then she turned around and packaged her materials as ‘This is how you get out of taxes.’ “
Fraudulent liens are one area where the law often permits sovereigns to succeed. That’s because the UCC does not permit clerks to reject filings that are clearly bogus. Guided by online kits, sovereigns in many states are free to claim falsely that law enforcement officers, judges or others who upset them owe them millions of dollars.
According to a 2013 report from the National Association of Secretaries of State, bogus UCC filings have risen dramatically in the past few years, driven by a rise in people identified as sovereign citizens. Nor is there a requirement to notify the victim of the false lien.
“Typically, of course, you don’t find out about it until you get a job offer and you go to sell your house and find that you’re facing this gigantic lien,” says Potok of the SPLC. “Which, of course, you don’t really owe—but it takes thousands of dollars in lawyers to sort out the title and get that settled.”
Until fairly recently, the only real remedy was to go to court, with all of the attendant costs and delays. The NASS report says victims can file other statements to dispute the debt, but they can be missed in a creditor’s electronic records search.
That’s why states have begun passing laws to fight false liens. According to the NASS report, at least 17 states permit offices either to refuse to accept bogus filings or expunge them from the record after filing. At least seven states have a system for expedited judicial relief; at least 14 allow penalties in a civil lawsuit; and at least 10 make filing a false lien a crime. Many of these laws were passed within the last seven years. On the federal level, the Court Security Improvement Act of 2007 made it illegal to file a false lien as retaliation against a federal employee.
North Carolina was one of the first states to address bogus filings, but Secretary of State Elaine Marshall says she would like to see more state laws designed to keep the burden of removing false liens off the victim. She also urges state officials to learn the signs that a filing is coming from a sovereign.
“There are very clear symbols that these [filings] are for some purposes other than the intent of the UCC,” she says. For example, she says, “when it’s $50 million and the debtor and the creditor are the same person. [Or] the way the punctuation and the way the spelling are, the addresses, the envelopes give them away, the color of ink, the red fingerprints.”
Detective Rob Finch of the Greensboro, N.C., police department agrees. He and fellow detective Kory Flowers were among the first law enforcement officers to research sovereign citizens, and they often write and lecture on how law enforcement can handle sovereigns safely.
“Awareness is quite frankly the best tool,” he says. “If you deal with a sovereign in your courtroom, be aware… [that you] need to run all [your] property and make sure there’s no festering lien that’s been sitting there for six months or a year.”
Illustration by Adam McCauley
Meritless lawsuits are another way sovereigns may retaliate. The suits are sometimes not even structured properly, MacNab says.
“Often they don’t name a defendant,” she says. “They try to frame it as a criminal lawsuit. [The cases] float around the federal court system.”
And sometimes, sovereigns file false tax forms against people who have upset them. This generally means filing a false Form 1099, which says they have paid the victim a large amount of nonwage money. When the IRS receives these, it expects the victim to pay taxes on that money—and when the return doesn’t match, it can trigger an investigation.
“In the case of a judge or a prosecutor, they’ll figure it out because generally the IRS is involved in the case to begin with,” says Lovett. “But it can do some damage to unwind it.”
A less common but very important concern is violence from sovereigns, particularly targeting law enforcement. A 2012 Anti-Defamation League report, The Lawless Ones, counts seven armed confrontations between sovereigns and law enforcement since 2010. It also notes threats or violence against judges, elected officials and even sovereigns’ own families.
MacNab says she believes violence may become more common as sovereigns realize they aren’t getting what they want.
“Most of the retaliation is in the form of liens—sometimes in the form of threats, and in very rare cases they act on the threats,” she says. “I think they’re moving in that direction, unfortunately. And if enough people threaten, some people will start acting on it.”
She cites the Alaska group led by political activist Cox, who has identified himself as a sovereign citizen. Cox was convicted in a fairly high-profile 2012 trial, along with some associates, of conspiracy to murder federal officials, solicitation of murder and multiple weapons charges. The charges were based partly on his “241” (“two for one”) plan—saying he would kidnap or kill two government officials for every one of his associates detained or killed by the government.
In part because of threats like these, some states have outlawed sham legal processes, false legal tribunals held out as genuine, and impersonation of court officials. Cox famously convened this kind of court in the back of a Denny’s restaurant in Fairbanks, acquitting himself of a real-world domestic violence charge. (In a genuine court, he ended the charges by pleading guilty to reckless endangerment.) More frighteningly, these courts have been used to convict and sentence government officials who have upset sovereigns.
“They will put the judge on criminal trial in absentia. And the penalty for treason is death,” says MacNab. “They’re always going to find you guilty.”
Illustration by Adam McCauley
Washburn says he’s never experienced actual violence, although “I guess I’ve been indicted by courts of sovereign citizens and threatened to be hung in a public square.” Once, he says, a “process server” for a sham sovereign court came to his parents’ house and to the home of the judge in the case.
MacNab says that while violence is a threat, a lot of sovereigns leave the movement rather than turn violent. This is not generally because they face the legal consequences of their actions, however. Like the father of the woman in Washburn’s anecdote, sovereigns may believe that being jailed is a sign that the conspiracy is real.
“They will go to prison and recruit everybody there,” MacNab says. “Look at someone like [notorious tax defier] Irwin Schiff. He’s been in and out of prison since the ’70s and nothing has awakened him.”
Washburn believes it’s tough to break through sovereign ideas because those ideas are held almost religiously.
“They end up being criminally prosecuted not so much because the [dollar] amount at issue is high, as because they antagonize the system repeatedly and thoroughly and almost refuse to be ignored,” he says.
“More than even a financial crime, they are taking a stand against what they view to be a corrupt system. It becomes almost as much a religious or philosophical stand as anything having to do with money.”
This article originally appeared in the May 2014 issue of the ABA Journal with this headline: “Paper Terrorists: ‘Sovereign citizens’ plaster courts with bogus legal filings–and some turn to violencence.
Windsor's name should have been on that list, and his billshit filings, gaslighting and Sov Cit games are all too easy to point out.
ReplyDelete"I have neglected my own legal work while gathering and organizing the evidence on the SingleParentsMeet.com scammer..."
"The evidence that should save her is winging its way to the court. Fingers crossed."
"So, in addition to reviving weekly Lawless America Radio Shows, I am going to publish The Lawless America Game Plan. I'm not an attorney, and I cannot give legal advice. But I can spell out exactly what I personally have done in fighting hundreds of corrupt judges across the country. Then anyone interested can read and decide what, if anything, they want to pursue.
I will detail the various corrupt techniques that are used so you know what to be looking for. I will explain my strategy for fighting and gathering more evidence in the process. I will discuss how you can find other victims of the same judges. I will include Microsoft Word copies of my various filings, providing case law on various issues and saving you a lot of keystrokes.
So, watch for The Lawless America Game Plan."
Oh, everyone who's not a Sov Cit POS has your "Game plan" down. Now it's just a matter of stopping your paper terrorism and saving tax payers from footing your kind of games. Seems your days are numbered as states are starting to recognize your kind of abuses. Hopefully it won't take long to smack the crap out of this fake cowboy's terrorist days as "Leader of Lawless America."
Other Sov Cit games seem to be using South Dakota and Delaware to register fake corporations and "residency" applications.
ReplyDeleteSouth Dakota is widely know as a refuge for allowing people to stake "residency" there with use of PO Box's that appear to look like an actual "residence" but they clearly are not. While South Dakota promotes this type of scam residency as some kind of "helpful" alternative for "travelers" there is no policing of them to know if that person actually has a real residence in another state.
Delaware doesn't police "businesses" registered there. They don't care if the person is filing with the IRS or not. They offer a service to make money, just as South Dakota does, which leaves the victims of these Sov Cit's left with no recourse to stop their abuses against them. All scams and loopholes in laws allow these Domestic Terrorists far too much leniency to undermine law abiding citizens rights to live free from threats and abuses such as they inflict, create, and promote.
Typically most states require a physical address to obtain a drivers license. That is odd that South Dakota will allow such deceptive addresses on a drivers license. That would make it extremely hard for Law Enforcement to find a person in question pulling up their "legal address" using their drivers licenses.
DeleteFirst off let's remember the difference between big banks on Wall St and the small community Bank that sponsors your child's little league team.
DeleteSecondly, let's look at the Sovcit type idea that all banks are not be trusted, and that a person should live off the grid and that the Patriot Act was all bad.
Thirdly this: http://www.ffiec.gov/bsa_aml_infobase/pages_manual/olm_011.htm
To combat money laundering and terrorism, the banking industry is required under the Patriot Act to determine the identity of all their customers. If the customer refuses to turn over the required information, then the bank is required to report the person, and their are penalties that accrue by the day if a bank is found not to be compliant with the law. Some banks have even been closed by the government for not obtaining the information from their customers that Windsor and his ilk refuse to disclose about themselves and their "businesses."
The SovCit rhetoric is any many ways a lie designed to hide the fact that under the law they are unable to easily launder money through the banks as they once were (Let's remember the difference between the ability of a corporate entity to commit crime and small fries like Bill and Snusan.) When you open a business account they will find out what that business is and if your transactions do not match what you said, or if the address does not match what you said, or if the overnight computer scans find an anomaly, your account will be seized and investigated. Windsor was born wealthy but his conduct would suggest money laundering in his past and present activities. The key here is how his activities may have changed once the law did, and whether his scams may have reflected his need to launder money outside the banks or look for ways to hide his actual intentions.
Donald Trump is in the news. He's done many things wrong and some things right. He was born wealthy, cause of his daddy. Notice his relationship to the banking world, his bankruptcy's and his ability to pull himself up by the boot straps of his friends. Now look at Bill who claims to be a successful businessman and to have retired numerous times. Shouldn't Bill have a good relationship with a bank by now and the ability to obtain a business loan for his "company" and "movie"? A federal lawsuit with a federal investigation would keep the questions on Bill and his obvious history of bad acts. By picking on the little guy in a small court with clueless judges, Bill is able to skirt all questioning of his own inability to prove to anyone, least of all the government under the Patriot Act, that he is a law abiding citizen.
Love Lorelei Laird's article!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW, does this sum up Windsor and all the hell he has caused, or what??
With Windsor's Maid Of The Mist case, his attacks were against the courts, officials, judges, the government = typical Sovereign Citizen bullshite. And because the government refused to take action against Windsor / hold him accountable, we are now dealing with him head-on, with no assistance from the government.
I've been reading over on the #ABAJournal today and I came across this from 10/14/2015:
John Carlin, the assistant attorney general for national security:
Delete"He also cited concerns about the sovereign citizen movement. One 2014 study found that state and local law enforcement officials considered sovereign citizens a top concern, above extremists inspired by ISIS and al-Qaeda."
An article about a Sovereign Citizens group supporting Windsor when he was on the run for skipping bond, in 2014-2015
Windsor posts that he's out and about and doesn't want anyone to know where he is...then why post on facebook at all? Who gives a shit if he's 'out and about'? No one that's who. Finish their damn movie you worthless turd!
ReplyDeleteOh, and while he'd like everyone to believe he's out and about, I really think that means he's out and about on facebook stalking more innocent people to stalk and talk shit about.
Oh yes, Mr. Windsor--you may have some people fooled but it won't be for long. All those new people you solicited? Yeah, they're figuring out what a low life POS you really are. So, don't go posting about how your being "Cyberstalked" when you're clearly the one DOING the cyberstalking, and subsequent trash talking about other advocates who actually ARE making headway, getting noticed, REAL MEDIA unlike you.
So, this is from me--to you--a special FUCK YOU BILL WINDSOR!
"Bill Windsor-- FYI: I have just blocked Valerie K. Lazarus. She messaged me to say the rumors about me must be true. And she wasn't referring to the rumors about what a wonderful guy I am. smile emoticon She's part of the group that slanders and libels me claiming I am backed by father's rights groups. These are really sick, sick people. If there weren't so many wonderful mothers, I'd be tempted to team up with father's rights groups just to jointly go after the suppporters (he must have been pppissed when he wrote this) of AMPP and other sick "mother's" groups."
DeleteInteresting. So, this Valerie person sends Windsor a private message, that no one can see, and what does he do? Oh yeah, he has to go publically posts nonsense, slandering this person's reputation with unsubstantiated allegations. Just because HE started shit talking other people, and she god forbid, asked him a question or decided to pull her head out of her ass and see what a prick he really is? What an absolute Narcissistic dictator he is? How he acts like a 3 yr old throwing a tantrum?
Yeah. And THIS was the instigation/stalking post HE made first, which is why Valerie must have messaged him.
Delete"Bill Windsor Amy, please be careful with Cindy. She is a supporter of some of the evil women who have cyberstalked me. I removed her from the Lawless America project."
WINDSOR??? YOU are the stalker, AND you are the "CYBER BULLY" It's in a court document is it not? That "Cyber Bully" title? Yeah, it is. Well deserved too! What a fucking bully POS you really are.
What a low life 68 year OLD MAN picking on WOMEN!! What a douchebag!
Yeah, Windsor's "someone" is Nancy Figat. She's got the Long Island murders AND the "Joeys" all figured out.
ReplyDeleteDorothy Price Hill
Dorothy Price Hill joeyisalittlekid gang has been stalking witnesses and informants of the Gilgo serial killing murder investigation. I hope that the FBI arrests every single one of those freaks and they all get LIFE IN JAIL - no bail, no early release for good behavior etc
Bill Windsor
Bill Windsor I don't know anything about this. If you can send me a summary, I may actually have someone who will pursue it.
Let's see: Bill is a creepy white guy with a history of apparent mental illness and violent fantasies, a history of luring vulnerable people to his hotel rooms and of seeking prostitutes, and a history of traveling alone over the course of his lifetime He is all about control and humiliating his victims. The person he will have investigate this is of course himself.
DeleteHe profiles his victims and keeps records of them. He keeps things that belong to them: their pictures, stories and websites. He has people who are willing to help him and who slide away into shadows because he has something on them they don't want discovered. Lord only knows if he has ever hurt someone in this way, but the public are risking themselves if they ignore the red flags.
Wow, really? "Someone who will pursue it?"
DeleteWhy? Why does he need to pursue anything? Dorothy Price Whack-a-doodle-Hill is just a bad genetic mutation from her parents. Seriously. I highly doubt that if Windsor put all the lemmings together he could scrape up one functioning brain cell. It's truly tragic, the amount of idiocy flying around over there.
I know when Zero figures it out...everyone on that blog will get a huge laugh about it. Like it's been said time and time again, if you're not a lemming, you just HAVE to be a "Joey."
Dorothy Price Hill is a funny bird she Hates the Joey but miss the fact that she is friends with some of the people that post on this blog .... people like her miss the point that supporting other people personal Vendetta against people will only screw them over in the long run, Just ask her good friend Lori H, She screw people over for Bill Windsor and fake E-mails, Lied about Waxman ex wife, now she is begging the same people she screw over for help... it is Sad because most do feel her ex is a monster but because she is a nutcases and is willing to ruin anyone life for facebook fame most stay away from her
DeleteCross pollinators. All of them. Too busy being manic about their own issues, they can't take the time to actually stop, and read what's going on around them, who's on the "Windsor naughty list" etc.
DeleteThey look foolish when they go tattle to him about shit they have no clue about, all while being "friends" with others he doesn't like. In the meantime, he's out in full force, collecting names for his little "data base, excel spread shit" fake court "Evidence" of "Stalkers."
Funnier part yet? Miss Dorothy Price Hill IS on his "Hater" list. He has SOOOO many on there, he doesn't even remember himself! Now that? That is the funniest shit ever!
"Hey Bill, can you go attack these people and get Marty's fake FBI friends to arrest them? I have no proof, but I know you don't really care...and it doesn't matter either way, because you just love lists..."
"Well I'd be "delighted". Just email me the info--that way I'll have all your contact information, friends, and contacts to add to my 1000's of haters list. Trust me...I'll get to the bottom of this...one frivolous lawsuit after another."
Interesting what you can read about the LISK bloggers that are hatted by those who follow Windsor. Will Billy sur the blogger there? Im bet that hes already sent them a cease and desist notice on Nancy and Dorthys behalf.
ReplyDeletepost the link please .... thank you Sean
DeleteHAHAHAHA It's Zeros world blog!!
DeleteLMAO!! Gotta love it. Waving at Zero
Zero came to my blog a long time ago, was not sure what to think about him... Just read a little last night ... Seem like the Lori H nut-bag has gotten under his skin.
DeleteHere something for the lemming to think about all the wins in Family Court or with DCF/CPS lately with Mothers have been with people Bill Windsor Hates maybe not following terrorist or making up fake e-mails or lies about the Judges or people in the courts house.. or people Bill Windsor hates will help you with your case... Just saying why would anyone think you are a good parent screw over by the system if you follows blindly terrorist?
DeleteNot sure I understand the first part of that last paragraph. But if I understand the last sentence, I think I agree.
Big huge Back40 waves to @Zero!
DeleteDoing a great service here, Petunia. I'm the anonymous who left the tip on the Soviet-Cit article and I think you're wonderful. Don't get to check in very often these days. Always refreshing when I do. Someone needs to keep track of these Bozos. You folks do a fine job of it. God's speed to all of you.
ReplyDelete~~waving Anon~~
DeleteThank you for the heads up! I've been closely following @JJMcNab's #tweets yesterday, last night and today as the bird sanctuary squatters got their moment in the daylight. Was young David Frye not a big box of batshit surprise?
I'm soooooooo bored of whiny Windsor, old dog incapable of learning any new tricks, same BillSchit different year...yaaaaaawn! These other lunar tuners are far more interesting!
Big luffs!
℗ ♛ ❥
Ha! Soviet! There's autocorrect for ya!
ReplyDeleteLets don't be insulting the #Soviets! Even they'd think these #Sovereign twits are out yonder!
DeleteAutoCorrects are so epically funny some days~~
Crazy lemming alert!
ReplyDeleteRoby is telling tick brain Mary to STFU over in Billy Bobs Facebook.
Oh, and wind snore has posted Boushie's name twice more in that thread, in yet another violation of his sentencing. Keep it up Billy, we are watching.
Not to be a buzz kill, but no one is doing anything to Wind snore. It's clear now, that they'll just let him keep huffing and puffing but that's all it will amount to. A big fat old man, always out of breath, always going somewhere, filing some frivolous shit, and the courts will just let it all hang out there indefinitely because it's frivolous and they're busy tending to other issues.
DeleteHe'll continue getting all wordy in his hundreds of pages of blah, blah, thinking he's getting somewhere, but he's not. Every single thing he files with these giant tales of drama are completely irrelevant, but surely it makes him feel better spinning those wheels, overloading his pea brain.
It's all for show anyway...right?
It's ok, I gots more whiskey, you can't kill my buzzzz.
DeleteBut, you don't know everything I do. Not to be a secret keeper, but Windsor has more diarrhea days in an orange suit coming his way.
Oh...I guess it's not a secret anymore... Shhhhhhh don't tell him.
More grog over here serving wench!
Happy Valenties Day Back 40!!
ReplyDeleteSeems the heartless Windbag would very much like to tie his useless name to a story that may (or may not) be getting some attention. I present to you, the "gift" of Billshit.
You can claim all the time, that some story is "IN THE MOVIE" but the fact is--THERE IS NO MOVIE!!
Anon @ 10:45AM,
DeleteWhen I saw Windsor's FB post, I was outraged. During the filming of the never produced / non- existant "LA Movie", Billschit attempted to target the Yankton Sioux Tribe - perhaps for his own glory and / or $$$.
Although Billschit did go to the Yankton Sioux Reservation during the filming of his 'fake' movie in the Summer of 2012, to the best of my knowledge he did not produce any videos. Perhaps it had to do with Billschit's BS movie release form and people seeing through scam artist Billschit...
Video produced by the Yankton Sioux Tribe:
04292012 - LawlessAmerica.Com - Native Americans to be featured in filming for Lawless America..
Windsor's Lawless America Movie Release Form
Bill Windsor
4 hrs ·
I prepared a DVD with dozens of interviews that I conducted, and the Governor of South Dakota refused to meet with me, speak with me, or consider it.
You see, Bill is so disgusting that he can no longer play the fortune cookie "in bed" game. His drinking partners always see through that one, no matter who they are. So he switched it to "in the movie," and the dumb ones always smile and nod.
DeleteI fear for the woman's mental health that he is alleging took his advice on how to combat her attorney ex husband, and his attorney. He posted that she claims she doesn't even want to live any more, so it sounds like her mental state is already weakened. Now, if her 'savior Windsor' turns out to be the epic loser that he has been in his own arguments, this might push this poor woman over the edge. Windsor has no business giving out legal advice, much less making anyone believe he found the magic bullet to shoot the case in the heart of "corruption" to stop it.
ReplyDeleteI find him even more disgusting, and slimy than every before now. Not to mention reckless. He had toyed with fragile people for a long time, people that have clear mental illnesses, people who operate on hate, people who snap, as well as people who are easily manipulated.
Windsor is showing more and more publically what a danger to society he really is IMO.
Meet Billschit's new wife:
Windsor's Facebook post: 02182016 - 12:25AM
ReplyDelete"A friend of Lawless America, a man filmed for the movie, has been imprisoned under The Patriot Act. He allegedly possessed weapons and hand grenades. I am told it is a set-up. I have been around this man twice, and he seems as mild-mannered as they come. He has been an activist in the family court area for many years. I may try to go see him in the federal prison."
The Judge Windsor and Cary were stalking and harassing in Santa Clara County called Windsor a terrorist and I believe had to have the police or someone warn him to stay way. Windsor and Crittenden have been very close this entire time.
Also: See The Jackass whisperer Janet Phelan's video
Although, it appears Crittenden is in jail, nothing in Phelan's video states the charges are what Windsor claims, so either Windsor is doing his typical dramatic spin, or there's another Windsor whacko being charged.
DeleteHow many Windsor whacko's have been found guilty of being terrorists, or similar actions against the Government? Windsor should be viewed as the Cliven Bundy of Lawless America.
Dear Cary is the one who was making posters like this I believe.
It is sad that people equate any extreme action with activism and that they decide that they must work outside the law and above the heads of Congress to achieve results. Windsor is an extremist and a fraud. Imagine what could have happened if he loved this country instead of himself:
ReplyDeleteIn 1972 the National People's Action (APA) was founded by a group of grassroots organizations. By 1975 WORKING ALONGSIDE CONGRESS they had passed the HMDA and in 1977 the CRA. These laws provide transparency in banking and lending practices to prevent discriminatory actions and to help protect of members of a community.
How sexy is Billy the Blundering fool now, ladies? How old is Lawless America? Where are your lasting contributions to American law? How many sessions of Congress has LA attended and addressed? How many of you have spoken to your neighborhood bank about CRA compliance in your neighborhood. Here's a hint: ask for the book and leave feedback on the page provided. It's the law. They have to let you do this. Consider for one moment that Bill Windsor has done nothing but waste your time and energy.
And money
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