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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Windsor IS Guilty


Mock trial was a mockery, eh? 

über giggle snickering

℗ ♛ ❥ 


  1. Not Friends Of Bill WindsorJanuary 6, 2016 at 6:01 PM

    I'm thinking the generousness to give him time served was too lenient. He caused all of this, all the money in failed appeals not to mention relentless harassment of the Boushie's--WHICH IS CONTINUING--the menace that is William Convicted Criminal Windsor has now proven he scoffs at the Judicial System in it's entirety. Not even a Justified Ruling by a Jury can make him stop.

    1. I too think it was was too generous of Ms.Clark to offer him time served and something she will regret unless she's actually ahead of Billy and knowing that he cannot possibly abide by the PPO and will violate it sooner than later. She rolled with him not doing time, now because when he violates the PPO he will do BIG time jail time. Not, just a measly few months. Just a thought.

  2. LMAO at myself - I should have known Petunia was on top of it. I didn't see new post when I opened the page. I posted on the last thread like nobody knew the verdict.

    1. County jail inmates said spending a moment with Big Vexi was cruel & violated their rights! No one wants to be or deserves to be trapped with Windsor!

  3. RE:
    Mock trial was a mockery, eh?"

    You betcha, dontcha know, eh!

  4. Has Scunt said anything? For ages?

    1. Scunt was spouting off yesterday AFTER trial started that it wasn't going to happen.
      She slammed the lid on her crypt and hasn't slithered out since.
      What's really funny? Windsor got exactly what was offered in plea deal + CONVICTED. GUILTY. Duh, that silly Scunty Susan! Real bright bulb that one! It was just in the nuances!

  5. We TOLD you the jury wouldn't like you one bit, Windsor. As always, we were right.

  6. You can't publish his name for a year, Windsor? I thought that was unconstitutional? Surely you're going to ignore that, right?

    1. Tick Mary already has published SB's name on Windsor's Facebook page, I don't friends or agent's of his can publish SB's name either especially on his personal Facebook page ????? Anyone know?

    2. Frank Lee BillsadickJanuary 6, 2016 at 9:21 PM

      Wasn't Ticky in court? Did she not listen to the Judge? Or is she that stupid? Scratch that. ok, well, if she's choosing to play along with Windsor's whopping tales of how court went, then that's on her. Until we see the transcripts, we don't know what really went on, because Windsor and Mary are full of shit. Point blank. Couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it. Create drama and play victim.

      No sympathy. Taunting the courts deserves the penalty they are given. Windsor's days of court games are numbered. I fully believe that. He's just a tick on the ass of a scunt.

    3. Mary was there, until she was ejected.
      History has shown that no, MaryD doesn't follow court orders, even when it involved her own children. Why would she follow for anyone else? She's an attention seeking, perpetual victim and chooses to remain that way. IMO
      That's Lyme code for IDIOT

    4. Yeah, I read some of TickyD's court transcripts and orders and no, she doesn't follow court orders, recommendations by the Child services department, or anyone else. She is a big, fat bloated tick liar when it comes to her by and thru spew.

      Aint not ONE actual, factual violation. Yes, she was served properly, had notice, and hearings, AND HUNG UP ON THE COURT and her ex got a Permanent order of protection against her crazy stalking ass. In fact, I thought SHE said she had a warrant out for her arrest. If so, perhaps LE could check into that, and pick up another stray Lawless Criminal for trial.

  7. Clubhouse is the place to be!
    I'll be in my hammock over there! #HomeSweetHome

    ℗ ♛ ❥

  8. Appears Windsor removed the post of Scunt (probably upon her embarrassed request) AND the post of Vic's wherein he told Windsor what's what and might as well get drunk. His dot com isn't working or is very sporadic. Bad day for Bill.

    1. Awwwww...NOT! Giggle snicker!
      I'm not a better like Scunt, she was always wanting to bet that Windsor's misdemeanor trial of the century was going to be dismissed, never happen, charges dropped, whatevers...but I'd sure bet she cringes re-reading all her online badassery shit talking.
      Those of us that have read her snit know that Scunt will double down, deny, claim that no one comprehended the nuances of her gibberish. I can't imagine why Windsor would delete her words of wisdom :0) <giggle snorting! Where's Scunt been since the trial that wasn't going happen? She was still yammering it was NOT happening over 2 hours AFTER it had started! That is funny. Silly Scunt!
      Vic's? Windsor would never allow the dense dimwits to read what Vic commented! Sorry 'bout that Vic, just shake it off! Yup, you are correct, just as so many before you, that also got their comments/opinions deleted, then wuss Windsor uns and blocks before he commences spewing the venom he's really been thinking of you all along. It's a large and ever growing group, just ask the NLA.

  9. Where's that lovely Cox?

  10. Odd, nearly 24 hours since Windsor's last Facebook post. He's either 1) hauling ass out of Montana. 2) Cranking out appeals and complaints about his misdemeanor guilty verdict(s). 3) Fell over from lack of sleep. 4) combination of 1,2, and 3

    1. He's hauling ass to Texas:

      I am headed to Dallas. I will then go to Ellis County Texas and demand some hearings, and I will go to Waco Texas and demand some action from the corrupt Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.

    2. How is driving from Missoula, MT to Boise, ID a straight shot to Dallas, TX?

      Isn't there still an issue with Windsor's "escape" from the Ellis Co jail? As I recall half the bond he was held on was due to a warrant for bond jumping. I sincerely hope Patrick Wilson is made aware when Windsor makes it to Ellis County with his demands.

  11. 4) arrested for violating conditions

  12. Is it just me or is Windsor's collection of lemmings getting more strange and scary?

    Dale Stensland "Mt. seems to run afoul of the constitution. Those who perform Psyops - "phony morning doves that use vowels & consonants" Your dead- your gonna die - 15 phrases & more - going to sneak in & slit your throat..nice stuff" on me all the day long here in mesa are from Mt. exploiters of incest... I have about 3 terabyte of their voices, I can hear a nat fart!"

    Ted Taupier "2nd amendment - and REVOLT is on the horizon"

  13. I think that putting him in jail would be considered cruel punishment for the other prisoners. He got the right sentence, he just needs to be monitored closely so that he does not become a repeat offender. Luckily, it appears the county has their best men on this case and he should not pose a threat to locals at this time.
