William M. Windsor ~ Self-Proclaimed Leader of a New Political Party seeks to Abolish The First Amendment ~
To recap the last post, here is a Bill Windsor time-line from 2006 through 2012:
So, we have Windsor in '06 & '07 getting ruled against in his Maid of the Mist case.
Bought Lawless America domain in Dec '07 (along with numerous judges, attorney and others)
Continued to litigate the MOM case. He set up the Round America Flicker page to highlight their trip from 2003, possibly promoting their plethora of ticket companies
Round America had the same logo as Lawless America, and apparently took in money from some kind of pay-pal account because the donate to Lawless America page went to Round America.
Appears to be quiet as Windsor appeals MoM rulings and positions to attack every judge that ruled against him.
Holds conference calls and sends out mass emails gathering followers for their group (s).
Bought "GetaGripAmerica" domain. Forms GRIP Steering Committee, names posted in PT 3 of the Lawless America articles for starting point of GRIP-- A Coalition to Save America. Used Lawless America Forum to discuss exposing the "Corruption" getting ideas on how to attract millions of people. Set up several youtube channels "exposing Govt & Judicial Corruption. One channel being US Govt Corruption youtube, with a link to yet another web page called honestgovernmentofficials.com
Feb '12 Windsor runs for office. Chief Magistrate of Cobb County. (listing a link to Lawless America on Facebook). April '12 youtube Vote Bill Windsor channel Windsor for US House of Representatives. Decided they didn't have enough followers and came up with the idea for a "Documentary/Movie".
In 2012, with the promise of a hard luck tale told in a movie, Windsor’s followers increased and the political platform took shape. The plan was to form Citizens (Common Law) Grand Juries across the country to prosecute elected and appointed government officials and judges that the group determined is corrupt. Windsor stated numerous times that officials would be charged with treason when his group came to power. Most notably in the DC clip where he actually said what had been written numerous times to the followers. Followers who tuned into Windsor’s early Talkshoe shows knew his plans before the "documentary" followers were told. Treason plan video snippet
He bought hundreds if not thousands of domain names, of people who made him mad along the way. He peddled the sale of domain names to followers for the judges that ruled against them. He offered to post the stories of corruption written by the followers on each of the sites sold. As followers developed opinions or offered suggestions to better the “movement”, Windsor became hostile and attacked the followers, eventually kicking followers out of the group.
When a certain blog was out spoken in disagreement with Windsor’s political plans and his methods, he started a non-stop legal campaign to stifle all statements that were contrary to his agenda. He bought up more domain names to defame and slander the people that (he believes) spoke out against the plans he stated in the youtube video posted above. Windsor insists opponents to his agenda are corrupt and are being paid by corrupt government officials.
2013 to current
Windsor gave up on filming the propaganda "movie" to sue citizens, who voiced their opposition to his Political Agenda to Rid the Government of the Treasonous Officials. Windsor stated that he would spend his last dime hunting everyone down for the rest of his life. Or something to that effect.
If anyone is Corrupt or unethical it's him. As the leader of a political reform party--whatever name you want to use, since he's had so many--Attempting to abolish everyone's 1st Amendment rights to discuss a matter of public concern. Windsor was attempting the entire time to get appointed one way or the other--as the self proclaimed leader of the Lawless America Revolution. What other leader of any political party, has gone sideways, suing civilians for being opposed to their agenda? The Lawless leader William M Windsor.
***Upon Information and Belief. In my opinion, of course***
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